Aria Dimas Harapan

ABSTRACTThe essence of this study describes the theoretical study of the phenomenon transfortation services online. Advances in technology have changed the habits of the people to use online transfortation In fact despite legal protection in the service based services transfortation technological sophistication has not been formed and it became warm conversation among jurists. This study uses normative juridical research. This study found that the first, the Government must accommodate transfotation online phenomenon in the form of rules that provide legal certainty; second, transfortation online as part of the demands of the times based on technology; third, transfortation online as part of the creative economy for economic growth . 

2018 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 03001
Enny Agustina

Government in administrative law considered as a unit, as an authorized body. Therefore, it is authorized to establish action, according to administrative law, and affect the legal circumstances of others, or to carry out legal action (under the civil law) in the meaning of government bodies legally. The dutch literature interpreted administrative with the terms administrative recht with administrative besturen. Besturen has a functional meaning to means the function of governance, and institutional or structural whole organs of government. Bestuur is an environment outside formation of regulations (regulgeving), and judicature (rechtspraak). The data of this research was collected by library research. This research aims to know the form of legal protection for the people to government action based on the concept of State Administrative Law. The result of this research shows that Legal decisions were those which fulfill formal and material requirements. This was based on the presumptive principle of rechtmatig, that was het vermoeden van rechtmatigheid or presumtio justea causa (every decisions issued by the government or the administrative of the state were considered lawful). This principle means that every decision was not revoked, unless there was a vernietiging of the court closely related to the principle of legal certainty (rechtszekerheidbeginsel).

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 160
Wibi Anska Putri

HKI is a work declared by creative economic actors as an effort to encourage Indonesia's economic growth. In addition to being a form of legal protection, the existence of one type of HKI namely the brand can be used as a concept as collateral. In fact, there is no legal force to implement this because there are no regulations governing it, causing legal uncertainty for the parties involved, especially regarding the policy of banking institutions in providing credit to cooperatives or UMKM that have been certified. The results of this paper show that the application of collective brand certificates to be used as collateral for bank loans does not yet have legal certainty, and the efforts that can be made by the government are to harmonize regulations, provide counseling on the importance of the existence of HKI, and monitor the balance between applicable rules and reality. which took place in the field. The role of cooperatives or UMKM is to maintain good performance when banking institutions have provided access to capital in the form of credit by implementing the Linkage Program Executing pattern based on the principle of consensus or trust and applying risk management principles in each credit agreement. The social responsibility of banking institutions in this case is to provide easing of collateral and is not commercial in nature.

Jawakil Butarbutar

This research is related to the Basic Agrarian Law which regulates land rights including property rights by registering the rights to their land to obtain ownership rights intended for maintain legal certainty and legal protection for holders of property rights over land. For this reason, it is important to socialize the importance of registering uncertified land to become certified land for legal certainty and protection of holders of property rights on the land to avoid land problems in the community. For this reason legal certainty and protection are needed so that the status of land owned by the people is clear as well as all actions taken relating to the land such as transfer, inheritance, transfer of rights, revocation / exemption and abolition of the land rights. With the certificate, the government has a definite role to provide legal protection to the  holders of property rights because the certified land has been registered at the landoffice and it becomes an obligation for the government to protect it. Keywords: Legal Certainty and Protection, Holders of Certificates of Ownership,  Agrarian Basic Law.

Tunas Agraria ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-135
Anisa Sekarsari ◽  
Haryo Budhiawan ◽  
Akur Nurasa

Abstract: In order to give the assurance of legal certainty, certainty of rights and legal protection to holders and owners of land rights, the land registration shall be carried out. However, there is still a land dispute which now become a homework for The Government. This is because the certificate which should be a strong evidentiary can not guaranteed the legal certainty for the owner, so the person who right the land can blocking the certificate of land rights at Land Office. The issuance of Regulation Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial / Head of National Land Office Number 13 Year of 2017 concerning the Procedures of Block and Sita which expected to create uniformity, standardization in recording process and abolition of registration blocked, it turns out not all the rules can be implemented at The Land Office of Sleman and Bantul Regency.The result of this research shows that blocking certificate process at Sleman Land Office and Bantul Land Office have a policy that the applicant is required to pay the blocking recording fee after the blocking received. Makes a potential loss to the (PNBP) which should be owned by Land Office for faced the problem of KKPweb application which have not been able to accomodate the time period of blocking. Keywords : blocking certificate, blocking, registration blocked Intisari: Dalam rangka memberikan jaminan kepastian hukum dan kepastian hak serta perlindungan hukum kepada pemegang dan pemilik hak atas tanah, maka dilaksanakan pendaftaran tanah. Namun demikian, masih saja terjadi sengketa pertanahan yang saat ini menjadi pekerjaan rumah bagi Pemerintah. Hal ini disebabkan karena, sertipikat sebagai alat pembuktian yang kuat ternyata belum menjamin kepastian hukum pemiliknya sehingga pihak yang merasa berhak atas tanah tersebut dapat melakukan blokir sertipikat hak atas tanah di Kantor Pertanahan. Dikeluarkannya Permen ATR/Kepala Nomor 13 Tahun 2017 tentang Tata Cara Blokir dan Sita yang diharapkan bertujuan untuk mewujudkan keseragaman, standarisasi dalam pelaksanaan pencatatan dan penghapusan catatan blokir ternyata tidak semua peraturan tersebut dapat dilaksanakan di Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Sleman dan Bantul. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan pencatatan blokir di kantor pertanahan Kabupaten Sleman dan Kabupaten Bantul terdapat kebijakan yaitu pemohon diwajibkan membayar biaya pencatatan blokir setelah blokirnya diterima membuat potensial loss terhadap (PNBP) yang seharusnya didapat kantor pertanahan untuk kendala yang dihadapi yaitu Aplikasi KKPweb yang belum dapat mengakomodir jangka waktu blokir. Kata Kunci: blokir sertipikat, pemblokiran, pencatatan blokir

Ni Nyoman Sunariani ◽  
A. A. Istri A. Maheswari ◽  
A. A. Gde Putra Pemayun

This research discussed grand investment tourism sector efforts to increase the number of villas and hotels to expand employment opportunities in the   Sub-district of Ubud Bali." affect the economic growth of a region. The main problem is how is the tourism sector's grand investment effort to increase the number of villas and hotels to expand employment opportunities in the Sub-district of Ubud Bali? High levels of unemployment can increase the amount of crime and increase social unrest. If examined further, from an economic standpoint, if many foreign and local investments are realized then job opportunities are wide open for the people in the area and other regions so that people's income rises by itself. The government is trying to create vocational education that aims to produce a quality and superior workforce in all sectors. Investment activities are the use of a sum of money in the hope of obtaining benefits and can plan their financing and implementation as a unit of activity within a certain period of time. Expenditure on investment costs is done once and only produces benefits a few years later.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 207
Slamet Tri Wahyudi

Law enforcement without direction and not based on the three pillars of the justice of law, legal certainty and the benefits to society can break the law anyway even violate human rights. As one of the policies of the government that are not considered mencerminakan the values of justice and disturbing for the people, the government policy that acts of omission or delay in the application of the death penalty. This research is a normative legal normative juridical approach. The data collected is secondary data were analyzed using qualitative methods juridical analysis. Based on these results it can be concluded that in the application of the death penalty there are serious legal issues, this is due to government policies that commit omission or delay in the execution of the death penalty is a violation of human rights as stipulated in Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution. Keywords: Death penalty, Justice, Legal Certainty, Law


In order to create order and legal certainty to the type and quality of local artsto tourism, the Government of Bali Province issued the Regional Decision of TheGovernor of The Head of Bali Number 394 of 1997 on Regulating Regional Arts onThe Province of Bali. Implementation of the Regional Decision of The Governor ofThe Head of Bali Number 394 of 1997 on Regulating Regional Arts on The Provinceof Bali of the terms, procedures and sanctions do not work effectively. These arecaused because of legal substance, legal structure, legal culture and the means andfacilities. To optimize the decision made by the Governor of the preventive andrepressive efforts. To streamline the implementation of the Regional Decision of TheGovernor of The Head of Bali Number 394 of 1997 will require a synergy betweenthe Department of Culture, sekaa / arts organizations and the service users. RegionalDecision of The Governor of The Head of Bali Number 394 of 1997 should have tobe amended because it does not fit with the times. Bali Provincial Cultural Officeshould be more proactive in doing preventive and repressive efforts in upholding theRegional Decision of The Governor of The Head of Bali Number 394 of 1997.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 32
Dewi Saraswati Sakariah

This study discusses about the phenomenon of the re-employed senior workers after retirement in Japan’s manufacturing companies. Japan is a country with the fastest aging population in the world that has many problems in itspopulation demographic.Meanwhile, the government launched intensifying efforts to make Japan rises from its economic recession since the 1990s.One of the efforts is call on each of the people who is still able to work to contribute to the employment sector in order to achieve economic growth strategy.One of the encouraged groups isthe post-retirementsenior workers in Japan’s manufacturing companies.The call on was well received while a number of companies were adopting this system with several different reasonsnamely life expectancy increases, the government calls to the people, the needs of the company's senior workers for productivity and skill transfering, the salary and the company's view of the young workers. This research will be interpreted by sosial changes perspective in society from Anthony Giidens. This study concludes that the phenomenon of the re-employed senior workers after retirement is the result of social changes that has occurred in Japanese society today.

2018 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 06010
Dwi Edi Wibowo ◽  
Benny Diah Madusari

Some certain types of seaweed, such as Euchema, Cottoni, Gracelaria, are also cultivated by people who live at coastal areas in Java. They make seaweed as a processed food like candies and solid porridge (dodol) because seaweed contains many nutrient substances, such as water (27,8%), protein (5,4%), carbohydrate (33,3%), fat (8,6%), coarse fiber (3%) and ashes (22,25%). Government should convince or guarantee with legal certainties, that people who consume goods and services, especially food products are safe, so that the existing of Rules as well as the regulations and other law for products set up and launched by the government, for giving protection to the people who use or consume the goods and products, will possibly bring a sense of security and improve welfare. The question is how is the legal protection for consumers on unlabelled processed food from seaweed? The Approach method used is empirical-juridical method which is used to solve problems by conducting research on primary data in the field. Juridical itself is a kind of research method referring to the law, the currently in force laws and regulations, and the theory of law.The regulations used in this research are Regulation No 8 / 1999 concerning Customers’ protection that is Regulation No.18 / 2012 concerning food.

2015 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Budi Ispriyarso

Problems found in this study is the reason why the government uses tax hostages in tax collection, how hostage force to used as a tool in the collection of tax debts and how the hostage-taking in terms ofjuridical aspect. The approach method used in this research is the Socio Legal Research. Result is that there are several factors that become a reason for the tax hostage. Government (fiscus) in collecting tax debts with the tax hostages have been carried out in accordance with the provisions of the act . According to aspects of legal certainty, tax hostages in Indonesia has had a legal protection, named Law No. 19 of 2000 as well as some regulatory other aspects . From the legal justice aspect, protection law also granted to taxpayers affected by the gijzeling. From the aspect of expediency, the application of the gijzeling prove to be useful in improving taxpayer compliance.Permasalahan yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini adalah mengapa pemerintah menggunakan sandera pajak  dalam penagihan pajak, bagaimana penyanderaan dipergunakan sebagai alat paksa dalampenagihan utang pajak dan bagaimana penyanderaan ditinjau dari aspek yuridis. Metode Pendekatan yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Socio legal Research. Hasil Penelitian adalah ada beberapa faktor yang menjadi alasan dilakukannya penyanderaan pajak. Pemerintah (fiscus) dalam melakukan penagihan utang pajak dengan sandera pajak telah dilakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan undang-undang.Berdasarkan aspek kepastian hukum, sandera pajak di Indonesia telah mempunyai payung hukumnya  yaitu UU Nomor 19 tahun 2000 serta beberapa peraturan lainnya. Dari aspek keadilan, perlindungan hukum juga diberikan kepada wajib pajak yang terkena sandera pajak.Dari aspek kemanfaatan, penerapan sandera pajak bermanfaat dalam peningkatan kepatuhan wajib pajak.

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