Al-Qalam ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 157
Syamsurijal Adhan

<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>The Islamic Religious Education (PAI) Teacher is one of the educators who is considered to have an important role in shaping students' religious understanding. Of course, the understanding of religion expected to emerge from these PAI teachers is a moderate one that is not extreme and does not exaggerate in expressing certain religious views. However, in some cases, it was found that PAI teachers were intolerant and even approved of radical actions in the name of religion. This qualitative research method aims to describe the portrait as well as the challenge of moderation for Islamic Religious Teachers, especially those in Madrasah Aliyah and Sekolah Menengah Umum (SMU). This research was conducted in two regions in South Sulawesi, Bulukumba and Makassar. The results showed that some Islamic education teachers still have problems in their views and attitudes of religious moderation, especially in their acceptance of diversity. Regarding nationalism, there are still several obstacles, for example, PAI teachers who prohibit flag ceremonies. But on the other hand, the religious moderation of the PAI teachers shows a lot of hope. There are still many PAI teachers who have a good religious perspective and attitude. Some PAI teachers affiliated with certain religious groups have puritanical and exclusive view. Still, in certain matters, such as the acceptance of the Republic of Indonesia, they are starting to be moderate. The right approach and intervention will be able to overcome the obstacle of intolerance among Islamic Education Teachers</span></p></div></div></div>

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-180
Munawar Rahmat ◽  
Endis Firdaus

Abstract. Religious tolerance among students is quite problematic. The results of previous studies showed that student’s intolerance was quite high. The question is, how to teach students a solid faith and be tolerant of other religions and different Islamic groups? Abdurrahman An-Nahlawi, An Islamic Scholar and Professor of Islamic Education in Egypt introduced seven types of Quranic methods, one of which is Hiwar Jadalī (dialogue-argumentative Qurani). This method is thought to strengthen faith as well as religious tolerance of students, provided that the lecturer can choose the right verses. This study aims to produce Hiwar Jadalī learning model in Islamic Religious Education to strengthen the religious belief and tolerance of UPI students. This research uses descriptive-comparative method. Two classes used the Hiwar Jadalī learning model while the other two classes used the ordinary model. As a result, Hiwar Jadalī’s learning model was proven to be more effective in strengthening students’ faith and religious tolerance. Abstrak. Toleransi beragama di kalangan mahasiswa cukup bermasalah. Hasil-hasil penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan intoleransi mahasiswa cukup tinggi. Pertanyaannya, bagaimanakah mengajarkan keimanan yang kokoh kepada mahasiswa sekaligus toleran terhadap agama dan golongan Islam lain yang berbeda?. Abdurrahman An-Nahlawi, Ulama dan Guru Besar Pendidikan Islam Mesir mengenalkan tujuh jenis metode Qurani, salah satunya Hiwar Jadalī (dialog-argumentatif Qurani). Metode ini diduga dapat mengokohkan keimanan sekaligus toleransi beragama bagi mahasiswa, dengan catatan dosen dapat memilih penggalan ayat-ayat yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan model pembelajaran Hiwar Jadalī dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam untuk mengokohkan keimanan dan toleransi beragama mahasiswa UPI. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif-komparatif. Dua kelas menggunakan model pembelajaran Hiwar Jadalī sedangkan dua kelas lainnya menggunakan model biasa. Hasilnya, model pembelajaran Hiwar Jadalī terbukti lebih efektif mengokohkan keimanan dan toleransi beragama mahasiswa.

1969 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Salim Ashar

Character is a complicated issue, even considered an abstract problem. It is said to be abstract because the concept of manners is not yet operational. While good and bad standards for morals are in the objective view of God the Creator of man. If the character is ethics, it is very dangerous, because some of its value will be contrary to the moral lessons that exist in religious subjects. When both are taught (ethics and morals) then the threat is the students will later experience what is called a split personality, that is split personality. Students become confused because there are conflicting values, such as good values ​​in the sense of morals and good value in manners (call: ethics). There is no honest terminology of Arabic versions, honest English versions, false witnesses of Arabic and French versions, as there is no terminology about Arab or Turkish morality. This applies to humans when there is a pattern of intersection between ethical values ​​and customs: ethical values ​​derive from the "right" way (revelation), whereas customs are derived from the habits The purpose of this study are: 1) Describing whether or not the addition manners in the lessons of Islamic Religious Education. 2) Describe the material (content) in the lesson of Islamic Education and the intersection of Budi Pekerti based on traditional perspectives. This study uses "Library Research". The research data used is secondary data. Data collection techniques used are documentation. Data processing is done by conducting the activity of review, verification and reduction, grouping and systematization, and interpretation or interpretation so that a phenomenon has social, academic, and scientific value. From the results of the discussion concluded: 1) Based on the perspective of Islam, the lessons of Islamic Religious Education need not be added with the character, because in fact holistic education includes in the Islamic Religious Education. 2) The content of Islamic Religious Education should include aspects of Islam, ie Aqidah, Shari'ah and Akhlak which are taught in a balanced way, but the lesson of character can be combined as long as the adat is the custom of the Muslims.

2019 ◽  
Laila Fariha Zein ◽  
Adib Rifqi Setiawan

This qualitative descriptive work briefly examines what it has been and continues to be like for islamic education institutions to be alternative institutions in the Singapore’s education system that has the highest performance in international education and tops in global rankings. In Singapore’s education system, islamic education institutions represented by madrasah that are full-time and offer a pedagogical mix of Islamic religious education and secular education in their curricula. There are currently six madrasahs in Singapore offering primary to tertiary education, namely, Aljunied Al-Islamiah, Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiah, Al-Maarif Al-Islamiah, Alsagoff Al-Arabiah, Al-Arabiah Al-Islamiah, and Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah. Four of them are co-educational, while the other two offer madrasah education exclusively to girls. It explores the powerful and positive potential of islamic education institutions in developing a truly humane science of the the future.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 36-43
Ucok Agus Saputra

Post-fall of the New Order regime, the action of Islamic radicalism spreads out fast in Indonesia. Unluckily, actors and the perpetrators are mostly Muslimand claiming graduated from Islamic educational institutions. Radical Islamic movements nowadays are worrying the people and threaten the life of the nation that contains the values of pluralism, tolerance, and acculturative, including in religion. According to way of life on Indonesian, Pancasila, and the 1945 Constitution and the Republic of Indonesia which is the basics of nation and state are also threatened. even their movement tends to do with violence. Proven by the presence of several violent incidents that resulted in deaths were not counted. (National Agency for Counter of Terrorism, 28/8/2002). Therefore, Indonesia  (and even the world) needs strategies to prevent the anti-radicalism and terrorism. Learning the last fact, education that be designed by conforming new model of learning for Moslem Teacher is absolutely needed. The approach to the handle the Islamic radicalism must always be strived, One of models is through character education. Education is partly done by reconstructing the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) that is taught in educational institutions. Reconstruction of PAI should be able to produce learners that possess attitude of tolerant, moderate and inclusive. In short, there is a tendency of systematic efforts made by certain religious groups to teach the doctrine of religious hardliners among students of Elementary School (SD), that often reborn radicalization. Here, the writer will show how Moslem teacher can take anti-radicalims learing by some new models that can be implemented, namely the de-radicalization preventive, de-radicalization preservative against moderate Islam, and  curative deradicalised.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Ahmad Riyadl Mauludi

Abstrak: Salat lima waktu merupakan ibadah yang utama dalam Islam. Banyak kemuliaan dan keistimewaan dalam ibadah ini. Perintah wajib dan dilakukan sebanyak lima kali dalam semalam menjadikan salat sebagai ibadah yang sudah melekat di hati umat Islam. Bagi umat Islam yang beriman dan bertakwa, selain dihinggapi perasaan berdosa, meninggalkan salat juga menjadikan pelakunya menjadi tidak tenang. Sehingga dari sini secara tidak langsung salat sudah memberikan manfaat positif bagi siapa yang menjalankannya. Inilah yang dinamakan dengan pendidikan. Cliffort Geertz dengan teorinya Agama sebagai Budaya menempatkan ibadah salat sebagai simbol-simbol sakral yang akan memengaruhi proses sosial atau budaya. Proses sosial atau budaya inilah yang akan menjadi basis pendidikan agama bagi umat Islam dan tentu dengan sebuah pendidikan akan mengubah hasil budi daya seseorang, khususnya seorang muslim bahkan umat Islam. Hal ini menarik bagi peneliti untuk mencari titik temu antara kewajiban ibadah salat tersebut dengan teori yang dipaparkan oleh Geertz. Sehingga hal ini menjadi hal yang perlu untuk dianalisis lebih dalam. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kepustakaan dengan mencari sumber-sumber yang membahas masalah salat dan teori Cliffort Geertz. Abstract : Prayer As a Basis for Islamic Education: an Analysis of The Theory of Cliffort Geertz: The five daily prayers are the main worship in Islam. Lots of glory and privilege in this worship. Mandatory orders and carried out five times a day make prayer as a worship that is inherent in the hearts of Muslims. For the faithful and pious Muslims, besides being infested with feelings of sin, leaving the prayers also makes the perpetrators uneasy. So that indirectly prayer has provided positive benefits for those who carry it out. This is what is called education. Cliffort Geertz with his theory of Religion as Culture places the prayer as sacred symbols that will influence social or cultural processes. This social or cultural process will be the basis of religious education for Muslims and certainly with an education will change the results of one's cultivation, especially a Muslim and even Muslims. This is interesting for researchers to look for a meeting point between the obligations of the prayer with the theory presented by Geertz. So this is something that needs to be analyzed more deeply. This research method uses the literature method by searching for sources that discuss the issue of prayer and Cliffort Geertz's theory. Kata Kunci : Salat, Pendidikan, Cliffort Geertz, Agama, Budaya

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 295
Sevdai Morina ◽  
Endri Papajorgji

In life, it often happens that humans take different actions on different occasions to save man or his wealth. These actions can be taken when there is a need to protect the integrity of man and his wealth, both individual and social wealth. Man performs these actions morally and without any institutional obligation. Man does the action without consent in order to save one's life or another's wealth. There is a need for such an action, because everyone sometimes in certain cases needs mutual help. With these behaviors of people, it is seen that they do not take these actions out of legal obligation, but act and should act with the consciousness and conscience of the civilized man. People who do this are driven by the need for cooperation, humanity, existence at the expense of the other, namely society. A person performs this action by perpetrating the work of another without consent for any other person. Hence, they undertake some factual and legal action for the other, sacrificing something that can be the property value and their bodily integrity. Sometimes this action must be taken because there are actions that cannot be postponed, therefore someone should take an action in such situations even when uninvited. Consequently, the subject matter analyzed in this paper is the act of perpetration of the work of another without consent as a source of the right of obligations in the Republic of Kosovo.   Received: 6 October 2021 / Accepted: 1 November 2021 / Published: 5 November 2021

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1328
Billy Samuel ◽  
Rasji .

Cigarettes is a culture that has existed since time immemorial and has come down to the heir of the nation to this day, cigarettes which initially is a habit that is done to fill the vacuum of time, has now turned into something that makes people dependence on cigarettes. Therefore based on the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia in Article 28H paragraph (1) states that the right of citizens to obtain a good and healthy environment, and get good health services, need to be regulated further about health, especially the imposition cigarette. Now cigarettes that use tobacco which is one of addictive substances, has been regulated further by Law Number 36 Year 2009 About Health which is one of the realization of the ideals of the Constitution Article 28H Paragraph (1). However, control isn’t enough, in fact the government only carries the imposition of excise products that containing addictive substances. The research method used is normative legal research method that comes from primary, secondary, and supported by interview with related experts, which is analyzed deductively. In addition, the theory of the legal system not only refers to the substance of the law but also supported the legal culture that is more directed to the attitude of society, public confidence, values adopted by society and their ideas or expectations that determine how the legal system to obtain a place that is appropriate and acceptable to citizens within the framework of better society culture for Indonesia.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 799
Damian Agata Yuvens

Pengujian terhadap beberapa ketentuan dalam Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-Pokok Agraria dan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan ditujukan untuk memastikan agar warga negara Indonesia yang menikah dengan warga negara asing bisa tetap memiliki hak atas tanah dengan titel Hak Milik maupun Hak Guna Bangunan. Hasil akhirnya, Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia, melalui Putusan No. 69/PUU-XIII/2015, menolak sebagian permohonan yang diajukan dan memberikan tafsir sehubungan dengan perjanjian perkawinan, sehingga perjanjian perkawinan juga bisa dibuat selama dalam ikatan perkawinan. Namun demikian, terdapat masalah nyata dalam Pertimbangan Hukum yang disusun, yaitu falasi, kurangnya pertimbangan dan tidak adanya analisis dampak. Di sisi lain, penilaian yang dilakukan secara terpisah oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi terhadap objek yang diujikan menyebabkan tidak tampaknya perdebatan komprehensif mengenai isu pokok yang diujikan. Terlepas dari kekurangan tersebut, tak dapat pula disangkal bahwa Putusan No. 69/PUU-XIII/2015 memberikan alternatif jalan keluar.Review on some provisions in Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Regulations on Agrarian Principles as well as Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage were submitted in order to ensure that Indonesian citizen who marries foreign citizen could still hold land right with title of the Right of Ownership and the Right of Building. As a result, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia, through Decision No. 69/PUUXIII/2015, rejected part of the petition and provided interpretation in relation to marital agreement, so that marital agreement could be drafted during the marriage relation. Nevertheless, there are visible problems in the Legal Consideration, namely fallacy, lack of consideration and no impact analysis. On the other hand, assessment conducted separately by Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia caused the invisibility of comprehensive debate on the main issue that is contested. Apart from the said shortcomings, it is undeniable that Decision No. 69/PUU-XIII/2015 provided alternative way out.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Nurhadi Nurhadi ◽  
Zainul Bahri Lubis

This study aims to determine the values of Tauhid Education in the National Education System and the relevance of the National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003 in strengthening the values of Tauhid Education. This research method uses a type of library research or literature study (library research). Using two data sources, namely: 1). The primary data is law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System. 2). Secondary data is literature related to this research. The results of the study were obtained: 1) the values of Tauhid education contained in Chapter II Article 3 read: "National Education aims to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God the Almighty". Chapter V Article 12 paragraph 1 point A reads: "Every student in each education unit has the right: get religious education in accordance with the religion he adheres to and is taught by educators who are of the same religion". Chapter X Article 36 paragraph 3 point A reads: "The curriculum is prepared in accordance with the level of education within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia by taking into account: Increased faith and piety". 2) Relevance of the Law on National Education System No. 20 of 2003 in strengthening the values of Tauhid education that the main purpose is: "Faithful and devoted to the Almighty God". Then the right of the first student is to get religious education in accordance with a religion that is followed and taught by religious educators. And the curriculum is arranged in accordance with the level of education within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia with the first increase, namely faith and piety.

Moh. Hasim

AbstractThis study is motivated by the rampant violence among students. Islamic Education (PAI) as part of character education is seen to give a hand in influencing students’ attitudes and actions. This study aims to answer the question on how to shape the potential radicalism in the material books of PAI for Elementary Schools. Through qualitative approach with library research method, the study found the value of radicalism in the Islamic education material. The radical value which may affect the attitude of the students is the attitude of religious militancy driven by the spirit of jihad and towards other group / faiths, as well as narrow religious understanding. AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh maraknya tindak kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh para pelajar. Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) sebagai bagian dari pendidikan karakter dipandang ikut memberikan andil dalam mempengaruhi sikap dan tindakan siswa. Penelitian ini dimakudkan untuk menjawab permasalahan bagaimana bentuk potensi radikalisme dalam materi buku Ajar PAI Sekolah Dasar. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode library recearch, penelitian ini menemukan adanya nilai radikalisme dalam materi pembejaran pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah Dasar. Nilai radikal yang dapat mempengaruhi sikap siswa yaitu sikap militansi keagamaan, yang didorong oleh ajaran jihat dan anti terhadap kelompok/penganut agama lain, serta pemahaman keagamaan yang sempit.

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