scholarly journals A conceptual study on management of COVID 19 through Ayurveda- A brief review

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 182-184
Katarmal Durga Harishbhai ◽  
P. Hemantha Kumar ◽  

Novel corona virus disease (COVID-19) caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV- 2) is declared as pandemic by WHO. Numerous researches are going on to develop vaccine and treatment protocol for treating this disease but due to complexity of virus genome and variety of symptomatic presentation no particular protocol is completely successful till date. So, there is a need to think on different dimensions for combating this disease. Ayurveda, science of longevity can be an answer to this pandemic disease as it has both the aspect preventive as well as curative. In this article, an effort is made to brief out concepts which can be used in treatment of COVID-19. Validating these concepts by clinical studies on appropriate sample size and then applying it to treatment of masses can be a key towards combating COVID-19.

Gabriel B. Iwasokun

The corona virus disease, otherwise known as COVID-19, is an extremely communicable and pathogenic viral infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and has spread to almost all the countries in the world. The transmission of the virus is through touching of the nose, eyes, or mouth by a finger that has been contaminated through droplets on a surface when a carrier sneezes or coughs. Since the existing fingerprint devices are predominantly contact based, it implies that they can aid in the transmission of the virus. This paper discusses the application of fingerprint devices in notable places with high rate of COVID-19 infection as well as the threats to fingerprint technologies and the countermeasures. The need to change focus and orientation towards contactless biometric technologies as sure solution to the fear and animosity expressed towards contact-based fingerprint technology is also expatiated.

Fátima Denise Padilha Baran ◽  
Márcia Marrocos Aristides Barbiero ◽  
Patrícia Rosa Gonçalves Leta ◽  
Susanne Elero Betiolli ◽  
Karina t Silveira de Almeida Hammerschmid ◽  

Introdução: a implementação de ações preventivas e de proteção foram preconizadas para reduzir o contágio Corona Vírus Disease-19 causado pelo vírus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2. Os idosos residentes em comunidades rurais demonstravam dificuldades em se adaptar às novas medidas. Objetivo: interpretar os significados culturais atribuídos à pandemia de idosos descendentes de ucranianos residentes em zona rural. Método: trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa descritiva sustentada pelos referenciais da antropologia cultural e conduzida pelo Consolidate criteria for reporting qualitative research. Participaram de entrevistas etnográficas nove idosos informantes chaves, por via Skype e chamadas de vídeo pelo whatsapp, no período de março a abril de 2020. As entrevistas foram analisadas segundo domínios culturais. Resultados: Emergiram três domínios: 1- “Providência divina que gerou mudanças” - os idosos atribuem à pandemia o desejo de Deus para gerar um aprendizado e mudança de vida; 2- “O cuidado que vem de Deus e do médico para consigo e com o outro”- eles revelam práticas cotidianas para evitar a contaminação, como fazer o que o médico diz, tomar coisas fortes como os antigos, acreditar em Deus, ficar longe das pessoas que não moram na mesma casa, não sair de casa e não receber visitas; e 3 - “Sentimentos desagradáveis que podem adoecer”- eles apontam como consequências sentimento de tristeza e solidão, dificuldades em aceitar as mudanças impostas, incerteza no futuro. Conclusão: os significados atribuídos à pandemia permearam a intensificação e preservação das crenças e práticas religiosas, e a proteção para a doença percorreu o saber médico e popular. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 1223-1226
Rachna Gupta ◽  
Amit Chowdhary

Today the whole world community is facing an unprecedented pandemic of novel corona virus disease (COVID- 19) caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV- 2). The disease has spread glob- ally with more than 20.3 million confirmed cases and 2, 22000 deaths in India only as of May 4, 2021. Despite worldwide efforts, the pandemic is continuing to spread, and no system of medicine has any evidence-based treatment for COVID-19 as yet. The dimensions of pandemic require an urgent harnessing of all knowledge sys- tems available globally. Drawing attention on the Ayurveda classics, contemporary scientific studies, and experi- ential knowledge on similar clinical settings, depending on the stage of infection among individuals, in a popula- tion, Ayurveda system of medicine requires immediate implementation. It will facilitate learning, generate evi- dence and shall be a way forward. Keywords: COVID-19, Pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, Ayurveda, Immunity

Raunak Manjeet ◽  

The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS COV 2) and its linked corona virus disease has troubled the entire world community led to a serious public health concerns. Despite the various efforts to stop the spread of this disease globally, the outbreak is still on the rise because of the community spread pattern of this disease. This is believed to have originated in bats pangolins initially later it got transmitted to humans. Once it comes in the human body , this corona virus remains abundantly present in nasopharyngeal and salivary secretions of affected patients. Its spreading nature is mainly through the respiratory droplet spread / aerosol infection. Dental professionals, including Orthodontists , Oral Surgeons , Periodontists, Endodontists and Prosthodontists are all at high risk, since they may encounter patients with suspected or confirmed SARS COV 2 infection will have to act accordingly not only to provide care but at the same time prevent nosocomial spread of infection. Thus, the aim of this article is to provide a brief detailing of the cause, sign symptoms and different routes of transmission of this infection. In addition specific recommendations for dental practice are suggested for patient screening, infection control strategies and patient management protocol . KEY WORDS Coronavirus ,COVID 19, SARS COV 2 ,Dental practice ,Orthodontics ,OMFS, severe acute respiratory syndrome .

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 933-940
Akhmad Kheru Dharmawan ◽  
Ibnu Aji Setyawan ◽  
Nia Triswanti ◽  
Hetti Rusmini ◽  
Ni Putu Sudiadnyani ◽  

ABSTRAK COVID-19 atau Corona Virus Diesease-19 adalah sebuah penyakit terbaru di tahun 2019 yang disebabkan oleh Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). Covid-19 melanda banyak Negara di dunia termasuk Indonesia. Pandemi Covid-19 tidak hanya merupakan masalah nasional dalam suatu negara, tapi sudah merupakan masalah global. Covid-19 berawal dari daerah Wuhan Cina. Penyebaran Covid -19 yang begitu cepat dan beresiko kematian. Penularannya diduga melalui aerosol pada daerah mulut, mata dan hidung. Covid-19 berdampak kepada kehidupan sosial dan melemahnya ekonomi masyarakat yang kemudian mempengaruhi pelayanan publik. Permasalahan yang disoroti adalah bagaimana dampak pandemi Covid-19 terhadap pelayanan publik dan upaya penanggulangan wabah COVID-19.. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang pentingnya melakukan isolasi mandiri untuk memutus rantai penyebaran COVID-19 di lingkungan masyarakat.  Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini yaitu penyuluhan kepada ibu-ibu kader di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kedaton tentang pentingnya menjalani protokol kesehatan dan melakukan isolasi mandiri di rumah sebagai tindakan preventif untuk memutus rantai penyebaran COVID-19. Pelaksanaan kegiatan oleh mahasiswa FK Malahayati kelompok 13 CHOP dan pihak puskesmas kedaton dan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 19 Desember 2020. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya pengetahuan kader tentang pentingnya penerapan protokol kesehatan di masa pandemi COVID-19 ini sehingga penyuluhan ini berdampak baik dan efektif. Kata Kunci : Edukasi, Kesehatan, Covid  ABSTRACT COVID-19 or Corona Virus Disease 19 is a new illness in 2019 caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). Covid-19 hit many countries in the world including Indonesia. The Covid-19 outbreak is not only a national problem in a country but already a global problem. Covid -19 originated in the Wuhan area of China. The spread of Covid-19 is so fast and deadly, transmission through physical contact is transmitted by the aerosol through the mouth, eyes, and nose. Covid-19 has an impact on social life and the weakening of the people's economy. The issue of how the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on public services and efforts to overcome the Covid-19 outbreak. The Problem that followed is about how’s the impact of the outbreak affects public service. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge about how too important it do self-isolation to cut off the transmission of COVID-19 in the social community. The method that used in this activity is counseling the cadres in the puskesmas kedaton her territory about how too important to do self-isolation to cut off the transmission of COVID-19 in the social community. The activity was assisted by the students of the medical faculty of Malahayati University especially group 13 CHOP and staff of puskesmas kedaton and was held on December 19, 2020. The results of this activity are increased knowledge of the cadres about how too important to do self-isolation to cut off the transmission of COVID-19 in the social community so that can be concluded this counseling worked so well and effectively. Keywords: Education, Health, Covid

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 3906-3915
Kabeer Haneef ◽  
Muhammad Umer Asghar ◽  
Ashiq Ali

The emerging Corona virus strain (severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus-2 (SARS-CoV-2)) harbors intricate in the development of corona virus infection (COVID-19)-induced pneumonia and subsequently ameliorates lung infection. Genome sequence and interventions reveal proximal resemblance of corona virus strain COVID-19 with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), transmittable to bats, suggesting similar primary hosts in the spread of infection. However, potential rapid human-to-human transmission has caused therapeutic challenges in treating a wide range of humans suffering from corona virus all over the world. However, up to now, no direct vaccines or antiviral drugs are available to treat COVID-19. Previously designed antiviral drugs and convalescent plasma are undergoing investigations as treatment for COVID-19 infected patients. Therapeutic challenges with regards to COVID-19 have prompted scientists to develop fruitful remedies to combat the pathogen. In this review, we address the role of current ongoing therapeutic strategies, , and complex mechanisms of adaptive immune system (B and T cells) to respond to viruses. Furthermore, we illustrate the current challenges in the treatment of COVID-19, managerial strategies, and ongoing and future perspectives.

2020 ◽  
Stephanie Gabriele Werner ◽  
Hans-Eckhard Langer

Abstract Background: The novel coronavirus SARS‐CoV‐2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) and its associated disease COVID‐19 (Corona Virus Disease 19) has become a worldwide pandemic since its first cases in December 2019 in Wuhan Province in China. In Germany the pandemic started in February 2020.Case presentation: A 4 year old boy was presented and suffered from pain in the right hip. Arthrosonography demonstrated a significant effusion in the involved joint. The extended history revealed a slight but long lasting cold before. Serological findings were inconspicuous except for positive ELISA (Enzyme-linked Immuno Sorbent Assay) - test for SARS-CoV-2. Conclusion: In conclusion we believe that we can report the first case of reactive arthritis associated with SARS-CoV-2 in children.

Dharmakarya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 133
Fatmi Utarie Nasution ◽  
Rafan Darodjat

Corona virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh Virus Corona atau Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) yang dapat menyerang segala usia. Akibat peristiwa pandemi Covid-19 yang belum berakhir, seluruh pemerintah di berbagai belahan dunia, termasuk Indonesia, menerapkan kebijakan untuk mencegah dan memutus rantai penularan Covid-19 dengan melakukan pembatasan sosial (social distancing). Kebijakan pembatasan sosial mengharuskan setiap masyarakat untuk tetap berdiam di rumah dan tidak melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan tertentu yang dapat mengundang keramaian, salah satunya adalah kegiatan bekerja dari rumah (work from home) yang berdampak pada aspek sosial, lingkungan, dan ekonomi. Banyak masyarakat di Indonesia salah satunya di desa Cileunyi Wetan umumnya bermata pencaharian buruh pabrik yang di rumahkan dan tidak diberi upah sama sekali, hal tersebut mengakibatkan kelaparan dan kemiskinan, maka dari itu saya melakukan kegiatan pembangunan sekolah kewirausahaan. Pembangunan sekolah kewirausahaan merupakan suatu media penggerak masyarakat di wilayah desa Cileunyi Wetan agar dapat memperoleh ilmu berwirausaha dengan tepat. Sehingga masyarakat dapat menciptakan inovasi produk sandang maupun pangan yang memiliki nilai jual tinggi, memiliki penghasilan, dan menjadikan hidup mandiri. Dalam kegiatan ini metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Pendidikan Masyarakat dengan melakukan penyuluhan mengenai kewirausahaan yang bertujuan menyadarkan masyarakat akan adanya manfaat dari berwirausaha. Serta metode Pelatihan dengan melakukan pelatihan berwirausaha di lingkungan masyarakat Desa Cileunyi Wetan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah masyarakat dapat terbuka pemikirannya untuk berwirausaha dan menjadi lebih kreatif dan inovatif dalam mengolah suatu produk baik sandang maupun pangan. Sekolah kewirausahaan tidak hanya diperuntukkan untuk kaum muda saja namun di peruntukkan untuk siapa saja yang ingin dan mau untuk belajar dalam berwirausaha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-29
Endah Mulyani ◽  
Sulastri ◽  
Zahrotul Hidayati ◽  
Khaulah Mujahidah

ABSTRAK Dunia saat ini sedang dilanda pandemi penyakit baru yaitu Corona Virus Disease 2019 yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah COVID-19. Penyakit baru ini pada tahap ringan menyebabkan flu namun pada kasus yang lebih berat akan menjadi penyakit yang parah yaitu Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome  (SARS-COV). Ibu hamil adalah salah satu kelompok yang beresiko tinggi tertular. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh karakteristik diri ibu (usia, pendidikan dan pekerjaan) terhadap tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang pencegahan penularan COVID-19. Penelitian ini menggunakkan jenis analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 46 ibu hamil di desa Leran kecamatan Manyar kabupaten Gresik. Beradasarkan hasil uji parsial regresi logistik berganda didapatkan hasil usia memiliki pengaruh terhadap pemahaman ibu sebesar 0,013, pendidikan sebesar 0,000 dan pekerjaan 0,032 Sementara hasi uji simultan regresi logistik berganda didapatkan bahwa usia, pendidikan dan pekerjaan secara bersama – sama tidak berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pengetahuan ibu. Pengetahuan ibu adalah sesuatu yang perlu untuk diperhatikan karena usia yang matang, pendidikan yang tinggi dan pekerjaan yang mapan tidak menjamin seseorang untuk beperilaku sehat dengan selalu menjaga kebersihan dan pola makan agar kehamilan aman dan sehat. Kata Kunci : Karakteristik diri, pengetahuan, ibu hamil, pencegahan, COVID-19

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