scholarly journals Inovasi Model Percepatan Pengentasan Kemiskinan Rumah Tangga Sangat Miskin (Studi kasus di Kelurahan Bunulrejo, Kecamatan Blimbing, Malang)

2018 ◽  
Yudiyanto Tri Kurniawan

East Java Provincial Government has made many policies to reduce poverty, among others by rolling Jalinkesra grant aid program for very poor households (RTSM) which has been started since 2010, but from year to year the poverty reduction rate tends to decline. Therefore, it is necessary to design the acceleration model of poverty alleviation. This research uses mixed method, data mining with in-depth interview, field survey and documentation, informant is taken purposively from data of beneficiaries. Data is processed by SWOT analysis. The results of this study recommend alternative 1 that is Minimize the internal weaknesses programs that already exist, and alternative 2 is the acceleration model of poverty eradication based on women empowerment.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-91 ◽  
Rukhsana Kalim

Poverty reduction has been declared as the most important millennium development goal not only by the world level organizations and institutions, but also by the government of Pakistan. Micro-credit is considered as a prime tool to fight back poverty. After the success of Grameen Bank of Bangladesh multiple other banks and micro finance institutions (MFI’s) like Banko Soladerio of Latin America, Indonesia’s BRI-UD, BAAC in Thailand, BRAC in Bangladesh and VBSP in Vietnam have been working on almost the similar pattern. In Pakistan different NGOs like AKRSP, Orangi pilot project, Kashf foundation and others have started working for the past few years basically to eradicate poverty and for women empowerment. The government institutions are also seriously making an effort to eradicate poverty through micro financing schemes. Government of Pakistan has selected the RSP (rural support program) model for micro-financing. The success of both government institutions and NGOs is not very outstanding to meet the basic objective of poverty eradication. The aim of this paper is to see the possibility of collaboration between the NGOs and the government to achieve the desired common goal. It is hypothesized that if government and NGOs work together and collaborate each other, the effectiveness of micro financing schemes could be strengthened.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (31) ◽  
pp. 388
Mohammed Faruque Uddin ◽  
Syed Nazmul Huda

Does income measure of poverty explain it meticulously? To seek this answer we claim poverty is not a unidimensional phenomenon rather it adheres multidimensionality. Sen (2000) views poverty as the deprivation of certain basic capabilities, which varies from elementary physical nourishment to the community life. However, targeting slum dwellers, this article sought to advance multidimensional poverty measures in SCC (Sylhet City Corporation). The study adopts a mixed method approach to examine so. Finding shows that, there are some variations in the percentage of poor households. In terms of income and expenditure 60% households are identified as poor but in MPI number increases to 75%. Data from in-depth interview exhibits that respondents feel themselves as income poor. Some of them consider deprivation of education is the consequence of that income poverty. In addition, few respondents dimple that health problems and physical disabilities mingle their poverty experiences.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 25-30
Siti Anah Kunyati ◽  
Didiet Widiowati

Poverty and social welfare issues show an increase over time, both in the number, and the quality. On the other hand, the policy responses to social welfare issues from various parties are not sufficient to tackle those problems. This study aims to describe poverty and policy of West Java Provincial Government in poverty alleviation. The research is expected to contribute to the improvement of policy in poverty alleviation and affect the condition of West Java society to be more prosperous. The research design is Qualitative Descriptive. The informants are several Civil State Apparatuses who are capable to represent Regional Work Unit/ Organization at the provincial level. Data Collecting Techniques consist of interviews, focus group discussions, and documentation studies. Data Validation is done using triangulation between data sources and techniques. The results showed that West Java's economy grew on average above 5%, while the average poverty reduction rate was only 0.46% per year. These conditions have an impact on the increased number of people who are below the poverty threshold and also affect the index of depth and severity of poverty. The situation is similar for other social welfare issues, such as socio-economic vulnerable groups, homeless, beggars, and scavengers, neglected elderly, and children who need social protection. To overcome those problems, several policies have been prepared. The obstacle is, social welfare planning and policy are often only viewed as a complement to development planning and policy framework when they should be considered as an integrative, priority and substantive element that must be implemented. Various regulations and policies on poverty alleviation and other social welfare issues are still limited. Regulation at the central level is sufficient, but local governments have not been fully able to describe and operationalize it with various rules, either at the level of Regional Regulation, Governor Regulation, Mayor Regulation, or Regent Regulation. Legislation regulation and poverty alleviation are government’s (central and local) full responsibility, so coordination and a common commitment are needed to address poverty and increase equity. West Java Provincial Policy needs to prioritize efforts to increase funding through funding synergies with central and district / city governments in order to finance more comprehensive and broader poverty reduction programs.

Riza Indah Pramesti A.Md ◽  
Avina Utari A.Md

This study aims to describe the prospect of the trend of export sales volume of 32/1 cotton carded yarn in PT Dan Liris. In 2018, the volume of exports of 32/1 cotton carded yarn to China dropped dramatically to zero orders. In addition, research on the decline in the sales volume of exports of 32/1 cotton carded yarn to China aims to find out deeply the flow of the company's external factors, namely trade war which caused a decline in the volume of export sales to China at PT Dan Liris. The method used in this study is a mixed method by providing an overview of the problems that occur in the PT Dan Liris company. The analytical tool in this study is the trend analysis technique by giving an overview of the trend in volume and the prospect of possible future export volumes of yarn products. The results of the analysis of the data obtained are the volume of export sales of PT Dan Liris yarn to China that are upside down or unstable. This study also succeeded in revealing that the existence of external factors in the trade war that occurred between the United States and China was very detrimental to the company in terms of income and continuity of production. Based on the results of the analysis of the data, the authors then conducted a SWOT analysis matrix as the company's alternative. The author suggests 12 new strategies that can be done by PT Dan Liris such as PT Dan Liris can take action by utilizing promotional services either online or offline, conducting research and analyzing the development of buyer countries related to economic issues on a regular basis, as well as the likely impact on the company. A survey of customer satisfaction and attention to employee welfare is also very important to maintain the integrity of the company. Keywords: Sales Volume, Trade War, Company Integrity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 5766
Guanglu Zeng ◽  
Chenggang Zhang ◽  
Sanxi Li ◽  
Hailin Sun

China was the first developing country to achieve the poverty eradication target of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 10 years ahead of schedule. Its past approach has been, mainly, to allocate more fiscal spending to rural areas, while strengthening accountability for poverty alleviation. However, some literature suggests that poor rural areas still lack the endogenous dynamics for sustainable growth. Using a vector autoregression (VAR) model, based on data from 1990 to 2019, we find that fiscal spending plays a much more significant role in reducing the poverty ratio than agricultural development. When poverty alleviation is treated as an administrative task, each poor village must complete the spending of top-down poverty alleviation funds within a time frame that is usually shorter than that required for successful specialty agriculture. As a result, the greater the pressure of poverty eradication and the more funds allocated, the more poverty alleviation projects become an anchor for accountability, and the more local governments’ consideration of industry cycles and input–output analysis give way to formalism, homogeneity, and even complicity. We suggest using the leverage of fiscal funds to direct more resources to productive uses, thus guiding future rural revitalization in a more sustainable direction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Fauzan Febrian ◽  
Nazmi Fathnur Ahmad

The Covid-19 Pandemic has hurt the beverage outlets' sales. This study investigates the strength of the internal and external factors that influenced sales in the online platforms of hype drinks. Thus, the study focused on the adaptation strategy to improve the sales in the online platform of hype drinks under environmentally-health pressures. The approach was mixed-method by obtaining the data through questionnaires, interviews, and observation. The participant in this study was consumer, employee, and owner.  Data analysis is conducted under the SWOT analysis that has four steps in presenting the data. The finding concluded that internal and external factors positively impacted the business strategy to increase online sales of beverage outlets by riding the wave of hype among customers.

Lilik Sugiharti ◽  
Martha Ranggi Primanthi

Objective - The objectives of the study were to analyze the general picture of poverty, and determinants of poverty in Indonesia. Understanding poverty characteristic is a main point for designing an effective poverty reduction strategy. During the last five years Indonesia has experienced a slowing down growth and the poverty rates has declined slightly. Some provinces or regions have managed to reduce the poverty well, while others have been slower, and also the distribution of the poor is uneven across both rural and urban, generally the rural is more than urban area. Methodology/Technique - Factors determining poverty of households were estimated and anayzed using a logit regression model, and it is found that such demographic factors as gender and age of households head, size of households, factors of production included accessibility to the technology and credit, working status, and education attainment, and also geographic characteristics significantly explain reasons for being poor. Moreover, increasing for accessibility of households to the technology and credit, reducing the size of households, and increasing an education attainment especially in rural area are important to do as a government priority intervention. Findings - The results of the determinants of poverty in Indonesia shows that poor households are those with large number of dependents and equipped with limited education access, and the majority of these households live in rural area. Novelty - Study suggests that increasing for accessibility of households to the technology and credit, reducing the size of households, and increasing an education attainment especially in rural area are important to do as a government priority intervention or policy implications. Type of Paper: Empirical Keywords: Logit Regression; Poverty Reduction, Indonesia. JEL Classification: I21, I22, I24.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Muslim Al Kautsar ◽  
Acep Abdul Basit ◽  
Abdullah Ramdhani ◽  
Hanifah Fauiziah

This research purpose to analyze the strategic and technical to encourage the potential of Regional Original Revenue (PAD) from the Groundwater Tax sector owned by Garut Regency. In this research used the descriptive method of research and qualitative approach to obtain the illustration of groundwater tax potential in Garut Regency. The primary and secondary data obtained by depth-interview technique to The Regional Revenue Office of Garut Regency. The data analysis using the formula on the growth, contribution and potential. Besides that, in this research use SWOT analysis to identify internal and external factors that influence the achievement of organizational goals based on strengths, weakness, opportunity, and threatness. The result of this research based on the growth measurement obtained the average of the ground water tax reached -13.65% while the contribution of ground water tax to the regional tax was 0.83%. Thus, to repair this condition based on the SWOT analysis the government of Garut Regency needs to conduct the intensification and extensification to increase groundwater tax revenues in Garut Regency as rejuvenating the policy of groundwater tax strategy in Garut Regency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 114-135 ◽  
Pallavi Kanungo ◽  
Narayan Sethi ◽  
Pritam Biswal

The present paper introduces the handicraft known as pattachitra art, which personifies Odisha’s culture and spiritual observances. Pattachitra is a renowned traditional painting of Raghurajpur village in Puri, Odisha (formerly Orissa), Eastern India. The study aims to examine the artisan’s financial accessibility and the problems of financial scarcity confronted by them and to understand various approaches made by them to sustain their painting under changing trends. The study is a mixed method approach that includes a personal interview, observations, and rapid rural appraisal. It also includes SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), and ABC analysis, which helped to prepare a policy framework. Lastly, the paper has documented pictorial facts to show the innovative approaches adapted for sustaining this traditional art.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-56
Lila Muliani

Food and tourism can not be separated. Travellers will always need food to fill his stomach. However, trend of culinary tourism which begun to be popular in the beginning of the year 2000 has come to the definition that food is not only something to satisfy someones’ hunger. Traditional food of one destination could become an attraction to motivate tourists to come.Jakarta as the capital city that never stop welcoming tourists – domestic and abroad - to come, has many potential culinary attractions. Unfortunately,until today, traditinal food of Betawi - Jakarta people – that is known by people are very limited in number. The delightfull of Betawi cuisine is not yet being tourist attractions.This study was conducted to analyze Bubur Ase, one of Betawi cuisine, to become a culinary attractions for tourist to come. This special dish is very unique since it is a mixture of porridge, beef stew in sweet soy sauce, and vegetable pickles. The taste is different from another porridge that is already famous. This qualitative research uses primary data from observations, FGD, and in depth interview with Betawi culinary experts. SWOT analysis is used to get a whole picture of internal and external factors that is affected Bubur Ase.The resulf of the study shows that Bubur Ase is potential to become an attractiom for culinaru tourism in Jakarta. The uniqueness and harmonization of taste, historical stories, cultural values and philosophies in a bowl of Bubur Ase are the strenghts that can be developed and promoted. Some weaknesses and threats could be overcome if this dish is already popular.

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