نُدرة الموارد وعلاقتها بالبيئة من وجهة نظر إسلاميّة The Issue of Scarcity of Resources and Its Relationship to the Environment

حسن بن إبراهيم الهنداوي (Hassan Hendawi)

الملخّصإنّ الفقر والإملاق من المشكلات الرئيسة التي يواجهها العالم اليوم، ومن أسبابها ندرة الموارد الاقتصادية الشديدة وندرة الغذاء والماء. فندرة الموارد وقلتها كانت ذات أثر مباشر في قتل الملايين من الأنفس البشريّة. وتعدّ ندرة الموارد عند الاقتصاديين الخطر الأساس الذي يهدد الوجود البشري في هذا العصر. ويعتبرها الاقتصاديّون كذلك معضلة اقتصادية ناتجة عن رغبات الإنسان غير المتناهية مقابل موارد محدودة ومتناهية. ومن الأمور التي يقترحها الاقتصاديون من اجل التغلب على هذه المشكلة أن النّاسن ينبغي عليهم أن يختاروا الموارد الضرورية والحاجية لتلبية رغباتهم. فمفهوم الندرة من منظور الاقتصاد التقليدي يعني موارد محدودة في العالم مقابل حاجات ورغبات غير محدودة. وسبب ذلك عند الاقتصاديين أن الطبيعة لا توفر موارد كافية لتلبية حاجات الناس ورغباتهم غير المتناهية. ونظرة الإسلام التي يمثلها القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية الشريفة لمسألة الندرة نظرة مختلفة تماما عن نظرة الاقتصاد التقليدي. ويعنى هذا البحث ببيان أن الندرة ليست مشكلة الطبيعة التس سخّرها الله تعالى للإنسان،  ولكن المشكلة في أخلاقيات الناس وتصرفاتهم في الموارد الطبيعية وطريقتهم في الانتفاع بها التي أدت إلى إدخال الضرر والفساد على الموارد الموجودة.الكلمات المفتاحية: الإسلام، ندرة الموارد، الاقتصاد المعاصر، الموارد الطبيعية، الطبيعة. **************************************               AbstractAmong the main problems that the world is facing today are poverty and destitution caused by severe scarcity of economic resources and the scarcity of food and water. The lack of resources has already caused the death of millions of human beings. The scarcity of resources is counted by economists as the primary danger that threatens the human existence. Economists also consider it an economic dilemma caused by infinite human desires against limited and finite resources. In order to overcome this problem among the suggestions made by economists is that human beings should choose only necessary resources to satisfy their desires. The conventional concept of scarcity is that the resources in the world are limited vis-à-vis the unlimited human needs and desires. The reason for that according to economists is that the nature does not provide sufficient resources to meet people’s endless needs and desires. Islamic approach as represented by the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah to the issue of scarcity is essentially different from the conventional viewpoint of economists. This paper proposes and explains that the problem is not in the nature which Allah has made subservient to man, but it is in the ethics of the people and their behaviour and way of utilization of natural resources, which ultimately damage and corrupt the available resources.Keywords: Islam, Scarcity of Resources, Modern Economy, Environmental Resources, Nature.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
I Gusti Made Widya Sena

<p>Humans and nature are two of the many symbols of the manifestation of God’s love for the universe He created. The form of God’s love for the universe is an indisputable reality because before God created humans, he also thought and understood the survival of human beings in the realm of life as a form of symbiotic relationship between human and natural.<br />All human needs have been fulfilled and provided by God through the supply of natural resources, and vice versa God is preparing humans to help maintain the balance of the universe, both physical, biological and socio-cultural elements.<br />The concept of Tri Hita Karana is the root of people’s happiness in Bali. As a philosophy of life for Balinese people who still exist in the community in Bali, it is also used as a model of happiness in other countries in the world. This concept is a very simple to be implemented in everyday life. Because Tri Hita Karana etymologically is derived from three syllables, Tri which means “three”, Hita means “happiness” and Karana which means “cause”. The three causes of happiness consist of Parahyangan, Palemahan and Pawongan.<br />The relation of God’s relationship with nature according to the Hindu perspective is God as a symbol of the bhuana agung and bhuana alit. God as a symbol of the bhuana agung (universe) is a manifestation of the contents of the universe while God as a symbol of the bhuana alit can be realized that God exists and lives in<br />every human being.</p>

1960 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 59-73 ◽  
Leo A. Orleans

Whereas throughout most of the world the results of the 1953 censusregistration of Communist China, reporting a population of 582·6 million, evoked anxiety and even alarm, the Communists expressed only pride and overwhelming confidence. As a people “liberated from the oppressive chains of capitalism,” Communist leaders felt that their horizons were unlimited and that feeding and caring for a population of this size presented no problems under a system in which people are “the most precious of all categories of capital.” The simultaneous release of vital rates which indicated a birth rate of 37 per thousand population and a death rate of 17 per thousand, further stressed the “great vitality of the people of new China.” The 2 per cent, natural increase (excess of births over deaths), resulting in an annual population growth of some 12 million, was declared, in line with Marxist doctrine, to be an asset in a country with vast new lands and unexploited natural resources, where additional people create additional wealth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (40) ◽  
pp. 1740-1758
Kayhan ATİK

The need for cover is a requirement in all parts of the world. More or less this need has been realized in almost every society. In addition, clothing is one of the basic needs of human beings. This basic need has become a pleasure over time, and the temporary innovation that has entered the life of society with the desire to dress completely or the need for change has turned into an excessive, common indulgence shown by the society for a certain period of time. When we evaluate clothing in terms of nations, it has gained very different meanings with the effect of the cultural structure of the society. Considering this situation in the context of civilizations, of course, we can say that it has presented a similar privilege. In short, every society has made its dress code suitable for its culture and civilization. As in the rest of the world, the robes, dresses, turbans and fabrics of the Ottoman sultans showed themselves clearly as an indicator of the position, wealth and status. Especially caftans, fabrics and patterns, each one is a masterpiece of art. Despite having a simple form according to researches, Ottoman caftans have a very magnificent appearance and beauty. The decorations made for these caftans, lining and moldings, fur ornaments, ornaments made with buttons are very perfect. These caftans have aroused the admiration of the whole world with their fabric, motif and splendor, and many researches have been done on these caftans, which have been exhibited and preserved in various local and foreign museums. The sultan's clothes in the Topkapı Palace Museum Sultan's Clothes Archive consist of approximately 2500 pieces. Most of these are hilat, robes and shalwars. In addition, although it is less, there are also children's (prince's) clothes, so there are no women's clothes. RESEARCH ARTICLE ATLAS Journal International Refereed Journal On Social Sciences e-ISSN:2619-936X Arrival Date : 19.03.2021 Published Date : 30.04.2021 2021, Vol:7, Issue:40 pp: 1740- 1758 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31568/atlas.676 ATLAS INTERNATIONAL REFEREED JOURNAL ON SOCIAL SCIENCES Year: 2021 Vol:7 Issue: 40 1740 Here, 21 caftans belonging to Fatih Sultan Mehmet, 77 caftans belonging to Suleiman the Magnificent, 13 caftans belonging to I. Ahmet, II. 30 caftans belonging to Osman, IV. While it is known that there were 27 caftans belonging to Murat, the caftans belonging to six rulers before Fatih Sultan Mehmet were not mentioned by name. In this study, the money spent for the clothes of the sultan in the Archives of the Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives, Topkapı Palace Museum, the cocks and dresses that the sultan had to buy from the council; In dâbü's-sâ, we will focus on the kafân, sarık, other items and values that are deserved by the landlords, the palace-i Atiq aghas, the boys, the Treasury, the cellar, the lords of the Voyage rooms and the people in charge. Keywords: Ottoman, Sultan, Bureaucrat, Clothes, Fabric, Special Items.

Al-Albab ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-68
Suraya Sintang ◽  
Rosdiana Onga ◽  
Siti Aidah Hj Lukin ◽  
Asmady Idris

Borneo Island is the third largest island in the world, rich in natural resources, biodiversity and cultural diversity. The uniqueness of Borneo is that it is home to three countries; Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, each with their own valuable cultural heritage. One of the unique aspects of the Borneo archipelago is the shared wealth of civilizations derived from the dissemination of Islam. Treasures known as the “Borneo Islamic Heritage" are not only valuable as cultural artefacts that need to be preserved, but they can also be elevated and commercialised as regional economic drivers. This paper discusses the Idahan manuscript written in Jawi script as one of the treasures of Islamic intellectual legacy in Borneo. The method of study is based on content analysis which depicts the descriptive history of the discovery of the Idahan Jawi manuscript. This manuscript not only serves as evidence of the early embrace of Islam in Sabah, but also as a reference to matters pertaining to religion and the laws of Islamic jurisprudence. This factor leads the Idahan community be considered as the first native people embracing Islam at the east coast of Sabah. The contribution of this study is to enhance understanding of the development of Islamic heritage in Borneo Island and to inculcate the spirit of solidarity among the people living in the region.

2019 ◽  
Vol 64 (2 (252)) ◽  
pp. 70-85
Agnieszka Rumianowska

The purpose of the article is to outline the problem of widely understood conflicts in human life from the perspective of existential philosophy. Without questioning the importance of psychological research on complex mechanisms underlying conflicts, the author points to the issue of the problematic nature of human existence, the category of freedom, the problem of the authenticity of being and the sense of meaning. In the second part of the paper, the essence of educational process in the context of experiencing difficulties and conflicting situations by human beings has been introduced. The necessity of taking into account the problem of being oneself and constituting a human being in relation to himself, the world and others has been presented.

Alexander Noyon ◽  
Thomas Heidenreich

This chapter introduces five central concepts of existential philosophy in order to deduce ethical principles for psychotherapy: phenomenology, authenticity, paradoxes, isolation, and freedom vs. destiny. Phenomenological perspectives are useful as a guideline for how to encounter and understand patients in terms of individuality and uniqueness. Existential communication as a means to search and face the truth of one’s existence is considered as a valid basis for an authentic life. Paradoxes that cannot be solved are characteristic for human existence and should be dealt with to turn resignation into active choices. Isolation is one of the “existentials” characterizing human life between two paradox poles: On the one hand we are deeply in need of relationships to other human beings; on the other hand we are thrown into the world alone and will always stay like this, no matter how close we get to another person. Further, addressing freedom and destiny as two extremes of one dimension can serve as a basis for orientation in life and also for dealing with the separation between responsibility and guilt.

2008 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 58
Eko Budi Minarno

<p class="Bodytext5">Among the various crises, worrying enough is the start of the scarcity of some Natural Resources (SDA), especially from unrecoverable groups such as petroleum, metals and minerals. And by often ignoring the needs of other living beings as well as the needs of future generations. If then comes a crisis with respect to this SDA, which is affected negatively human finally. SDA is needed by humans in the past, present and future. The threat to the existence and sustainability of natural resources is just the same as the threat to human existence and survival. The conservation of natural resources, which is essentially the management of natural resources, is an absolute must and is the main responsibility of human being as the Caliph of this earth. There are three main tasks for human beings related to the conservation of natural resources including al Intifa '(nurture and utilize), al I'tibar (think, be grateful, explore the secrets of nature), and al Islah (preserve and deliberate sustainability for the benefit of people, and the creation of harmony of life nature of Allah's creation.</p><p> </p><p>Di antara berbagai krisis, yang cukup mengkhawatirkan adalah mulai terjadinya kelangkaan beberapa Sumber Daya Alam (SDA) terutama dari kelompok yang tidak terpulihkan seperti minyak bumi, logam, dan min­eral. Dan dengan sering mengabaikan kebutuhan makhluk hidup yang lain maupun kebutuhan generasi yang akan datang. Kalau kemudian muncul krisis sehubungan dengan SDA ini, yang terkena darnpak negatif akhirnya manusia juga. SDA sangat dibutuhkan oleh manusia dimasa lalu, sekarang dan yang akan datang. Ancaman terhadap keberadaan dan kelangsungan SDA sama saja artinya dengan ancaman terhadap keberadaan dan kelangsungan hidup manusia. Konservasi SDA yang berintikan pengelolaan SDA, adalah suatu hal yang mutlak harus dilaksanakan dan menjadi tanggung jawab utama manusia sebagai khalifah di bumi ini. Ada tiga tugas utama bagi manusia berkaitan dengan koservasi SDA meliputi al Intifa’ (memelihara dan mendayagunakan), al I’tibar (memikirkan, mensyukuri, menggali rahasia alam), dan al Islah (memelihara dan sengaja kelestarian untuk kemslahatan umat, serta terciptanya harmoni kehidupan alam ciptaan Allah SWT.</p><p> </p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-120
Indah Sri Utari

The community of inmates children as a unique and unique social system is difficult to understand when viewed only from the outside, so it is necessary to systematically attempt to know the values, norms, relationships, and objectives-through where and with what they are living, and understand both their own experiences and the world in which they liveThe situational system of the inmates children as human beings (although in this case is the child) to be fostered, is one of the important elements in the whole process of assistance in the Penitentiary is no exception to the Children Penitentiary in Kutoarjo. The entire penitentiary system design, from the assistance program, the assistance mechanism, and the assistance implementation, is actually determined by the circumstances and the reality of the people who are to be fostered, the inmates.The reality of the children inmates who are always on the "social order" in their various communities is essentially constantly changing. Specifically, this study finds links between: the institutional reality of a children penitentiary, which includes the factual circumstances concerning facilities and infrastructure, and the administrative aspects of KutoarjoChildren Penitentiary. The reality of the member of KutoarjoChildren Penitentiaryin the form of identified number of occupants, placement systems, and formal and informal groupings of the targeted children in addition to the build and formed a community of the assisted children in KutoarjoChildren Penitentiary and the basic elements of the Social System of the Auxiliaries in all the community of assisted children and etc.As Soerjono Sukanto said that even though human "convicts" live in a confined state, they instinctively want to interact with fellow inmates. This instinct is referred to as "gregariousness" (Soekanto: 1998: 73), which in the last instance will give birth to so-called "social groups". In this context created social structure, social system, norms and so on.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-266
Ionuț Dulgheriu

Abstract We can say that the Europidian Greek tragedy situated at the outset man to extreme limits, on the border where the divine begins. Any tragedy signifies and stimulates the energy of the hero to surpass himself through an incredible act of courage, to give a new measure of his greatness in the face of obstacles, to the unknown he meets in the world and in the society of his time. The tragedy shows us that in the very fact of human existence there is a challenge, or a paradox, it tells us that sometimes the aspirations of man come into conflict with the forces of the unexplained and destructive, which is beyond and yet very close to us. The poet and philosopher Euripides turns out to be a great humanist, he loves and sympathizes with the people, suggesting that by birth we are all equal.

1964 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 471-489 ◽  
Dudley Seers

The correct starting point in the analysis of any economic unit is to pose the following three questions: What are the needs of the people? What resources are available? How adequately are these resources being mobilised for these needs ?1These questions are applicable to a continent or a country (or for that matter a county, a city, or a village); they can also be applied to the world as a whole. If they are, a picture emerges which, if it does not appal us, because it is so familiar and so easily taken for granted, would certainly astonish a visitor from another planet. The basic human needs for nourishment and for protection from the weather are not great, and the resources known to be available could, with current levels of technique, easily permit a comfortable living standard for everyone. Yet these resources are very largely unexploited or wasted, and miserable poverty is the typical human condition.

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