scholarly journals Pengembangan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) Matematika Berbasis Model Learning Cycle 7E untuk Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

Akmal Rijal ◽  
Mansyur Romadon Putra

Abstrak: RPP yang digunakan di sekolah masih belum optimal dalam memfasilitasi pernkembangan peserta didik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan RPP matematika berbasis model learning cycle 7E untuk siswa kelas V sekolah dasar yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan. Model yang digunakan adalah model pengembangan Plomp, yang terdiri dari tiga tahap: preliminary research, prototyping phase, and assessment phase. Data diperoleh dari uji validitas, kepraktisan dan efektifitas. Validitas data diperoleh dari lembar validasi RPP. Kepraktisan data diperoleh dari lembar angket respon guru, respon peserta didik dan wawancara. Efektifitas diperoleh dari aktivitas peserta didik dan hasil belajar peserta didik. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran matematika dengan RPP berbasis model learning cycle 7E memiliki kriteria yang valid dalam hal isi dan konstruksi. RPP sudah praktis baik dari segi keterlaksanaan, kemudahan, dan waktu yang dibutuhkan. RPP juga telah efektif dari segi aktivitas dan hasil belajar peserta didik dengan nilai rata-rata aktivitas peserta didik meningkat dan ketuntasan belajar, ini berarti perangkat pembelajaran efektif dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa RPP matematika berbasis model learning cycle 7E yang dikembangkan dalam pembelajaran matematika di kelas V SD dapat dinyatakan valid, praktis, dan efektif.Kata Kunci: RPP, Matematika, Learning Cycle 7EAbstract: RPP used in schools is still not optimal in facilitating student development. The purpose of this study is to produce mathematical lesson plans based on the 7E learning cycle model for elementary school students in grade V that are valid, practical, and effective. This type of research is development research. The model used is the development model of Plomp, which consists of three stages: preliminary research, prototyping phase, and assessment phase. Data obtained from the validity, practicality and effectiveness test. The validity of the data is obtained from the RPP validation sheet. The practicality of the data was obtained from teacher response questionnaire sheets, student responses and interviews. Effectiveness is obtained from the activities of students and student learning outcomes. The collected data was analyzed descriptively. The results showed that mathematics learning with RPP based on the 7E learning cycle model had valid criteria in terms of content and construction. The lesson plan is practical both in terms of implementation, convenience, and time needed. RPP has also been effective in terms of activities and learning outcomes of students with an average value of increased student activity and mastery learning, this means that learning devices are effective in improving student learning outcomes. Based on these results it can be concluded that the mathematical lesson plan based on the 7E learning cycle model developed in mathematics learning in grade V elementary school can be declared valid, practical, and effective.Keywords: RPP, Mathematics, 7E Learning Cycle

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 742
Rahmat Hidayat ◽  
Tjandra Kirana ◽  
Wahono Widodo

After doing research by using 5E Learning Cycle Model through Guided Discovery learning with the topic of Human Reproduction System, it aimed to increase the student learning outcomes.  The subjects were 35 students of SMA Negeri 4 Samarinda, which used One group pretest-posttest design. The data were analyzed by using quantitative-qualitative description, the results are : (1) The feasibility of lesson plan categorized as good; (2) Student activity with a good instrument reliability; (3) Student learning outcomes had increased with the average score was 85 (N-gain score was 0,76).  According to analyzed data, it can be concluded that 5E Learning Cycle Model through Guided Discovery can be used to increase student learning outcomes. Telah dilakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Learning Cycle 5E berbasis Guided Discovery pada pokok bahasan Sistem reproduksi  manusia, dengan tujuan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Subyek penelitian 35 siswa SMA Negeri 4 Samarinda menggunakan rancangan One Group Pretest and Postest Design. Data adalah hasil kompetensi pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap. Data tersebut dianalisis dengan hasil sebagai berikut: (1) Keterlaksanaan RPP dengan kategori baik; (2) aktivitas siswa dengan realibilitas instrumen berkategori baik; (3) THB untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa terhadap materi sistem reproduksi manusia dengan rata-rata skor 85 yang secara keseluruhan mengalami peningkatan Gain 0.76. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa Model Learning Cycle 5E berbasis Guided Discovery dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa

Ali Rachmad Hasibuan

This study aims to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Triangular Material and Quadrilateral Class IV 200503 Public Elementary School Education with 30 students. The findings of this study are as follows: (1) The average value of students' mathematics learning in Triangular and Quadrilateral material before the Learning Learning Cycle model is applied in Class IV 200503 Public Elementary School Education is 30%. Based on the average value, it can be said that the student learning outcomes before the application of the Learning Cycle learning model in class IV SD Negeri 200503 Pijorkoling is relatively low. After the Learning Cycle learning model was applied in the material Triangle and Quadrilateral, the percentage value of student learning completeness is 60% at the end of the cycle I.  At the end of the second cycle the average class value with the percentage of student mastery 93.33%, (2) Application of learning models Learning Cycle on Triangle and Quadrilateral methods can attract students' attention, (3) there is an increase in student learning outcomes after the application of Learning Cycle learning models in Triangle and Quadrangular material in class IV 200503 Public Elementary School, therefore learning Learning Cycle models can improve learning outcomes Specifically Mathematics in Triangle and Quadrilateral Material of students in Class IV SD Negeri 200503 Education.

Ali Rachmad Hasibuan

This study aims to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Triangular Material and Quadrilateral Class IV 200503 Public Elementary School Education with 30 students. The findings of this study are as follows: (1) The average value of students' mathematics learning in Triangular and Quadrilateral material before the Learning Learning Cycle model is applied in Class IV 200503 Public Elementary School Education is 30%. Based on the average value, it can be said that the student learning outcomes before the application of the Learning Cycle learning model in class IV SD Negeri 200503 Pijorkoling is relatively low. After the Learning Cycle learning model was applied in the material Triangle and Quadrilateral, the percentage value of student learning completeness is 60% at the end of the cycle I.  At the end of the second cycle the average class value with the percentage of student mastery 93.33%, (2) Application of learning models Learning Cycle on Triangle and Quadrilateral methods can attract students' attention, (3) there is an increase in student learning outcomes after the application of Learning Cycle learning models in Triangle and Quadrangular material in class IV 200503 Public Elementary School, therefore learning Learning Cycle models can improve learning outcomes Specifically Mathematics in Triangle and Quadrilateral Material of students in Class IV SD Negeri 200503 Education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-40
Indra Puluhulawa ◽  
Evi Hulukati ◽  
Ali Kaku

This article discusses the effect of the Learning Cycle model on mathematics learning outcomes in terms of formal reasoning. The study was conducted in the form of experiments involving students of SMP Negeri 1 Tibawa, Gorontalo. Data on mathematics learning outcomes and formal reasoning are obtained using multiple-choice tests that meet the item validity and instrument reliability requirements. Data analysis used a two-way analysis of variance and the Tuckey Test. Hypothesis testing is performed at a significant level of 0.05. The results showed that the learning outcomes of students who were taught using the Learning Cycle model were higher than the learning outcomes of students who were taught using the direct learning model in terms of formal reasoning. This result is strengthened by the existence of a significant interaction between learning models and formal reasoning towards mathematics learning outcomes. Student learning outcomes with high formal reasoning levels, get better learning outcomes in learning with the Learning Cycle model compared to students with low formal reasoning levels.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-50
Jayanti Dwiputri Abdi ◽  
Irma Rosalinda

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of classical music to improved Mathematics learning outcomes in high grade IV, V, and VI in Binakheir Islamic Elementary School, period 2011-2012. The method used in this study is a quasi experimental, using design one-group pretest-posttest design. With the amount of research samples as many as 90 students. Students' scores in mathematics problems is obtained through data analysis techniques used to test the hypothesis is to test-t, with alpha = 0,05. Based on data analysis using t-test with significance t (0,000) < alpha set (0,05), then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. This study therefore concludes which is classical music has a significant impact on improved student learning outcomes in mathematics higher grade IV, V, and VI elementary school.

2012 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 207
Lilik Ariyanto ◽  
Muhammad Prayito

This study has the objective to determine the effectiveness of mathematic learning with Learning Cycle 5e model using interactive CD of triangle in class VII N 2 Limpung, Batang . This type of research is experimental research. Variables used in this study were: (1) student learning outcomes, obtained with the test, (2) creativity of student learning obtained from observations. The results of field trials demonstrated experimentally achieve effective classroom learning include, (1) study completed by the Z = -1.48 classical individually and with one test sample value sig (2-tailed) is 0.016, (2) creativity affects the outcome learning seen from the R square in Model Summary table obtained 0.660 = 66%., and (3) there is a difference between a class to learn the results of experimental and control classes with values ​​in the table Independent sig Test Samples of 0.029 = 2.9%, the average value the average grade of 70.57 experimental and control classes for 60.93 it can be concluded that the experimental class learning better learning outcomes compared to the control class.

Miftahul Ulum

This research is development, aims to describe the process and produce a goodlearning tool development with learning cycle 5E models on material integral in class XII IPA. Process of learning tool development used in this research is modification of learning tool development model according to Thiagarajan, Semmel & Semmel consisting of definition phase, design phase, development phase, and dissemination phase. But in this research is until the development phase only without conducting dissemination. Learning device produced in the form of: (1) Lesson Plan (RPP), (2) Student Worksheet (LKS), and (3) Learning Outcomes (THB). Beside of learning documents research instruments used were validation sheets of learning documents, observation sheet of teacher skills in learning management, students activity observation sheets, and questionnaire for students responses. As for the criteria of a good learning device meets three aspects: (1) valid, (2) practical, and (3) effective. Based on test result obtained that the learning documents of Learning Cycle 5E models are in good quality and meets three aspects: (1) valid, (2) practical, and (3) effective. (1) declared valid by the validator and the learning outcomes test meet the criteria for a valid, reliable, and sensitive, (2) practical, which is expressed by the average value of learning is the ability of teachers to manage a minimum of four, so that means the ability of teachers to manage learning is good, and (3) effective, which is of the students response positive a learning component and classical learning completeness reached.Keywords: Development Equipment, Learning Cycle 5E, Integral

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 568-576
Nurlaini Nurlaini

Improving the quality of social studies learning consists of improving teacher skills, student activities, and learning outcomes. Data on student learning outcomes showed as many as 21 students (70%) of the 30 students did not complete the KKM (64). This happens because the teacher has not been optimal in using learning models and media, causing student activity and learning outcomes to be low. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the quality of social studies learning through the application of the Learning Cycle model with video media. The purpose of this study was to improve the quality of social studies learning through the Learning Cycle model with video media for fifth grade students at SDN 32 Sungai Jaring. This study used classroom action research which was carried out in three cycles, each cycle consisting of one meeting with four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The results of the reflection as planning for the next cycle. The subjects of this study were teachers and 30 fifth grade students at SDN 32 Sungai Jaring. Data collection techniques using test and non-test techniques were analyzed with descriptive and qualitative descriptive statistical techniques. The results showed that the teacher's skills in the first cycle obtained good criteria, the second cycle obtained very good requirements, and the third cycle obtained very good requirements. Student activities in cycle I got good criteria, cycle II got good criteria, and cycle III got very good criteria. Student learning outcomes in cycle I obtained sufficient criteria, cycle II obtained good criteria, and cycle III obtained excellent criteria. The conclusion of this research is the Learning Cycle model with video media can improve the quality of social studies learning for class V SDN 32 Sungai Jaring.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-72
Nurdiana Siregar

This study aims to determine whether there is a significant relationship between students' mathematical self-efficacy and student learning outcomes in elementary grades. The research method used is descriptive method with the correlation approach. The instrument used for both variables is a scale of self-efficacy to see students' mathematical self-efficacy and student learning outcomes from the Final Examination (UAS). The self-efficacy scale contains 20 statements containing four alternative answers. The population of this study were all elementary school students, namely 156 students with a sample of 63 students. Data were analyzed with Pearson followed by t-test, previously obtained that the data of self-efficacy and mathematics learning outcomes were normally distributed and linear. Data on self-efficacy is 0.173> 0.05 and data on student mathematics learning outcomes is 0.2> 0.05. Linearity was fulfilled at 0.04 <0.05. Obtained tcount = 2,9255 while ttable = 1,9996, so tcount> ttable means that Ho is rejected. It can be stated that there is a significant relationship between self-efficacy and mathematics learning outcomes of elementary school low grade students.

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