scholarly journals Perancangan Sistem Penjualan Spare Part Dan Service pada Bengkel Kebumen Motor

Rosselin Rosselin ◽  
Tri Yani Akhirina ◽  
Nurfidah Dwitiyanti

Bengkel Kebumen Motor is a business that is engaged in the sale of spare parts and motorcycle service services. Bengkel Kebumen Motor provides a variety of maintenance, repair and sales of spare parts as well as providing optimal service for customers. The purpose of this study is to design a spare parts and service sales system that can simplify the spare part sales process and manage service data to be faster, more effective, and efficient. The research method used in designing the spare parts and service sales system at the Bengkel Kebumen Motor is Research and Development (R&D) and the system development uses the waterfall method. Meanwhile, the data collection techniques used include interviews, observations, and conducting library research that is relevant to the spare parts and service sales system. The result of this research is the design of a computerized system built using the Java Netbeans programming language using the MySQL database. By using a computerized system, it makes it easier for workshop employees to record transactions, make it easier for the workshop to find out the amount of spare parts stock, the reporting process can be done quickly and accurately

S Supriyati ◽  
Atep Darminta ◽  
Rio Yunanto

Bina Siswa SMA Plus Cisarua addressing in Jl. colonel canal masturi no. 64. At the time of document making, record-keeping of transaction relating to account real or financial position report account especially, Bina Siswa SMA Plus Cisarua has applied computer that is by using the application of Microsoft Office Word 2007 and Microsoft Excel 2007, in practice of control to relative financial position report account unable to be added with the duration process performed within financial statement making. For the problems then writer takes title: “The Role Of Technology Information Systems And Aplication Of SAK ETAP On Development Model Financial Position Report”. Research type which writer applies is research type academy, data type which writer applies is qualitative data and quantitative data, research design type which writer applies is research design deskriptif-analistis, research method which writer applies is descriptive research method, survey and eksperiment,  data collecting technique which writer applies is field researcher what consisted of interview and observation  library research, system development method which writer applies is methodologies orienting at process, data and output. System development structure applied is Iterasi. Design of information system applied is context diagram, data flow diagram, and flowchart. Design of this financial position report accounting information system according to statement of financial accounting standard SAK ETAP and output  consisted of information of accumulated fixed assets, receivable list, transaction summary of cash, transaction summary of bank and financial position report.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Wati Erawati

Along with the rapid development of science and technology, the need for fast and accurate information is needed by every company. To manage information requires good and sophisticated technology. The technology needed is not only in the form of hardware (Hardware) and also in the form of software (Software), but has great value for those who use it. One of the support to make it happen is to process company data using a computerized system. In this research method, the method used is the waterfall method as a pattern of system development. until now has not been computerized, while the information system is very supportive and provides satisfying services for customers. For this reason the author discusses the design of a sales information system at the Sono Snack Shop with a program that facilitates the shop. The design of this information system is the best solution to solve the problems that exist in this store, and with a computerized system can be achieved an activity that is effective and efficient in supporting the activities of this store.

Afiff Yudha Tripariyanto

This study aims to determine the potential hazards that have the highest risk value as many as 3 types of work accidents in labs in the Private Vocational Laboratory in the Loceret Nganjuk area in accordance with the Risk Rating Number and provide recommendations for improvement on the types of activities that have the highest risk value as many as 3 types of work accidents in activities practicum at the Private Vocational Laboratory in the Loceret Nganjuk area using the Fishbone Diagram. The research method uses the Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment (HIRA) method and Fishbone Diagram. From the results of the study, the types of activities that have the highest Risk Rating Number are tripping Spare Parts / workshop tools with a Risk Rating Number of 8, tripping handtool / work tools with a Risk Rating Number of 8 and breathing in smoke with a Risk Rating Number of 8. Of the three types These activities are categorized as medium priority risk level / significant risks entered in index III B, namely the occurrence of unwanted potential. Then an analysis is carried out using a Fishbone Diagram by providing recommendations, namely conducting activities in a laboratory carefully and always using PPE as well as complying with the rules and knowing the functions of each - each Spare Part, work equipment and sharp-smelling objects. Keyword : Risk Rating Number, Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment, Fishbone Diagram.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi bahaya yang memiliki nilai risiko tertinggi sebanyak 3 jenis kecelakaan kerja pada praktikum di Laboratorium SMK Swasta didaerah Loceret Nganjuk sesuai dengan Risk Rating Number dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan pada jenis kegiatan yang memiliki nilai risiko tertinggi sebanyak 3 jenis kecelakaan kerja di kegiatan praktikum di Laboratorium SMK Swasta didaerah Loceret Nganjuk menggunakan Diagram Fishbone. Pada metode penelitian menggunakan metode Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment (HIRA) dan Fishbone Diagram. Dari hasil penelitian, yaitu jenis kegiatan yang memiliki Risk Rating Number tertinggi adalah tersandung sparepart/ alat bengkel dengan Risk Rating Number sebesar 8, tersandung handtool/ alat kerja dengan Risk Rating Number sebesar 8 dan menghirup asap dengan Risk Rating Number sebesar 8. Dari ketiga jenis kegiatan tersebut dikategorikan tingkat risiko prioritas menengah/ risiko signifikan masuk pada indeks III B yaitu terjadinya potensi tidak diinginkan.Kemudian dilakukan analisis menggunakan Diagram Fishbone dengan memberikan rekomendasi yaitu melakukan kegiatan dilaboratorium secara hati – hati dan selalu menggunakan APD serta mematuhi aturan dan mengetahui fungsi dari masing – masing sparepart, peralatan kerja dan benda – benda berbau tajam. Kata Kunci: Risk Rating Number, Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment, Fishbone Diagram

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-108
Nur Laila Sari ◽  
Herman Saputra ◽  
Hommy Dorthy Ellyany Sinaga

Abstract: Erwin Ponsel which distribute handphone spare parts is facing problem of managing the handphone spare part inventory that is often out of stock and inventory orders from suppliers not deliver on time that make Erwin Ponsel could not fullfill the customer demand at time. This study aims to help provide solutions for this problem is to implement the SCM application web base to the inventory and distribution of handphone spare parts. The research method used is a qualitative method and performs system design with the waterfall method. The research data taken includes supplier data, handphone spare part purchases data, distribution data and customer data. This application is built using the PHP programming and MySQL database. With the implementation of this application, a relationship that is interconnected between suppliers and Erwin Ponsel has been built in a timely manner so as to facilitate stock management and distribution of handphone spare part at Erwin Ponsel. Keywords: Distribution Spare Part Handphone , Stock Spare Part Handphone, SCM  Abstrak: Erwin Ponsel yang bergerak pada bidang pendistribusian spare part handphone memiliki permasalahan pada penanganan persediaan spare part handphone dimana sering terjadi kehabisan persediaan dan pemesanan persediaan dari pemasok tidak tiba pada waktunya sehingga mengakibatkan Erwin Ponsel tidak dapat memenuhi permintaan pelanggan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu memberikan solusi terhadap permasalahan tersebut dengan menerapkan aplikasi SCM berbasis web pada sistem persediaan dan distribusi spare part handphone. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dan melakukan perancangan sistem dengan metode waterfall. Data penelitian yang diambil meliputi data supplier, data pembelian spare part handphone, data distribusi dan data pelanggan. Aplikasi ini dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MySQL. Dengan adanya implementasi dari aplikasi ini, maka telah terbangun satu hubungan yang saling terkoneksi antara supplier dengan Erwin Ponsel secara tepat waktu sehingga memudahkan pengelolaan stok dan distribusi spare part handphone di Erwin Ponsel. Kata kunci :Distribusi Spare Part Handphone, Stok Spare Part Handphone, SCM

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-104
Aris Aris ◽  
Mochamad Rinja ◽  
Taufan Jherico

Bengkel Barokah Motor merupakan salah satu usaha keluarga yang bergerak dibidang retail dengan menjual sparepart motor. Proses administrasi penjualan merupakan salah satu kegiatan penting bagi proses penjualan sparepart motor di bengkel ini. Untuk mendukung sistem aplikasi penjualan ini, perlu adanya sistem komputerisasi untuk membuat laporan penjualan yang cepat, akurat serta efisien dalam pengerjaannya. Namun dalam kenyataannya, hal tersebut memang tidak sesuai dengan keinginan dan harapan yang ditentukan, karena belum adanya sistem komputerisasi yang digunakan di bengkel tersebut. Bengkel Barokah Motor masih menggunakan sistem manual dalam pengolahan data administrasinya. Sehingga masih seringnya terjadi kesalahan pada saat pencatatan data. Untuk itu perlu dirancang suatu sistem aplikasi penjualan. Sistem tersebut dirancang menggunakan metode OOAD, dan digambarkan melalui diagram UML seperti activity diagram, sequence diagram, use case diagram, class diagram dan state chart diagram. Sistem dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, dan database yang digunakan adalah MySQL. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebuah sistem aplikasi penjualan yang digunakan untuk mencatat setiap transaksi yang terjadi serta membuat laporan penjualan secara cepat dan akurat. Sehingga dengan adanya sistem tersebut, user akan sangat terbantu dalam mengerjakan pekerjaannya. Kata kunci : aplikasi sistem penjualan, sparepart motor Workshop Barokah Motor is one of the family businesses engaged in retail selling motor spare parts. Sales administration process is one of the important activities for motor spare parts sales process at this workshop. To support this sales application systems, the need for a computerized system to create sales reports are fast, accurate and efficient in the process.But in reality, it does not correspond with the wishes and expectations are determined, due to the lack of computerized systems used in the workshop. Workshop Barokah Motor still use manual systems in data processing administration. So it is still frequent errors during data recording. For that we need to design a system application sales. The system is designed using OOAD methods, and illustrated by diagrams like UML activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, use case diagram, class diagram and state chart diagrams. The system is built using the PHP programming language, and the database used is MySQL. The result of this research is a sales application system used to record each transaction and create sales reports quickly and accurately. So with such a system, the user will be greatly helped in doing his job Keywords : App sales system, motor spare part  

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Sodik Nurhidayat ◽  
Muhammad Rusli

Aneka Jaya Motor is company engaged in the business of selling car spare parts in Bekasi.At present Aneka Jaya Motor shop is only a shop, so the buying and selling process only occurs in theshop. Iin the current system there are many obstacles, such as the difficulty of promotion Aneka JayaMotor goods to many customers, because so far the bidding and transactions have been done manually,which only relies on the buyer to come directly to the store. In conducting this research, the type ofresearch use is qualitative research with the research method used in this research is Waterfall withsystem requirements, system analysis, system design with UML modelling and system implementationusing PHP and MySQL and tested using the blackbox testing method. The results in this study are thecreation of e-commerce information systems for selling car spare parts based website at Aneka JayaMotor store that helps the sales process and makes it easy to transact long distances with Aneka JayaMotor customers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Hendra Oktaviano ◽  
Arif Senja Fitrani

The purpose of this research is to design and produce an Online Shop application that is a Web that can provide information on goods data related to the sale of spare parts and custom frames that they are looking for. The research method used is the waterfall method, while the techniques for data collection use observation and interview techniques. The spare part data is obtained from visiting from shop to shop and the shop itself. The result of this research is to make it easier for customers to find the spare parts they want and to make more and more bicycle enthusiasts, especially onthel mini bikes, use them.

Henny Hendarti ◽  
Seplita Anggita ◽  
Wina Wina

Article presented an information system development which can facilitate the doctors and nurses at clinic in managingoutpatient and reporting data quickly, accurately, and effectively. Before using a computerized system, all data recording wasstill done conventionally using paper media. The research method used was an analysis and designing method, interviews,library research, and field study as to do an observation. The analysis and designing method, which was proposed, used anobject-oriented concept and presented through notation of Unified Modeling Language (UML). The research results showedthat a clinic needs a new system which can facilitate the doctors and nurses in processing operational data, such as medicalrecord data and other data relating to the outpatient. It can be concluded that with the presence of the information system, itis expected that it can facilitate the information needs by using a computerized system.Keywords: system utillty, information system, medical management, clinic

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.2) ◽  
pp. 751
Suprih Widodo ◽  
Puji Rahayu ◽  
Nahrowi Adjie ◽  
Sri Adi Widodo ◽  
Bayu Rahmat Setiadi

Due to the importance of arithmetic abilities for elementary school students, this research aims to develop games using digital dice.This games will be used in gamification in math education. This research method is research and development, while the game development process using the waterfall model of system development life cycle. Based on the results of development, the system is built so that the students are emotionally engaged through digital dice games, they didn’t only tap the screen or answer the exercise. The results of functional testing and compatibility also show that the system has excellent functionality and compatibility. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-26
Candra Irawan ◽  
Adi Bastian ◽  
Febrozi Rohadi

Currently in Indonesia Islamic Bank has gained a place and interested in the community, causing many emerging Syari'ah Bank and Financial Institutions of the syari'ah, and products in Islamic banks are widely used is murabahah financing. The formulation of the problem in this research are: (1). How is the implementation of the sale and purchase through murabahah financing between Bank Muamalat Harkat with customers. (2). Is trading system murabahah financing between Bank Muamalat Harkat and customers have been according to the principles of Syari’ah. (3). How murabahah financing efforts to resolve the breach between the customer and Muamalat Harkat. This research method is empirical legal research, this study was conducted in Bank Muamalat Harkat based data collection through field research such as interviews, observation and description as well as information from respondents through library research. The results of this research are: before an agreement Bank to assess carefully the prospective customer in the form of a comprehensive analysis and is divided into several stages, such as the assessment using the principle of 5C Character (Character of the debitor), Chapacity (Capability Candidate Debitor) , Capital (Capital candidate Debitor), Collateral (Collateral candidate Debitor) and Condition of economy (economic condition of the prospective Borrower). Trading system murabahah financing between Bank Muamalat Harkat with the customer has not fully based on the principles of the Syari'ah. Murabahah financing efforts to resolve the defaults can be solved by R3 is Restrukturing (Arrangement Back), Reconditioning (Terms Back) and Rescheduling (rescheduling), sales collateral and auction execution. 

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