Winarno Winarno

AbstrakPermasalahan kekerasan dalam dunia pendidikan merupakan salah satu masalah urgen yang cukup memperoleh sorotan yang tajam, karena dalam beberapa kasus kekerasan berujung pada kematian, sehingga hal tersebut perlu diatasi dengan tepat. Institusi pendidikan sebagai lembaga yang berperan dalam menyelenggarakan proses pendidikan, tentunya harus berfungsi dalam menanamkan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk ikut ambil bagian dalam demokrasi, mengembangkan bakat yang dimiliki tiap orang demi kepentingan pribadi dan masyarakat, mempersiapkan anggota masyarakat untuk dapat mencari nafkah, melestarikan kebudayaan, mengurangi pengendalian orang tua, melimpahkan wewenang dan tugas dalam mendidik anak pada pihak sekolah, serta sebagai sarana untuk mengakomodir perselisihan paham yang terjadi di lingkungan sekolah maka perlu untuk menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang diupayakan untuk memutus mata rantai kekerasan yang terjadi.Pendidikan berbasis toleransi merupakan upaya untuk menyelenggarakan pendidikan dengan menghapuskan perbedaan mendasar antara senior dan junior di instansi pendidikan. Dengan demikian pendidikan diupayakan untuk saling menghormati dan menghargai antar siswa tanpa memandang senioritas.Kata Kunci: Pendidikan, toleransi, kekerasanAbstractThe problems of violence in the world of education is one of the urgent problems obtaining enough sharp spotlight, because in some cases of violence resulting in death, so it needs to be addressed appropriately. Educational institutions as institutions that play a role in organizing the educational process, must be functioning in imparting the necessary skills to take part in democracy, developing the talents of each person in the interests of the private and the public, prepare community members to be able to earn a living, to preserve their culture, reducing parental control, delegation of authority and duty to educate children in the school, as well as a means to accommodate the disagreement that occurred in the school environment, the need for education that sought to break the chain of violence. Tolerance based education is an effort to provide education to eliminate the35Winarno Pendidikan Berbasis Toleransi Sebagai Upaya….MAGISTRA - Volume 6 Nomor 2 Oktober 2015fundamental differences between the senior and junior in educational institutions. Thus pursued education for mutual respect and respect among students regardless of seniority.Keywords: education, tolerance, violence

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-79
A. Zhusupova ◽  

The article deals with the problems of patriotism education in Kazakhstan, associated with the radical socio-economic transformations taking place in the world and in our country. All these changes have caused great changes in the public consciousness and spiritual life of society. With the acquisition of Kazakhstan's status as a sovereign state, the education of patriotism among the younger generation requires a special approach and interpretation, in consequence of the multinational nature of this state. It is necessary to form the right attitude to their Homeland and this should engage society, as patriotism is not inherent in the genes, it is not hereditary, and social quality. Love for the Motherland is the deepest of human feelings, which are the spiritual Foundation of social and state development. Patriotism can become a criterion for assessing the essence and the whole life of a person. Patriotism is presented as a form of axiological development of personality.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
William M. Plater

<p>Higher education serves as an agent of social change that plays a significant role in the development of socially conscious and engaged students. The duty higher education has toward society, the role for-profit educational institutions play in enhancing the public good, and the prospect of making social change an element of these providers’ missions are discussed. Laureate’s Global Citizenship Project is introduced, highlighting the development of the project’s civic engagement rubric and the challenges of assessing civic engagement.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-130
Zamakhsyari Abdul Majid

This paper is behind the concept of innovation that became one of the universal and fundamental strategies. The substance of innovation in education has the purpose of improving and updating the context of human development and educational institutions. Reference and inspiration of Islamic principles into modern theoretical problematic have a significant impact as the basic foundation of management science study in the future. Planning is part of a management science resulting from the process of human innovation as the object of education. This paper uses a method of commentary maudu'I or thematic interpretive analysis, which refers to a unity of certain themes in the verses of the Qur'an, as well as analyze the innovative part of planning in the perspective of Al-Quran. The study of educational innovation embodied in the Qur'an has implications for the human mindset to be able to plan the educational process systematically, objectively and dynamically. Planning human resources in the stage of management is a manifestation of human success to improve the paradigm of innovation that entered the world of education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
A. Samsul Ma'arif

Educational institutions in which there is an educational process, have a function not only in the aspect of developing science, but also have a mission to improve the quality of personality through good character. In this position, the teacher has a role in instilling inclusive values (tasamuh) in the learning process that can be applied in everyday life as well as the process in developing the potential of their students. Each educational institution or each teacher will have different tasamuh values in each habituation or teaching. Get used to communicating with others using the language of unity, namely Indonesian, helping each other, not blaming others, especially fellow Muslims, especially other religions, and respecting different principles and respecting others. This study focuses on the views of Islamic Education teachers about the concept of tasamuh and the actualization of the tasamuh attitude of Islamic Education teachers in the learning process at SMK NU Lamongan, MTs Putra Putri Lamongan, SD NU Banat-Banin Lamongan. This study uses a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. This study shows that teachers play a role in developing tolerant attitudes to students in the school environment, social groups and even the community, through habituation and learning Islamic Education. The teacher's perspective on inclusive attitudes also plays a role in shaping the personality of students to be more open and respect all differences.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-102
V. M. Kukharenko ◽  

This paper analyzes the world sources and considers the evolution of the e-learning system in the world, which are necessary for the formation of the e-learning system of the educational institution. The object of research is modern information pedagogical technologies that change the educational process. Subject of research – various educational technologies (distance, mixed, mobile, micro-) learning that influence the effectiveness of the educational process. The purpose is to identify the main elements that create the global e-learning system and to define the structure of the system for use in educational institutions. It is shown that in the first stage distance courses played the role of delivery of educational materials to the student. The development of web 2.0 technology and the advent of LMS have changed the way we learn. Pedagogical theories, the pedagogical instructional model ADDIE, and the use of Bloom's taxonomy allowed for student collaboration and active communication. The distance learning course is focused on achieving and measuring learning outcomes. In the third stage, all components of the world eLearning system are present: methodical, informational, technological, software and technical, personnel, regulatory, planning and development, monitoring and control. The components of the subsystems are variable in nature. Such a system is the basis for the strategy and tactics of the development of the e-learning system in the educational organization and its structural units. The most important is the planning and development subsystem, which defines the ways of development of the educational organization, the strategy and tactics of development of the e-learning system of the university, the required staff potential and the system of professional development of teachers. For its effective work it is necessary to have trained content curators who follow the most influential content curators of the world. Members of this team provide certification for distance courses in accordance with the organization standard. National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" conducts systematic work in this area, conducts open distance courses for developers, tutors, content curators and experts for teachers of educational institutions of Ukraine. Developed distance courses that measure the competence of trained professionals ensure high efficiency of dual learning. More than 2,100 teachers of educational establishments of Ukraine have enrolled in the open distance courses, more than 320 teachers have successfully completed the courses.

Лілія Моргай

In the article, there is a list of contributions from a prominent teacher, historical, and community member of Ukraine – Nikifor Yakovich Grigoriyev. The contribution of the teacher to the process of Ukrainianization of the educational process has been grounded before the hour of his transfer to the seat of the Ministry of Education of the Ukrainian People's Republic in the office of the head of the People's Ministries of V. Golubovich. The manuals and books in the Ukrainian language with the help of educating the people about the formulation of their national consciousness have been analyzed. The assessment of the pedagogical study and methods of the study of the Ukrainian language and history decline was made.It is noted that N. Hryhoriyiv took a course on the revival of education, namely: primary education, native language, customs, and traditions in educational institutions. This period is characterized by the study of the Ukrainian language in primary school, the teaching of the Ukrainian language in teachers'  seminaries, the creation of Ukrainian gymnasiums. The purpose of the article is to highlight the issues of primary education in the creative heritage of the Ukrainian teacher Nikifor Yakovlevich Hryhoriyiv (1883–1953). To write the article, we used the following methods: periodization – to determine in accordance with reasonable criteria for the selection of periods of educational activity of the scientist; method of reconstruction – to reproduce the socio-cultural and socio-political context of educational development; interpretations – for creative rethinking of pedagogical ideas of N. Grigoriev taking into account modern educational and organizational-pedagogical tasks. N. Hryhoriyiv's activity as the Minister of Education of the Ukrainian People's Republic was aimed at the nationalization of the public education system, which could educate a new generation of conscious citizens of Ukraine. After becoming the Minister of the Ukrainian People's Republic, in 1918 the teacher introduced compulsory teaching in schools in the Ukrainian language and issued a document “Schools in Ukraine”, which testified to the opening of schools in 39 settlements of Ukraine.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4.35) ◽  
pp. 583
Badariah Solemon ◽  
Wan Muhammad Luqman Wan Abu Bakar

This paper presents the results of an exploratory study conducted to identify the factors that influence people and communities to participate in crowdsourcing approach of crime information. The study uses as survey, self-administered questionnaires distributed to the crowd in the public areas in Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia as well as through an online survey website. Analysis performed to more than half of 139 valid responses of the survey reveals that the respondents participated in crowdsourced crime reporting and sharing using recent technologies such as mobile application mainly to help reduce the crime rate (nature of problem factor); to contribute to the betterment of mankind and they like the idea of contributing to something of value to the world (altruism factor); to exchange ideas or knowledge on crime information with the crowdsourcing community and to obtain crime related information (learning factor); to share crime related information to others (interest in topic); and to alert others so they can be more cautious (reciprocity factor). Findings from this survey have guided a research work to develop a prototype of mobile application to demonstrate how the application can support neighborhood crime watch activity by enabling community members to share crime incidents information.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Fadhilah Hidayatullah

<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>This article discusses the results of research on Sardundun's spoken literature in Tanjung Bulan village, Pulau Beringin district (OKU Selatan). The background is the need for local cultural inheritance that has a life value, but has begun to be abandoned by the community. The approach used in this research is qualitative with descriptive methods. The results of this study are to present poetry that contains elements of language and art culture that have local cultural richness in the local area. The purpose of this research is to make the public know that the province of South Sumatra has a culture in Sardundun's speech. The value contained is the principle of life that exists in a creature is to convey gratitude to the creator, which is based on conscience through the medium of the spoken language. Through inheritance, it can be done using the medium of the language spoken. However, it is not limited to oral, but written orally. Initially in the form of spoken speech, now it can only be done by means of written speech. Through local cultural inheritance, it is very appropriate to do it with written media and then tell it. Inheritance is more effectively carried out in educational institutions, because it serves as a forum for learning and teaching. Recommendations for further research, so that it can be used as material for the world of education, so that the transformation of the local Sardundun culture is carried out and its inheritance can be realized. Thus the local culture still exists and exists in the community where the speech was born, and is familiar with the community in general. </span></p><p><span>Keywords: </span><span>Preservation, Sardundun, Culture. </span></p></div></div></div>

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 385-400
Ol'ga V. ASTAF'EVA ◽  

Subject. Practiced involuntarily to counteract the spread of the coronavirus in educational institutions, online learning turned to be the only effective solution ensuring the sustainable and uninterrupted educational process in the highly uncertain circumstances the world faced. The managerial decision on online learning induces many implications for everyone involved into the educational process and the educational system. Thus, it can be undertaken again in similar situations in the future. So, we need to have the profound understanding of the mechanism. Objectives. We study what students think about their educational process when they have to learn remotely. Therefore, we identify strengths and weaknesses of online learning. Methods. The methodological framework relies upon proceedings on remote learning and the impact of the digitalization on the educational process. The study involves methods of generalization, comparative analysis, sociological survey. Results. As the sociological survey reveals, students tend to new formats of learning during the pandemic. This is due to a lack of personal communication with teachers and their classmates. Conclusions and Relevance. Referring to most of the respondents, we conclude that the new form of learning proved to be rather effective in the current situation when people have to work and learn remotely during the coronavirus pandemic.

2017 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 458-472 ◽  
Patrick Lo ◽  
Kevin K.W. Ho ◽  
Bradley Allard ◽  
Shih-Chang Horng ◽  
Yan Liu

Public libraries across the world are well-known for the promotion of literacy and lifelong learning. However, at the same time, they are important social and community spaces in which community members can engage with each other. With this in mind, this study looks at the ways in which public libraries in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong fulfil these roles in their respective communities. The public libraries chosen for this study were namely: Shanghai Library, Taipei Public Library and Hong Kong Central Library. A total number of 788 responses were collected from all three libraries. Results from the surveys indicated that public libraries in these communities were seen as being important for providing cost-free materials, entertainment, and, especially, contributing to the overall culture of the community at large. Results indicated that the public libraries chosen for this study have social and cultural values alongside its function as an information centre. These findings will be important in understanding the sociocultural roles of public libraries in East Asia.

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