scholarly journals Analisis Kesulitan Matematik Siswa SMP pada Materi Statistika

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Dara Kartika Dewi ◽  
Siti Sarah Khodijah ◽  
Luvy Sylviana Zanthy

Abstract This research aim to analyzing student’s difficulty in solving statistic problem. This research using qualitative method with qualitative approach. Population in this research is whole student junior Highschool at Kabupaten Bandung Barat with using samples 24 student SMP Cendikia Cililin. Data collection technique using documentation method are student test result based on question instrument in main course of statistic which contain indicator of competence achievement; 1) Determine median value of even number; 2) Determine average from a data; 3) Determine median value of odd number; 4) Analyzing data; 5) Determine modus value from some data. Based on research result and discussion, student difficulties in solving problem are on the indicator determines average values of data with percentage of eror 83% which is in the high category. The causative factor is the student can not understanding the basic concept of statistic. To communite problem by modeling mathematics, how to manipulated statistic, and collect conclution.

Lusiana Rahmatiani

ABSTRACT Character education is one of the focus of educational goals in Indonesia. The importance of character education because of the declining ethics, morale of learners and the increasing popularity of student delinquency, such as brawl and drug addicts. Implementation of character education is very important to evaluate how the process and results. The research was conducted at SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. The purpose of this study describes the implementation of lisa program, libra, patujar applied in SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. Knowing the value of characters generated in the program lisa, libra, patujar applied in SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. The research method used is qualitative method with data collection technique, observation, interview and documentation. Suggestion of research result that is importance of socialization about character education to learners, teachers and society to support the embodiment of school program libra libra patujar. Schools should involve parents and community as partners in the coaching and habituation of student characters. Keywords: Character Education, Character Value, Lisa, Libra Patujar ABSTRAK Pendidikan karakter merupakan salah satu fokus tujuan pendidikan di Indonesia. Pentingnya pendidikan karakter karena semakin menurunnya etika, moral peserta didik dan semakin maraknya kenakalan pelajar, seperti tawuran dan pecandu narkoba. Implementasi pendidikan karakter sangat penting untuk dievaluasi bagaimana proses dan hasilnya. Penelitian dilakukan di SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan implementasi program lisa, libra, patujar yang diterapkan di SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. Mengetahui nilai karakter yang dihasilkan dalam program lisa, libra, patujar yang diterapkan di SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data, observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Saran hasil penelitian yaitu pentingnya sosialisasi mengenai pendidikan karakter kepada peserta didik, guru dan masyarakat untuk menunjang keterwujudan program sekolah lisa libra patujar. Sekolah harus melibatkan orang tua dan masyarakat sebagai partner dalam pembinaan dan pembiasaan karakter siswa. Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Karakter, Nilai Karakter, Lisa, Libra Patujar

Christian Daniel Hermes

This study aims to gain knowledge about the parental relationship with the learning outcomes of students in the field of study in the SMP N 1 Raya class VII based on data or facts right, true authentic, valid and reliable. This study uses a qualitative  approach, the data collected by using the interview method that will be tested with scientific method. The data collection technique that researchers use in this study is interview, 4 students will be chosen to be respondent. The respondent will give the question and they will be answer deeply and briefly, the answer will be collected and summoned to be an objective of this journal. Due to that, that answer also become the result of this research. Data processing using by using the qualitative method which had been arbitrated to the scientific research. The result is all respondent answer that the parental guiding is the most aspect that influence their result studies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 32-44
Muhamad Rofi Fauzi ◽  
Salmadina Saktiani

The development experienced by humans when explored deeply will make people more confident in the power of God. Simple things such as the process of developing the language and art of children, in fact there is something extraordinary in it, which if disturbed will have an impact on further developments or other aspects.Writing this journal uses a qualitative approach, through observation, interviews, and documentation as a data collection technique. Based on the results of the research conducted, there are some results, namely the indicator of language development of VA class children basically has been achieved in accordance with the task of development at his age. But there are some things that have not been maximized in achieving this, such as the use of synonyms from several words, and metaphorical sentences that do not fully understand. The development of VA class art is in the phase of the Early Realism and the Early Age of Pseudo Naturalism which in the early realism phase In the period of Early Realism, children's work more closely resembled reality. Perspective awareness begins to emerge, but based on one's own vision. Keywords: Language Development, Art, Madrasah

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (03) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Eko Sugiarto ◽  
Dian Haryanti

This study aims to identify local wisdom in Green Village Gedangsari, Gunungkidul Regency. This research uses qualitative method with combined data collection technique, there are observation, interview, and documentation. Some invention that have been identified as the findings of this research are (1) Tourism development in Green Village Gedangsari; (2) Some of the taboos that local people believe; (3) Local culinary; (4) The place of the sacred; (5) Nyadran and Rosulan Traditions; and (6) 4G development plan by Gedangsari community. These findings have the potential to increase tourist attraction in the Green Village Gedangsari region. Keywords: Local Wisdom, Tourist Attractions

2020 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 184
Ida Bagus Alit Arta Wiguna

This research aims to identify and analyse students’ response on the application of the Hypnoteaching in learning Hindu religious education in class X of SMAN 7 Denpasar. This research follows a qualitative approach with observation as the main data collection technique. The sample of the study is X Mipa 6 class with 34 students from a total of 389. The application of hypnoteaching methods is fun for students compared to  conventional methods which tend to be uninteresting. When using Hypnoteaching method, students were very excited during learning activities. By using hypnoteaching methods in learning Hindu religious education students becomes very enthusiastic in listening to the teacher's explanation of Hindu religious learning materials. To improve learning activities students prepare themselves for the topic discussion. Students’ response to the application of Hypnoteaching method is positive. They think that the method is effective as it can increase students’ enthusiasm to learn.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-76
Muhamad Faisal Assyuza ◽  
Anwar Miftahulkhairah

The study aims to describe the Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) study regarding the relationship between the transitivity process system and sirkumstan of the situation in President Jokowi's speech about the handling of the COVID-19. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The source that used to be the object of this study was the text of President Jokowi's speech about the handling of the COVID-19. Data collection did not involve the author directly, but data was obtained from the Kabar24 website which was uploaded on March 15, 2020. The data collection technique used in this study was the reading comprehension technique which was carried out with a concentration on the object to be studied. The results showed that the total number of processes was 57 data. The number of material process occurrences was 31 data with an emergence percentage of 54%, then followed by the Mental process with 11 data occurrences, with an appearance percentage of 19%, the Relational process the number of occurrences was 6 data with an appearance percentage of 11%, the Behavioral process the number of occurrences was 3 data with an occurrence percentage of 5%, the Verbal process was 2 data with an appearance percentage of 4%, and finally the Existential process was 4 data with an appearance percentage of 7%. The number of sirskumstan recorded in time 1 and place 10.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-26
Richard Junior Kapoyos

The Phenomenon of Bia Music in Batu village community needs to be closely examined considering that the Bia Music in the past to the present time is shifting and changing, due to lack of awareness, people's behavior towards Mia Music. The music of this tradition is very apprehensive to see the reality of the players from year to year diminishing in quantity and quality. The purpose of this research is to analyze: (1) Function of Bia Music, (2) Social reality that happened in society. This research uses qualitative method with data collection technique of interview, observation and document study. The technique of data validity is based on the credibility criteria, using triangulation of data. Data analysis techniques used are data collection, data presentation, data reduction, and data verification. The results of this study indicate that the Functions of Bia Music, among others, as a medium of ritual, communication media, into evangelism media, events of cultural festivals, education, association, entertainment and publicity. There are three moments of dialectics in the social realities of externalization, objectivity, and internalization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-165
Dwi Utari ◽  
Nur Aini Puspitasari

This research aims to describe sentence production errors especially pause and tongue slips in the 2018 Student Constitutional Debate Competition. The benefits of research for the researcher are to deepen knowledge about language, especially errors in the production of sentences, and for the reader to give knowledge to the public about the study of psycholinguistics in producing a sentence and broaden the insight into language about sentence production. Descriptive qualitative method was used in this study. This research used source data of 2018 Student Constitutional Debate Competition semifinal one and final one video. In this study the tapping technique was used for the data collection technique. Based on the results of data management and analysis, the sentence production errors contained in the 2018 Student Constitution Debate Contest video are (1) Breathing pause, (2) Doubt pause, (3) Malaproprism, (4) Transposition tongue slip, (5) Anticipation tongue slip, (6) Perseveration tongue slip. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kesalahan produksi kalimat terutama senyapan dan kilir lidah pada Lomba Debat Konstitusi Mahasiswa Tahun 2018. Manfaat penelitian bagi peneliti adalah untuk memperdalam pengetahuan mengenai bahasa khususnya kesalahan produksi kalimat dan bagi pembaca yaitu untuk memberi pengetahuan kepada masyarakat tentang kajian Psikolinguistik dalam memproduksi suatu kalimat serta memperluas wawasan kebahasaan mengenai produksi kalimat. Dalam penelitian digunakan metode berupa desktiptif kualitatif. Penelitian menggunakan sumber data berupa video Lomba Debat Konstitusi Mahasiswa tahun 2018 babak semifinal satu dan final satu. Penelitian menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa teknik sadap catat. Berdasarkan hasil pengelolaan dan analisis data, kesalahan produksi kalimat yang terdapat dalam video Lomba Debat Konstitusi Mahasiswa Tahun 2018 yaitu (1) Senyapan pernapasan, (2) Senyapan keraguan, (3) Kilir lidah malaproprisme, (4) Kilir lidah transposisi, (5) Kilir lidah antisipasi, (6) Kilir lidah perseverasi. Kata Kunci:  Kesalahan Produksi Kalimat, Debat, Kilir Lidah, Senyapan

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-170
Arihun Rahmatin

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze the Discipline of Civil Servants policy in improving performance at the Utan Sub-District Office, Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province. The research method used is a qualitative method, with a qualitative approach. Data obtained through data collection techniques: interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the disciplinary policy of Civil Servants in the Utan Sub-District Office, Sumbawa Regency basically has not run effectively. This is due to a lack of awareness to be able to work with discipline. Keywords: implementation, civil discipline policy, employee performance

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Istiqamah Istiqamah

<p><strong>Abstrak – </strong>Tulisan ini membahas mengenai bentuk penyelenggaraan diplomasi pertahanan serta<strong> </strong>analisanya dalam upaya untuk memasukkan segmen Tanjung Datu sebagai <em>Outstanding Boundary</em> <em>Problem </em>Indonesia-Malaysia. Hal ini didasarkan atas status Tanjung Datu yang ambigu akibat<em> </em>perbedaan penafsiran <em>Memorandum of Understanding</em> (MOU) 1978 oleh pihak internal pemerintah Indonesia. Perundingan untuk memasukkan segmen Tanjung Datu sebagai OBP terjadi pada tahun 2001. Usaha melobi pihak Malaysia untuk memasukkan Tanjung Datu sebagai OBP dilakukan secara intensif oleh para delegasi sampai akhirnya Indonesia menerima keputusan pihak Malaysia untuk tidak lagi mempermasalahkan Tanjung Datu. Studi ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan enam informan yang meliputi praktisi dan pakar di bidang terkait. Data juga diperoleh dari berbagai literatur. Temuan studi ini berupa subjek diplomasi pertahanan Indonesia dalam upaya memasukkan segmen Tanjung Datu sebagai OBP Indonesia-Malaysia yaitu Pankorwilnas, Direktorat Topografi Angkatan Darat, Kementerian Pertahanan, Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan JUPEM. Sedangkan objek diplomasi pertahanan Indonesia dalam upaya memasukkan segmen Tanjung Datu sebagai OBP Indonesia-Malaysia adalah berupa tujuan Indonesia yakni sebagai implementasi kepentingan nasional dalam meraih kedaulatan teritorialnya serta hal itu termasuk dalam lingkup pertahanan.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci : </strong>diplomasi pertahanan, teori pembentukan perbatasan darat, kedaulatan teritorial,<strong> </strong>segmen tanjung datu, <em>outstanding boundary problems</em></p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Abstract – </em></strong><em>This study discusses on implementation of Indonesia’s defense diplomacy and its analysis<strong> </strong>in effort to obtain Tanjung Datu segment as Outstanding Boundary Problem Indonesia-Malaysia. This is based on the status of Tanjung Datu as Outstanding Boundary Problem was ambiguous due the different interpretations of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 1976 and 1978 by Government of Indonesia. The negotiation to obtain Tanjung Datu segment as Outstanding Boundary Problem Indonesia-Malaysia in 2001. Indonesia attempt to lobby Malaysian to attach Tanjung Datu as OBP and its intensively conducted by Indonesian delegates until finally, Indonesia accepted Malaysia’s decision that Tanjung Datu is not part of the OBP. The research method was qualitative approach in which data collection technique was conducted through interviews with six informants including practitioners and experts in related fields. This study showed that the subjects of Indonesian defense diplomacy in efforts to obtain Tanjung Datu segment as OBP Indonesia-Malaysia are Pankorwilnas, Directorate of Army Topography, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Home Affairs and JUPEM. While the object of Indonesian defense diplomacy in the efforts to obtain Tanjung Datu segment as OBP Indonesia-Malaysia are the implementation of Indonesian national interest to achieve territorial sovereignty and it was also part of defense.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>defense diplomacy, bounday making theory, territorial sovereignty, tanjung datu segment,<strong> </strong>outstanding boundary problems</em></p>

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