2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-74
Sarinah Sarinah

The aims of the study was to see the leadership style toward students’ performance as event organizer  of 'Economic Care Day' held by students. Quantitative becomes a method in this study. Meanwhile, data was analyzed with SPSS 19 tools using a simple linear regression test. Research Data was collected through observations, questionnaires and documentation. The research sample was students of Semester IV (four) class B in the economic education study program of STKIP YPM that contracted leadership courses. Based on data, it was known that the research results show that: there was a significant influence between the leadership style toward the student's performance in the events in the Economic’s Care Day. It can be seen from the ability of team leaders in establishing cooperation and coordination relationship with various parties, especially among the organizer team, in this matter was based on the ability of effective communication and team leader behavior. The regression coefficient was obtained at 0.77, meaning that any change in team leadership appears to clearly affect student performance as the event organizer by 77.0%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 594
Baiq Nuning Sudiarni ◽  
I Made Gunawan

This study aims to analyze the effect of used material media on fine motor skills of early childhood. This research uses quantitative research. The sample of this study were 15 children aged 5-6 years in class B PAUD Al Hikmah, with a purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used an observation sheet in the form of an assessment rubric. The data analysis technique used a simple linear regression test. The results of this study concluded that there was an effect of used material media on fine motor skills of early childhood in PAUD Al Hikmah.

2019 ◽  
Widya Futriani ◽  
Riri Mayliza

This research was conducted in order to determine the effect of leadership style and discipline to employee performance that is mediated by the motivation to work on Tanah Datar District Education Office. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire consisting of a number of statements about leadership style, work discipline, employee performance and motivation. This study used a sample of incidental sampling, where the entire population is taken overall research officer working as many as 72 people. Data analysis techniques used in this study is a simple linear regression test multilevel linear regression. Simple linear regression test is used to determine the effect of leadership style on employee performance, the effect of labor discipline on employee performance, the effect of work motivation on employee performance, and for linear regression stratified namely the effect of leadership style on employee performance mediated by motivation and influence of labor discipline against employee performance mediated by work motivation. The results showed that the leadership style positive and significant impact on performance, discipline, positive and significant impact on performance, motivation positive and significant impact on the performance, leadership style positive and significant effect on performance mediated by motivation and discipline positive and significant impact on performance mediated by motivation.this research is exspectedto further research.

Chong Hyun Christie Byun

The importance of active learning in the classroom has been well established in the field of Economic education. This paper examines the connection between active learning and performance outcomes in an Economics 101 course. Students participated in single play simultaneous move game with a clear dominant strategy, modeled after the Prisoner’s Dilemma. The hypothesis is that if a student understands the Prisoner’s Dilemma and the relevant assumptions in Economic theory, he will choose the dominant strategy in the game. But will his choice be correlated with his performance on two important metrics? Empirical evidence indicates that there is a correlation between a student’s performance on the Prisoner’s Dilemma game and his performance on the subsequent in-class exam and in the course overall. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-178
Sekar Pratiwi ◽  
Hana Lestari ◽  
Ima Rahmawati

The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the influence of paternalistic leadership styles on teacher job satisfaction at SDIT AR-Rohmaniyah, Tanah Sareal District, Bogor City. The research method used in this study is a quantitative method using correlational techniques and analyzed using multiple regression techniques. The results of the analysis of the influence of the principal's paternalistic leadership style (X1) on teacher job satisfaction (Y) at SDIT AR Rohmaniyah Kec. Tanah Sareal Bogor City which has been carried out by researchers, from the results of the answers to a questionnaire that has been distributed to 44 respondents using the SPSS version 21 program. Based on the results of a simple linear regression test, it is concluded that there is a positive but insignificant effect between the principal's paternalistic leadership style on satisfaction teacher work.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Mujib Farkhan

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pendidikan kewirausahaan dan praktik kewirausahaan terhadap kesiapan berwirausaha. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi Semester VI STKIP PGRI Tulungagung sebanyak 127 orang dengan jumlah sampel 31 orang. Adapun teknik pengumpulan datanya menggnakan angket. Teknik analisis menggunakan uji regresi linear berganda. Hasil analisa data pada penelitian ini menujukan : 1) Terdapat pengaruh pendidikan kewirausahaan terhadap kesiapan berwirausaha, 2) Terdapat pengaruh praktik kewirausahaan terhadap kesiapan berwirausaha, dan 3) Secara simultan ada pengaruh pendidikan kewirausahaan dan praktik kewirausahaan terhadap kesiapan berwirausaha.Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effect of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial practices on entrepreneurial readiness. The populations in this study were 127 students of Economic Education Study Program VI STKIP PGRI Tulungagung with a sample of 31 people. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire. The analysis technique uses multiple linear regression test. The results of data analysis in this study address: 1) There is an effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial readiness, 2) There is an effect of entrepreneurial practices on entrepreneurial readiness, and 3) Simultaneously there is an influence of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial practice on entrepreneurial readiness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 215
Harti Oktarina ◽  
Sitti Hajar Aswad

This study aims to: (1) find out how the implementation of academic guidance for students of the 2016 STKIP Pembangunan Indonesia Economic Education study program, (2) find out how the academic achievements of the STKIP 2016 Indonesian Economic Education Study Program, (3) find out how the influence of academic guidance to the improvement of academic achievement of students of the 2016 STKIP Pembangunan Indonesia economic education study program. in this study were 17 students of the 2016 economic education study program. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques using simple linear regression analysis with the help of the SPSS program. The results showed that the Mentoring of academic supervisors in the 2016 class of economic education study program was included in the qualification sufficiently in its effect on improving academic achievement. Student academic achievements in the 2016 economic education study program included in the medium qualification. This can be seen in the average results of student learning achievement is 3.66 located at intervals of 3.51 - 4.00 and including Cum Laude qualification level. There is an influence between the mentoring lecturers of academic advisers on the academic achievements of students of the 2016 Economic Education Study Program STKIP Pembangunan Indonesia. This is indicated by the value of sig. 0.007 <0.05 then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected

2019 ◽  
Rudi Islami ◽  
Riri mayliza

This research was conducted in order to determine the effect of leadership style and work discipline on employee performance mediated by motivation at PT. Semen Padang. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire consisting of a number of statements about leadership style, work discipline, employee performance and motivation. This study used a sample of saturated, whereby the entire study population will be selected into the sample as many as 95 people. Data analysis techniques used in this study is a simple linear regression test. Simple linear regression test is used to determine the effect of leadership style on motivation, work discipline influence on the motivation, the effect of performance on motivation, leadership style influence on the performance mediated by motivation and influence of labor discipline on performance mediated by motivation. The results showed that the leadership style positive and significant effect on the motivation, discipline positive and significant effect on the motivation, performance positive and significant impact on motivation, leadership style positive and significant effect on performance mediated by motivation and discipline positive and significant impact on performance mediated by motivation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 474
Fipitriany Any

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the influence of the role, ethics, and independence of internal auditors in implementing good university governance (GUG) with leadership style as a moderation variable. Multiple linear regression and moderation regression analysis models are used to test the hypothesis. The primary data are obtained through questionnaires that are distributed to the respondents, namely the dean and head of study program at the UniversitasBinaDarma and UniversitasMuhammadiyahPalembang. The results of this study indicate that the instruments in each variable proved to be valid and reliable. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it can be seen that simultaneously the variable of role, ethics, and independence of internal auditors have positively and significantly effect in implementing good university governance (GUG). These results provide justification or endorsement of the theoretical truths used as the theoretical references of Stewardship Theory and Attitude and Behavioral Theory. Based on the partial test, role of auditor does not significantly affect the variable of GUG, but ethics and independence variable are found to be significant in influencing GUG. The leadership style is negative and insignificant in moderating the role of internal auditors and GUC and also the independence of internal auditor and GUC. The leadership style is found to be positive and insignificant in moderating the relationship of internal auditors’ ethics and GUC.Keywords        Role, Ethics, Independence, Internal Auditor, Leadership Style, Good University Governance  ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh peran, etika, dan independensi auditor internal dalam menerapkan good university governance (GUG) dengan gaya kepemimpinan sebagai variabel moderasi. Model analisis regresi linier berganda dan regresi moderasi digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis. Data primer diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada responden, yaitu dekan dan ketua program studi di Universitas Bina Darma dan Universitas MuhammadiyahPalembang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa instrumen dalam setiap variabel terbukti valid dan dapat diandalkan. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis dapat dilihat bahwa secara simultan variabel peran, etika, dan independensi auditor internal berpengaruh positif dan signifikan dalam penerapan good university governance (GUG). Hasil ini memberikan pembenaran atau pengesahan kebenaran teoretis yang digunakan sebagai referensi teoretis dari Teori Penatalayanan dan Teori Sikap dan Perilaku. Berdasarkan uji parsial, peran auditor tidak secara signifikan mempengaruhi variabel GUG, tetapi variabel etika dan independensi ditemukan signifikan dalam mempengaruhi GUG. Gaya kepemimpinan negatif dan tidak signifikan dalam memoderasi peran auditor internal dan GUC dan juga independensi auditor internal dan GUC. Gaya kepemimpinan ditemukan menjadi positif dan tidak signifikan dalam memoderasi hubungan etika auditor internal dan GUC Kata Kunci            Peran, Etika, Independensi, Auditor Internal, Gaya Kepemimpinan, Tata Kelola Universitas

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Ifana Fajriyatussafitri ◽  
Khusnul Fajriyah ◽  
Ibnu Fatkhu Royana

Abstract Education has an important role in facing the challenges of life, especially for humans in everyday life. Education as an effort to develop the ability of individual potentials so as to live optimally both as a person and as a member of society and have the moral and social as a guide of his life. The ultimate goal of an education cannot be separated from learning outcomes. Learning outcomes obtained by students are one indicator of the success of students in class in participating in learning. This study aims to determine the effect of motor motion on cooperative learning type SAVI assisted media crank on the theme of 8 subtema 1 to the results of the fourth grade students of SDN 1 Bulak Subdistrict Rowosari Kendal. Data analysis technique used is description of analysis with simple linear regression test. The results showed that motor movement variable on cooperative learning type SAVI have an effect on student learning outcomes.  Keywords: Motion Motion, Cooperative Learning Type SAVIAbstrakPendidikan mempunyai peranan penting dalam menghadapi tantangan kehidupan khususnya bagi manusia dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pendidikan sebagai upaya mengembangkan kemampuan potensi individu sehingga bisa hidup optimal baik sebagai pribadi maupun sebagai anggota masyarakat serta memiliki moral-moral dan sosial sebagai pedoman hidupnya. Tujuan akhir sebuah pendidikan tidak lepas dari hasil belajar. Hasil belajar yang diperoleh siswa merupakan salah satu indikator keberhasilan siswa di kelas dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh gerak motorik pada pembelajara kooperatif tipe SAVI berbantu media engklek pada tema 8 subtema 1 terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SDN 1 Bulak Kecamatan Rowosari Kendal. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskripsi analisis dengan uji regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara signifkan variabel gerak motorik pada pembelajaran kooperatif tipe SAVI berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Kata Kunci : Gerak Motorik, Pembelajaran Kooperatif  Tipe SAVI

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-63
Ni Komang Ardety Pramesti Indahsari ◽  
I Ketut Merta ◽  
I Made Anom Arya Pering

This research is based on the Effect of Leadership and Communication Style on Organizational Performance. Taking the Object of Research at the Study Program Outside Domicile (PDD) Jembrana Bali State Polytechnic (Pilot Academy of the Jembrana Country Community). The purpose of this study is to find out more about leadership style, communication and organizational performance Problem formulation: whether leadership style and communication affect organizational performance. The theoretical foundation in research uses the Management Document. Methodology: Papulation and sampling with 35 respondents, using a questionnaire list and tabulated then analyzed by multiple regression using SPSS version 24. The results of the analysis of Leadership Style yield: t count of 9.185 and significance of 0.000. t count 9.185 t table whose value is 1.69 with a significance level of 0.736 0.05. Communication produces t count of -1.922 and significance of 0.064. t count -1.922 t table whose value is 1.69 with a significance level of 0.736 0.05. Hypothesis is accepted with t count 7.263 t table 0.736, then the hypothesis which states that there is a significant positive influence between Leadership Style and Communication on Organizational Performance. The implications of the coefficient of determination (adjusted R) obtained by 75.4% indicate that the Leadership and Communication Style of organizational performance 75.4% and as much as 24.6% Leadership Style and Communication are influenced by other variables not examined in this study and can be further investigated

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