scholarly journals The research of spiritual and moral life students’ value of classical and pedagogical higher educational institutions, as the implementation of the health system content for the security educational environment

O. V. Kabatska ◽  
L. V. Shuba ◽  
V. V. Shuba

The analysis of a human personality spirituality was analyzed in the article. The peculiarities of the formation of the spirituality in the student’s age as the basis for the formation of the spirituality, an integral part of the harmonious life of the younger generation in modern society, are presented for revealing new possibilities of the perception of the surrounding world. The need to focus attention on this issue arises because a young person, under the influence of negative factors of life, is increasingly losing the ability to maintain himself in a natural state, control his emotions, receive joy and enjoyment from his own life. Pedagogical thought also reveals the idea of the spiritual component of human health. One can consider that the spiritual component of health is the basis of human health, which shows self-perfection and spiritual development of the individual, which manifests itself in the understanding of the nature of the environment, to acquire a unique property of choosing their own faith. The study reveals the peculiarities of the educational effect of a conversation and narrative on the themes of the spiritual aspects of human development, emphasizes the importance of moral education of youth in the process of becoming a person for spiritual self- realization. The ways of forming the harmonious personality of students in the process of higher education are considered for revealing creative instincts and realization of life potential in the future. The results of the conducted morphological test of vital values, which defines the motivational and value structure of the person, are used to diagnose the basic human values of life. The test points out the values of students’ living values, reflecting the moral and business orientation of the personality of a young person, namely: spiritual satisfaction, self-evelopment, creativity, the value of active social contacts. It is noted that the study was attended by the students of two higher educational institutions - classical and pedagogical.

A. Vovk ◽  
K. Levchuk

The article analyzes the role and importance of scientific research in higher educational institutions, identifies the main tasks, functions of science and the main stages of development of scientific research, taking into account the requirements of the development of modern society. By research we mean the search of the new knowledge, a systematic investigation to establish the facts or the process of learning something. The purpose of scientific research is definition of a specific object and comprehensive, reliable study of its structure, characteristics, relationships based on the principles and methods of cognition developed in science, as well as obtaining useful results for human activity, introduction into production with the subsequent effect. Creating new technical tools and increasing requirements for existing ones, the emergence of new methods for solving technical problems call for a revision of the methods of studying and creating systematization, which allows accelerating the timing of the introduction of new technical solutions into the production process and making it more efficient, improving the qualification level of specialists. Thus, the functioning and development of countries is impossible without scientific research, the platform for which is higher education institutions, and the growth of the social product depends on scientific research. Scientific researchers have an exceptional significance for the development of all directions of higher educational institutions: education of specialists with high quality of training, formation of scientific schools, give prospects for effective use of scientific potential for the development of science itself, creation of new technologies and improvement of existing ones, facilitate the establishment and deepening of international scientific and educational relations, promote the development of international competitiveness, provide an opportunity to invent the latest technologies.

2021 ◽  
pp. 117-125
Зина Абдуловна Арсаханова

Система высшего образования России по сравнению с ближайшими соседями демонстрирует высокий уровень моральной и технической отсталости учебного процесса. В России высшие учебные заведения используют устаревшие методы внедрения образовательной деятельности. Эффективность развития современного общества обеспечивается наличием высокого интеллектуального потенциала. Именно поэтому системе учебных заведений нужно уделить немалое внимание, а именно высшим учебным заведениям. Высшие учебные заведения решают важные вопросы по профессиональной подготовке специалистов, обеспечивают общество интеллектуальными ресурсами. Интеллектуализация жизни, в том числе и экономической, предопределяет потребность развития образования. Образование обеспечивает работающих в экономике информацией, знаниями, умениями, интеллектуальным капиталом, поэтому эффективность работы высших учебных заведений чрезвычайно важна и невозможна без достаточного уровня финансового обеспечения. В проекте Стратегии реформирования высшего образования до 2024 г. ключевым для администрирования финансового обеспечения национальной системы высшего образования России был определен вопрос оплаты подготовки соискателей высшего образования. The higher education system of Russia, in comparison with its closest neighbors, demonstrates a high level of moral and technical backwardness of the educational process. In Russia, higher education institutions use outdated methods of implementing educational activities. The effectiveness of the development of modern society is ensured by the presence of high intellectual potential. That is why a lot of attention should be paid to the system of educational institutions, namely higher educational institutions. Higher educational institutions solve important issues of professional training of specialists, provide society with intellectual resources. The intellectualization of life, including economic life, determines the need for the development of education. Education provides those working in the economy with information, knowledge, skills, and intellectual capital, so the efficiency of higher education institutions is extremely important and impossible without a sufficient level of financial support.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (517) ◽  
pp. 99-103
M. V. Kiriukhina ◽  
N. V. Vodolazska ◽  

The article explores and analyzes the problem of gender equality among cadets and students of higher educational institutions, in particular aviation and technical. The appropriate methods and main aspects of solving the problem are defined. In addition, various methods for introducing gender equality into the educational process are provided and the relevant work of the teacher during classes is presented. At present, gender equality among cadets and students of aviation and technical universities is an urgent problem in Ukraine, because the humanization and democratization of modern society envisage the orientation of our State towards establishing universal human truths and standards. First of all, gender theory should be integrated into the system of scientific knowledge and educational disciplines. Educators should implement planned educational activities aimed at identifying and neutralizing gender stereotypes that form the basis for non-compliance with gender parity and discrimination. Thus, teachers should ensure gender equality among students of higher educational institutions, including cadets and students of aviation and technical higher educational institutions. It is also worth noting that observance of human rights is being formed as a certain ideal, the main means for which is the achievement of the general principles of law, and its fundamental principle is the multi-aspect principle of gender equality. However, given the aforesaid matters, equality of genders does not mean only their biological identity or ignoring physical capabilities along with the mental and psychological characteristics. On the contrary, differences should not be negatively reflected in the living conditions of both men and women, thereby causing discrimination.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 149
Sergii D. Rudyshyn ◽  
Volodymyr P. Kravets ◽  
Valentyna I. Samilyk ◽  
Tetyana V. Sereda ◽  
Vitalii O. Havrylin

The article outlines peculiarities of the paradigm of fundamentalization of education in pedagogical higher educational institutions (HEIs) of Ukraine on the basis of the concept of sustainable development, namely: 1) performance of three interconnected functions of education — training, education, development; development of students’ ability to understand and implement sustainable development strategy in their future professional activity; 2) compliance of the paradigm with modern principles of structuring scientific knowledge, which are based on the internal logic of science, its place and role in the development of civilization in the 21st century; 3) ensuring the integrity of knowledge by integrating it around the core of fundamental scientific concepts; concentrated presentation of the fundamental laws and principles of science from a single methodological position, which allows building bridges between different subjects, without destroying their subject certainty; 4) formation of the theoretical type of scientific thinking of students; creation of intellectual, ethical and cultural foundation for personal self-development; 5) knowledge of modern information and communication technologies; oral and written communication in a foreign language. To acquaint students with the latest scientific achievements of mankind, the teacher must constantly “keep abreast” of socio-economic and environmental achievements of civilization on the basis of sustainable development, transform them into the content of the subject, as well as develop quality teaching and methodological support for its further understanding by future specialists. Given the rapid reduction of time between the invention and its widespread use, the content of subjects quickly becomes obsolete, which causes the inevitable lag of professional training of students behind the needs of modern society. To trace the synergy of humanization and ecologisation in the context of the fundamentalization of education on the basis of sustainable development, we studied the curricula of a number of pedagogical HEIs of Ukraine, namely: National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian Pedagogical University, Rivne State Pedagogical Institute, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University.

Yuliana Irkhina

One of the main objective factors affecting the sphere of leisure is the social policy of the state, the purpose of which is to create appropriate conditions for the life of the individual. In Ukraine, in the context of the implementation of social policy, there are a number of unresolved problems. This concerns, first of all, overcoming the «residual principle» attitude to solving the problems of leisure and culture in General; changing the attitude to the formation of the cultural situation to master the world’s cultural achievements; the discrepancy between the activities of cultural institutions and modern requirements, the lack of a certain standard ґarantovanih state free cultural services; lack of medium and long-term state policy on cultural development; lack of training in the sociocultural sphere in the new economic conditions; lack of a clear program of support for cultural industries; lack of a single information cultural space and a network of partnerships at the vertical and horizontal levels; the practical absence of Ukraine as a state in the European and world cultural space, in the system of European cultural projects. The main purpose of the article is to reveal the importance of the organization of meaningful leisure of students of higher educational institutions in order to meet and realize their interests and needs, disclosure of creative potential, social education and activation of social and social activities. The sphere of leisure in higher educational institutions of Ukraine will perform functions of development and formation of the personality of the young person only on condition of compliance of the organization of activity at leisure to their interests and needs. This is possible because of the cooperation of these associations with government agencies and institutions that are not only designed to solve certain problems of young people, but also to provide appropriate financial and material support. Students should become a subject of leisure activities, an active participant, not a passive consumer, and this will enable the development of new innovative forms of leisure activities, which will take into account all, both collective and individual interests and needs of students.


In the article on the base of the methodological requirements of scientific approaches (personal and social, which harmonizes the interests of a person, society and its institutions; culturological, which helps to develop the content of civil education of Ukrainian youth in accordance with specific historical tasks relevant at certain stages of development of the Ukrainian state, democratic and state-building processes of today, the formation of civil society based on the needs of national revival, providing of tolerance between different ethnic groups, multiculturalism; activity-orientated, according to which young people develop skills of social activity, civil and patriotic values tested in practice; axiological, providing an understanding of holistic, multilevel, hierarchical, interdependent and interconditioned process of civil education in the constant development of the system of universal personal and social values; competence, which integrates civil and law knowledge, abilities, skills and experience of civil and political activity with national and patriotic values and attitudes to the conscious observance of law and order in the country), the results of the analysis of research materials on the problem of civic education of Ukrainian youth in higher educational institutions there is clarified the place (as an aspect of political consciousness and legal culture of the personality) and the role (as a regulator of patriotic feelings, spiritual and moral values and civic and political activities of young person) of the civil position of the personality in the context of modern European integration changes in the requirements of competence, tolerance, multiculturalism, intensification of phenomena of mobility and integration of educational programs. Factors of formation and development of civil position of a young person in the educational environment are: circumstances of building and protecting of civil society in the country, the influence of family, media, upbringing activities of higher educational institutions, own activity of youth. Its result are the formed qualities of responsibility, legal consciousness, civil competence. It is concluded that the process of forming an active civil position of young people consists of important components. From the psychological point of view, the upbringing of a citizen and the formation of his or her active civil position is a holistic improvement of the inner world of a person; from the axiological point of view the attention is focused on revealing the content of spiritual values, to determine their role and place in the life and activity of a modern young person, to identify possible ways of their practical use. From pedagogical point of view the solution of these issues must be implemented so that the knowledge, skills and abilities of civil content proposed to youth were deeply perceived by them, found an appropriate understanding, received personal approval and consolidation at the level of feelings, motives, value orientations, concepts, views, beliefs.

In modern society, education is the key to the development not only of a person as a person, but also of the whole country. Education determines the future of society, that is, it forms a new mindset of citizens and acts as one of the means of managing the development of society. Stimulation of scientific and pedagogical workers of higher educational institutions is the main element that will allow to fully unleash their potential, thereby moving to a new higher level of educational services. The article considers and analyzes the essence of the incentive system and motivation of scientific and pedagogical staff. Modern forms and methods of material and intangible motivation of labor of workers in the sphere of higher education of Ukraine have been investigated, because motivation directly affects the level of efficiency of employees, which will make it possible to achieve significant changes in the education system. Three groups of factors of the material system of labor motivation with the distribution of wages in accordance with the established systems of remuneration, social benefits and income from activities are identified. It is proposed to divide intangible motivation into social and altruistic motives depending on the obtained social status and usefulness of work. The shortcomings in both material and intangible motivation of scientific and pedagogical staff are outlined. The level of salaries of scientific and pedagogical workers in Ukraine and developing countries was analyzed, respectively; a SWOT analysis was made on the basis of this. The relationship between the stimulation of scientific and pedagogical personnel and the system of allowances and surcharges, as well as effective indicators of the activities of higher educational institutions, is disclosed. On the basis of the study, the basic principles of managing the incentive system for scientific and pedagogical workers were identified. Problems in motivation of domestic personnel compared to foreign ones have been identified. It is indicated the removal of the state and the government from stimulating pedagogical workers and proposed to use the direction of intangible motivation of employees by universities.

I. Zenina ◽  
N. Kuzmenko ◽  
N. Gavrilova

The article reveals the influence of fitness aerobics classes on the indicators of psychomotor abilities of female students of pedagogical higher educational institutions. Reasonably positive aspects of the influence of aerobics on the body. Taking into account that sport today has entered the life of society and has a massive character, it is urgent to study and analyze its impact on a person. Socio-economic living conditions of modern society are characterized by a significant increase in health requirements for future professionals, their preparedness for future professional activities and a high pace of life. Along with this, high information and emotional loads and at the same time a low level of culture of a healthy lifestyle - the inability to effectively organize their work and leisure, independent physical education and sports, many hours in front of computer screens and - cause syndromes "early and chronic fatigue "and reduce the motor potential of students. Attempts to solve the problem of improving the physical education of student youth have been made by many scientists, specialists and teachers. Scientists emphasize the need to change the practice of physical education of student youth by creating conditions for students to freely choose the content of physical education classes. One of the essential features of the subject "Physical Culture" in comparison with other disciplines: physics, mathematics, biology, and others. is that learners can achieve the ultimate goal of its study: a high level of physical culture.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (86) ◽  
pp. 44-47
L. Batsenko ◽  
K. Volkova ◽  
I. Bublyk

The article deals with such a negative economic phenomenon in Ukraine as unemployment, namely the one that affects university graduates. There is a need for a comprehensive study of the competitiveness of one of the most vulnerable in the labor market of socio-demographic groups - young people, which predetermined the choice of the topic of scientific research, determined its purpose and main tasks. The research reveals the essence and features of the notion of competitiveness, presents statistical indicators. In considering the essence of this concept, components of competitiveness were determined, namely: demographic, educational-professional and personal-social. which in turn form the competitive advantages of a graduate in the labor market. The systematization and specification of the conceptual apparatus became the basis for constructing the scheme of the corresponding basic characteristics of the competitiveness of the graduate of the university. The article analyzes the existing teaching methods in secondary and higher educational establishments in Ukraine and the consequences of their use in the labor market. The necessity of considering labor market needs during planning of training of specialists of higher educational institutions is substantiated. A number of peculiarities are investigated from which the high level of competitiveness of the graduate depends on the direction. The main factors that influence the competitiveness of young specialists are formed. One of the main components - the process of formation of the graduates' competitiveness, which, in turn, passes a series of appropriate stages, has been studied in detail, in which each young person learns to quickly and effectively perceive and realize knowledge, skills and abilities. The existing shortcomings of the process of its formation and problems of employment of graduates of higher educational institutions are analyzed, priority directions of increasing the efficiency of the system of training and implementation of specialists with higher education are determined. The prospects of further researches in this direction are determined.

R. U. Stativko ◽  
G. L. Okuneva ◽  
A. O. Tetyukhin ◽  
S. I. Pentyuk

The requirements of modern society pose to higher educational institutions the task of developing and using new tools, approaches and technologies in the educational process to improve the quality of the educational process. In higher educational institutions, test task generators are part of software systems designed to solve the problem of supporting the educational process. In the presented work, the use of template-based generators is considered. The use of generators changes the workload of both teachers and students. Students can independently check the studied material, repeat it, check knowledge again. The use of the test assignment generator allows you to save teachers’ resources in terms of checking the assimilation, understanding the discipline sections. The use of the test item generator makes it possible to solve a number of problems in the educational process: to partially automate the educational process, remove the routine load from teachers, and receive test results. The paper describes the structure of the test tasks generator. The generator model is shown in object-set representation. Examples of using the generator for various disciplines are presented. It has been said about the advantage of developing and implementing a test case generator using the Django web framework. A bank of templates for test tasks has been developed. Each template contains a description of the generated task in accordance with the subject of the discipline. A mechanism for assigning a student’s assessment of passed tests with the provision of a report on the results to the teacher and the student has been implemented. The testing of the generator of test tasks was carried out, which showed that the web-oriented application performs online testing of students and saves the results.

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