scholarly journals Assessment of the students’ achievement of learning outcomes of radiological sciences program, Najran University experiment

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-136
Soheir E. Mohamed

The present study was conducted to evaluate the achievement of undergraduate radiological sciences students of PLOs by the applied method in Radiological sciences, Najran University. The assessment of the program learning outcomes in department of radiological sciences, Najran University was conducted by direct and indirect methods and analysis the results of students’ achievement. The study was applied on 21 graduating students, batch of academic year 2019-2020 by applying Najran University model. Direct measurement was applied by linking of each PLO to exams questions on quizzes, midterm exams, final exams, project work and presentation. Indirect method was implemented based on surveys; exist, alumni and employers’ surveys. Najran University model is able to measure the achievement of PLOs and it supported by an indirect assessment method. The radiological sciences program highlights on the student outcomes for the graduate for continuous quality of the curriculum and teaching and learning process in future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 254-262
Yoniar Puspita Dewi ◽  
Nyoman Sridana ◽  
Baidowi Baidowi ◽  
Sripatmi Sripatmi

This research aims to determine the effectiveness of the Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) cooperative learning model on the learning outcomes of VII grade students SMPN 3 Kempo academic year 2020/2021 on the material algebraic form.  The type of research is pre-experimental research with one shot case study design. The research was conducted in 4 meeting for using the TGT cooperative learning and 1 meeting for the implementation of the posttest. The sample is done by purposive sampling technique, the sample was class VII-A as the experimental class which is using the TGT cooperative learning. Data collection using observation and test techniques. Instruments include: observation sheets and learning outcomes tests. The learning outcome data is used to determine how far the students understand the material being taught and the observation data is used to determine the quality of the teaching and learning process which is analyzed descriptively. The research indicator is model TGT cooperative learning, effective if the students’ learning with a classical learning completeness percentage ≥ 85%. Based on the results obtained 16 students who had completed their studies or equal to 88.89% and 2 students who did not complete their studies or 11.11%. The results of observations teacher activities obtained 85% with good criteria, and observations students activities obtained 80% with active criteria. Based on the research results, the cooperative learning model type Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) is effective on the learning students outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 333-340
Syarifah Roswan

The purpose of this study was to increase the learning outcomes of IPA in the Ecosystem Balance mate-rial through the application of the Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) learning model for class VI students of SD Negeri 1 Manggeng for the 2017/2018 academic year. The research methodology is Classroom Action Research (CAR) consisting of two cycles and each cycle consisting of two findings. Each cycle consists of planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The data collection technique is to collect test scores that are carried out at the end of each lesson in each cycle using a question in-strument (written test). The learning outcome data were analyzed by means of percentage statistics. The results showed that the completeness of student learning outcomes increased from 66,67% in the first cycle and increased to 83,33% in the second cycle. The application of the Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) learning model can increase the learning outcomes of IPA in the Ecosystem Balance material of class VI SD Negeri 1 Manggeng for the 2017/2018 academic year

Laily Yahya

The article review of ‘The Impact of Fun and Enjoyment on Adult Learning’ (Lucardie, 2014) opens doors to the kaleidoscope of fun and enjoyment amongst adult learners. The essence of this review is an informative snapshot on the critical issues of how fun and joy have impacted adult learning through a qualitative research drawing upon traditions of phenomenology. It aims to explore the affective experiences of fun and enjoyment. This article review attempts to highlight an insightful assessment of the ideas and the arguments that are being discussed by the author. The different interpretation of this concept draws out contrasting elements between learners and teachers’ beliefs. A twist to this review is a reflective stance procured to address central issues emerging in the article related to the Malaysian context. It is through the lens of the reader, Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI):4R is proposed. This refers to the process of continuously improving the quality of teaching and learning of an educational programme. This review concludes with the framing of CQI:4R to illustrate reflect, revisit, realign and reconstruct processes that could possibly navigate the architectural landscape of the Malaysian Teacher Education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-42
Erma Yenis

Abstractlearning process  good teaching  can create a situation that allows children to learn, so that is the starting point of the success of teaching. The low quality of education depends on the management of the teaching and learning process which can be interpreted as being less effective in the teaching and learning process, the causes: (1) Low learning activities, (2) Inadequate facilities and infrastructure. The case in Solok City Middle School, the low level of student learning activities allegedly influenced the low student learning outcomes. Based on observations on class VIII A which included the superior class had not yet achieved the desired completeness, the class with the least completeness was class VIII B which was 33.33% with KKM 65 criteria. Seeing this reality, teachers were required to motivate students and foster enthusiasm student learning. Therefore, to foster students' enthusiasm for learning, the author tries to apply student learning activities through discussion methods in small groups.Keywords: Learning, discussion AbstrakProses belajar mengajar yang baik dapat menciptakan situasi yang mmemungkinkan anak belajar, sehingga merupakan titik awal keberhasilan pengajaran. Rendahnya mutu pendidikan tergantung pada pengelolaan proses belajar mengajar yang dapat diartikan kurang efektifnya proses belajar mengajar, penyebabnya: (1) Rendahnya aktifitas belajar,  (2) Sarana dan prasarana yang belum memadai. Kasus pada SMP Negeri % Kota Solok rendahnya aktifitas belajar siswa diduga berpengaruh terhadap rendahnya hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan pengamatanpada  kelas VIII A yang termasuk kelas unggul belum mencapai ketuntasan yang di inginkan, sedangkan kelas yang paling sedikit ketuntasannya adalah kelas VIII B yaitu sebanyak 33,33 % dengan kriterian KKM 65. Melihat kenyataan tersebut, guru dituntut untuk dapat memotivasi siswa dan menumbuhkan semangat belajar siswa. Karena itu, untuk menumbuhkan semangat belajar siswa, penulis mencoba untuk menerapkan aktivitas belajar siswa melalui metode diskusi dalam kelompok kecil. Kata kunci: Pembelajaran, diskusi

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-35
Muhammad Ilyas Habibulloh ◽  
Muhammad Nuruddin

This study aims as a way to determine the effect of the recitation method on learning outcomes of events in life that focuses on sub-theme 2 national events about the proclamation of independence day at SDN Gongseng 1 Jombang. As we know that the average learning process in schools is still centered on the teacher himself. By using the right application, it is certain that it will have a good impact on the quality of education. The lack of student interest in the methods taught by the teacher had a significant impact. In the process of working on questions, for example, students are less able to understand what is conveyed by the teacher who is able to provide a learning process whose substance is carried out by selecting the appropriate method. This research is pre-experimental research design, in the form of one-group pretest-posttest. The sample of this study consisted of 9 boys and 10 girls totaling 19 students who were in the experimental class. In the academic year 2021, it can be seen that the results of the pretest and posttest data of students by using the recitation method have sig. 0.000 < 0.05. From these results, it can be concluded that the effect of recitation has an influence on classroom learning by using conventional methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Yoni Sakti Amroin ◽  
Nanik Indahwati

The purpose of this study was to improve the learning outcomes of basic kick motion skills in pencak silat through variations of the basic 'T' and front kick motion using assistive media in fifth grade students of SDN Pinggir Papas I in the 2020/2021 academic year.This research was a Classroom Action Research (PTK). The research was carried out using one cycle, if the desired results have not been achieved then the following cycle is continued, with each cycle consisting of planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. The subjects of this study were twenty-four students of grade five SDN Pinggir Papas I for the 2020/2021 academic year. The data sources came from teachers and students. Data collection by front kick pencak silat and activity observation during the teaching and learning activities of kicks in pencak silat using learning aids. The data in this study were in the form of quantitative and qualitative data. In this research, it produces data on the improvement of students in learning the basic movements of the T kick and front of the pencak silat with variations and learning aids. The achievement of completeness of the learning outcomes of the pencak silat T kick from pre-cycle one is about sixty-seven percent. From cycle one to cycle two amounted to twenty five percent. Meanwhile, learning outcomes for front kicks from pre-cycle to cycle 1 experienced an increase of fifty-four percent.The improvement of learning outcomes for T and forwards kicks with variations in T and forwards kick exercises has increased until it reaches the learning target, namely reaching the good and very good categories. Based on the results of the study, the conclusion is: Variations in the basic motion of the 'T' kick and forwards in learning can improve learning outcomes of the basic movement skills of pencak silat kicks in fifth grade students of SDN Piggir Papas I in the 2020/2021 school year.

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Basri

Educational services in schools is part of the community and the public school. Service quality is a product and or services in accordance with established quality standards and customer satisfaction. Quality in education include the quality of input, process, output, and outcome. Input-grade education when it is ready to proceed otherwise. The process of quality education to create an atmosphere where learning is active, innovative, creative, effective, dan fun. Output otherwise qualified if the learning outcomes of academic and non academic students achieving at least equal to the minimum completeness criteria specified. Outcome graduates expressed significantly faster when absorbed in the world of work, fair wages, all parties acknowledge and satisfied with the intelligence, skill, personality. Government's efforts to service and quality of education is the use of School-Based Management (SBM) is accompanied by the determination of output criteria, processes, and educational input at school. Expected Output school student achievement / school both academic and non academic generated meets the specified criteria. (2) process, ie, among others: the effectiveness of teaching and learning process, schools have the teamwork of a compact, intelligent and dynamic, the school has the authority (autonomy), school evaluation and continuous improvement, (3) input, ie, among other : the school has: policies, goals, and quality objectives are clear, available resources, feasible, and highly dedicated.Pelayanan pendidikan di sekolah adalah bagian dari masyarakat dan sekolah umum. Kualitas layanan adalah produk dan atau jasa sesuai dengan standar kualitas yang ditetapkan dan kepuasan pelanggan. Kualitas dalam pendidikan termasuk kualitas input, proses, output, dan hasil. Input-kelas pendidikan bila sudah siap untuk melanjutkan sebaliknya. Proses pendidikan yang berkualitas untuk menciptakan suasana di mana pembelajaran aktif, inovatif, kreatif, efektif, menyenangkan Dan. Keluaran dinyatakan memenuhi syarat jika hasil belajar siswa akademik dan non akademik mencapai paling tidak sama dengan kriteria kelengkapan minimal yang ditetapkan. Lulusan Hasil mengungkapkan secara signifikan lebih cepat ketika diserap di dunia kerja, upah yang adil, semua pihak mengakui dan puas dengan, keterampilan kepribadian kecerdasan,. Upaya Pemerintah untuk pelayanan dan kualitas pendidikan adalah penggunaan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS) disertai dengan penentuan kriteria output, proses, dan input pendidikan di sekolah. Keluaran sekolah diharapkan prestasi siswa / sekolah dihasilkan akademik baik akademis dan non memenuhi kriteria yang ditentukan. (2) proses, yaitu, antara lain: efektivitas proses belajar mengajar, sekolah memiliki teamwork yang kompak, cerdas dan dinamis, sekolah memiliki kewenangan (otonomi), evaluasi sekolah dan perbaikan terus-menerus, (3) input, yaitu, antara lain: sekolah memiliki: kebijakan, tujuan, dan sasaran mutu yang jelas, sumber daya yang tersedia, layak, dan berdedikasi tinggi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 1425-1431
Andi Rahman

The current Covid-19 pandemic has had many effects on human life globally, including the implementation of education. This study aimed to obtain the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on learning outcomes in higher education. The research method used is a cross-sectional study. The data were taken from the test results at the end of the lecture, observations, and interviews. The research was conducted at the University of Muhammadiyah Lampung, IPDN Jatinangor Campus, and the Ahmad Dahlan Institute of Technology and Business, with 120 students participating. The data analysis technique used the percentage technique and cross-tabulation. The study results concluded that student learning outcomes decreased in the 2020-2021 academic year compared to the 2019-2020 academic year. The decline in learning outcomes includes knowledge, skills, and psychology. This finding has implications for the understanding of education personnel regarding online teaching and learning design during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-108
Sugemi Sugemi

Physical education is basically an integral part of the education system as a whole which aims to develop aspects of health, physical fitness, critical thinking skills, emotional stability, social skills, reasoning and moral action through physical activities and sports. The purpose of this study was to improve learning outcomes for grade V SD Negeri Balongwono, Trowulan District, Mojokerto Regency through the assistance of peer tutors. The research was conducted at SD Negeri Balongwono, Trowulan District, Mojokerto Regency in the first semester of the 2018/2019 academic year, from March 2019 to April 2019. The subjects of this study were GRADE V SD Negeri Balongwono, Mojokerto Regency in the 2018/2019 academic year, namely 26 people who above: 16 boys and 10 girls. Sources of data used in Graderoom Action Research (PTK) are as follows: 1. Data on learning outcomes above, obtained from students; 2. Teacher activity data, obtained from events during the teaching and learning activities in progress; 3. Student activity data, obtained from events during the teaching and learning activities; 4. Data on the implementation of teaching and learning activities with the help of peer tutors, obtained from events during the teaching and learning activities. The data analyzed included quantitative data (by presenting numbers as a measure of achievement), and qualitative data (presenting numbers as a comparison). Data analysis was carried out in a descriptive comparative manner which aims to compare the conditions before and after the learning corrective action was taken. The stages in the action of analyzing data include data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the data analysis of the basic technique of passing on mini volleyball for Grade V students of SD Negeri Balongwono, Trowulan District, Mojokerto Regency, 2018/2019 academic year, the following results can be obtained: 1. In the pre-action of 26 students, there were 11 students (42%) who completed learning. 2. At the end of the first cycle of 26 students, there were 19 students (73%) who had finished learning. 3. At the end of the second cycle of 26 students, 23 students (88%) have completed learning. Thus it can be concluded that the application of the peer tutor assistance method can improve the basic techniques of fitting for the V-grade mini volleyball of the V-grade students of SD Negeri Balongwono, Trowulan District, Mojokerto Regency, 2018/2019 Academic Year.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Munyaradzi Chidarikire

This qualitative paper explored the Zimbabwe rural university lecturers’ experiences, challenges, and expectations in the execution of their duties, as they are highly de-motivated. The Zimbabwe Higher and Tertiary Education 5.0 thrust states the roles of universities as consisting of five critical issues: Teaching, Research, Community Engagement, Innovation, and Industrialization have been greatly affected by challenges cited in this article. There is a dearth of literature on the challenges faced by and there is a lack of solutions propagated by lecturers in universities located in rural areas in Zimbabwe. The quality of teaching and learning outcomes in Zimbabwe universities have been deteriorating due to financial, high workload among others. Hence, there is a need to engage in this study to find university lecturers’ views on how these challenges should be addressed to enhance the quality of teaching and learning outcomes. Abraham Maslow’s theoretical framework and narrative paradigm were used in this paper. A purposive sample was used to select nine knowledge-rich university lecturers from Faculty of Education. Data was generated through focus group discussions and content thematic analysis was used to analyze data. The participants responded to two critical questions: ‘what are the challenges faced by rural university lecturers and what should be done to mitigate challenges affecting lecturers in rural areas?’ This article found that highly qualified university lecturers in Zimbabwe are leaving rural universities to international universities seeking greener pastures. Therefore, the paper recommended that Zimbabwe university lecturers should receive salaries and other benefits at par with international universities.

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