scholarly journals Charity Punishment in Islamic Boarding School to Improving Santri Discipline

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 342-354
Ibnu Habibi ◽  
Triyo Supriatno

The purpose of this article is to analyze and describe the charity punishment in improving the discipline of santri at the Al Amin Bojonegoro, Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School (MBS). This article uses a type of qualitative research using a descriptive-analytic approach. To obtain the technical data used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this article indicate that the forms of punishment in Al Amin Bojonegoro Islamic Boarding School are t ta'zir, 'iqab, and charity, all of which aim to improve the discipline of students. The charity punishment is more prioritized in enforcing the sentence of santri in various kinds of activities, namely worship activities, teaching and learning activities in class, and activities in the dormitory in terms of shared time and order. This article's results are expected to become a reference material in enforcing discipline in Islamic institutions or informal educational institutions. Further research can be developed on the effectiveness of charity punishment in the domain of santri, which this paper can be used as reference material.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Amin Tasih ◽  
Ali Said

Al Masruriyyah Islamic Boarding School is one of the huts of the Tebuireng foundation that is still hungry for discipline in obeying the rules of the cottage. Al Masruriyyah Islamic boarding schools apply ta’zir as a form of consequence for santri who violate the rules of the cottage. This study aims to describe and analyze the implementation of ta’zir in increasing the discipline of santri in Al Masruriyyah Islamic boarding schools. This study uses a qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The data obtained will be compiled by reducing/summarizing the data, then presenting the data and drawing conclusions.  Based on the research shows that: the implementation  of ta’zir carried out by the management and has been approved by the supervisor and caregivers for giving ta’zir every 2 weeks. The criteria for the distribution of ta’zir are 3 from the low, medium and heavy according to the mistakes that have been made. The procedure for giving ta’zir (1) is advised, (2) in ta’zir (3) to be called to Ndalem. The impact of the implementation of ta’zir is that there is a better change in the implementation of teaching and learning activities, obeying the rules, and discipline in worship activities to Allah SWT.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Amin Tasih ◽  
Ali Said

Al Masruriyyah Islamic Boarding School is one of the huts of the Tebuireng foundation that is still hungry for discipline in obeying the rules of the cottage. Al Masruriyyah Islamic boarding schools apply ta’zir as a form of consequence for santri who violate the rules of the cottage. This study aims to describe and analyze the implementation of ta’zir in increasing the discipline of santri in Al Masruriyyah Islamic boarding schools. This study uses a qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The data obtained will be compiled by reducing/summarizing the data, then presenting the data and drawing conclusions.  Based on the research shows that: the implementation  of ta’zir carried out by the management and has been approved by the supervisor and caregivers for giving ta’zir every 2 weeks. The criteria for the distribution of ta’zir are 3 from the low, medium and heavy according to the mistakes that have been made. The procedure for giving ta’zir (1) is advised, (2) in ta’zir (3) to be called to Ndalem. The impact of the implementation of ta’zir is that there is a better change in the implementation of teaching and learning activities, obeying the rules, and discipline in worship activities to Allah SWT.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-20
Ferdinan M

Karakteristik  dan corak   pesantren   di Indonesia sebagai lembaga pendidikan Islam   antara lain : 1) Memakai sistem tradisional yang mempunyai kebebasan penuh dibanding dengan sekolah modern sehingga terjadi hubungan dua arah antara santri dengan kiyai, 2) Kehidupan di pesantren menampilkan semangat demokrasi karena mereka praktis bekerja sama mengatasi problem non kurikuler mereka, 3) Sistem pondok pesantren mengutamakan kesederhanaan, idealisme, persaudaraan, persamaan, rasa percaya diri dan keberanian. Di samping itu, adanya pondok tempat kiyai bersama santrinya, adanya masjid tempat kegiatan belajar mengajar, adanya santri dan kiyai merupakan tokoh sentral dalam pesantren yang memberi pengajaran dan kitab-kitab Islam klasik. Pondok pesantren tumbuh dan berkembang dengan sendirinya dalam masyarakat karena berhadapan dengan implikasi politis dan kultural yang menggambarkan sikap ulama-ulama Islam sepanjang sejarah. Tokoh-tokohnya antara lain K.H. Hasyim As’ari, K.H. Ahmad Dahlan, K.H. Zaenal Mustofa, K.H.M. Ilyas Ruhiyat, K.H. Ali Ma’shum, Sayyid Sulaiman, Kyai Itsbat, Syaikh Musthafa Husein Nasution, KH Ahmad Sahal, KH Zainuddin Fananie, dan KH Imam Zarkasy, dan lain-lain. Kata Kunci: Pondok Pesantren di Indonesia Characteristics and patterns of pesantren in Indonesia as Islamic educational institutions, That is: 1) Using traditional systems that have complete freedom compared with modern school, causing a bidirectional relationship between students with a chaplain, 2) Life at the school to show the spirit of democracy because they practically work together to overcome non-curricular problem, 3) The system boarding school prioritizes is simplicity, idealism, fraternity, equality, self-confidence and courage. In addition, the chaplain's cottage along with his students, their mosque where teaching and learning activities, the students and the chaplain of the central figures in schools that provide instruction and books of classical Islam. Boarding school grow and develop with Sendir Inya in society for dealing with political and cultural implications which describes the attitude of Islamic scholars throughout history. His characters include among others K.H. Hasyim As’ari, K.H. Ahmad Dahlan, K.H. Zaenal Mustofa, K.H.M. Ilyas Ruhiyat, K.H. Ali Ma’shum, Sayyid Sulaiman, Kyai Itsbat, Syaikh Musthafa Husein Nasution, KH Ahmad Sahal, KH Zainuddin Fananie, dan KH Imam Zarkasy and etc. Keywords: boarding school in Indonesia

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 215-228
Syamsiah Nur ◽  
Mardiah Mardiah

This study aimed to determine the importance of teacher professionalism in education. This study used descriptive qualitative research by describing the importance of professionalism for teachers. One of the most important factors in realizing the goals of education in Indonesia is the teacher's professionalism in the implementation of teaching and learning activities. The problem today is that many students are confused after completing their education. Where to go? What kind of work? What student's want with this certificate? More unemployment means education has a lack of quality. Educational institutions that were supposed to produce knowledgeable students were lost due to the unprofessional quality teachers. The results showed that professionalism is very important for teachers and is a demand in a profession so that there are laws that regulate the obligations of professional teachers, there are several assumptions that underlie the needs for teacher professionalism in education, and there are some special requirements that must be met by professionalism teachers in education.

2019 ◽  

The objective of this study is to describe teaching and learning poetry meaning activities of Buya Hamka by using jigsaw technique in STKIP PGRI Pasuruan. This study focused on the descriptive qualitative research design. The results of the observation show that the teaching and learning activities by using jigsaw technique run effectively and efficiently. It enables the students get a lot of knowledge and perspective of Buya Hamka poem from their interaction process. They discuss, share, and contribute knowledge each other with the teacher’s facilitations. As the result, they get a lot of information of Buya Hamka poem meaning from their home and expert groups.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 139
Baryanto Baryanto

Majelis Taklim is a non-formal educational institution that acts as a place for education, training, and teaching and learning activities to learn, explore, and understand Islamic religious knowledge. The purpose of the establishment of majlis taklim is as a forum to carry out various activities that provide benefits to pilgrims and the community through recitation activities that can foster religious awareness, shape Muslim personality, enhance the ability to read and write Al-Qur'an as well as understanding and guiding towards a view of life that is Islamic. This article aims to find out the role of the Taklim Mardhotillah Assembly located in the BTN Idaman Permai housing complex in Air Bang Sub-district, Curup Tengah District in instilling Islamic values in the community. This research uses descriptive qualitative research, is inductive and aimed at describing and analyzing social activities, events, phenomena, perceptions, ethics, and beliefs in Majlis Ta'lim. Data collection techniques are using observation, interview and documentation methods. This study concludes that the role of Majlis Ta'lim Mardhotillah as a place of study that conveys material about increasing aqidah values, sharia values, religious values and socio-religious values in the people of Central Curup District especially BTN Idaman Permai Air Bang housing residents

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Hasyim Asy’ari ◽  
Ammar Zainuddin

Islamic boarding schools are Islamic educational institutions that focus on moral education. Islamic boarding schools at this time were divided into ancestor and modern boarding schools. There are differences in the curriculum and learning models of Arabic in the two pesantren. Salaf Islamic boarding schools have a special curriculum in understanding the understanding of Islam. Learning Arabic in the Salaf Islamic boarding school is oriented towards grammatical learning by memorizing the terms nahwu and shorof and memorizing nadhom. While the Arabic language learning curriculum in modern pesantren aims not only for religious scholarship, but aims to use all language skills in communication. This Islamic boarding schools believes that language learning activities must provide students the ability to communicate correctly, both in oral and written form.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Putu Ngurah Rusmawan

This study aims to discuss how teaching and learning activities were carried out by using Genre based Approach in teaching writing descriptive text at junior high school. This study was conducted in the classroom of VII-1. Therefore, the appropriate design was qualitative research design. The subject of the study was the English teacher. To collect data, the researcher used observation and interview. The finding of the study described that the teaching and learning activities that were carried out by the teacher fulfilled the basic competencies. The teacher carried out the opening teaching activities by greeting, asking the students’ preparation during the lesson, checking the student’s attendance list, and informing the learning objective. The teacher carried out the main teaching activities by informing about how to write a descriptive text, giving, and asking opinions, eliciting the students’ understanding, prompting and directing to do exercises. The teacher carried out the closing teaching activities by directing the student to continue at home and eliciting the students’ reflection of what they could learn at that time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Danti Fadiah Syarafina

The purposes of this research are analyze the effectiveness of online learning strategies used during teaching and learning activities and analyze the obstacles experienced during online teaching and learning activities. The research method used is qualitative descriptive research. Qualitative research is a research that is descriptive and describes the object of research/events studied and using analysis. The research results were obtained through extracting data through interview, observation, and documentation. Some data will be loaded in the form of diagram to show the research results obtained. The conclusion obtained is that this research is a descriptive qualitative research which aims to describe the learning strategies at Muhammadiyah 10 Junior High School Sidoarjo in English subject during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 253
Ahmad Syaiful Amal

Islamic boarding schools (pondok pesantren) as Islamic institutions play important role in character building (morals) for their students (santri), thus it is needed a role model from kyai to guide, encourage and inspire santri for life. The study used a qualitative research by exploring an attitude the so-called tawadhu from ‘santri’ followed by a social constructivism approach. The findings of  this study indicated that several factors have influenced the attitude of  tawadhu towards santri at the Islamic boarding school as follows: (1) Authority of  kyai, this means a charismatic person such as kyai enables easily to respect and obey his authority, (2) Examples given by kyai, a kyai is very influential. He has become a role model for all santri at pondok pesantren, (3) the attitude of  santri, as the main focus to be guided and nurtured at pondok pesantren.  AbstrakPondok pesantren sebagai lembaga Islam memiliki peranan penting dalam membentuk perilaku baik (akhlak) bagi manusia (santri), oleh sebab itu dalam mewujudkannya perlu peranan seorang kyai untuk membimbing, mengarahkan dan meneladani santri pada hal-hal yang baik. Studi ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan mengekplorasi sikap tawadhu’ seorang santri, dengan pendekatan konstruktivisme sosial. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi sikap tawadhu’ terhadap santri di Pondok Pesantren yaitu : (1) Kewibawaan Kyai, karena kharismatik seseorang dengan sangat mudah dihormati dan ditaati karena kewibawaannya atau kharismannya, (2) Suri Tauladan Kyai, kyai merupakan sosok yang sangat berpengaruh di suatu pesantren. Beliau menjadi suri tauladan baagi semua santri yang ada di pondok. (3) Sikap Santri, santri merupakan obyek utama dalam dunia pesantren merekalah yang dibimbing dan dibina. 

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