scholarly journals Strategy Management In Overcoming Religion Conflicts In Plural Communities In Mopuya Selatan Village, Bolaang Mongondow District

Dian Adi Perdana ◽  
Budi Nurhamidin

<p class="abstrak">This research aims to discuss the pluralism in heterogeneous region that focuses on three communities of different religions living side by side in harmony and peace. The Plural community develops in South Mopuya Village makes the prevention of conflict needs to be improved.. Researcher discusses how the strategies of religious leaders does and government give understanding to Mopuya’s society to avoid and prevent conflict in plural society. This research is using qualitative method. The data are gained by using some techniques such as observation, interviews, and documentation. Data obtained will be analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. Plurality in this study, assimilation of activities, Need each other at work and increasing awareness of the importance of education, tabligh <em>da’wah</em> and worship tolerance are strategies to prevent conflict. Persuasive approach and language equality as unifying solution for a plural society to live in harmony and peace.</p><p class="abstrak"> </p><p><em>Masyarakat Plural berkembang di Desa Mopuya Selatan menjadikan pencegahan konflik antar umat beragama perlu ditingkatkan. Peneliti akan mengkaji pluralisme di wilayah heterogen yang terfokus pada keagamaan dengan tiga komunitas penganut agama yang berbeda hidup berdampingan dengan rukun dan damai. Penelitian ini mengkaji bagaimana strategi tokoh agama dan pemerintah dalam memberikan pemahaman kepada umatnya untuk menghindari dan mencegah konflik pada masyarakat plural dan bagaimana tantangan serta solusi tokoh lintas agama dalam mengatasi konflik pada masyarakat plural. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi Data yang diperoleh akan dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Pluralitas dalam studi ini, asimilasi kegiatan, saling membutuhkan dalam pekerjaan dan meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya pendidikan, dakwah tabligh dan toleransi ibadah menjadi strategi mencegah konflik. Pendekatan persuasif dan penyetaraan bahasa sebagai solusi pemersatu masyarakat plural untuk hidup rukun dan dama</em><em>i.</em><em></em></p><p class="abstrak" align="center"> </p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-40
Muhammad Roihan Daulay

This study to determine the relevance of IBSMPB to the regeneration of the Mandailing Natal scholars. This used a qualitative method with a fenomena approach by using qualitative descriptive analysis. As the result of the research, regeneration in Mandailing Natal Regency includes two things: culture that is physical and non-physical. As for the physical form of culture such as: long white shirt, sarong (abid), white coat, turban, robe and coat, sandals. Non-physical includes: reading the yasin on Friday, reading the takhtim and tahlil on the grave of the sholar, and visiting the house of the favorite sholar.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Ahmad Saefulloh

This effort can not be fully burdened to the government only, there needs to be synergy between government, society, parents, and related institutions in their field. This effort is one form of mutual concern that has been listed in the Narcotics Act, and the cultivation of values of Islamic Religious Education as a preventive effort that is being done. The existence of rehabilitation efforts through the Islamic approach is one alternative to prevent the return of ex-drug addicts in harmful environments. The purpose of this research is to explain how the rehabilitation of drug addicts through Islamic approach. The research method used qualitative method, then the research data was collected through interview and document analysis, and then processed by using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results show that there are three approaches of Islam by planting Religious education values that can be applied such as: (1) The Cultivation of the Aqidah Educational Values; (2) Planting the values of religious education; (3) The cultivation of moral values.

Wayan Resmini ◽  
Fridolin Mabut

Masyarakat Manggarai merupakan salah satu kapital sosial yang ada dan hidup yakni lembaga adat. Lembaga adat memiliki peran penting sebagai pelaku utama atas kebudayaan dalam sebuah komunitas kecil yang kerap disebut sebagai beo/golo lonto (kampung). Beo atau sering juga disebut sebagai golo adalah suatu tempat tinggal yang dihuni oleh penduduk untuk selama-lamanya. Tujuan dalam artikel ini untuk menjelaskan upacara penti dalam masyarakat kampung rato di kabupaten manggarai. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah kualittaif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Subjek penelitian berupa tokohadat, kepala desa, tokoh masyarakat dan masyarakat masnggarai. Analisis data menggunakan deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  Pertama, Upacara Penti sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur baik kepada mori Jari (Tuhan, Pencipta dan Pemilik Kehidupan) maupun pelestarian, keamanan dan hasil panen empo mede (antheirs) yang melimpah. Kedua, praktek partisipasi dan kerjasama bersama, upacara esensial, yang membagi semua orang / kelompok secara langsung atau tidak langsung dan yang bekerja sama untuk merencanakan dan berkontribusi pada keberhasilan kasus. Ketiga, dengan adat dan warisan leluhur, upacara tidak hanya sebagai cara mengucapkan terima kasih kepada warga atas hasil panennya, tetapi juga sebagai cara untuk menyimpan tradisi dan warisan leluhur. Nilai dengan demikian adalah istilah yang mengacu pada hal-hal yang baik, layak, dapat diterima, nyata, signifikan, indah dan diinginkan dalam kehidupan manusia dalam masyarakat. The Manggarai community is one of the existing and living social capitals, namely traditional institutions. Customary institutions have an important role as the main actors of culture in a small community, which is often referred to as Beo/Golo Lonto (village). Parrots or often referred to as Golo is a place to live that is inhabited by residents forever. The purpose of this article is to explain the Penti ceremony in the community of Kampung Rato in the Manggarai Regency. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive approach. The research subjects were religious leaders, village heads, community leaders, and Manggarai communities. Data analysis using descriptive analysis. The results showed that first, the Penti ceremony as an expression of gratitude both to Mori Jari (God, Creator, and Owner of Life) and the preservation, safety, and abundant yields of Empo Mede (anthers). Second, the practice of participation and cooperation together, essential ceremonies, which share all people/groups directly or indirectly and who work together to plan and contribute to the case's success. Third, with customs and ancestral heritage, ceremonies are not only a way of saying thank you to the residents for their harvest, but also as a way to save traditions and traditional heritage. Value is a term that refers to things that are good, worthy, acceptable, real, significant, beautiful, and desirable in human life in society..

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-87
Dian Nurul Dwitayanti

Since the enactment of Law No.22 of 1999 concerning Regional Government, the regional government has been given the right, authority and obligation to regulate and manage regional government affairs. The Regional Revenue Agency (BAPENDA) of Blitar Regency is one of the regional government agencies that has the responsibility to record revenues from the local tax sector and report it to the public as a form of transparency. Hotel tax is one type of local tax collected by the local government of Blitar Regency, this is in accordance with PERDA No.2 Year 2017. The purpose of this study is to find out the implementation of the Minister of Home Affairs No.64 of 2013 on hotel tax accounting records in BAPENDA Blitar Regency. The type of research used in the study is a qualitative method with data analysis techniques in the form of qualitative descriptive analysis and data triangulation. The results of the study show that BAPENDA in recording has used the accrual basis effectively at the beginning of 2017. However, in the recording of hotel tax receipts there are still records of accounting journals that have not been carried out by the treasurer of BAPENDA Blitar Regency

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 437-448
Nurwani Nurwani ◽  
Bakhrul Khair Amal ◽  
Abdurahman Adisaputera ◽  
Muhammad Ridwan

Using qualitative method and hermeneutical approach, this research examines the ratok bawak bewailing tradition of Minangkabau cultural ethnicity in Bukik Limbuku region, Payakumbuh town, Sumatra, Indonesia. This region uses the Indonesian language, Minangkabau tradition and follows the matrilineal system. They are led by a headman, administration is done according to custom and ratok bawak is used especially when burying a region headman. However, Hans-Georg Gadamer’s transformation theory found in his book titled Truth and Method (German: Wahrheit und Methode, first edition in 1960) has transformed this ritual into an art capable of influencing its original meaning. Data were collected by observation, interview, documentation, and reconstruction, and were analyzed by interpretative and qualitative descriptive analysis. Results show that though the ratok bawak had expounded the meaning of sadness, solidarity, education, politeness, prestige and discord, the transformed ratok bawak illustrates the meaning of aesthetics, education (norm, tradition, and social), imagination, expressive creativity, creation and appreciation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Kristian V. Griapon ◽  
Samsul Ma'rif

<pre><em>The Development Region III of Grime (the indigenous territories of Dumutru) Jayapura District has a problem on indigeneous land ownership system. The development process by the local government of Dumutru’s territory is not on target and collide with the structures and cultural systems in the community. The study aims to assess and to identify the rules of customary law that can be synergized wiith the formal legal rules. The study is conducted by the qualitative method through qualitative descriptive analysis. The analysis shows that the problems of development in the Development Region III of Grime Jayapura District are because of lack of synergy of positive law and customary law. The development process needs to refer to the formal legal regulations governing land acquisition mechanism and rules of customary law. </em></pre>

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 248
I Ketut Tangga Parasmita

<p><em>In order to maintain the unity and unity of the community, it is necessary to respect each other and respect the high of each religious people, in order to create a mental attitude oriented to high tolerance value, and strive for a life-oriented attitude of mutual care, asih and foster (selunglung sebayantaka paras paros sarpanaya).</em></p><p><em>The issues discussed are: (1) What are the forms of Religious Tolerance between Hinduism and Islam, (2) What are the efforts undertaken in fostering Religious Tolerance between Hinduism and Islam, (3) What are the supporting factors The implementation of the Religious Tolerance Behavior between Hinduism and Islam, (4) What are the factors inhibiting the implementation of Religious Tolerance of Hinduism and Islam.</em></p><p><em>Theories used to analyze problems are: (1) Social Interaction Theory, (2) Structural Functional Theory, (3) Tolerance Theory. The subject of this research is Lelateng Urban Village. Methods of data collection are obeservasi participation, unstructured interviews, assisted by using snowball techniques, documentation and literature study. The collected data is analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis method with step reduction step, data presentation, and conclusion.</em></p><p><em>The result of the research shows (1) The form of Tolerance of Religious People between Hindu and Islam in Kelurahan Lelateng can be seen in the field of Social, Economics, Religion, Arts and Culture. (2) Efforts made to foster Tolerance attitude, among others, by the Government in the form of dialogue and cooperation of religious people, by Bendesa Pasraman Kilat, by religious leaders in the form of Dharma Discourse or Dharma Tula and pengajian-pengajian. (3) Supporting factors for the establishment of Tolerance between Hindu and Islam attitude due to the kinship system and the strengthening of religious teachings. (4) The inhibiting factor of Tolerance between Hinduism and Islam due to social prejudices from Hindus, excessive fanaticism of Islam, and the assumption of Islam towards other religions other than Islam is Kafir.</em><em></em></p>

Adrianus Waranei Muntu

<p align="center"><strong><em>ABSTRACT:</em></strong></p><p align="center"><em> </em></p><p><em>This article analyzes the participation of the Kota Tua Onthel Tourism Association in preserving the Old City as a tourist destination to find out the forms of participation and factors that influence their participation. The method used in this article is a qualitative method with data collection techniques through interviews, observation, literature studies, and documentation studies. The data collected was analyzed with qualitative descriptive analysis techniques, then the data was presented formally and informally. The contents of the discussion of this article describe the forms of onthel community participation, namely making tourist attractions, introducing tourist attractions in Kota Tua, community service, establishing and maintaining the Old City library, maintaining tourism information posts, and contributing ideas. The factors that influence it are divided into two types, namely supporting factors and constraints. This article is expected to contribute to the preservation of tourist attractions and the development of sustainable tourism in Jakarta in general, and the Old City of Jakarta in particular.</em></p><p><em>                                                                                 </em></p><p><em>Keywords: Old Town,</em><em> Jakarta,</em><em> Participation,</em><em> Tourism, Community, Onthel, </em><em>Tourist </em><em>Destination</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-137
Nany Yuliastuti ◽  
Annisa Mu'awanah Sukmawati

Urban kampung has the uniqueness and becomes the historical development of the city. Urban kampung has local culture, which potentially purposes to create a creative urban kampung. Kampung Bustaman in Semarang City allegedly has some local asset to develop towards a creative kampung by using its local culture. This study employed a qualitative method through a qualitative descriptive analysis to formulate the creative kampung concept on Kampung Bustaman. The findings show that Kampung Bustaman has local culture as local assets – goat processing and culinary related to goat. Local community assisted by the other parties and local institution should develop these local assets to enhance the local economy and strengthen social ties. It can be realized by food processing to be more valuable, kampung events, and art. A strong commitment of community is required to ensure the creative activities and promote creative urban kampung. It concludes that creative kampung is a kampung that can optimize its local assets for communities’ welfare of through creative ideas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 182
Fazri Bagas Prasojo ◽  
Onggal Sihite

AbstrakPenelitian ini di latar belakangi untuk mengenalkan salah satu media sederhana yang dapat digunakan sebagai media dalam pembuatan gambar hiasan pada hijab siswa kelas X SMK Karya Bunda. Pembatasan masalah dalam penelitian ini berfokus pada penerapan prinsip komposisi, keselarasan, irama, keseimbangan dan tingkat keberhasilan pada pembuatan gambar hiasan di hijab siswa kelas X SMK Karya Bunda. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetaui penerapan dan tingkat keberhasilan prinsip komposisi, keselarasan, irama, dan keseimbangan pada pembuatan gambar hiasan di hijab siswa kelas X SMK Karya Bunda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan sampel 5 karya gambar hiasan pada hijab siswa  kelas X SMK Karya Bunda yang diambil menggunakn teknik Sampling Purposive. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan data yang telah diperoleh, maka semua hasil penilaian dari ke tiga ahli secara keseluruhan pada karya gambar hiasan pada hijab siswa kelas X SMK Karya Bunda ditinjau berdasarkan prinsip komposisi memperoleh jumlah nilai = 429 dengan rata-rata (r) = 86 (baik), prinsip keselarasan memperoleh jumlah nilai = 431 dengan rata-rata (r) = 86  (baik), prinsip irama memperoleh jumlah nilai = 427 dengan rata-rata (r) = 85, terakhir prinsip keseimbangan memperoleh jumlah nilai = 421 dengan rata-rata (r) = 84, dan secara umum nilai keempat prinsip tersebut dikategorikan baik dengan jumlah nilai = 341  dan rata-rata (r) = 85 (baik).Kata Kunci: analisis, gambar hiasan, hijab.AbstractThis  research is motivated to introduce one of the simple media that can be used as a medium in making decorative pictures on the hijab of class X students of SMK Karya Bunda. The limitation of the problem in this study focuses on the application of the principles of composition, harmony, rhythm, balance and the level of success in making decorative pictures in hijab X grade students of SMK Karya Bunda. The purpose of this study is to know the application and success rate of the principles of composition, harmony, rhythm, and balance in the making of decorative pictures in the veil of class X students of SMK Karya Bunda. This study uses a qualitative method with a sample of 20 decorative pictures on the veil of class X students of SMK Karya Bunda taken using the Purposive Sampling technique. The data analysis technique was performed by using a qualitative descriptive analysis technique. Based on the data that has been obtained, all the assessment results from the three experts as a whole in the work of decorative drawings on the veil of class X students of SMK Karya Bunda are reviewed based on the principle of composition obtaining a total score = 429 with an average (r) = 86 (good), the principle of harmony gets the sum of values = 431 with an average (r) = 86 (good), the rhythm principle gets the sum of values = 427 with an average (r) = 85, finally the principle of balance gets the sum of values = 421 with an average ( r) = 84, and in general the values of the four principles are categorized both with a total score = 341 and an average (r) = 85 (good).Keywords: analysis, decorative, hijab 

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