scholarly journals Tunda-Tunda Bamban Dalam Kebudayaan Masyarakat Melayu Tamiang di Aceh (Analisis Wacana Teks, Koteks, dan Konteks)

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Abdul Gapur ◽  
Rivai Baiquni ◽  
Mhd. Pujiono

This research discusses about kid’s playing song tunda-tunda bamban in Melayu Tamiang society. This research is kind of qualitative approach by using descriptive method. The data were taken from field research as the result of observation and directly interview toward informant of Melayu Tamiang society in Kampong Batu Aru, District Bandar Pusaka, Province Aceh.  In analyzing function and meaning of the song, it is used theory of context and semiotics. Furthermore, the function of the song in society is analyzed by using Easman’s etnoscience theory. The result of research is found that kid’s playing song tunda-tunda bamban is the song for starting and during the game. The functions of song tunda-tunda bamban are such consolation, kid’s education media, application of societies’ norms, social control and strenghten the bounding of fraternity.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
Mulkan Syah Riza

This study aims to explain how the distribution of productive zakat in the Rumah Zakat North Sumatra and how the effectiveness of productive zakat distribution in improving the welfare of mustahik in the Rumah Zakat North Sumatra. This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of descriptive method, which is a problem that guides researchers to explore and photograph situations that will be thoroughly investigated, broadly and deeply. Data collection techniques with field research, while the tools used are observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of this study inform that in distributing productive zakat funds, Rumah Zakat is in accordance with Law No. 23 of 2011 concerning Management of Zakat. The distribution of productive zakat carried out by the Rumah Zakat North Sumatra through the Senyum Mandiri Program to mustahik in Medan Helvetia Subdistrict has been effective, because it can improve the welfare of mustahik, this is evidenced by the income of eight of thirteen mustahik people in total, five people whose income is fixed and four out of eight people whose income has increased has reached the level of muzaki.

Sulaiman Sulaiman ◽  
Muzakir Muzakir ◽  
Ema Syithah ◽  
Baharuddin Baharuddin ◽  
Ainon Mardhiah

The purpose of this study was to look at the factor of increasing divorce rates in the city of Sabang. This research integrates library research and field research using a qualitative approach. This study uses. descriptive method of analysis The highest results of the study showed that the factor of increasing divorce in Sabang City was caused by; first, continuous disputes and disputes amounted to 80 cases, secondly, leaving one party numbered 38 cases, third, economic (family needs not met) as many as 9 cases, fourth, domestic violence in 5 cases, and fifth, sentenced to imprisonment ( involved in the use of narcotics) totaling 4 cases, the data is the data of the last three years. Whereas prevention efforts to avoid divorce are carried out by conducting marriage counseling conducted by the Office of Religious Affairs in the Sabang City area, at least one week before the implementation of the marriage contract, this guidance activity is mandatory for couples to marry, besides the Shari'ah Court of Sabang also conducted mediation with every party who filed a divorce or divorce divorce, out of the 63 cases of mediation cases that entered, only 5 cases of mediation were successfully mediated in the last three years and if the mediation attempt was unsuccessful a register was held to proceed to the trial stage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-58
Ahmad Yasir Amrullah ◽  
Muhammad Fauzi ◽  

This study aims to determine the skills of the kitabah through khat riq'ah with manhaj Hamidi. This study uses a qualitative approach. This type of research is field research conducted at the Al-Quran Calligraphy School (SAKAL) in Jombang, East Java. The data sources in this study were SAKAL students and teachers. Data collection techniques using observation, documentation, and interviews. The data obtained were classified and analyzed by descriptive method. For the presentation in the form of descriptive narrative. The results of this research indicate that: First, learning the book through khat riq'ah with manhaj Hamidi aims to realize a pesantren-based madrasa education model, as well as fostering students' skills, morals, intellectuals and spirituality, and building abilities, especially in the field of Al-Qur'an calligraphy. In the process of learning khat Riq'ah, two guide books/Kurrasah were used, including Kurrasah Yusuf Dzannun and Muhammad Izzat. Second, its application in learning begins with giving an example of one point from the teacher to the student, then a colon, the basic letter (ا-ب-م-ي-ق-ص-هـ-ج) followed by the letter mustakhrajat (د-ر-س-ض-ع-ف-ك-لا) after all the letters are finished, continue with murajaah or repeat all the letters that have been learned in one deposit. After the murajaah is finished, it is continued by imitating the sentences in the book. So that by using this method, students' book skills have increased significantly. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keterampilan kitabah melalui khat riq’ah dengan manhaj Hamidi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan yang dilakukan di Sekolah Kaligrafi al-Quran (SAKAL) yang berada di Jombang Jawa Timur. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa dan guru SAKAL. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Data yang diperoleh diklasifikasikan dan dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif. Untuk penyajiannya dalam bentuk deskriptif naratif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama, Pembelajaran kitabah melalui khat riq’ah dengan manhaj Hamidi bertujuan untuk merealisasikan model pendidikan madrasah berbasis pesantren, serta pembinaan keterampilan, moral, intelektual dan spiritual siswa dan membangun kemampuan khususnya bidang kaligrafi Al-Qur’an. Dalam proses pembelajaran khat Riq’ah memakai dua buku panduan/kurrasah, diantaranya kurrasah  Yusuf Dzannun dan Muhammad Izzat. Kedua, Penerapannya dalam pembelajaran diawali dengan pemberian contoh titik satu dari guru kepada murid, kemudian titik dua, huruf asasiyah (ا-ب-م-ي-ق-ص-هـ-ج) dilanjutkan dengan huruf mustakhrajat (د-ر-س-ض-ع-ف-ك-لا)  setelah semua huruf selesai dilanjutkan dengan murajaah atau mengulang semua huruf yang telah dipelajari dalam satu kali setor. Setelah murajaah selesai dilanjutkan dengan menirukan kalimat yang ada di kitab. Sehingga dengan menggunakan metode ini, keterampilan kitabah siswa mengalami peningkatan secara signifikan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
Mulkan Syah Riza

This study aims to explain how the distribution of productive zakat in the Rumah Zakat North Sumatra and how the effectiveness of productive zakat distribution in improving the welfare of mustahik in the Rumah Zakat North Sumatra. This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of descriptive method, which is a problem that guides researchers to explore and photograph situations that will be thoroughly investigated, broadly and deeply. Data collection techniques with field research, while the tools used are observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of this study inform that in distributing productive zakat funds, Rumah Zakat is in accordance with Law No. 23 of 2011 concerning Management of Zakat. The distribution of productive zakat carried out by the Rumah Zakat North Sumatra through the Senyum Mandiri Program to mustahik in Medan Helvetia Subdistrict has been effective, because it can improve the welfare of mustahik, this is evidenced by the income of eight of thirteen mustahik people in total, five people whose income is fixed and four out of eight people whose income has increased has reached the level of muzaki.

Maratul Qiftyah ◽  
Sandriansyah Sandriansya

Madrasas will be able to develop if educational facilities and infrastructure support the learning process. The purpose of this research is to describe the management of facilities and infrastructure in MI Qurrota A'yun. This research is a field research using descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The main subject in this study is the headmaster of the madrasa. Data collection methods used in this research are interviews and observation. Techniques used for data analysis are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of the study it can be seen that the management of facilities and infrastructure in MI Qurrota A'yun there are several stages, including: 1) planning of facilities and infrastructure by analyzing the whole beforehand, 2) procurement of facilities and infrastructure, 3) inventory of facilities and infrastructure, 4 ) the use or use of facilities and infrastructure by the madrasa, educators, and all students must be monitored by the selected party madrasa, 5) maintenance of facilities and infrastructure is very important for educators and students so that the goods in the madrasa remain under supervision and care

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 168-173
Musral Lingga Wati ◽  
Yusnanik Bachtiar

Abstract Slum is a problem that has long since occurred and also become the main obstacle to the development of large cities, including one of Padang's right city in the village of Dadok Tunggul Hitam and village of Alai Parak Kopi. In line with the problem, the Ministry of Public Works and housing of the Indonesian people created a national slum handling strategy program called the Program Kota Tanpa Kumuh (Kotaku). This Program is in the implementation of Dadok Tunggul Hitam and Alai Parak Kopi. This research aims to meet the implementation of the Ungrungy City program, community participation, and constraints during its implementation. The type of research used is Field research with a descriptive method through a qualitative approach. The informant of this research is a subdistrict apparatus, Kelurahan, Community Empowerment Institute (LPM), an ungrungy city Program activists and elements of society. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this research show that the implementation of the Ungrungy City program in the two villages is already running well, as well as the participation of its significant community, as well as the constraints are also not so much, only partly People do not understand the purpose of the program of the Ungrungy city because there is busy work. Key words: Program Kota Tanpa Kumuh, Community Participation

E. Nita Prianti ◽  
Khristina Sri Prihatin

Based on the fact that there is no end to the problems of education that occur in our country even though the government has worked hard to change it. The irrelevance between expectations, the process and the results achieved in education. Thus there are certainly other factors, one of which is the willingness or interest of students towards learning. The purpose of this study is 1) To find out how much the students' willingness to learn in improving the intellectual intelligence of students of SD Negeri Pandeglang district. 2) To find out the factors and efforts to improve the intellectual intelligence of students of SD Negeri Pandeglang district. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. While the data source was obtained through informants as research subjects using data collection techniques in library research and field research (research locations) by observing, documenting, interviewing guidelines for several informants namely students, teachers (SD) in the State of Pandeglang Regency. Then the data is analyzed correctly. The data obtained from the results of the study is that students 'interest in learning to improve students' intellectual intelligence in the area of ​​Pandeglang Regency cannot be categorized well. This can be proven from the findings of researchers that students of the SD Negeri Pandeglang Regency will their interest in learning only reach 50%. From 4 schools based on the results of research data, with a low willingness to learn so that 32.18% of students cannot read and write.

Sinta Kismi Hana ◽  
Beby Mashito Batu Bara ◽  
Nina Angelia

The purpose of this research is to evaluate the production cost budget at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III This research is a study that uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method in question is to use information data obtained at the time of the study and from the field in the form of data that is written or oral from the parties involved. The results obtained that PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III has evaluated the calculation of production costs periodically, based on reports based on production prices, selling prices and profit and loss by determining harvest costs, maintenance costs, factory overhead costs, processing costs, and depreciation costs. budget prepared by PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III is not yet perfect enough because there are still many significant deviations both beneficial and adverse. This is the responsibility of managers to conduct more in-depth evaluations to make the realization of costs so as not to occur too far away. Conclusions through field research that PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III has made a production cost budget with a yearly period. PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III has evaluated the calculation of production costs periodically, based on reports based on production prices, selling prices and profit and loss by determining harvest costs, maintenance costs, factory overhead costs, processing costs, and depreciation costs. The budget prepared by PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III is not yet perfect enough.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 71
Aan Eko Khusni Ubaidillah

The problems we face today live in a time of moral degradation and destruction. People feel proud if they can imitate the trend carried by the West; both in thought and lifestyle. Ironically, not a few generations of Muslims who terpedaya with the trend. They make Western values ​​as their standard of behavior and morals. Meanwhile, Islamic morality is increasingly felt strange and difficult to practice in the midst of society facing such problems plural and complex. The purpose of this study are: 1) To describe the steps Implementation of values ​​of Ethics, Moral and Morals in learning behavior in STIT Raden Wijaya Mojokerto. 2) To describe the supporting and inhibiting factors Implementation of Ethics, Morals and Morals values ​​in the behavior of learning in STIT Raden Wijaya Mojokerto This research type is field research research using qualitative approach. Data collection techniques include observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis technique uses descriptive explorative, that is by describing state and phenomenon status. Based on the exposure of the analysis of data sources can be concluded that: 1) Steps Implementation of values ​​of Ethics, Morals and Morals in the behavior of learning in STIT Raden Wijaya Mojokerto is the first institution to make a mature planning, then applied with the pattern pembiasaan. 2) To describe the supporting and inhibiting factors Implementation of Ethics, Morals and Morals values ​​in learning behavior in STIT Raden Wijaya Mojokerto consists of internal factors (consisting of heredity, gender, physical character, personality, intelligence and talent) and external ( consisting of education, religion, culture, environment and socio-economic)

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-32
Apriyanti Kartika Agustin ◽  
Irfan Sanusi ◽  
Herman Herman

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan fungsi manajemen pada Masjid Al-Anshari dalam meningkatkan Jama’ah Shalat Shubuh dan Shalat Jum’at. Secara lebih rinci tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk pengetahui proses perencanaan, proses pengorganisasian, proses penggerakan dan proses pengendalian di Masjid Al-Anshari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dipandang tepat untuk digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Adapun metode pengumpulan data yakni dengan cara observasi, wawancara, rekaman audio dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Masjid Al-Anshari di dalam meningkatkan jama’ah Shalat Shubuh dan Shalat Jum’at memiliki proses perencanaan berupa penyusunan unsur tujuan, unsur kebijakan, unsur kemajuan, dan unsur program. Proses pengorganisasian yang dilakukan dengan pembagian kerja melalui struktur organisasi, departementalisasi dengan deksripsi kerjanya, distribusi otoritas, dan koordinasi yang dilakukan setiap Briefing di Coffee Break. Proses penggerakan dilakukan melalui proses motivasi, proses kepemimpinan dan proses komunikasi. Proses pengendalian dilakukan dengan memperbaiki penyimpangan-penyimpangan yang ada.   This study aims to determine the application of management functions in the Al-Ansari Mosque in improving Jama'ah Shubuh Prayer and Friday Prayers. In more detail, the purpose of this research is to find out the planning process, the organizing process, the mobilization process and the control process at Al-Ansari Mosque.  This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, considered appropriate for use in this study. The data collection method is by observation, interview, audio recording and documentation study.  The results of this study indicate that the Al-Ansari Mosque in improving the congregation of the Shubuh Prayers and Friday Prayers has a planning process in the form of compilation of objectives, policy elements, progress elements, and program elements. The organizing process is carried out with the division of labor through the organizational structure, departmentalization with its work description, distribution of authority, and coordination that is carried out every Briefing at Coffee Break. The mobilization process is carried out through a motivational process, a leadership process and a communication process. The control process is carried out by correcting the existing deviations.

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