scholarly journals Detection of Attacks on Apache2 Web Server Using Genetic Algorithm Based On Jaro Winkler Algorithm

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 185-192
M Rizqi Maulana

Web server is software that provides data services in the form of HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) requests and responses in the form of HTML documents (Hypertext Markup Language) with the aim of managing data in the form of text files, images, videos and files. But in managing large amounts of data, good security monitoring is needed so that the data stored on the web server is not easily hacked. To protect the web server from hackers need an application to detect activities that are considered suspicious or possible hacking activities. By utilizing logs from a web server that is processed using the Jaro Winkler algorithm to see hacking attempts that produce a matrix and hacking activity reports to the admin. Thus the web server admin can see suspicious activity on the web server directly.Keywords: Web Server, Jaro Winkler Algorithm.

2014 ◽  
Vol 556-562 ◽  
pp. 5098-5101
An Yu Cheng ◽  
Xiao Yu Lin ◽  
Wen Long Feng

Vehicle terminal can upload the vehicle status information to the server in time, to provide service for the users with more security. But vehicle terminal in the process of upload information to the server need to solve many issues, such as a large number of terminals connecting to the server, large amount of data, the data of transmission in various forms, the server is not stable enough and many other issues. This design uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to achieve reliable data transmission between the WEB server and vehicle terminals, and the load of server is lower, so the server can support more vehicle terminals’ connection.

1994 ◽  
Vol 05 (05) ◽  
pp. 805-809 ◽  

On 3rd November, 1993, ESIS announced its Homepage on the World Wide Web (WWW) to the user community. Ever since then, ESIS has steadily increased its Web support to the astronomical community to include a bibliographic service, the ESIS catalogue documentation and the ESIS Data Browser. More functionality will be added in the near future. All these services share a common ESIS structure that is used by other ESIS user paradigms such as the ESIS Graphical User Interface (Giommi and Ansari, 1993), and the ESIS Command Line Interface. A forms-based paradigm, each ESIS-Web application interfaces to the hypertext transfer protocol (http) translating queries from/to the hypertext markup language (html) format understood by the NCSA Mosaic interface. In this paper, we discuss the ESIS system and show how each ESIS service works on the World Wide Web client.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-14
Taufik Hidayat ◽  
Mahmudin Muttaqin ◽  
Djamaludin Djamaludin

Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru merupakan langkah awal dalam manajemen pelayanan sekolah kepada masyarakat dalam dunia pendidikan. Bagaimana sebuah sekolah melakukan promosi produk dan sekaligus pelayanan prima diawali dari penerimaan peserta didik, selanjutnya siswa/orang tua akan endapatkan akses portal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode waterfall dalam melakukan rancang bangun sistem informasi penerimaan peserta didik baru, metode waterfall adalah suatu metode yang merupakan perancangan System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), dimana perancangan diawali dengan requirement, design, implementation, verification dan maintenance. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi lapangan, wawancara, dan studi literature. PHP (HyperText Markup Language) merupakan Bahasa pemograan berbasis website bersifat server-side,yang berarti kode program PHP diproses seluruhnya di dalam web server. MySQL merupakan bahasa yang memiliki kemampuan cukup baik untuk menunjang kerja para developer, baik User yang sudah berpengalaman dengan database maupun untuk pemula. Dengan sistem informasi penerimaan peserta didik baru online berbasis website, akan membantu dan memudahkan dalam komunikasi data serta informasi antara orang tua calon peserta didik dengan lembaga pendidikan. Hasil pengujian aplikasi menunjukan tingkat kebutuhan terhadap sistem informasi penerimaan peserta didik baru online berbasis website menyentuh nilai 78%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (Number 3) ◽  
pp. 277-304
Oluwatobi Shadrach Akanji ◽  
Opeyemi Aderiike Abisoye ◽  
Mohammed Awwal Iliyasu

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks has been one of the persistent forms of attacks on information technology infrastructure connected to public networks due to the ease of access to DDoS attack tools. Researchers have been able to develop several techniques to curb volumetric DDoS which overwhelms the target with a large number of request packets. However, compared to slow DDoS, limited number of research has been executed on mitigating slow DDoS. Attackers have resorted to slow DDoS because it mimics the behaviour of a slow legitimate client thereby causing service unavailability. This paper provides the scholarly community with an approach to boosting service availability in web servers under slow Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) DDoS attacks through attack detection using Genetic Algorithm and Support Vector Machine which facilitates attack mitigation in a Software-Defined Networking (SDN) environment simulated in GNS3. Genetic algorithm was used to select the Netflow features which indicates the presence of an attack and also determine the appropriate regularization parameter, C, and gamma parameter for the Support Vector Machine classifier. Results obtained showed that the classifier had detection accuracy, Area Under Receiver Operating Curve (AUC), true positive rate, false positive rate and a false negative rate of 99.89%, 99.89%, 99.95%, 0.18%, and 0.05% respectively. Also, the algorithm for subsequent implementation of the selective adaptive bubble burst mitigation mechanism was presented. This study contributes to the ongoing research in detecting and mitigating slow HTTP DDoS attacks with emphasis on the use of machine learning classification and meta-heuristic algorithms.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-96
Rikki Vitria ◽  
Ratna Dewi ◽  
Ariq Naufal

Aplikasi android sudah banyak diterapkan dalam berbagai bidang, seperti dalam bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, perbankan, transportasi dan yang lainnya. Aplikasi ini banyak digunakan untuk kemudahan untuk mendapatkan informasi. Pada penelitian ini Aplikasi Android digunakan untuk informasi keberadaan dosen. Aplikasi digunakan untuk memudahkan sesorang untuk mengetahui keberadaan dari dosen yang ingin mereka cari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa komunikasi data antara aplikasi android dan web server. Analisa komunikasi data ini menggunakan aplikasi wireshark. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan informasi pada masing-masing lapisan Open System Interconnection (OSI) ketika terjadi komunikasi antara aplikasi android dengan web server. Perbandingan komunikasi data menggunakan Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) dan HTTPS juga dilakukan. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan data-data yang dikirimkan baik dari aplikasi android maupun webserver dapat terbaca dengan mudah ketika yang digunakan HTTP, akan tetapi ketika menggunakan HTTPS data tersebut tidak bisa terbaca lagi karena data-data tersebut sudah di enkripsi.

Dimitrios Katsaros ◽  
Yannis Manolopoulos

In recent years, the World Wide Web, or simply the Web (Berners-Lee, Caililiau, Luotonen, Nielsen, & Secret, 1994), has become the primary means for information dissemination. It is a hypertext-based application and uses the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) for file transfers.

Last decade observed the exponential growth of World Wide Web (WWW) due to the growing trend of migration of each & every information on the web. In order to design the User Interface (UI) of web based application, a number of frameworks are used such as Bootstrap, WordPress, and Joomla etc. But sometimes the use of Dynamic HyperText Markup Language (DHTML) to design from scratch is preferred over frameworks. In this paper, research was carried out to compare the performance with respect to UI on different parameters of web-portals designed using frameworks viz-a-viz use of DHTML technology. Performance was compared using the tools, GTMetrix and Pingdom. Results can be used to facilitate the decision to select the framework or not, while designing the UI of webpages.

Riswandi ◽  
Kasim ◽  
Muh. Fajri Raharjo

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) adalah protokol jaringan lapisan aplikasi yang digunakan untuk sistem informasi terdistribusi, kolaboratif, dan menggunakan hipermedia. Penggunaan internet meningkat mencapai dari tahun 2014-2016, akan tetapi peningkatan tersebut tidak didukung dengan peningkatan kinerja protokol. HTTP/2 hadir sebagai protokol generasi terbaru yang merupakan versi terbaru dari protokol HTTP. Protokol ini sudah dilengkapi dengan sistem keamanan, karena berjalan di atas HTTPS yang merupakan mode security dari protokol HTTP. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur kinerja dari protokol HTTP/2 dan cara untuk mengaktifkan protokol ini, sehingga protokol ini dapat diimplementasi dan mempercepat kinerja dari berbagai web server. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, ditunjukkan bahwa pengimplementasian protokol ini dapat berjalan pada web server apache versi 2.4.17 karena versi sebelumnya tidak mendukung dan pada web server nginx versi 1.9.5 karena versi yang sebelumnya juga tidak mendukung protokol ini. Pada pengukuran kinerja yang dilakukan bahwa kecepatan response time yang dihasilkan HTTP/2 dalam mentransfer data lebih kecil dari pada HTTP/1 dapat dilihat dari hasil response time HTTP/1 web server apache sebesar 128,6 ms sedangkan pada HTTP/2 86,3 ms, dan pada web server nginx juga menunjukkan response time HTTP/2 lebih kecil dari pada HTTP/1 yang sebesar 184,3 ms dan 141,6 pada HTTP/2. Dari hasil pengujian response time HTTP/2 menunjukkan performa kecepatan yang lebih cepat jika diterapkan dalam web server apache dari pada menggunakan web server nginx.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-36
Ary Budi Warsito ◽  
Ajeng Ananda ◽  
Dian Triyanjaya

Data  adalah  salah  satu  komponen  penting  dalam  sebuah  aplikasi.  Di  perlukan  sebuah  database untuk  menyimpan  data  dalam jumlah  besar  sebagai  media  pendistribusian  data  dari  server  ke client.  Banyak  nya  aplikasi  pada  sebuah  perguruan  tinggi  membutuhkan  bandwidth  yang  besar untuk  keperluan  pengambilan  data  untuk  di  sajikan  sebagai  sistem  informasi  yang  sangat berguna  untuk  berbagai  kepentingan.  Web  Service  sangat  berperan  penting  pada  kasus  ini dimana,  client  yang  seharusnya  mengakses  melalui  jalur  yang  berbeda  ke  database  akan  di alihkan  ke  dalam  web service dalam proses pengambilan data untuk meringankan kerja database yang harus  berulang  ulang  melayani  permintaan  dari  client.  Arsitektur  REST,  yang  pada dasarnya di  oprasikan  melalui  HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), yang mengacu pada proses pembacaan  halaman  web  tertentu  yang  berisi  sebuah  file  JSON.  File  inilah  yang  menguraikan dan  memuat  konten  yang  hendak  disajikan  kepada  konsumen.  Setelah  melalui  sebuah  proses definisi  tertentu, konsumen  akan bisa mengakses antarmuka aplikasi yang  tersedia. Kata Kunci :  Database, Web Service, permintaan  Data is one of the important components in an application. In need of a database to store large amounts of data as a medium for the distribution of data from the server to the client. Many of its application on a college requires a large bandwidth for data retrieval purposes toserved as an information system that is very useful for various purposes. Web Service is very important in this case where, clients should access through different pathways to the database will switch to the web service in the data collection process to alleviate the database that should be repeated requests  from  the  client.  REST  architecture,  which  is  basically  in  oprasik an  via  HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), which refers to the process of reading a specific web page that contains a JSON file. It is this file that describes and includes the content to be presented to consumers.  After  going  through a process of certain definitions, consumers will be able to access the application interface is available. Keywords: Database, Web Service, request  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-25
Rahmatika Rahmatika ◽  
Ulfa Pauziah ◽  
Hardian Mursito

In today's era of globalization, websites are very familiar, where many people easily use the web or website. Some can make their own and some ask for it to be made or rather buy. Just use it and then we just need to use it. Our partners are neighborhood associations 05 and 06 which are located in Perumnas Depok Timur, which have young women and men who are curious about website development, and some young women and men want to continue their studies at a higher level by majoring in information and communication. In making a website, they need several stages that they have to apply because our partners are teenagers who are unfamiliar with website creation, for that we here want to make a basic training in website creation which will later be useful for them in terms of application in their environment and society. Where in this training introduced HTML (hypertext markup language). It is hoped that by studying HTML, teenagers can understand how to create a website with HTML.

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