B.M.P. Singhakumara ◽  
N. Ruwanpathirana
2019 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 417-425
Md Khayrul Alam Bhuiyan ◽  
Md Akhter Hossain ◽  
Abdul Kadir Ibne Kamal ◽  
Mohammed Kamal Hossain ◽  
Mohammed Jashimuddin ◽  

A study was conducted by using 5m × 5m sized 179 quadrates following multistage random sampling method for comparative regenerating tree species, quantitative structure, diversity, similarity and climate resilience in the degraded natural forests and plantations of Cox's Bazar North and South Forest Divisions. A total of 70 regenerating tree species were recorded representing maximum (47 species) from degraded natural forests followed by 43 species from 0.5 year 39 species from 1.5 year and 29 species from 2.5 year old plantations. Quantitative structure relating to ecological dominance indicated dominance of Acacia auriculiformis, Grewia nervosa and Lithocarpus elegans seedlings in the plantations whereas seedlings of Aporosa wallichii, Suregada multiflora and Grewia nervosa in degraded natural forests. The degraded natural forests possess higher natural regeneration potential as showed by different diversity indices. The dominance-based cluster analysis showed 2 major cluster of species under one of which multiple sub-clusters of species exists. Poor plant diversity and presence of regenerating exotic species in the plantations indicated poor climate resilience of forest ecosystem in terms of natural regeneration.

2008 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-18
Luciane Lopes de Souza

Biotic or abiotic processes of seed dispersal are important for the maintenance of the diversity, and for the natural regeneration in tropical forests. Ichthyochory is one of the fundamental mechanisms for seed dispersal in flooded environments, as the “igapó” forests. A study on the ichthyochory of the igapós was conducted at Amanã Sustainable Development Reserve, in the middle Solimões river, from June 2002 to September 2004. Monthly samples of frugivorous fish were taken, with the main fishing gears used locally. Guts of 1,688 fish caught were examined. The main species were Myloplus rubripinnis (29.21%), Hemiodus immaculatus (18.96%),Colossoma macropom um (16.23%) and Mylossoma duriventre (16.05%). The diet was made of vegetables (fruits, leave and flowers), and animals (arthropods). 53.02% of all fish caught ingested fruits. The total number of intact seeds in the stomachs and intestines were 8,069 and 5,763 respectively. About 61.9% of the Brycon melanopterus (matrinchão), 46.34% of the Brycon amazonicus (mamuri) and 30.22% of M . rubripinnis (parum ) analysed had intact seeds in their guts. Seeds of Nectandra amazonum and Genipa spruceana ingested proved to be more viable than those non-ingested by fish. The high rates of frugivory, the presence of intact seeds in the guts of fish and the greater viability of ingested seeds all suggest that these animals are important seed dispersors in the “igapó” forests of Amanã Reserve.

2020 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 76-82
L.V. Mazitova ◽  

The article presents the results of studying various measures to promote the natural renewal of lime forests in the Kasmarsky uchastkovoye forestry of the Zianchurinsky forestry. The data on lime forests within the boundaries of the forestry were studied, and the calculation of the economic efficiency of promoting natural regeneration was carried out. The use of evenly-gradual and continuous narrow-cut logging in the conditions of the Zianchurinsky forest area in the Kasmar district forest area will avoid the creation of expensive forest crops. The cost of creating forest crops is 10,719. 4 rubles per 1 ha, and the cost of preserving and caring for the forest during evenly-gradual logging is 4,237. 9 rubles, and solid narrow-cutting-3,469. 33 rubles.

Д.В. Гусев

Естественное возобновление является важным фактором формирования насаждений, особенно главных лесообразующих пород. Растительное сообщество становится жизнестойким при условии способности восстановить численность популяций заменой погибших экземпляров новыми. Было выяснено в каком количестве происходит естественное возобновление сосны на гарях по сравнению с граничащими участками, не пройденными пожарами, взятые в качестве контроля. Район исследований относится к южной подзоне тайги на территории Ленинградской области в Кировском и Лужском лесничествах. Объектом исследований стали сосновые насаждения, где работы проводились в летний период с 2013 по 2015 год. Всего подобрано 36 участков (включая контроль) размером не более 0,3 га. Учет подроста проводился на учетных площадках. Каждая учетная площадка закладывалась при помощи шеста длиной 178,5 см. Площадь круговых площадок составляла 10 м2, они расположены последовательно друг за другом с непосредственным примыканием. На каждой площадке проводили перечет подроста и делили его по высоте на три категории крупности: мелкий до 0,5 м, средний – 0,6–1,5 м и крупный – более 1,5 м. А также естественное возобновление на участках делили по густоте – на три категории: редкий – до 2 тыс., средней густоты – 2–8 тыс., густой – более 8 тыс. растений на 1 га; по распределению по площади – на три категории в зависимости от встречаемости. Анализ послепожарного возобновления в сосняках показал, что на пробных площадях наблюдается отличное возобновление подроста сосны и обилие на площади, все это связано с уничтожением лесной подстилки, увеличением минерализации почвы что, в конечном счете, положительно влияет на естественное лесовосстановление, о чем свидетельствует появление всходов, а также лучше становится гидрологический режим почвы. Благодаря этому происходит хорошее восстановление. Количество благонадежного подроста составляет от 3,5 до 11,9 тыс. шт./га и его достаточно для естественного восстановления ценопопуляции после пожара. Подтверждена зависимость количество самосева и толщины лесной подстилки. Прогретая после пожара, богатая минеральными веществами почва благоприятна для появления всходов и самосева древесных растений. Natural regeneration is an important factor in the formation of plantations, especially the main forest-forming species. Plant community becomes viable, provided the ability to recover populations, replacement of lost copies new. Find out how much happens in a natural pine regeneration in burned areas compared to adjacent areas not affected by fires, are taken as a control. The study area belongs to the subzone of southern taiga on the territory of Leningrad region, the Kirov and Luga districts. The object of research became pine plantations where the work was carried out in year period from 2013 to 2015. Just picked up 36 stations (including the control) no larger than 0.3 hectares. accounting for the undergrowth was conducted on index sites. Each user platform was laid with a pole length of 178.5 cm the area of the circular pads was 10 m2, they are located successively one after another with a direct connection. At each site conducted the translation of the undergrowth and it was divided in height into three categories of size: small up to 0.5 m, average 0.6 to 1.5 meters and large – more than 1.5 meters. And natural regeneration on plots divided by the density for three categories: rare – up to 2 thousand, medium density – 2 to 8 thousand, thick – more than 8 thousand plants per 1 ha; on the distribution of the area – into three categories depending on the occurrence. Analysis of post-fire regeneration in pine forests showed that the sample areas there is a great renewal of undergrowth of pine and the abundance on the square, all this is due to the destruction of forest litter, increasing salinity of the soil which, ultimately, has a positive effect on natural regeneration, as evidenced by the appearance of seedlings, as well as better hydrological regime of the soil. Which a good recovery. The number of reliable undergrowth is from 3.5 to 11.9 thousand PCs/ha, enough for natural regeneration of seedlings after the fire. Confirmed the dependence of the number of self-seeding and thickness of forest litter. After the fire-warmed, mineral-rich soil is favorable for emergence and self-seeding of woody plants.

1993 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
D. Maddelein ◽  
J. Neirynck ◽  
G. Sioen

Mature  Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris  L.) stands are dominating large parts of the Flemish forest area. Broadleaved  species regenerate spontaneously under this pine canopy. This study studied  the growth and development of two planted pine stands with an older natural  regeneration, dominated by pedunculate oak (Quercus  robur L.), and discussed management options for  similar stands.     The results indicated a rather good growth of the stands, with current  annual increments of 5 m3.ha-1.yr-1. The pine overstorey is growing into valuable sawwood  dimensions, while the broadleaved understorey slowly grows into the  upperstorey. The quality of the regeneration is moderate but can be improved  by silvicultural measurements (pruning, early selection).     In both stands, an interesting (timber production, nature conservation)  admixture of secondary tree species is present in the regeneration. Stand  management is evolving from the classical clearcut system towards a  combination of a type of selection and group selection system.

1999 ◽  
Vol 64 ◽  
K. M. Tabari ◽  
N. Lust

Monitoring  of natural regeneration in a dense semi-natural mixed hardwood forest on the  base    of ash, beech, oak and sycamore occurred over 3 years in the Aelmoeseneie  experimental    forest, Belgium. 40 permanent plots (4 m x 5 m) were selected in three  various humus types,    located in an ash stand and in an oak - beech stand. In all plots abundance  and top height of all    broad leaved regenerated species were determined at the end of the growing  seasons 1995 and    1998. In addition, the seedlings which appeared in the plots during 1996  and 1997 were    identified and followed up.    This study proves that in the investigated sites natural regeneration is  drastically poor and    diversity is low, in particular where the humus layer is more acidic (mull  moder) and the litter    layer is thick. No regeneration phase older than the seedling stage (h <  40 cm) is developed on    the different humus types. On average, total number of seedlings in 1995  amounts to 38    units/are in the ash stand and to 63 units/are in the oak - beech stand.  Survival rate over a 3-    year period is 37% and 42% respectively in the ash and oak - beech stands.  Total ingrowth    during the growing seasons 1996 and 1997 is virtually poor, indicating 16  and 8 units/are    respectively in above mentioned stands. Survival rate of occurring  seedlings, as well as the ingrowth of new seedlings are notably different (P < 0.05) according to the soil conditions of the    ash stand. Generally, the low presence of seedlings and the lack of  regeneration older than the    seedling stage reveal that the regeneration development encounters with a  critical problem. The    continuation of this process would likely result in a progressive  succession by the invasive and    the unwanted tree species.

1988 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
C. De Schepper

The  study describes the natural regeneration state of a forest on coarse sandy  soils. The natural regeneration was studied in three different ecological  conditions: in 30 to 60 year old Scots pine stands, in a 62 year old mixed  stand of pedunculate oak and red oak, and on the free field.     The analysis of the regeneration groups revealed that the first settler  maintained a dominant social position during the following years after the  settlement. The structural basis is consequently laid out early. This means  that the forest practice has to consider the very first phase of the  regeneration as determining for the following evolution of the regeneration  groups.

1988 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
N. Lust

The  study deals with the spontaneous resettlement of a fire area, after  destruction of 600 ha Scots pine forest. The following items have been  examined in particular: the composition of the tree species, the duration of  the regeneration period, the influence of the parent stand, the exposition,  the slope, the treatment, the fire regime and the social differentiation.      The resettlement took place very quickly and over a very short period.  Birch and Scots pine take up 95 % of the stem number. The regeneration result  is precarious, yet mostly good. The parent stand is favourable both to seed  supply and to microclimate, but only over a short distance. The Scots pine  prefers more open and dry areas, whereas birch needs more humidity.     Practice has shown that natural regeneration of Scots pine stands is  possible. The forest treatment, however, is very important. It determines not  only the immediate result of the regeneration, but also the composition and  the structure of the future stand.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
Cassia M.G. Lemos ◽  
Pedro R. Andrade ◽  
Ricardo R. Rodrigues ◽  
Leticia Hissa ◽  
Ana P. D. Aguiar

AbstractTo achieve regional and international large-scale restoration goals with minimum costs, several restoration commitments rely on natural regeneration, a passive and inexpensive strategy. However, natural regeneration potential may vary within the landscape, mainly due to its historical context. In this work, we use spatially explicit restoration scenarios to explore how and where, within a given region, multiple restoration commitments could be combined to achieve cost-effectiveness outcomes. Our goal is to facilitate the elaboration of forest restoration plans at the regional level, taking into consideration the costs for active and passive restoration methods. The approach includes (1) a statistical analysis to estimate the natural regeneration potential for a given area based on alternative sets of biophysical, land cover, and/or socioeconomic factors and (2) the use of a land change allocation model to explore the cost-effectiveness of combining multiple restoration commitments in a given area through alternative scenarios. We test our approach in a strategic region in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Biome, the Paraiba Valley in São Paulo State. Using the available data for 2011, calibrated for 2015, we build alternative scenarios for allocating natural regeneration until 2025. Our models indicate that the natural regeneration potential of the region is actually very low, and the cost-effectiveness outcomes are similar for all scenarios. We believe our approach can be used to support the regional-level decision-making about the implementation of multiple commitments aiming at the same target area. It can also be combined with other approaches for more refined analysis (e.g., optimization models).

Maame Esi Hammond ◽  
Radek Pokorný ◽  
Daniel Okae-Anti ◽  
Augustine Gyedu ◽  
Irene Otwuwa Obeng

AbstractThe positive ecological interaction between gap formation and natural regeneration has been examined but little research has been carried out on the effects of gaps on natural regeneration in forests under different intensities of disturbance. This study evaluates the composition, diversity, regeneration density and abundance of natural regeneration of tree species in gaps in undisturbed, intermittently disturbed, and disturbed forest sites. Bia Tano Forest Reserve in Ghana was the study area and three gaps each were selected in the three forest site categories. Ten circular subsampling areas of 1 m2 were delineated at 2 m spacing along north, south, east, and west transects within individual gaps. Data on natural regeneration < 350 cm height were gathered. The results show that the intensity of disturbance was disproportional to gap size. Species diversity differed significantly between undisturbed and disturbed sites and, also between intermittently disturbed and disturbed sites for Simpson’s (1-D), Equitability (J), and Berger–Parker (B–P) indices. However, there was no significant difference among forest sites for Shannon diversity (H) and Margalef richness (MI) indices. Tree species composition on the sites differed. Regeneration density on the disturbed site was significantly higher than on the two other sites. Greater abundance and density of shade-dependent species on all sites identified them as opportunistic replacements of gap-dependent pioneers. Pioneer species giving way to shade tolerant species is a natural process, thus make them worst variant in gap regeneration.

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