scholarly journals Potret Patologi Birokrasi Di Kantor Badan Pertanahan Nasional Agraria dan Tata Ruang (BPN-ATR), Kota Cimahi

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Hamirul - Hamirul

The problem of bureaucracy has become a national problem, not least in the city of Cimahi, BPN / ATR as one of the institutions serving the community has always been in the spotlight because of the many complaints felt by the community and in this paper the researcher wants to know the types of bureaucratic pathology that violate legal norms and laws. invitations that apply and what strategies can be done to overcome the problem. The method used is a mixed method with descriptive analysis, data collection techniques used are structured interviews and questionnaires. Pathology suffered by the BPN / ATR city of Cimahi; Receive a bribe, Corruption. The strategy carried out is the strategy of strengthening the role of individual bureaucracy related to the quality of human resources, the strategy of strengthening the role of the bureaucracy in an organization, and the Strengthening Strategy of the role of the bureaucracy in a systematic manner. Permasalahan Birokrasi sudah menjadi masalah nasional, tidak terkecuali di kota Cimahi, BPN/ATR sebagai salah satu lembaga yang melayani masyarakat selalu menjadi sorotan kerena banyaknya keluhan yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat dan dalam tulisan ini peneliti ingin mengetahui jenis patologi birokrasi yang melanggar norma hukum dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta strategi apa saja yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah mixed method dengan analisis deskriptif, Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara terstruktur dan angket. Patologi yang di derita oleh BPN/ATR kota Cimahi; Menerima sogok, Korupsi. Strategi yang dilakukan adalah stretegi penguatan peran birokrasi secara individu terkait dengan kualitas SDM, Strategi penguatan peran birokrasi secara organisasi, dan Strategi Penguatan peran birokrasi secara kesisteman.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 35
Isno Isno

Human resources have a central position in realizing development performance. "The era of globalization today and in the future coupled with information technology has influenced the socio-cultural development of Indonesian Muslim society generally, or Islamic education, including pesantren in particular". That the Muslim community can not escape from the process of globalization, especially if you want to survive and triumph in the midst of an increasingly competitive world in the present and future. Based on the background, this study aims to examine the Improvement of the Quality of Digital Human Resources in Pondok Pesantren Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The researcher acts as a data collector and as an active instrument in the effort to collect data in the field. To obtain data related to the theme of research, used some data collection techniques as follows: Observation or observation Interview, and Documentation. Data analysis of the results of this study, conducted based on descriptive analysis, as developed by Mile and Huberman. The analysis consists of three interaction analysis paths that are data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. From the results of the discussion can be concluded that Pondok Pesantren Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto in order to Improve the Quality of Digital Human Resources do things as follows: 1) Development and Mastery Book Yellow / Salaf. 2) Program of development of basic sciences. Many benefits are felt with this program, including: a. The level of readiness of students to receive lessons is better. b. Ability of students to absorb material faster. c. Student creativity and motivation increase. 3) Development of Foreign Language Ability. 4) Development of Pesantren Through the Utilization of Information and Telecommunication Technology (ICT). 5) Improvement of the role of Organization of Santri / Santriwati. 6) Increasing Pesantren's Contribution to Community Development

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 150
Majdina Astri Graharistiara ◽  
Hasti Widyasamratri

Green Open Space is an urban expanse covered by some of the trees as a shade area of the city and   as the fulfillment of the needs public spaces for the community in activities and social. Efforts continue to be undertaken by the Green Open Space embodiment of Government, one that is by pioneering the implementation of ‘Program Pengembangan Kota Hijau’(P2KH) in improving the quantity and quality of Green Open Space in the area of the county or city. One form of Green Open Space i.e. the garden city that serves to improve the quality of urban and support the needs of the community in getting space to relax and leisure. The condition of children in district Kendal based on information from the community a lot of damage to either the environment or the facilities therein. This study aims to evaluate the application of Green Open Space on quality Grounds in the ‘Program Pengembangan Kota Hijau’(P2KH) sub district of Kendal which consists of the Stadion Utama, Langenharjo and Gajah Mada Parks. The method used was qualitative with deductive approach to rationalistic Unitarians. The analysis used a descriptive analysis i.e. qualitative and verification. Results from the study found that: 1) implementation evaluation results of Green Open Space in the gardens of the town Kendal not optimal, particularly on the Stadion Utama and Langenharjo Parks is still passive because it has not been supported with supporting facilities ; 2) evaluation results applying the Green Community is not optimal because there hasn't been an active ongoing activities so that it can not realize the active role of the community as a community in realizing the green city in district of Kendal; 3) factors that influence the application of optimal yet Green Open Space that is the location of the parks are not on the main road, the spread of vegetation are not optimal in improving microclimate because the settings are less noticed aspects of the function and benefits, passive Parks conditions due to lack of support facilities and the lack of appeal on the parks because the Setup and the pattern of plants that don't meet aesthetic; 4) factors that influence has not been optimal application of the Green Community that is constrained funds and lack of public awareness in maintaining and safeguarding the environment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-96
Mei Sumarni ◽  
Shinta Wahyu Hati

This study aims to determine what factors are considered Muslim entrepreneurs in determining the business performance of a Muslimpreneur in the city of Batam. Techniques of collecting data using kuisoner, observation, and documentation. Test the research instrument by using the validity and reliability analysis. Data analysis method used in this research is descriptive analysis and confirmatory factor analaisis (CFA). The result of the research shows 4 variables forming the business performance of a Muslimpreneur namely Human Resources, Marketing, Finance, and Production. While the most dominant factor considered by employers in determining the performance of a muslimpreneur in Batam City is the production and human resources with the value of variance of 0.23% and 1.45%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Julianti Pontoh ◽  
Ventje Ilat ◽  
Hendrik Manossoh

Abstract. Indonesian Government has increased the quality of their education. One of their efforts is by providing School Operational Funding. However, there is a lack of supervision in managing the funding. BPK, BPKP, Inspectorate of North Sulawesi Province and the city of Kotamobagu had not yet conducted any audit on the fundings from 2012 to 2016. BPK has only monitored or controlled the funding whether they are genuinely transferred from central government to School Education Unit and to each school in City of Kotamobagu. From the supervising point of view, nor has School Committee implemented their supervising functions sufficiently. Therefore, this research is intended to investigate such phenomena. This is a qualitative exploratory research. Data were collected by in-depth interviews and document analysis. Data were validated by triangulations: researchers, theory and sources of data. Findings indicate that there are some constraints in managing BOS: supervision, human resources, communication and bureaucracy structure. Those four factors are crucial in relation to manage the funding complying with regulations.       Keywords:  School Operational Funding Management, Supervision, Human Resources, Communication and Bureaucracy StructureAbstrak. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia berusaha meningkatan pelayanan dan kualitas pendidikan dengan memberikan Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS). Akan tetapi, kurangnya pengawasan dalam pengelolaan dana BOS di Kota Kotamobagu sangatnya tadi lapangan. BPK, BPKP, Inspektorat Propinsi Sulawesi Utara maupun Inspektorat Daerah Kota Kotamobagu belum melakukan audit terhadap pengelolaan dana BOS di Kota Kotamobagu dari tahun 2012 sampai tahun 2016. Selama ini BPK tidak melakukan audit tapi hanya sekedar mengontrol atau memonitoring apakah dana BOS yang disalurkan dari pusat telah diterima oleh Satuan Pendidikan Dasar di Kota Kotamobagu sesuai dengan dana yang ditransferkan ke rekening masing-masing sekolah. Dari segi pengawasan masyarakat, komite sekolah yang seharusnya menjalankan fungsi ini juga tidak melakukannya dengan baik. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis fenomena yang terjadi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan eksploratori (exploratory approach). Data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam (indepth interviews), dan dokumentasi (documentation). Sedangkan validitas data yang digunakan adalah triangulasi peneliti, triangulasi teori, dan triangulasi sumber data.Hasil analisis dan pembahasan menyimpulkan bahwa terjadi beberapa hambatan dalam pengelolaan dana BOS. Hambatan-hambatan tersebut adalah masalah-masalah yang terjadi karena pengawasan, sumber daya, komunikasi dan struktur birokrasi. Keempat hal tersebut sangat penting dalam hubungannya dengan pengelolaan dana BOS agar pelaksanannya sesuai dengan regulasi yang ada.Kata Kunci: Pengelolaan Dana BOS, Pengawasan, Sumber Daya, Komunikasi dan Struktur Birokrasi

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Yeni Yuniawati ◽  
Oce Ridwanudin

Bandung is one of the many destinations which could be categorised as urban tourism or urban travel destinations. These destinations have different characteristics compared to other types destinations, therefore the experience gained by tourists during visits would be different. This study aims to create a means of measuring the quality of the tourist experience viewed from three phases of travel experience, namely pre-travel phase measured by information search construct, planning, decision making; experiential phase, measured with product attributes, interaction and involvement constructs; and Recollection phase, measured by these constructs: meaning, satisfaction, storing, sharing, and Recollection. The research method is descriptive and verification using factor analysis data analysis techniques. Data were obtained through interviews and questionnaires to tourists who visit the city of Bandung as many as 200 people. The results showed that the proposed model is valid and reliable for measuring the travel experience.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-203
Lailatur Rohmah Sumardji ◽  
Pudji Muljono ◽  
Ninuk Purnaningsih ◽  
Aida Vitayala

Poverty is a major and complex problem, various efforts are made to alleviate poverty, but poverty rates do not decrease significantly, due to the low quality of human resources, which causes limited ability to improve welfare. Improving family welfare through UPPKS is a real contribution, and as a driving force for micro businesses in the community. So it needs to be maintained and developed, because it is a place of creativity to be independent and able to work creatively. The study aims to analyze the factors that influence the empowerment of UPPKS members. Data collection was conducted through interviews with 192 UPPKS members. Data analysis in this study included: (1) descriptive analysis in the form of frequency distribution with the help of SPSS and (2) PLS-SEM. The results showed that this hypothesis was tested by comparing tcount values and t-tables for each variable. The t-count value is greater than t-table (1.96) at the 0.05 level. The results of testing the hypothesis indicate that the factors that influence the empowerment of members are the characteristics of members (X1), the empowerment process (X2), the role of members (X3), and the support of the socio-cultural environment (X4). The empowerment of members is more dominantly influenced by the empowerment process (X2) of 0.427. Positive influences indicate that the higher the characteristics of members, the empowerment process, and the support of the socio-cultural environment, the more empowerment will be. Negative influence is that the higher the role of the group, the lower the empowerment of the member. The empowerment of members significantly influences business independence by 0.354, meaning that the higher the empowerment of members, the greater the independence of the business.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 35
Isno Isno

Human resources have a central position in realizing development performance. "The era of globalization today and in the future coupled with information technology has influenced the socio-cultural development of Indonesian Muslim society generally, or Islamic education, including pesantren in particular". That the Muslim community can not escape from the process of globalization, especially if you want to survive and triumph in the midst of an increasingly competitive world in the present and future. Based on the background, this study aims to examine the Improvement of the Quality of Digital Human Resources in Pondok Pesantren Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The researcher acts as a data collector and as an active instrument in the effort to collect data in the field. To obtain data related to the theme of research, used some data collection techniques as follows: Observation or observation Interview, and Documentation. Data analysis of the results of this study, conducted based on descriptive analysis, as developed by Mile and Huberman. The analysis consists of three interaction analysis paths that are data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. From the results of the discussion can be concluded that Pondok Pesantren Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto in order to Improve the Quality of Digital Human Resources do things as follows: 1) Development and Mastery Book Yellow / Salaf. 2) Program of development of basic sciences. Many benefits are felt with this program, including: a. The level of readiness of students to receive lessons is better. b. Ability of students to absorb material faster. c. Student creativity and motivation increase. 3) Development of Foreign Language Ability. 4) Development of Pesantren Through the Utilization of Information and Telecommunication Technology (ICT). 5) Improvement of the role of Organization of Santri / Santriwati. 6) Increasing Pesantren's Contribution to Community Development

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 228
Elisabeth Tanti Pudiastuti

The importance of the role of Operational Management and Human Resources are closely related toperformance quality of the Indonesian Navy personnel. There is a must-have for every personnel toimprove the optimal performance of competence development. The problem discussed in thisresearch is how the operational management to improve the performance of Indonesian NavyPersonnel. The purpose of this research is to know the relation of performance quality ocompetence toNavy performance support instrument and to analyze the influence of Human Resources on Navyperformance. The method used is descriptive analysis of the influence of teh Operational ManagementHuman Resources on performance. Based on the results of the study, a person with adequateexperience and technical qualifications, not necessarily have good performance, if the concerned isunable to show the behavior that supports the implementation of the task.Keyword: Operational Management, Navy Human Resources, Performance Quality

Mudasetia Hamid ◽  
Evy Rosalina Widyayanti

Yogyakarta is a city and the capital of Yogyakarta Special Region in Java, Indonesia. It is renowned as a center of tourism, education and culture. Yogyakarta is one of the foremost cultural centers of Java. This region is located at the foot of the active merapi vulcano. Yogyakarta is often called the main gateway to the Central Java as where it is geographically located. It stretches from Mount Merapi to the Indian Ocean. This province is one of the most densely populated areas of Indonesia. Yogyakarta is popular tourist destination in indonesia after Bali. These have attracted large number of visitors from across Indonesia and abroad to the city. This status makes Yogyakarta is one of the most heterogeneus cities in Indonesia. In edition, Yogyakarta has attracted large number of people to reside in this city for business. One of these comers is small entrepreneurs with their market munchies enterprise (specially a traditional snack trader). This business is one of famous business in Yogyakarta, we will find rows of pavement vendors selling market munchies. The students and tourists are their main target customers. Market munchies enterprise is part of small and medium enterprises SMEs as livelihood activities. SMEs has an important role in economic growth of Indonesia. Therefore, it is very important to develop and strengthen the micro enterprise empowerment. Micro enterprise empowerment is one of strategy to reduce the poverty rate in Indonesia. Major challenger in implement this program are that micro entrepreneurs are conventional and have satisfied with their revenue. It is very important to develop a comprehensive and sustainable micro enterprise empowerment which consist of strengthen the quality of human resources, maximize the government’s roles, empower the enterprise capital and strengthen the partnership and autonomous. Micro enterprise autonomy will contribute to the economic and investment climate. This will lead to establish an accountable enterprise both for the micro enterprise and customers which at the end will strengthen the development of the micro enterprise in Yogyakarta.Keyword: micro entreprise, human resources, government roles, capital, partnership and autonomous.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Fahrurrrazi Fahrurrrazi

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena minat baca siswa dan pengaruh minat baca terhadap pertumbuhan kemampuan belajar siswa pada jenjang-jenjang pendidikan selanjutnya. Kepala sekolah sebagai lokomotif perkembangan mutu pendidikan memiliki peran strategi bagi pengumbuhan dan pengembangan minat baca peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran kepala madrasah sebagai edukator, manajer, dan innovator dalam pengembangan minat baca peserta didik di MIT Nurul Islam Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif lapangan, data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan triangulasi, serta dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Peran kepala madrasah sebagai edukator dalam pengembangan minat baca peserta didik meliputi meliputi tiga pembinaan, yakni pembinaan mental dan moral, serta pembinaan artistik. 2) Peran kepala madrasah sebagai manajer dalam pengembangan minat baca peserta didik di MIT Nurul Islam meliputi penerapan fungsi-fungsi manajemen dengan didasarkan pada pada kerjasama dengan USAID dan UIN Walisongo Semarang. 3) Peran kepala madrasah sebagai innovator dalam pengembangan minat baca peserta didik di MIT Nurul Islam Kota Semarang meliputi inovasi strategi, pola pikir (mindset) dan struktur. Abstract This research is motivated by the phenomenon of reading interest of students and the influence of reading interest on the growth of students' learning ability in the next level of education. The principal as a locomotive of the development of the quality of education has a strategic role for the growth and development of reading interest of learners. This study aims to determine the role of principal as an educator, manager, and innovator in the development of reading interest of learners in MIT Nurul Islam Semarang City. This research is a qualitative field research, data collected through observation, interview, documentation and triangulation, and analyzed by descriptive analysis technique. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The role of principal as an educator in the development of reading interest of learners includes three activities are coaching, namely mental and moral coaching, and artistic coaching. 2) The role of principal as manager in the development of reading interest of learners at MIT Nurul Islam covers the application of management functions based on cooperation with USAID and UIN Walisongo Semarang. 3) The role of principal as innovator in the development of reading interest of learners at MIT Nurul Islam Semarang City includes innovation strategy, mindset, and structure.

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