2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 220
Ni Nyoman Kencanawati ◽  
Muhajirah Muhajirah ◽  
Zainudin Zainudin

ABSTRAKPerbaikan jalan lingkungan di Kabupaten Lombok Timur merupakan program dari Kementerian PUPR melalui Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya  yang ditujukan untuk mengurangi kesenjangan antar wilayah, pengentasan kemiskinan, memperbaiki tata kelola pemerintah daerah (kabupaten, kecamatan dan desa) serta memperkuat kelembagaan masyarakat di tingkat desa. Pelaksanaan program ini melibatkan Disperkim Provinsi NTB dan Dinas Cipta Karya PUPR Provinsi NTB sebagai pendamping dan pengawas teknis. Program ini dilaksanaan sejak Tahun 2017 hingga saat ini. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan program dan memberikan rekomendasi untuk pelaksanaan pada tahun berikutnya. Wilayah yang menjadi target evaluasi terdapat pada  beberapa kecamatan meliputi Kecamatan Pringgasela, Kecamatan Sembalun, Kecamatan Aikmel, Kecamatan Pringgabaya dan Kecamatan Wanasaba. Bila dilihat secara persentase nilai capaian dari pelaksaanaan program, maka diperoleh rata-rata mencapai di atas 80%. Bahkan untuk Kecamatan Priggabaya dan Wanasaba pada Tahun 2020 mencapai 91% dan 92% berturut-turut. Selain itu  Kecamatan Wanasaba memiliki persentase pencapaian tertinggi yaitu 93% di Tahun 2020. Pencapaian pelaksaaan menunjukkan persentase yang terus meningkat sehingga tercapai tujuan utama yang dinginkan. Sebagai rekomendasi untuk pelaksanaan tahun ongoing dan tahun selanjutnya maka dalam pelaksanaan sebaiknya melibatkan partisipasi dari masyarakat sehingga program dapat mencapai seluruh daerah yang ditargetkan dan menghasilkan nilai capaian sebesar 100%. Kata kunci: jalan lingkungan; perbaikan; evaluasi; capaian; lombok timur. ABSTRACTThe improvement of side roads in East Lombok Regency is a program of the Ministry of PUPR through the Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya which is aimed at reducing regional disparities, alleviating poverty, improving local government (district, sub-district, and village), and strengthening community institutions at the village level. The implementation of this program involves the Disperkim Provinsi NTB dan Dinas Cipta Karya PUPR  as assistants and technical supervisors. This program has been implemented since 2017 until now. This article aims to evaluate the implementation of the program and provide recommendations for implementation in the following year. The evaluation target areas are located in several sub-districts including Pringgasela, Sembalun, Aikmel, Pringgabaya, and Wanasaba. According to a percentage of the achievement value of program implementation, the average achieved is above 80%. Even for the Districts of Priggabaya and Wanasaba in 2020, it reached 91% and 92%, respectively. In addition, Wanasaba District has the highest percentage of achievement, which is 93% in 2020. The achievement trend increases since the program has been initiated in 2017. As a recommendation for the implementation of the ongoing year and the following year, the implementation should involve the participation of the community. Thus the problems that have occurred so far can be avoided and are expected to reach all targeted areas to produce an achievement value of 100%. Keywords: side roads; repair; evaluation; achievement; east lombok. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-233
Uril Bahruddin ◽  
Qomi Akit Jauhari ◽  
Nur Faizin ◽  
Muhammad Widus Sempo

Industrial developments have brought many significant changes in various fields of life, especially agriculture and education. It seems that the transformation of the agricultural sector and fishpond farming in Medang Village, Glagah, Lamongan are affected by the catfish folklore that keep the people concerned for generations. This is a phenomenological research and the results are descriptive and qualitative. The data are described and interpreted hermeneutically. The results indicate that the catfish folklore contains a number of educational values that dynamically developed along with the people's beliefs about the folklore as a myth. This transformation of educational values includes: the value of ubudiyyah, the value of the struggle in the life; and the moral value. This transformation occurs through the intervention of many parties, both internal and external ones, such as the local government, the elders, the community leaders  as well as educators. Other factors are technological development and the development of the fishery industry. This research suggests the stakeholders of the village level, districts, and regencies to make the folklore as a medium in learning the educational values. The society, especially the fishpond farmer at Medang village are suggested to preserve the folklore without preventing it to be known. The scholars and the artists can also bring this folklore to life and present it in a more interesting format, both in a pure and classic appearance and in collaboration so that it can be presented as a myth that has a profound meaning.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
I Wayan Supriana ◽  
IWK. Teja Sukmana

<p>ABSTRACT<br />This study aims to provide an alternative decision to field surgical aid distribution in the village especially the Village Senganan . Currently the determination of beneficiaries surgical konvensioal still done by the local government assessment team . For the purposes of data collection for the selection of the applicant required an assessment made at the village level before submission to the local government level . Data from the prospective applicant eligibility assessment and then be submitted to the local government level . The basis of this research is the absence of a standard assessment submission acceptance surgical assistance at the village level . Assessment of prospective applicant for submission to the local government level only to the extent of the team estimates only village officials . The results obtained in this research is to get accurate information to log the applicant filing surgical assistance to the level of local governments.<br />Keywords : house surgical assistance , assessment standards , eligibility<br />ABSTRAK<br />Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan alternatif keputusan kepada bidang penyaluran bantuan bedah rumah di tingkat desa khususnya Desa Senganan. Saat ini penentuan penerima bantuan bedah rumah masih dilakukan secara konvensioal berdasarkan penilaian tim pemerintah daerah. Untuk keperluan pendataan kelayakan calon pemohon diperlukan suatu penilaian yang dilakukan di tingkat desa terlebih dahulu sebelum pengajuan ke tingkat pemerintah daerah. Data hasil penilaian kelayakan calon pemohon baru kemudian di ajukan ke tingkat pemerintah daerah. Hal yang mendasari penelitian ini dilakukan adalah belum adanya standar penilaian pengajuan penerimaan bantuan bedah rumah di tingkat desa. Penilaian calon pemohon untuk pengajuan ke tingkat pemerintah daerah hanya sebatas perkiraan saja dari tim aparat desa. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan informasi yang akurat dalam mendata pemohon pengajuan bantuan bedah rumah ketingkat pemerintah daerah.<br />Kata Kunci: bantuan bedah rumah, standar penilaian, kelayakan</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-56
Niluh Widyaningsih ◽  
Shunsuke Sasaki

Household solid waste is the major environmental issue, not only in big cities but also in the suburban areas. Setia Asih Village location is in Kecamatan Tarumajaya, Kabupaten Bekasi. Bekasi is closed with Jakarta and it has unique characteristics, such as dual market economy; administration system; and social culture of the local people. Setia Asih Village has tremendous unmanaged household solid waste. It covers the land and river. This research paper used qualitative approach due to the limited of statistical data on the village level in Indonesia. The preliminary observation showed that local people do not have any knowledge or information about managing their household solid waste. Their local government does not have any responsibility to manage the household solid waste on the village level. It becomes local people responsibility. There is lack coordination among stakeholders in household solid waste management at Setia Asih Village. I conducted the solid waste management training to 300 people and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with each Dusun (lower level than village) representatives. I found that local people have solutions to solve their household solid waste problem. Local government builds a new waste bank as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) from one of the state-owned enterprise.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-126
Yuldiana Zesa Azis ◽  
Nasri Wijaya

The Merauke regency area has a village level government, one of which is Sota village which is one of the villages located on the border of the State of Indonesia and Papua New Gunea. One of the indigenous people who inhabit the Sota village area is the Marind Kanum Tribe. Administratively for community empowerment to increase income is one of the roles of the village government, especially for the indigenous people, the increase in income still needs to be increased Because the average income of the local community is still relatively low, therefore support from various parties including local government through the relevant agencies. The purpose of this study was to find out how the role and government of the Sota village in increasing the income of the indigenous people of Marind Kanum and to determine the extent to which the laws and regulations governed that. The results of this study indicate that the participation of the village government by assigning tasks to village officials is to provide training and aquipment assistance for business to local communities and transmigration which in this case is in accordance with Law number 6 of 2014 concerning Village Government. Keywords: Participant; Sota VillageGovernment; Incrasing Income; Marind Kanum.

Bagus Wahyu Hartono

The implementation of good governance at the village level is an essential element in shaping good governance at the district level. The practices that have been carried out at the village level are considered to be a reflection of what governance has originated from. In the midst of the implementation of decentralization policies, village communities are an integral part of the political dynamics in Indonesia. Villages with various local institutions have an essential role in managing local issues. In this research, data is mainly analyzed through a qualitative approach. Some quantitative analysis through scoring and descriptive statistical techniques are also conducted. Data collection methods are used as follows: documentation, observation, surveys with questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). This research identifies the Village Government has sufficient capacity to carry out its duties in village development. However, the realization of its capacity to solve local problems is still limited and only a partial solution. Weak coordination between institutions and limited budgets is the main problem found in study sites that hinders capacity realization in solving local problems. Furthermore, local government has made little effort to develop rural institutional capacity. So far, it only emphasizes capacity building for village officials, while other institutions only get little attention from the local government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Nurwan Nurwan ◽  
Ali Hadara ◽  
La Batia

ABSTRAK: Inti pokok masalah dalam penelitian ini meliputi latar belakang gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna, Faktor-faktor yang mendorong gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna, proses gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna dan akibat gerakan sosial masyarakat Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna? Latar belakang gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba yaitu keadaan kampungnya yang hanya terdiri dari beberapa kepala keluarga tiap kampung dan jarak yang jauh masing-masing kampung membuat keadaan masyarakatnya sulit untuk berkomnikasi dan tiap kampung hanya terdiri dari lima sampai dengan tujuh kepala keluarga saja. Kampung ini letaknya paling timur pulau Muna terbentang dari ujung kota Raha sekarang sampai kampung Wakuru yang saat ini. Kondisi ini juga yang menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab kampung ini kurang berkembang baik dibidang ekonomi, sosial politik, pendidikan maupun di bidang kebudayaan. Keadaan ini diperparah lagi dengan sifat dan karakter penduduknya yang masih sangat primitif. Faktor yang mendorong adanya gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna adalah adanya ketidaksesuaian antara keinginan pemerintah setempat dan masyarakat yang mendiami Kampung Labaluba pada waktu itu. Sedangkan proses gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna bermula ketika pemerintah seolah memaksakan kehendaknya kepada rakyat yang menyebabkan rakyat tidak setuju dengan kebijakan tersebut. Akibat yang ditimbulkan dari adanya gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna terbagi dua yaitu akibat positif dan akibat negatif.Kata Kunci: Gerakan Sosial, Factor dan Dampaknya ABSTRACT: The main issues in this study include the background of the social movement of Labaluba Village, Kontumere Village, Kabawo Sub-District, Muna District, Factors that encourage social movements of Labaluba Kampung Sub-village, Kontumere Village, Kabawo Sub-District, Muna District, the social movement process of Labaluba Village, Kontumere Village, Kabawo Sub-District Muna Regency and due to Labaluba community social movements Kontumere Village Kabawo District Muna Regency? The background of the Labaluba Kampung community social movement is that the condition of the village consists of only a few heads of households per village and the distance of each village makes it difficult for the community to communicate and each village only consists of five to seven households. This village is located east of the island of Muna stretching from the edge of the city of Raha now to the current village of Wakuru. This condition is also one of the factors causing the village to be less developed in the economic, social political, educational and cultural fields. This situation is made worse by the very primitive nature and character of the population. The factor that motivated the existence of the social movement of Labaluba Village in Kontumere Village, Kabawo Subdistrict, Muna Regency was the mismatch between the wishes of the local government and the people who inhabited Labaluba Village at that time. While the process of social movements in Labaluba Village, Kontumere Village, Kabawo District, Muna Regency began when the government seemed to impose its will on the people, causing the people to disagree with the policy. The consequences arising from the existence of social movements in Labaluba Village, Kontumere Village, Kabawo District, Muna Regency are divided into two, namely positive and negative effects. Keywords: Social Movements, Factors and their Impacts

Frank Biermann

The concept of an Anthropocene is now widely used in a variety of contexts, communities, and connotations. This chapter explores the possible consequences of this paradigmatic turn for the field of International Political Theory (IPT), arguing that the notion of an Anthropocene is likely to change the way we understand political systems both analytically and normatively, from the village level up to the United Nations. This makes the Anthropocene one of the most demanding, and most interesting, research topics for the field of IPT. The chapter first lays out the manifold new challenges for IPT that have been brought about by the concept of the Anthropocene, and then illustrates these challenges with an example: the increasing need of governments to define and agree upon “desirable” futures for planetary evolution.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-88
Hardiyanto Rahman

This paper generally uses the study method of literature, legislation, secondary data analysisand field’s observations. This paper is aimed to help the Badung regency administration inproviding an understanding of the village administration, and pushing for the improvementof the welfare of the rural population through the steps of providing material on theadministration of the village including village authority, distinction official village andtraditional villages, and especially on the management of village finances.Some problems occured in the administration of the village in Badung are lack of knowledgeof society about the traditional village who have difficulty in finding funds for activities,conflict between the village’s chief and the secretary, the integration between the traditionalvillage and the official village to work collaboratively, lack of capability from villageofficials in the management of village finances, new standard for official’s age in village, theunderstanding that the regency governor or the village chief is a political actor. In term ofcommunity assistance the lecturers has provided an explanation of the above problems, andexpecting the local government regency of Badung can provide socialization on village’sgovernance enforcement sustainably.Key Word: Governance in village, village’s economy, welfare

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 112-118
Sergey Valentinovich Lyubichankovskiy ◽  
Elena Victorovna Godovova

The paper presents the evolution of the formation of the system of local government in the Cossack armies in Russia. Cossacks living in villages with towns belonging to it were Cossack society. Local Cossacks authority It was Village chieftain, Village descent, Village court, Cossack community. Organization of the Village government in the Cossack army was virtually identical to that due to the fact that the reform of the Cossack troops went on the model of the Don and Kuban troops. This system has been transformed at the beginning of the twentieth century. Fall elective responsibility, a manifestation of laziness and indifference of the Cossacks it was due to property, education and psychological disunity. Contemporaries noted that many members of the village office turn of the century were literate, prone to drunkenness and extortion. An increasing number of the Cossacks did not attend gatherings and did not pay the dues. But, despite this, the Cossack communities continued to live, to regulate agrarian relations, contributed to the development of health and education.

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