scholarly journals Pengertian, Proses, Hak dan Kewajiban Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan (PTK 2)

2020 ◽  
Elza Dwi Putri

When talking about the educational profession, it is certainly not separated from the things in schools such as teachers, school principals, students and the teaching and learning process that happened in it. In other respects, in the world of education, administration is indispensable for the continuity of the teaching and learning process. They are not separated from the activation of people who have mastered administration in school including the role of teachers.The success of education in schools should be supported by regular, directed and planned school administration services. Where in the implementation must follow the increasingly competitive and more modern times. Therefore, there needs to be a division of the task of the administration that is clear and programmatic in every school.

2020 ◽  
Shinthia Yosana Hendri

When talking about the educational profession, then it is certainly not separated from things that exist in schools such as teachers, principals, students and teaching and learning processes that occur in it. On the other hand, in the world of education, administration is very necessary for the continuity of the teaching and learning process. All that can not be separated from the activeness of those who master the administration in schools, including the participation of teachers. In fact, if the administration is handled by people who are less skilled, then the administration will certainly fall apart. People who hold administration are people who have been trained in their fields (people who have received knowledge / training). Administration is not only in financial matters but also in order in bookkeeping. not only done in a certain time, but every day systematically. The success of education in schools must be supported by regular, directed and planned school administration services.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-50
Belinda Mau ◽  
Areyne Christi

Abstract: In this era of globalization, teachers are very dominant in self-actualizing to educate the nation in facing the challenges and competition in the world, so that they are required to improve their professionalism in dealing with any existing problems. Solutions to answer the problems faced by teachers arise in the following questions: Who is the teacher? What is the role of the teacher both as a teacher and in relation to their students? How to manage the quality of the teaching and learning process on children's self-development in the context of interest in learning? The answers are: (1) a teacher is a professional educator who educates, teaches a science, guides, trains, provides assessments, and evaluates students. (2) the role of the teacher to work holistically. The teacher not only carries out his duties as a teacher, but becomes an example and a companion to his students. (3) the teacher must be able to manage the class very well so that in every learning process, children can be interested and respond when a teacher delivers a material. Abstrak: Dalam era globalisasi ini guru sangatlah dominan di dalam mengaktualisasi diri untuk mencerdaskan bangsa dalam menghadapi tantangan dan persaingan dunia, sehingga dituntut untuk meningkatkan profesionalnya dalam menangani setiap masalah yang ada. Solusi untuk menjawab persoalan-persoalan yang di hadapi oleh guru muncul dalam pertanyaan sebagai berikut: Siapakah guru itu? Apakah peranan guru baik sebagai guru dan berhubungan dengan anak didiknya? Bagaimanakah mengelola kualitas proses belajar mengajar terhadap pengembangan diri anak dalam konteks minat belajar?  Jawabnya adalah: (1) guru adalah seorang tenaga pendidik profesional yang mendidik, mengajarkan suatu ilmu, membimbing, melatih, memberikan penilaian, serta melakukan evaluasi kepada peserta didik.  (2) peranan guru bekerja secara holistik. Guru tidak saja menjalankan tugasnya sebagai seorang pengajar, tetapi menjadi teladan dan teman bergaul bagi para muridnya. (3) guru harus dapat mengelola kelas dengan sangat baik sehingga dalam setiap proses pembelajaran, anak dapat tertarik dan meresponi ketika seorang guru menyampaikan sebuah materi.

2019 ◽  
Fadhil Naufan

This article describe about Financial administration. The financial administration in school is very important to be accountable for the teaching and learning process. Accountability, reporting and inspection, and the role of teachers in the financial administration shall be liable in accordance with the prevailing rules. Finance also needs to be managed as well as possible so that there are no mistakes in using it and the money is used correctly, because in reality this money is very sensitive because if something goes wrong it will have a bad impact. Financial management activities are carried out through a process of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, controlling or controlling. this is important, especially in the context of the implementation of School-Based Management, which gives schools the authority to find and utilize various funding sources according to school needs. This article explains how the role of finance is important in the world of education which starts from planning to later supervising the funds used in educational activities where the use must be careful so that there is no financial loss or misuse.

Muqorobin Muqorobin ◽  
Nendy Akbar Rozaq Rais

Abstract— At this time the spread of the Corona Covid-19 Virus was sweeping the world, Indonesia was also affected, especially in the world of education where the teaching and learning process was usually carried out face-to-face in the classroom. So as a result of this pendemi the teaching and learning process must be done online. The role of information systems technology is very meaningful in lecture learning. This study aims to analyze a model of campus learning conditions and the role of information system technology in college learning amid the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic at STMIK Sinar Nusantara Surakarta. The research method is to make observations and literature studies to obtain data and information used in research. The results of this study indicate the use of information technology has a very important role in the implementation of online distance learning in the midst of the corona covid 19 virus pandemic, among online online media such as: google classroom, whatsapp, zoom. Of the online learning media, it is proven that Google Classroom: 55.9% is widely used as media for sharing materials and assignments, while video conferences lectures are the most users of Google Meet as much as: 70.6%. The results of the analysi s of the online learning value are: 44.1%. Based on this data, it shows that the role of information system technology plays an important role and helps in the teaching and learning process amid the Covid-19 corona virus pandemic.

2008 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
E. George Beckwith ◽  
Daniel T. Cunniff

Computers are becoming the norm for teaching and learning. The Internet gives people ready access to text, visual and audio messages from around the world. For teachers, content is critical and the future dictates the need for major changes in the role of the teacher and learner. Today’s digital tools and video games have proven to be well known motivators. This paper stressed the importance for educators to develop content using these tools and games. We are in the world of interaction and need to be prepared for even more technological advancements. To the extent that instructors keep up with future innovations, will dictate how well these challenges are met and utilized for the betterment of the teaching/learning process.

2019 ◽  
Putri Rhahimi

This type of research is qualitative research. Bogdan and Taylor (in Moleong, 2015 : 4) said that qualitative is one of the research procedures that analyzes descriptive data in the form of speech or writing and the behavior of the people observed. This research uses the literature method. Administration is an effort to create cooperation between teachers, education staff, students, the community, so that the learning process becomes effective. Because, the administration has a goal to achieve what is the goal of education. Education administration is very necessary for the ongoing process of teaching and learning in the world of education. In the process of education administration there are planning, organizing, actuating, controlling.

2019 ◽  
Delufi Mei Wendra

In the world of education, schools need a suggestion and infrastructure to support the course of the learning process that goes well. This article is intended to explain the understanding and how the process of administration of facilities and infrastructure and the role of the teacher in administration of advice and infrastructure. Administration of Facilities and Infrastructure is a facility for equipment and equipment both directly and indirectly used to support the educational process especially the teaching and learning process so that the achievement of educational goals can run smoothly, regularly, effectively and efficiently. With the chronology of operational activities / administrative processes of educational facilities and infrastructure which include: Procurement of Goods Planning; Prequalification of Associates; Procurement of goods; Storage, Inventory, Distribution; Maintenance, Rehabilitation; Removal and Exclusion; and Control. Where in the whole series of activities is a harmonious whole and in its systematics it must be avoided from the emergence of confusion and overlap in authority, responsibility, and supervision in order to avoid the emergence of wasteful costs, energy, and time. And for that the teacher is very instrumental as a supervisor and involved in planning and utilization of facilities and infrastructure in the school.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-15
Devi Silvia Panjaitan

In this era of rapid technological development, the use of technology in various aspects is greatly enhanced. It is also inseparable in the world of education which must adapt itself to technology and bridge the technology and education world by implementing technology-based systems. Among them can be applied using multimedia-based learning media. The role of instructional media in the teaching and learning process is very important to be carried out by educators today, because the role of instructional media can be used to channel the sender's message to the recipient and through learning media and can also help students to explain something conveyed by the educator. Therefore, educators must be able to present good learning media for students in the current era.

A Munawwir ◽  
Dea Nerizka

The plague that initially only existed in China has now turned into grains of dust blown away by the wind, and has spread all over the world, including Indonesia. A vaccine for the virus called corona or what is known as covid 19 has not been found, which has eaten a lot of people, from those who were only infected to those who breathed their last. The plague like this makes all countries in the world forced to take preferential steps to prevent its spread that is increasingly widespread. One of the steps taken by the Indonesian government is social distancing. Such restrictions in turn also affect the education sector, in which all schools and campuses are closed. Of course, educational activists will not let the teaching and learning process take off. Online schools are one of the solutions taken by many educational units in Indonesia. Besides online schools, the ruangguru tutoring platform which provides a lot of material is also used as a place to study. This study will further analyze the role of the ruangguru in developing children's creativity in this pandemic era. The research model is a sentiment analysis. The results showed that positive comments about ruangguru reached 430, negative comments reached 57, and mediocre comments reached 14.

2020 ◽  
Isra Revenia

The financial administration in school is very important to be accountable for the teaching and learning process. Accountability, reporting and inspection, and the role of teachers in the financial administration shall be liable in accordance with the prevailing rules. Finance also needs to be managed as well as possible so that there are no mistakes in using it and the money is used correctly, because in reality this money is very sensitive because if something goes wrong it will have a bad impact. Financial management activities are carried out through a process of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, controlling or controlling. this is important, especially in the context of the implementation of School-Based Management, which gives schools the authority to find and utilize various funding sources according to school needs. This article explains how the role of finance is important in the world of education which starts from planning to later supervising the funds used in educational activities where the use must be careful so that there is no financial loss or misuse.

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