scholarly journals Small and medium enterprises' innovation and product competitiveness in the Covid-19 pandemic era

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 2273-2279
Hadiah Fitriyah ◽  
Nur Ravita Hanun ◽  
Rima Azara

The purpose of the community service is to increase the products competitiveness of the Belimbing Wangi SMEs, Watesari Village, Balongbendo District, Sidoarjo Regency. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is extraordinary, especially for the Belimbing Wangi SMEs business group, where the production process and turnover has decreased, because business management is still carried out conventionally and Watesari Village tourism must be closed according to government regulations. The service method used is field observation, trial of processed star fruit products, training and assistance in processing star fruit juice, and business management training. As a result of the assistance, partners understand the importance of conducting business management and finding the best formula for star fruit juice drinks. This training also supports the sustainability of the Belimbing Wangi SMEs business and competes at the global market level.


        The development of information technology which is the impact to development revolution of industrial 4th makes every activity inseparable from network usage with entrepreneurs in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) group, who also must be albe to capture the business opportunity.        The purpose of this study is to confirm the role of Zahir POSX software on business management in the UMKM group in Samarinda city. This research was conducted on 275 populations in the UMKM group located in Samarinda City, especially in the area around Mulawarman University and University of Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda, and by using the Slovin method with a 5% error rate, 163 respondents were taken as sample. Test on validity and reliability have been darried out with good results on the items received agin before further analysis.      This study was conducted in order to predict the role of Zahir POSX software on business Management and used the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) wih multiple groups through Smart PLS Version 3.2.8 software.     The results of this study found that on use Zahir POSX software had a positive and significant impact on UMKM group in Samarinda. Entrepreneurs will be easier in controloing their business, even using paper less media. The results also show that through modern accounting software, it will increasingly make business management more effective and efficient

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 100-107
Novianto Eko Nugroho ◽  
Krido Eko Cahyono ◽  
Okto Aditya Suryawirawan

The impact of the corona virus pandemic (covid-19) is felt in all aspects of community life, especially Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Through various training and mentoring activities which include the use of online marketing and sales improvement strategies is a concrete and concrete manifestation in an effort to increase entrepreneurial awareness among students of SMK IPIEMS Surabaya. The purpose of the realization of Community Service Activities through Online Marketing Training and Assistance by Utilizing the Shopee Mobile Marketplace Platform and Strategies to Increase Sales in the Covid Pandemic Period at SMK IPIEMS Surabaya is to provide insight and understanding of the importance of the ability to do online marketing and increase sales of goods to consumers. students of SMK IPIEMS Surabaya so that when they graduate they become entrepreneurs. In addition to lecturers from the School of Economics Indonesia Surabaya as the implementer of this Community Service activity, the counseling and mentoring carried out also involves strategic partners, namely Shopee Indonesia. The results obtained from this training and mentoring activity are students' understanding of the online marketing of the Mobile Marketplace Platform and sales improvement strategies, in order to increase product value and the resulting sales turnover.

2021 ◽  
pp. 895
Muhammad Alvian Hakim ◽  
Rika Kurnia Wati ◽  
Yazlinda Aulia Maharani ◽  
Kusumanindyah Nurul Handayani

The increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia in mid-2021 around June brought increasing adverse effects, one of which was the ongoing economic crisis. This is certainly a problem for SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) in Indonesia, among others, such as marketing activities, production development, distribution between consumers are all affected. This community service activity aims to improve the skills and productivity of residents in supporting community entrepreneurial activities in RW 01 Pringtutul Hamlet, Barepan Village. So far, buying and selling activities in the market are not allowed to reduce cases of the spread of COVID-1. Conditions like this force every person to be able to survive in these limited conditions. One thing that can be done is to become a productive human being, even though you are in your own environment as well as at home. This service activity is carried out through counseling and mentoring methods with practice in making mask connectors and decorating bags/tote bags with the "Tie Dye" technique. The participation and enthusiasm of the residents of RW 01 in Pringtutul Hamlet, Barepan Village in participating in a series of activities was very good and active to ask questions and try to do everything that was taught in the training on making connectors and decorating bags/tote bags. The implementation is also carried out by implementing health protocols, namely by not gathering many people, washing hands, using masks and using hand sanitizer. The impact of this service activity is being able to increase creativity, insight and support entrepreneurial activities during the COVID-19 pandemic.Meningkatnya kasus COVID-19 di Indonesia pada pertengahan tahun 2021 sekitar bulan Juni membawa dampak buruk yang semakin meningkat, salah satunya yaitu krisis ekonomi yang masih berkelanjutan. hal ini tentu menjadi masalah bagi seorang UKM (Usaha Kecil dan Menengah) di Indonesia antara lain, seperti kegiatan pemasaran, pengembangan produksi, distribusi antar konsumen semua terkena dampaknya. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan produktivitas warga dalam menunjang kegiatan kewirausahaan masyarakat RW 01 Dusun Pringtutul, Desa Barepan. Selama ini kegiatan jual beli di pasar tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengurangi kasus persebaran COVID-1. Kondisi yang seperti ini memaksa setiap individu untuk bisa bertahan dalam kondisi yang serba terbatas ini. Salah satu yang bisa dilakukan yaitu menjadi manusia produktif walaupun berada di lingkungan sendiri seperti halnya di rumah. Kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan melalui metode penyuluhan dan pendampingan dengan praktik dalam membuat konektor masker serta menghias tas/tote bag dengan teknik “Tie Dye”. Partisipasi dan antusiasme warga RW 01 di Dusun Pringtutul, Desa Barepan dalam mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan sangatlah baik serta aktif untuk bertanya dan berusaha bisa melakukan segala hal yang diajarkan dalam pelatihan pembuatan konektor serta menghias tas/tote bag. Pelaksanakan juga dilakukan dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan yaitu dengan tidak mengumpulkan banyak orang, melakukan cuci tangan, menggunakan masker serta menggunakan handsanitizer. Dampak dari kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu mampu meningkatkan kreatifitas, wawasan serta menunjang kegiatan kewirausahaan di masa pandemi COVID-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-32
Chandra Satria ◽  
Doly Nofiansyah

The community service activity entitled "Techniques for Preparing Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) Community Heads of Households (PEKKA) of the Great Mosque of Palembang" for Entrepreneurs of the Community Head of Household (PEKKA) of the Great Mosque of Palembang Foundation was held on Sunday, November 15. 2020 through offline training facilities and a food festival activity planned for ethnic food (traditional food) in the Great Palembang mosque environment according to the time and permission of the Covid 19 group of South Sumatra Province. . The training material is in the form of strengthening the level of business production, product packaging, product marketing using digital placed markets, as well as simple financial bookkeeping which provides brief reports related to business management in monitoring the financial angle.

2021 ◽  
pp. 271
P. Tommy Y. S. Suyasa ◽  
Yenike Margaret Isak ◽  
Pramdigdya Sasliandri Priantama

The Covid-19 pandemic has hit Indonesia since March 2020. To anticipate this, the government has implemented various policies, including pembatasan sosial berskala besar (PSBB) and pemberlakukan pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat (PPKM). This policy is expected to be one way to prevent community activities outside the home so as to avoid the transmission of Covid-19. However, the PSBB and PPKM policies are considered to have a significant impact. The impact felt by Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is a decrease in profit levels and feelings of psychological pressure, feeling anxious about business continuity in the future. This situation makes SMEs feel psychologically depressed. To anticipate the psychological pressure experienced, the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Tarumanagara (F.Psi. UNTAR) under the coordination of Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Tarumangara (LPPM UNTAR) organizes community service activities (PkM) for MSME actors. The author (PkM Team) is one of the representatives of F.Psi. UNTAR. One of the materials provided by the PkM Team in the activity was coping strategies. Through the provision of coping strategy materials, it is hoped that MSME actors can anticipate and manage the psychological pressures experienced, so that they remain enthusiastic in managing their businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this article, we will discuss the methods of coping strategies provided and the evaluation of the results of the mini seminar activities that have been carried out.Pandemi Covid-19 telah melanda Indonesia sejak bulan Maret 2020. Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut, pemerintah telah menerapkan beragam kebijakan diantaranya berupa pembatasan sosial berskala besar (PSBB) dan pemberlakukan pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat (PPKM). Kebijakan tersebut diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu cara untuk mencegah aktivitas masyarakat di luar rumah sehingga terhindar dari penularan Covid-19. Namun demikian, adanya kebijakan PSBB dan PPKM dinilai memberikan dampak yang signifikan. Dampak yang dirasakan oleh pelaku Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) adalah penurunan tingkat keuntungan dan perasaan tertekan secara psikologis, merasa cemas terhadap keberlangsungan usaha di masa mendatang. Keadaan inilah yang membuat para pelaku UMKM merasa tertekan secara psikologis. Untuk mengantisipasi tekanan psikologis yang dialami, Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (F.Psi. UNTAR) di bawah koordinasi Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Tarumangara (LPPM UNTAR) menyelenggarakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PkM) bagi pelaku UMKM. Penulis (Tim PkM) merupakan salah satu perwakilan F.Psi. UNTAR. Salah satu materi yang diberikan oleh Tim PkM pada kegiatan tersebut adalah strategi koping (coping strategies). Melalui pemberian materi strategi koping, diharapkan pelaku UMKM dapat mengantisipasi dan mengelola tekanan psikologis yang dialami, sehingga tetap bersemangat dalam mengelola usaha mereka selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Dalam artikel ini, akan dibahas mengenai metode strategi koping yang diberikan dan evaluasi hasil kegiatan mini seminar yang telah dilakukan.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Sri Suranta ◽  
Santoso Tri Hananto ◽  
Christiyaningsih Budiwati ◽  
M. Syafiqurrahman

The purpose of implementing community service is the Export Product Development Program (EPDP) to increase the quantity and quality of rattan production, and increase the sale of rattan products. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) involved as many as 2 (two) SMEs in Trangsan village, namely the Three Colors Rattan UKM, and the Wayan Rotan UKM with the problem of scarcity of raw materials and purchasing methods not optimal, equipment that is not feasible to use, layout not optimal, designs that change frequently. The solutions offered are training, including training in raw material purchasing methods, tool management training, and product design training, as well as upgrading equipment. The output of community service activities is that rattan production increased by more than 10% for three-color UKM, Rattan and 29% increase in UMKM production, Wayan Rotan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Daris Purba ◽  
Evan Rosiska ◽  
Nanda Harry Mardika

The Covid-19 pandemic has decreased the revenue of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), including the laundry business. Marketing efforts to increase revenue have also encountered obstacles, ranging from technical problems to cost constraints. This Community Service is aimed at a laundry in Cipta Asri Batam housing. The purpose of this Community Service activity is to foster laundry SMEs so that they can continue to exist by creating various marketing techniques and innovative products. The creation of superior and innovative products is expected to increase turnover. These superior products will be marketed using social media, given the government's health protocol. This service was organized by a team of lecturers and students from the Management and Information System Programs at the University of Putera Batam. The team from the management program coaches management and marketing, while the team from the information systems guides the field of using informatics systems in improving SME marketing and productivity. The involvement of students in this service activity is educational where students can learn directly from the field but also could provide guidance according to the knowledge that has been obtained. Coaching materials focus on marketing, business management, and the use of informatics systems. The activity was carried out in two meetings attended by the object of the event and the surrounding community. It is hoped that this service activity would be able to add insight for partners and be able to help empower partners in a better direction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1282
Hans Dagevos ◽  
Carolien de Lauwere

Although it is not clear yet what a full-grown circular economy (CE) is going to look like, it is clear that the challenges of transitioning to a CE are both impressive and urgent. The Dutch government has expressed the ambition to establish a CE in the Netherlands in 2050. In the wake of this, the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality laid down a vision on circular agriculture (CA). A key question with respect to both CE and CA is if and to what extent this means business as unusual: How distinct is circular business from normal business operations? The ways in which the notions of CE and circular business models (CBMs) are often introduced suggest a big difference. However, closer scrutiny also reveals that in practice the impact of circularity is less obvious. Against the backdrop of such opposite observations, this paper examines how Dutch farmers perceive circularity and what implications this has for their production practices. Interviews (n = 13) with Dutch farmers show that circular business is adapted in normal business management by some and regarded as a genuine alternative to the conventional food system by others. By taking Dutch farmers as an example, this paper aims to contribute to our understanding of how CE is interpreted in small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Svetlana L. Sazanova

Entrepreneurship plays an important role in the modern global economy; the share of products of small and medium enterprises in the gross product and exports not only of the developed but also of developing countries is growing. Innovation processes cover all sectors of the economy, and more and more people are involved in entrepreneurial activity, which contributes to the penetration of entrepreneurial thinking and business values in all areas of the socioeconomic life of society. The Institute of Entrepreneurship plays an increasingly prominent role in the institutional environment of socio-economic systems. This actualizes the problem of studying the relationship of the institution of entrepreneurship with the institutions of law, culture, management. This requires a methodology that allows you to explore the impact on the institute of entrepreneurship not only economic, but also non-economic factors. The methodology of the “old” institutionalism possesses such a tool, it is structural modeling (pattern modeling), which allows to explore the diversity of interrelationships of the institution of entrepreneurship with other components of the institutional and economic environment. The article explored the features of the development of the institution of entrepreneurship in Russia, established the relationship between the institution of entrepreneurship, values, motives and incentives for entrepreneurial activity, built a structural model of the institution of entrepreneurship based on the methodology of the old institutionalism (pattern modeling). The structural model of the institution of entrepreneurship reveals the relationship between the institution of entrepreneurship, the values of entrepreneurial activity, its motives and incentives; as well as the relationship between the institution of entrepreneurship with the institutions of governance, cultural and religious institutions, legal institutions and society.

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