scholarly journals Organisasi dan Desain Pengembangan Kurikulum PAI

At-Tafkir ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-152
Ghamal Sholeh Hutomo ◽  
Tasman Hamami

Islamic education curriculum is not separated from its relation to the basicand objectives of Islamic education. Some parts of the curriculum materials can bedeveloped by the demands of the times and the human environment but considered thetimes and the human environment, but considered that the curriculum of Islamiceducation should be substantive in the purpose of Islamic education. The curriculumorganization is considered to be able to achieve that goal. Acting as a determinant ofhow a defection will take place, of course, this curriculum organization is one of the important factors. Curriculum design is a framework in drafting curriculum organization and is a preparation of one component of the curriculum that is the content of curriculum material. This research uses library research by analyzing the data, documents related to the discussion is systematically analyzed. The purpose of this research is to know the form of the Islamic Education curriculum organization, the design principles of the Islamic Education curriculum, and the Islamic Education curriculum design.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 136-149
Gunawan Efendi

The model of community education in the form of the prophet Muhammad is community education modeled on the ways of education carried out by the prophet Muhammad SAW. Among the models of the prophet Muhammad SAW education. namely the development of Islamic education, curriculum, materials, methods, institutions, guidance during the time of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Alternative solutions for social life in Indonesia include Indonesian education that must be designed in such a way as to enable students to develop their potential naturally and creatively in an atmosphere of freedom, togetherness, and responsibility. In addition, education must produce graduates who can understand their community with all the factors that can support success or obstacles that cause failure in social life. One alternative that can be done is to develop an education model of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-45
Ossi Marga Ramadhan ◽  
Acep Heris Hermawan ◽  
Mohamad Erihadiana

This study intends to analyze the Islamic education curriculum development in the New Normal era, using a qualitative approach to library research. Researchers found that what must pursue the Islamic education curriculum in the New Normal period by integrating content, preparing a systematic learning concept and good training in terms of the use of technology so that it is accustomed to carrying out the learning process online. One of the ideal educational strategies during this pandemic is to explore the government's provisions by using an agreed application. There are two crucial component elements in the implementation of the learning process activities; namely, students and educators must be given training related to technology media to know the direction of learning so that they avoid mistakes that will become a problem. Meanwhile, students carry out learning at home with the help of parents who supervise every activity during the online learning process so that learning misunderstandings do not occur during a pandemic.

2017 ◽  
pp. 230
Rofiqotul Aini

The development of education has revealed a lot of educational ideology which makes some education practitioners often change the curriculum and educational model. This reality, then, leads to the changes of Indonesian curriculum which consequently shows that Indonesian education ideology is inconsistent. Actually, without following the western education ideology, Muslim practitioners in Indonesia should be able to maintain and use their own education ideology, namely Islamic education ideology. Because of its universal and transcendental characteristic, Islamic education ideology can give the newest and up-to-date format for the era development. This paper describes the concept of each ideology and their meeting points. The research method used in this study is library research method, and the data was analyzed by using content analysis method. The reserch result shows that the meeting points of those ideologies are divided into four concepts. First, the objective of education is to optimize the human resource. Second, the concept of human being is that human is the most noble and creative creation. Third, the education curriculum should be applicable. Forth, it is better to use guidance and counseling method in guiding students in solving their problems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 626-631
Irawan Irawan ◽  
Denny Hermawan

AbstractDemocracy about education in which many problems often occur, one of which is a problem that often occurs in the world of education according to the observations of researchers, such as schools, especially teachers often become a reference of many things that are not desired by the community. When children depend on watching television, it is the school that is targeted because it is considered not to provide maximum media education. When brawls often occur, it is the school that is highlighted the most because schools lack instill education in values. When people do not know much about technology, it is also the school that is the focus because of inattention to the times, and there are still many other examples of problems. The purpose of this study is to find out what is a democratic concept in Islam and to explain democratic education according to Islam. The research method used is a grounded theory method that uses data from materials that are a library (library research), where the author reads and studies books or literature relating to the problem under study. The principles of Islamic democracy towards Islamic education are: There is freedom for educators and students, which freedom here includes: freedom of work, freedom to develop potential and freedom of opinion. Similarities with students in Islamic education. Because Islam provides equal opportunities for all students to get an education or study. Respect for the dignity of individuals in Islamic education. Keywords: Democracy; Discussion; Education; Value.    Abstrak Demokrasi mengenai pendidikan yang mana banyak permasalahan yang sering terjadi salah satunya adalah masalah yang sering terjadi dalam dunia pendidikan menurut hasil pengamatan peneliti, seperti: sekolah terutama guru sering menjadi rujukan dari banyak hal yang tidak diinginkan masyarakat. Ketika anak-anak ketergantungan menonton televisi, sekolahlah yang yang menjadi sasaran karena dianggap tidak memberikan pendidikan media yang maksimal. Ketika sering terjadi tawuran, sekolahlah yang paling disorot karena sekolah kurang menanamkan pendidikan nilai. Ketika masyarakat tidak mengenal jauh teknologi, sekolahlah juga yang menjadi tumpuan karena kurang perhatian terhadap perkembangan zaman, dan masih banyak contoh masalah-masalah yang lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsep demokratis dalam Islam dan untuk menjelaskan pendidikan demokratis menurut Islam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode teori dasar yang menggunakan data dari bahan-bahan yaitu bersifat kepustakaan (library research), dimana penulis membaca dan mempelajari buku-buku atau literatur yang berhubungan dengan permasalahan yang diteliti. Prinsip demokratis dalam Pendidikan Islam yaitu: Adanya kebebasan bagi pendidik dan peserta didik, yang mana kebebasan di sini meliputi: kebebasan berkarya, kebebasan mengembangkan potensi dan kebebasan berpendapat. Persamaan terhadap peserta didik dalam pendidikan Islam. Karena, Islam memberikan kesempatan yang sama bagi semua peserta didik untuk mendapatkan pendidikan atau belajar. Penghormatan akan martabat individu dalam pendidikan Islam.  Kata Kunci: Demokrasi; Musyawarh; Pendidikan; Nilai.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-97
Yayuk Purwati ◽  
Aulia Diana Devi

This paper aims to describe the concept of reasoning bayani, irfani and burhani on the learning of Aqidah Akhlak in Islamic education. aqidah akhlak learning innovations in Islamic education in schools to overcome the growth of children. The direction and purpose of Islamic education is to foster students with early integrity and national loyalty, so that it is necessary to multiply its efforts in the field of science. Some aspects of science that need attention include: First, updating the epistemological method of the history of Islamic civilization and learning from the relevant curriculum organization. Second, the epistemological paradigm reform of Bayani's reasoning aims to be Abid al-Jabiri's trilogy of reasoning, namely Bayani reasoning, Irfani reasoning and Burhani reasoning in the learning of Aqidah Akhlak. All three are very linear reasoning that goes hand in hand but still only bayani is made a top priority. And the third circular linking between the three and all reasoning can complement each other. And thirdly in accordance with the value of global issues in the learning materials aqidah Akhlak, as well as the progress of the times and the complexity of the issues faced by mankind, especially the Muslim community, the issue must be acted on locally but globally. This is a response to the progress of modern architecture, so Islamic religious education in the school is very necessary and needs to be considered its existence.

2014 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Yunus Mustaqim

<p>Dinamika perkembangan kurikulum pendidikan Islam perlu mendapat perhatian bagi praktisi pendidikan agar penetapan kebijakannya sesuai dengan tujuan. Diketahui bahwa pendidikan Islam di Indonesia masih jauh dari harapan karena masih banyak output yang belum memiliki kompetensi atau kepribadian yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang alasan mengapa kurikulum harus dikembangkan, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan  kurikulum, dan cara mengembangkan konsepsi kurikulum pendidikan Islam.  Dengan melakukan  penelitian kepustakaan, diperoleh hasil bahwa (1) Kurikulum pendidikan Islam harus dikembangkan untuk mencapai keberhasilan peserta didik baik dalam ranah kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik; (2) faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan kurikulum adalah; tujuan, tuntutan masyarakat global, isi atau materi yang disesuaikan dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, serta kondisi psikologis  peserta didik; (3)  untuk mengembangkan konsepsi kurikulum Pendidikan Islam, perlu adanya pemahaman pada masing-masing konsepsi kurikulum yang sudah dirumuskan oleh para ahli pendidikan. Konsepsi kurikulum yang dimaksud adalah: kurikulum akademik,  humanistik,  teknologi, dan rekonstruksi sosial.</p><p><strong>K</strong><strong>at</strong><strong>a </strong><strong>k</strong><strong>unci: pengembangan konsep, kurikulum pendidikan islam</strong></p><p><em>Th</em><em>e</em><em> </em><em>d</em><em>ynamics of the development of Islamic education curriculum </em><em>n</em><em>ee</em><em>ds </em><em>t</em><em>o get attention for education practotioners so </em><em>tha</em><em>t the determination </em><em>of policies can be objective. The problem is many education outputs do not have the expected competence or personality. This study analyzed the reasons why the curriculum should be developed, factors that influence, and how to develop curriculum conception. By doing library research, the result showed that (1) the Islamic education curriculum should be developed to achieve the success of learners in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor; (2) factors affecting the development are purposes, demands of the global community, and contents or materials (3) to develop a conception of the curriculum of Islamic education, the need for understanding on their respective conceptions of the curriculum that has been formulated by education experts. The conceptions of the curriculum are: the academic curriculum, humanistic, technological, and social reconstruction.</em></p><p><strong><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: concept development, the curriculum of Islamic education</em><br /></strong></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-165
Nanang Budianto

The role of the education curriculum in terms of any aspect is very urgent. This is related to the process of scientific transformation from the older generation to the younger generation. It is fitting for the curriculum to be evaluated to be able to adjust to the demands of the times that continue to go into the era of progress both scientifically and the creativity of various thoughts that often clash with religious values. The curriculum component must consist of at least four components, namely goals, materials, methods, and evaluations. Another thing that must be considered again is that from year to year the curriculum will continue to change according to changes and developments in human thought. But how to overcome these changes, this is very dependent on the accuracy of the curriculum developer itself. One thing that must and must be considered is how Islamic education institutions can anticipate this problem, without forgetting the essence of the teachings of Islam itself. Keyword: Basic Concepts, Components and Curriculum Philosophy

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Badruzaman Badruzaman ◽  
Didin Hafidhuddin ◽  
Endin Mujahidin

Langgulung is an expert on Muslim education, in which he asserted that the source of the main runway and the Islamic education curriculum is Islamic teachings (<em>al-Qur'?n</em> and <em>as-Sunnah</em>). However, Langgulung is not a person who shut to use the source in addition to Islam, to the extent that relevant sources and does not conflict with the main runway. Therefore, one of the cornerstone of Islamic education curriculum arrangement is the one of the implementations of the alignment is the adjustment with the development of science. This indicates the existence of a dynamic and open in the thought of Langgulung. View of dynamic of education curriculum implications in an effort renewal curriculum that didn’t outdated, so always up to date. The journal is a library research. Data writing techniques emphasize text analysis and study, library research is done by collecting literature related to research material, whether in the form of books, magazines, articles or opinions and the primary book in this research is the book <em>of Man and Education: A Psychological Analysis and Education, Principles of Islamic Education, Islamic Education and Civilization, Creativity and Islamic Education: Analysis of Psychology and Philosophy, Islamic Education Faces the 21st Century, Some Thoughts on Islamic Education </em>by Hasan Langgulung. According to Hasan Langgulung; humans are essentially created to carry out the duty of service to the creator (<em>‘abdullah</em>) and his duty as the caliph of Allah (<em>K</em><em>hal?fatullah</em>) on the face of the earth. The purpose in humans with the religion of Islam is: (1) so that humans carry out their functions as caliphs, and (2) so that humans always serve God. The purpose of this human formation will intersect with the objectives of Islamic religious education, because education is basically to reach people of faith and charity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 429
Syaiful Anwar ◽  
Rifda El Fiah

Abstract Developing the character of students will love the homeland, uphold peace, and be able to work productively, respect differences (pluralism), maintain unity and unity as a very important basic framework which is the role of Islamic education, so that it must always be nurtured and sown on each individual learner through education and teaching with nationalism insight. In accordance with its basic role which is always oriented to the future and the benefit of the people, the writer seeks to discuss the development of a national-minded Islamic education curriculum which is currently very much needed in the framework of giving birth to the next generation with a better quality of understanding, service and nationalism than current generation.The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method with the type of research that is library research. The results of data analysis that the development of nationally-minded Islamic education has quantitative meanings and qualitative meanings. Quantitatively the development of Islamic-minded Islamic education can be done by increasing the reading references, expanding socialization, making forums, and developing a culture that accommodates national values in Islamic education, quantitatively developing components that need to be developed is strengthening the theoretical foundation and the translation, developing the curriculum, improving the quality of teaching staff, and education, financing and reviving local traditions / culture that do not conflict with the spirit and values of existing Islam.      Keywords: Urgency, Islamic Education Curriculum, and Nationality Insight.   Abstrak Menumbuh kembangkan karakter peserta didik akan cinta tanah air, menjunjung perdamaian, dan dapat bekerja sama secara produktif, menghargai perbedaan (pluralisme), menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan sebagai kerangka dasar yang sangat penting yang merupakan peran dari pendidikan Islam, sehingga harus selalu dipupuk dan disemai pada setiap pribadi peserta didik melalui pendidikan dan pengajaran yang berwawasan kebangsaan. Sesuai dengan peran dasarnya yang selalu berorentasi ke masa depan dan kemaslahatan umat, maka penulis berupaya membahas tentang pengembangan kurikulum pendidikan Islam berwawasan kebangsaan yang saat ini  sangat diperlukan dalam kerangka untuk melahirkan generasi penerus bangsa dengan kualitas pemahaman, jasa dan semangat kebangsaan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan generasi sekarang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian yaitu penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Adapun Hasil analisis data bahwa Pengembangan pendidikan Islam berwawasan kebangsaan memiliki makna kuantitatif dan makna kualitatif. Secara kuantitafif pengembangan pendidikan Islam berwawasan kebangasaan dapat dilakukan dengan memperbanyak referensi bacaan, memperluas sosialisasi, membuat forum-forum, serta membangan kultur yang mengakomodasi nilai-nilai kebangsaan dalam pendidikan Islam, pengembangan secara kuantitatif yaitu komponen-komponen yang perlu dikembangknan adalah penguatan landasan teori dan penjabarannya, mengembangkan kurikulum, meningkatkan kualitas SDMtenaga pendidik, dan kependidikan, pembiayaan serta menghidupkan tradisi/budaya lokal yang tidak bertentangan spirit dan nilai-nilai islam yang ada.   Kata Kunci: Urgensi, Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam,  dan Wawasan Kebangsaan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-21
Gatot Krisdiyanto ◽  
Muflikha Muflikha ◽  
Elly Elvina Sahara ◽  
Choirul Mahfud

Abstract The “Ayo Mondok” Movement is part of the pesantren's response to modernity. In the modern era like this, there are still many Muslim societies in Indonesia that make pesantren a reference for formal and informal educational institutions. Indeed, initially the pesantren was only traditional and only aimed to explore the science of religion. However, along with the modernization of the times, Islamic boarding schools have not only become institutions to explore religious sciences but also general science. This paper explains the history and development of pesantren, and how the system of pesantren education answers the challenges of modernity. To get the desired results, the research library was chosen by researchers as the research method in this study. The results of this study reveal that Islamic boarding schools are a gathering place for santri to get religious knowledge from a cleric. The beginning of the pesantren was only a simple hut which was built as a makeshift with the aim of getting closer to the kyai or the teacher intended for the purposes of studying religion. While the system of pesantren education is still using the book of salaf or more familiarly called kitab kuning.   Keywords: Islamic Boarding School, Modernity and Islamic Education   Abstrak Gerakan Ayo Mondok merupkan bagian dari respon pesantren menghadapi modernitas. Di era modern seperti ini, masyarakat Muslim di Indonesia masih banyak yang menjadikan pesantren sebagai rujukan lembaga pendidikan formal maupun informal. Memang pada awalnya pesantren hanya bersifat tradisional dan hanya bertujuan untuk mendalami ilmu agama saja. Akan tetapi seiring dengan modernisasi zaman, pesantren tidak hanya menjadi lembaga untuk mendalami ilmu agama saja tetapi juga ilmu umum. Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang sejarah dan perkembangan pesantren, dan bagaimana sistem pendidikan pesantren menjawab tantangan modernitas. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan, maka  library research dipilih oleh peneliti sebagai metode penelitian dalam studi ini. Hasil dari kajian ini mengungkapkan bahwa pesantren merupakan tempat berkumpulnya para santri untuk mendapatkan ilmu agama dari seorang kyai. Awal mula pesantren hanya berupa pondok sederhana yang dibangun seadanya dengan tujuan untuk mendekatkan diri kepada kyai atau guru yang dituju untuk keperluan menimba ilmu agama. Sedangkan sistem pendidikan pesantren sampai sekarang masih tetap menggunakan kitab salaf atau lebih familiar disebut kitab kuning.   Kata Kunci: Pesantren, Modernitas dan Pendidikan Islam

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