scholarly journals Comparison of the Independence Learning of Prospective Teacher through the Use of E-Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (SpecialIssue) ◽  
pp. 151-157
Hermansyah Hermansyah ◽  
Eryuni Ramdhayani ◽  
Nurhairunnisah Nurhairunnisah ◽  
Erma Suryani ◽  
Sri Sugiarto

The current learning process is carried out online with the help of e-learning. This certainly changes the pattern of learning and this pattern requires students to be more independent in the learning process. This study aims to compare the effect of using e-learning on the learning independence of prospective teachers in the exact field of exact sciences with the social and humanities field at Universitas Samawa. Respondents in this study amounted to 62 students from five study programs under the auspices of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Respondents were divided into two based on the specifications of the fields of science, exact sciences, and social humanities. The data collection technique used observation technique with the tool used in the form of a Likert scale questionnaire. The results showed that in general, student-teacher candidates in the field of social humanities obtained a higher score of learning independence than prospective students in the field of exact sciences, while based on each indicator of learning independence, prospective students in the field of exact sciences teachers were higher than prospective students in the field of social humanities specifically on disciplinary indicators. The results of the influence test show that the significant value is greater than 0.05. So, it can be concluded that the use of e-learning during the covid-19 pandemic does not significantly affect the learning independence of prospective teacher students at Universitas Samawa

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 130
Jayanti Jayanti ◽  
Jumroh Jumroh

<span lang="IN">This study aims to examine the improvement of prospective teacher Mathematical Reasoning (KPM) abilities through E-Learning-assisted Numeration learning. This study used a quasi-experimental method with a non-equivalent pretest and posttest control group design. The subjects of this study were mathematics prospective teachers at Universitas PGRI Palembang. namely the experimental class which received E-learning assisted numeracy learning (PNBE) and the control class which received conventional learning (PK). Based on the results of the analysis of the difference in the mean difference in the KPM increase of prospective teachers who received PNBE learning and prospective teacher who received conventional learning, the scores from the table of increasing KPM of students who received E-learning-assisted Numeration learning (PNBE) were better than a prospective teacher who received conventional learning. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that numeracy skills and mathematical reasoning abilities of fourth-semester prospective teacher PGSD at PGRI university are quite good. It is recommended for teaching staff/lecturers to be able to try out this learning model on other mathematical abilities.</span>

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 220-235
Juju Saepudin

AbstractThe educator's producer institution is required to improve quality to be able to produce great graduates. This paper presents the research results on the readiness of the educator's producer institution at Raden Intan State Islamic Institute in preparing professional teacher candidates through the Pre-service Professional Teacher training program. This study uses a qualitative approach, using observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. The inductive data analysis results obtained several conclusions: First, based on accreditation status, academic position, education level, and the ratio of lecturers and students, only three study programs have met the criteria. Second, the program for improving and developing instructional activities, partnership networks, and quality assurance has been running effectively. Third, the high interest of prospective students entering the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training IAIN Raden Intan Lampung supports preparing professional educators. Meanwhile, the student selection process that puts aside the exploration of interests and talents and applied competencies, the limitations and lack of infrastructure, and the weak socialization of policies related to Pre-service PPG are part of the many inhibiting factors LPTKs in preparing prospective professional educators.AbstrakLembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan (LPTK) sebagai lembaga pencetak guru dituntut untuk meningkatkan kualitas program studinya agar mampu menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas. Tulisan ini menyajikan hasil penelitian tentang kesiapan LPTK Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Raden Intan Lampung dalam menyiapkan calon guru profesional melalui program Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG) Prajabatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil analisa data secara induktif didapatkan beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut: Pertama, berdasarkan status akreditasi, jabatan akademik, jenjang pendidikan serta rasio dosen dan mahasiswa hanya tiga program studi yang sudah memenuhi kriteria. Kedua, program peningkatan dan pengembangan aktivitas instruksional, jaringan kemitraan dan penjaminan mutu sudah berjalan dengan efektif. Ketiga, tingginya minat calon mahasiswa memasuki Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan (FTK) IAIN Raden Intan Lampung merupakan faktor pendukung sekaligus modal awal bagi LPTK dalam menyiapkan pendidik yang professional. Sedangkan, proses penjaringan mahasiswa yang mengesampingkan penggalian minat dan bakat serta kompetensi terapan, keterbatasan dan ketiadaan sarana prasarana serta lemahnya sosialisasi kebijakan terkait PPG Prajabatan menjadi bagian dari sekian banyak faktor penghambat LPTK dalam menyiapkan calon pendidik profesional. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Saleha Saleha

This research is a classroom action research to find out to what extent the application of soccer like games learning can develop students' social behavior, with the background of classroom action research at SD 4 Manurunge, Bone. This research consists of four stages, namely: planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. The process of collecting data is done through observation of each treatment in the learning process of soccer likes games. Based on the data above shows the aspects of pro-social behavior of students during the learning cycle 2 games like soccer like games have experienced a fairly good and positive improvement/development, this can be seen from the average social behavior of students in the pre-action activities by 62%, 1 cycle action 2 by 68% and in action 2 the 2-cycle cycle is 76%. The enthusiasm of the students in cycle 2 is already quite good, students have been very enthusiastic in the implementation of learning when a game is ended by the teacher, students feel dissatisfied and do not want to end the game, this is evidence that the game of interest and enthusiasm is very high. Based on the results of data processing and data analysis, conclusions in this study are as follows: The application of learning soccer like games with action research background has succeeded in developing the social behavior of Class VI students at SD 4 Manurunge, Bone

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-234
Yesi Budiarti ◽  
Meita Dwi Solviana

Learning is a conscious effort made by individuals to acquire various kinds of abilities (competencies), skills (skills), and attitudes (attitudes) through a series of learning processes that will ultimately result in behavioral changes in the individual. The learning process in schools tends to emphasize the achievement of changes in cognitive (intellectual) aspects which are carried out through various forms of approaches, strategies, and certain learning models. Learning systems that specifically develop affective abilities have received less attention, affective abilities are only used as a nurturing effect. This study aims to (1) find out whether online learning is able to bring out the affective abilities of prospective study program teachers (2) analyze the affective abilities of prospective teachers in online learning. The data used in this study is qualitative data. The technique used is a questionnaire. This questionnaire was given to respondents, namely students of PGSD teacher candidates at Muhammadiyah University of Pringsewu. The results of the study indicate that affective abilities can appear in online learning as evidenced by the results of the questionnaire that has been given to respondents. The indicators of affective ability in this study include attitudes, interests, self-concept, values, and morals, all of which are in the good range. This means that the results of students' affective abilities can be said to be valid or appear in online learning Keywords: Affective Ability; e-learning; PGSD Belajar merupakan upaya sadar yang dilakukan individu untuk memperoleh berbagai macam kemampuan (competencies), ketrampilan (skills), dan sikap (attitudes) melalui serangkaian proses belajar yang pada akhirnya akan menghasilkan perubahan tingkah laku pada individu tersebut. Proses pembelajaran di sekolah lebih cenderung menekankan pada pencapaian perubahan aspek kognitif (intelektual) yang dilaksanakan melalui berbagai bentuk pendekatan, strategi, dan model pembelajaran tertentu. Sistem pembelajaran yang secara khusus mengembangkan kemampuan afektif kurang mendapat perhatian, kemampuan afektif hanya dijadikan sebagai efek pengiring (nurturant effect). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui apakah pembelajaran online mampu memunculkan kemampuan afektif calon guru prodi (2) menganalisis kemampuan afektif calon guru SD pada pembelajaran online. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif. Teknik yang digunakan ialah angket. Yang diberikan kepada 132 responden,  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan afektif dapat muncul pada pembelajaran online. Indikator kemampuan afektif dalam penelitian ini, meliputi sikap, minat, konsep diri, nilai, dan moral yang semuanya berada pada rentang baik. Hal ini berarti bahwa hasil kemampuan afektif calon guru sekolah dasar dapat dikatakan valid atau muncul pada pembelajaran online. Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Afektif; e-learning; PGSD

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-107
Susi Gustina

Topik dalam artikel ini akan memfokuskan pada penerapan pendekatan Orff-schulwerk bagi mahasiswa sebagai calon-calon guru di sekolah, termasuk TK. Orff-schulwerk dapat dipandang sebagai suatu pendekatan dalam pendidikan musik. Dalam hubungannya dengan pendidikan dasar, pendekatan ini memfokuskan pada kebutuhan anak dan menumbuhkembangkan musikalitas setiap anak melalui aktivitas-aktivitas dasar (elemental) dalam musik dan gerakan. Pertanyaan yang dikemukakan dalam artikel ini adalah: 1) pendekatan Orff-schulwerk seperti apa yang digunakan calon guru untuk pembelajaran di TK?, 2) manfaat apa saja yang dapat diperoleh calon guru melalui penerapan pendekatan Orff-schulwerk dalam proses pembelajaran?, dan 3) bagaimana calon guru memahami peranan guru dalam pembelajaran di tingkat TK dengan pendekatan Orff-schulwerk?. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan. Penemuan dalam penelitian ini adalah para calon guru memahami bahwa: 1) pendekatan Orff-schulwerk yang dapat digunakan berhubungan dengan eksplorasi – imajinasi – kreasi yang melibatkan musik dan gerakan, 2) pendekatan ini bermanfaat untuk menumbuhkembangkan musikalitas siswa dalam proses pembelajaran di TK, dan 3) calon guru yang menerapkan pendekatan ini berperan sebagai fasilitator yang dapat menciptakan suasana pembelajaran yang menstimuli imajinasi dan kreasi siswa. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pendekatan Orff-schulwerk sebaiknya dikuasai oleh para calon guru yang mengajar di sekolah, termasuk TK. Dengan dimilikinya pemahaman atas pendekatan ini, baik secara teoretis maupun praktis, para calon guru tidak hanya meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka untuk menstimuli imajinasi dan kreativitas siswa TK dengan musik dan gerakan, tetapi juga mendukung tercapainya tujuan pendidikan nasional, yaitu pembentukan karakter siswa di sekolah.The Approach of Orff-Schulwerk for Prospective Music Teachers in Kindergarten Schools. The topic in this article focuses on the application of Orff-schulwerk for university students as prospective teachers in school, including kindergarten. Orff-schulwerk can be seen as an approach to music education. In related to primary education, this approach focuses on the children needs and develops children musicality through necessary activities (elemental) in music and movement. Some questions in this article are: 1) what kind of Orff-schulwerk that can be used by prospective teachers in the learning process at kindergarten? 2) what benefits can be obtained by teacher candidates through the application of the Orff-schulwerk approach? And 3) how do prospective teachers who use this approach can understand their role in learning? The method used in this study is action research. The findings in this research are prospective teachers understand that: 1) Orff-schulwerk can be used in related to exploration – imagination – creation that involving music and movement; 2) this approach is useful for developing student musicality in the learning process in kindergarten; and 3) in this approach, prospective teachers are acted as facilitators who can create an atmosphere of learning that stimulate students’ imagination and creation. This study concludes that the Orff-schulwerk approach should be mastered by prospective teachers who teach in schools, including kindergarten. By having an understanding of this approach, both theoretically and practically, prospective teachers not only enhance their knowledge but also support the national education goals, namely the students’ character building in schools.Keywords:  Orff-Schulwerk; music education; kindergarten teachers

2013 ◽  
Vol 760-762 ◽  
pp. 2056-2059
Yuan Zhang ◽  
Xia Feng

In this paper, we believed that social tag is a new paradigm of resource organizing and sharing. It is a very suitable technology using in e-learning systems. We discussed with the learning process in the e-learning system based on social tags. We brought forward a new individual learning process model based on social tags. And we compared with the new learning process model and traditional process model. The new individual learning process model could improve the interaction between learners and between human and computers. The social tags could help the e-learning system build the learners preference model and knowledge model.

Sudarmiani Sudarmiani ◽  
Supri Wahyudi ◽  
Agus Trilaksana

The present research aims to analyze the need for the Probing Prompting model in social studies learning to improve students' critical thinking skills during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study employs qualitative research with a descriptive analysis approach (Moleong, 2014). The data collection technique used is documentation that involves the study of some books, journals, and the regulation that is issued by the Minister of Education and Culture regarding learning policies during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results in the study show that there are various problems experienced during the social studies learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. The problems found are (1) The social studies learning during the Covid-19 pandemic still employs conventional models, (2) Teachers assign tasks to students without providing learning materials, and (3) The social studies learning only focuses on completing materials and learning outcomes in the cognitive aspects. Therefore, the Probing Prompting model can be used as a solution and reference for teachers in the social studies learning process. The reason is that Probing Prompting model is proven to be able to improve the quality of social studies learning and improve students' critical thinking skills that are undeniably required in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.

Teknoin ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-22
Andhika Giri Persada

E-Learning has been used as one of media that is used in the online-based learning process. Regarding to the fact about social media utilization by students, ideas are generated by adopting interactions from social media. Social media had proven able to attract various users, such as students. Utilization of mobile-based device, improve student's interest to use social media. Based on those facts, this study aims to design the interaction which is adopted from social media, named Diskusi-Belajar. There are two fundamental behind the reasons choosing social media as subject. First, social media had been proven able to attract users to communicate each other interactively. Second, social media has intuitive flow of interaction and interface which making it easier to be used. In this study, elements of the social media were converted into interaction design of Diskusi-Belajar. Interaction design is produced on mobile-based platform. In order to ensure usability quality, ten principles of the Nielsen's design are used as a guideline. Five evaluators are involved to measure interaction design and generated three times iterations. Conclusions of the study is, although not all Nielsen's design principles are accommodated, the elements which  are generated from previous studies have succesfully implemented in Diskusi-Belajar and produce good usability.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-120
Hery Supiarza ◽  
Deni Setiawan ◽  
Cece Sobarna

Penelitian ini mendiskusikan pola permainan alat musik keroncong dan tenor serta penerapannya  pada lagu “Cente Manis” dan “Sambel Cobek”. Kedua alat musik ini merupakan identitas keroncong gaya Jakarta. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dan data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa asal mula istilah alat musik keroncong berasal dari bunyi alat musik itu sendiri. Istilah tenor merujuk pada istilah suara laki-laki tertinggi. Ditemukan juga teknik permainan alat musik keroncong dan tenor yaitu teknik rasguaedo (prung), strumming, arpeggio dan dengan cara dipetik satu-satu pada setiap senar. Teknik memainkan alat musik keroncong dan tenor tersebut  meliputi pola permainan dobel engkel, dobel balik, format dan gaya lama. Permainan keempat pola tersebut bergantung pada lagu yang akan dibawakan dan kesepakatan para personilnya. The Approach of Orff-Schulwerk for Prospective Music Teachers in Kindergarten Schools. The topic in this article focuses on the application of Orff-schulwerk for university students as prospective teachers in school, including kindergarten. Orff-schulwerk can be seen as an approach to music education. In related to primary education, this approach focuses on the children needs and develops children musicality through necessary activities (elemental) in music and movement. Some questions in this article are: 1) what kind of Orff-schulwerk that can be used by prospective teachers in the learning process at kindergarten? 2) what benefits can be obtained by teacher candidates through the application of the Orff-schulwerk approach? And 3) how do prospective teachers who use this approach can understand their role in learning? The method used in this study is action research. The findings in this research are prospective teachers understand that: 1) Orff-schulwerk can be used in related to exploration – imagination – creation that involving music and movement; 2) this approach is useful for developing student musicality in the learning process in kindergarten; and 3) in this approach, prospective teachers are acted as facilitators who can create an atmosphere of learning that stimulate students’ imagination and creation. This study concludes that the Orff-schulwerk approach should be mastered by prospective teachers who teach in schools, including kindergarten. By having an understanding of this approach, both theoretically and practically, prospective teachers not only enhance their knowledge but also support the national education goals, namely the students’ character building in schools.Keywords:  Orff-Schulwerk; music education; kindergarten teachers

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Parsaoran Siahaan ◽  
Ms Lyliyasari

This research, is part of a research on the development of a learning to improve mastery concept of science and the instructional. The learning model in this research integrate two courses with different subject and different semester in two PGSD of several campuses of an university of teacher training.  PGSD-X, which is in the same city with the University and PGSD Y in other city at the same province. Subject of the research consisted of 25 prospective teacher students in PGSD X and 26 prospective teacher students in PGSD-Y. Scenario of learning was done in 4 phases, namely: (1) modeling phase, (2) discussions phase, (3) enrichment phase, and (4) peer teaching phase. The learning topics is the integration of food’s topic and thematic. The data was collected before learning (pre test) and after learning (post test). Data analysis was done by calculating the normalized gain from Hake <g>. The results from PGSD-X  obtained  <g>=0,72±0,07 in the mastery of food  and  <g>= 0,70±0,14 in thematic. The results from PGSD-Y obtained <g>=0,66±0,10 in the mastery of food and <g>=0,53±0,20 in thematic. The results could be concluded that the ability of prospective teachers in the PGSD X better than PGSD –Y in mastery of food concept and thematic instructional. Key words: learning model, prospective teachers, food, thematic

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