scholarly journals Utilization Of House Yard For Horticultural Crops At The Melati Indah Farmer Group Village Sungai Sorik Kuantan Hilir Seberang Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Provinsi Riau

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-48
Yoyon Riono ◽  
Elfi Yenny Yusuf

Horticulture is the study of the cultivation of garden plants. Broadly speaking, it is the study of the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, flowers and ornamental plants. The purpose of this community service is to provide insight and knowledge of farmer groups to use the house yard for planting crops, especially horticulture. The implementation method is carried out by counseling, training and mentoring residents and farmer groups to maximize the results of empowerment. In addition, leaflets as educational tools are given as a guide. The steps were taken: firstly, the lecturers of the agrotechnology study program to residents and farmer groups, secondly, training, starting from the selection of good planting materials. Third, assistance related to the use of household agriculture (home gardens) with horticultural cultivation techniques. The result of this community service program is that the beautiful jasmine farmer group has understood and the benefits of the house yard to be used as a planting area, especially for horticultural crops. From the activities of this community service program, it can be concluded that farmer groups can specifically make use of the empty land and unused land around their homes, especially the existence of empty land. 

Uras Siahaan ◽  
Sri Pare Eni ◽  

ABSTRAK          Permasalahan pengelolaan sampah telah menjadi permasalahan besar bagi kota-kota besar di Indonesia, termasuk kota DKI Jakarta. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, sumber penghasil sampah harus melakukan prinsip pemilahan dan life circle sampah yang berupa reduce (mengurangi), reuse (menggunakan ulang), dan recycle (mendaur ulang). Namun belum semua penduduk Jakarta melakukannya. UKI melalui program Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat telah melakukan kegiatan pembuatan pupuk organik-kompos di Kelurahan Cawang. Dalam rangka mengedukasi penduduk di Kelurahan Cawang maka UKI mengadakan program dengan menggunakan prinsip life circle sampah yang berupa reduce (mengurangi), reuse (menggunakan ulang), dan recycle (mendaur ulang) yaitu mendaur ulang sampah melalui kegiatan pembuatan pupuk organik-kompos. Program ini adalah program green action yang merupakan Program Pengabdian pada Masyarakat yang dilaksanakan Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Kristen Indonesia sejak mei 2009 dalam program penghijauan di kelurahan tersebut. Metode yang dilakukan adalah metode pendidikan masyarakat berupa penyuluhan, pelatihan (workshop) serta advokasi yang berupa pendampingan pada masyarakat kelurahan Cawang.Proses pembuatan kompos tersebut menggunakan tong komposter, cairan EM4 untuk mengelola sampah rumah tangga yang dipotong sehingga menghasilkan pupuk organik-kompos. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah berkurangnya volume sampah sehingga meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan, memperoleh edukasi mengenai pupuk-organik kompos, meningkatkan hasil perekonomian dan dapat digunakan untuk tanaman sendiri. Kata Kunci : Sampah, Kompos, Cawang   ABSTRACT             The problem of waste management has become a big problem for big cities in Indonesia, including the city of DKI Jakarta. To overcome this, a source of waste has to emphasize the sorting principle and waste life circle in the form of reduce, reuse, and recycle. Unfortunately, not all of the Jakarta Citizen do those principles. UKI through the Community Service program has carried out the activities of making compost-organic fertilizer in the Cawang Village. In order to educate residents in Cawang Sub-District, UKI held a program using waste life circle principles in the form of reduce, reuse and recycle waste through compost-making organic fertilizer. This program is a green action program which is a Community Service Program implemented by the Architecture Study Program of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Kristen Indonesia since May 2009 in a greening program in Cawang Village. The method used is the method of community education in the form of counseling, training (workshop) and advocacy in the form of assistance to the community of Cawang village.The process is using a cask composter and EM4 liquid to manage cut through domestic waste which is resulting in organic fertilizer – kompos. The result obtained is the decreasing in garbage volume and increasing in environment quality, having a knowledge about organic fertilizer, increasing the society economic condition and self using of organic fertilizer.   Key words : Garbage, Kompos, Cawang

Sitti Wardiningsih ◽  
Siti Sujatini ◽  
Euis Puspita Dewi

ABSTRAK             Permasalahan yang ada di kelurahan Paseban ini adalah daerah permukiman yang kepadatan penduduknya cukup padat dan masalah desa Paseban telah menjadi masalah besar bagi kota-kota besar di Jakarta, termasuk kota Jakarta Pusat. Kegiatan pengabdian Di desa Paseban diadakan melalui kegiatan menggambar pada peserta 30 anak (mendekati usia 3-6 tahun), selain itu dilakukan kegiatan pengolahan sampah melalui penekanan prinsip pemilahan dan lingkaran kehidupan sampah dalam bentuk. Sayangnya, tidak semua warga Jakarta melakukan prinsip-prinsip itu dan berbagai kegiatan lain seperti pelatihan pembuatan asupan nutrisi dan makanan sehat yang terbuat dari singkong yang diadakan oleh PEMBINAAN KESEJAHTERAAN KELUARGA (PKK) yang disebut dengan kelompok Maxi. Maxi, melalui program Pengabdian Masyarakat telah melakukan kegiatan pembuatan di Desa Paseban. Untuk mendidik warga di Paseban, kelompok Maxie mengadakan program lomba menggambar. Program ini merupakan Program Pengabdian Masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik, colaborasi Universitas Institut Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Persada Indonesia sejak Juni 2013. Metode ini menggunakan metode pendidikan masyarakat dalam bentuk penyuluhan, pelatihan (workshop) masyarakat desa Paseban memiliki tema alam. Realisasi pelaksanaan kegiatan program pengabdian pada masyarakat tersebut menggunakan media kertas gambar yang sudah ada gambar dan siap untuk diwarnai gambar ukuran A3, pinsil warna Crayon. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh anak didik di lingkungan PAUD BAHAGIA RW-01 yang berjumlah tiga puluh orang (30) anak-anak usia dini. Hasil mewarnai gambar ini terbagi dalam dua katagori dengan kualitas gambar terbaik dan baik.   Kata Kunci : Paud, Gambar, Alam lingkungan, Paseban.   ABSTRACT            The problem of Paseban village has become a big problem for big cities in Jakarta, including the city of Central Jakarta. In Paseban village held activities drawing in the participants 30 childerns (age approach 3-6 years old).To overcome this, a source of waste has to emphasize the sorting principle and waste life circle in the form of. Unfortunately, not all of the Jakarta Citizen do those principles. Beside of activites in there ,any another activites checkup nutrition toodler and healthy food made of cassava held by PEMBINAAN KESEJAHTERAAN KELUARGA (PKK).Maxie through the Community Service program has carried out the activities of making in the Paseban Village. In order to educate residents in Paseban, Maxie group held a program using drawing. This program action program which is a Community Service Program implemented by the Architecture Study Program of the Faculty of Engineering, colaborasi Universitas Institut Sains and Teknologi Universitas Persada Indonesia since June 2013.The method used the method of community education in the form of counseling, training (workshop) the community of Paseban village have a theme nature.The process is using a drawing nature, The result obtained is the decreasing in having of childrens of PAUD Bahagia in the concern of nature and on produce drawing of best quality,good and sufficient.   Key words : PAUD, Drawing, Nature, Paseban.

Danang Prastyo ◽  
Rarasaning Satianingsih ◽  
Ida Sulistyawati ◽  
Arif Mahya Fanny

Professional teachers can be seen from the ability of teachers to produce quality Classroom Action Research (CAR). If seen not all teachers are able to produce research in accordance with CAR standards. Through Community Service Program, Unipa Surabaya PGSD Study Program with the theme of Classroom Action Research Writing (CAR) for Elementary School Teachers in Gayungan II Elementary School in Surabaya is expected to help teachers in producing quality CAR. From the results of the training that has been carried out, it seems that the enthusiasm of the SDN Gayungan 2 Surabaya teacher in following the CAR was very good. The majority of participants felt they needed to get CAR training. Participants feel the benefits after receiving CAR training.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 124
Hastin Ernawati Chotimah ◽  
Wijantri Kusumadati ◽  
Eka Nor Taufik

Petuk Katimpun is one of the supplier villages for vegetable needs in the Palangka Raya city and its surroundings. At the abundant harvest, the prices of vegetables dropped sharply and were even worthless. Vegetables are left to rot in the tree, because there are costs to be taken to pick the vegetables. This is certainly very painful for the farmer. The farmers continue to lose money. One solution is to increase the value added of vegetables through processing technology. The technology of processing vegetable chips with vacuum frying is able to maintain the distinctive aroma and color of vegetables, crisper texture, lower vitamin damage and lower oil absorption. The purpose of this community service program is to transfer vacuum frying technology to increase the value added of the vegetables so that the level of the loss of farmers can be reduced. The approach were taken by  counseling, training and coaching and mentoring. The counseling was carried out by direct communication and interactive discussion, while training of using vacuum frying tools with various vegetable raw materials was carried out under the guidance of the service team. The coaching and group assistance were carried out in the acquisition of SPP-IRT as well as ways to access markets both directly and indirectly. The results of the community service program showed that 70% of partners were able to operate vacuum frying equipment. The capabilities of labeling and packaging were 100 % . They also had an ability to access markets indirectly through online media. The direct market could not be accessed due to  the SPP-IRT certificate has not been obtained. Key words : community empowerment, vegetables chip, vacuum frying

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-50
Husni Thamrin Sebayang ◽  
Kartika Yurlisa ◽  
Eko Widaryanto ◽  
Nurul Aini ◽  
Nur Azizah

APPLICATION OF GINGER PLANT CULTIVATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE YARD BASED ON HEALTH AGRICULTURE IN BOKOR VILLAGE, MALANG DISTRICT. House yard is one of the lands that have the potential to be developed. The yard can be used by growing high-value commodity crops. To get high yields and productivity, Farmers must choose the right and proper cultivation techniques. Besides, to get the results in the form of healthy food products, the cultivation process must be carried out by reducing the input of chemical compounds into the farm business. Therefore, community service activities were carried out in Bokor Village, Tumpang Subdistrict, Malang Regency. It was aimed to utilize the house yard by planting ginger based on healthy agriculture. The target group is farmers in the Subur Farmers Group. The stages of activities which were carried out were counseling on the use of house yards, training in ginger cultivation, providing assistance in planting materials and media, and making demonstration plots. The results of community service show that farmers want to try to use the yard by planting ginger in their yard. It also increased knowledge of farmers about ginger cultivation following Good Agricultural Practice so that the use of the yard with proper agriculture-based ginger cultivation can be developed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-52
Intan Sari Rufiana ◽  
Wahyudi Wahyudi ◽  
Dwi Avita Nurhidayah

[Bahasa]: Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini (PKM) adalah memberikan keterampilan terkait dengan kemampuan aritmetika sederhana pada mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo khususnya pada Operasi Aljabar (Penjumlahan dan Pengurangan). Keterampilan ini termasuk di luar kompetensi utama yang mendukung keilmuan. Dengan adanya kegiatan ini diharapkan dalam implementasinya, mahasiswa mampu bersaing dengan lulusan dari Perguruan Tinggi lain. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan untuk (1) mempersiapkan dan membekali para calon pendidik khususnya mahasiswa program studi matematika Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo Semester VI dan Semester VIII dalam hal berhitung cepat, (2) memberikan motivasi pada mahasiswa untuk memiliki keterampilan lain yang mendukung keilmuan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan pelatihan keterampilan berhitung dengan menggunakan jarimatika. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan pelatihan ini dapat membangkitkan motivasi dan membekali mahasiswa dengan keterampilan lain yang mendukung keilmuannya. Dari 30 mahasiswa yang mengikuti kegiatan PKM, sebanyak 50% berpendapat bahwa model berhitung ini sangat mudah diterapkan, 30% menyatakan mudah diterapkan, dan sisanya menyatakan cukup mudah diterapkan. Selain itu, 53% dari 30 peserta sangat paham terhadap konsep berhitung menggunakan jarimatika, 27% dari 30 peserta menyatakan paham, 17% menyatakan cukup paham dan 3% menyatakan sulit. Kata kunci: optimalisasi keterampilan, berhitung matematika, jarimatika [English]: The purpose of this community service program is to provide students with simple arithmetic skills in the Mathematics Education Study Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, especially in Algebra Operations (addition and subtraction) which include as the supporting competencies. This program is expected to prepare students for competing with graduates from other tertiary institutions. It was carried out to (1) prepare and equip prospective mathematics teachers in terms of fast counting, (2) provide motivation for students to have other skills that support their main competences. The program was in the form of numeracy skills training using Jarimatika. Of the 30 students who took part; 50% of the students agreed that the numeracy model is very easy to implement, 30% said it was easy to apply, and the rest stated it was quite easy to apply. In addition, 53% of the 30 participants understood the concept of arithmetic using Jarimatika, 27% expressed understanding, 17% stated that they understood well, and 3% stated that it was difficult. The program can arouse motivation and equip students with additional skills that can support their knowledge. Keywords: optimization of skills; math counting; jarimatika

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 622-626
Helmina Br Sembiring ◽  
Junedi Ginting

This community service aims to increase insight into the use of goat manure as fertilizer mixed with dolomite with very minimal expenditure of money using equipment provided by the USU Community Service Team in 2019 which was carried out in Persadanta Village, Barusjahe District, Karo District. The specific target of this service is to increase the productivity of agricultural products related to the use of fertilizers and be able to sell them to other communities, so as to increase community income for the achievement of a prosperous community, especially farmer groups in the village. So far, the people directly use goat manure as fertilizer for their plants. This is very detrimental to the community because the process is long to be able to become fertilizer and reduced nutrient elements that are poured into plants openly. Besides the use of dolomite mixed with goat manure is very good because dolomite is very much and easily obtained in Tanah Karo. Therefore, it is necessary to give insight and knowledge to the community, especially the Rumah Rih Hamlet Village Group Persadanta Village about the use of goat manure mixed with dolomite. So that people who have been buying fertilizer at a high price can manage it themselves by using the goat manure grinding equipment with the method to be implemented, namely counseling, training, direct practice and work evaluation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 239-248
Nur Irawati ◽  
Asriyana Asriyana

Rambu-rambu Village is one of the villages clustered within the Tumbuh Lestari rural area of North Konawe District. The main purpose of this project was to empower the coastal community groups in Rambu-rambu Village through the introduction of in-cage verticulture farming of seaweed. The project was carried out within the scheme of Community Service Program (PKM/Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) funded by the University of Halu Oleo. The project lasted for 30 days from 29 June to 28 July 2019. The activity consisted of three stages, are initial dissemination activity, preparation of the training, and implementation of training of seaweed culture. The project involved 20 students of the University of Halu Oleo and 42 people from fishermen, fisherme wifes, and farmer groups. Before the training was conducted 66.7% of the participants did not have the knowledge and after the training 71.4% of the respondents gained an understanding regarding the seaweed verticulture farming method. The improvement of skill was also evident where before the training, 81% of the participants were not able to do seaweed farming method and after the training, 61.9% of the participants were capable or skilled of repeating the seaweed verticulture method. The increased knowledge of the participants could be described from their ability to clearly explain types of seaweed species used, the benefits of seaweed, and the characteristics of high quality of seaweed seed. The improved skill of the participants were also observed from their skill in constructing the seaweed raft and seaweed net cage, tying up the seaweed seed, and conducting the observation of water quality condition in the location of seaweed farming. The result of this activity showed an increased of knowledge and skill of the trained participants regarding seaweed farming using verticulture method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 102
Agus Nugroho Setiawan

Pojok is one of village of Wonokerto, Turi, Sleman, DIY which is growing. The Pojok people realize that a good lifestyle will improve their health and a longer life expectancy, so they will continue to try to improve their knowledge and insight about health. Some of the problems faced are the insight and knowledge of the Pojok community about clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) is still limited and has not been implemented as a whole, and family welfare program (PKK) activities related to clean and healthy living behavior and the number and skills of Health Cadres are still limited. To realize PHBS in Pojok, Community Service activities was conducted in the form of KKN PPM, for 6 months starting from January to June 2020. To achieve the goal, community service was conducted with several stages, i.e. KKN student training, coordination and socialization to the community, implementation of the field consisted as extension, training, facilitation, and assistance. The results of community service show that the activity has been going well with several activities, i.e. coordination, socialization, counseling, training and facilitation of supporting equipment, assistance, and monitoring and evaluation. The community of Pojok, Wonokerto, Turi gave a good response by participating in activities and implementing PHBS in their daily lives well. The community feels they have gained insight, experience and skills in the application of PHBS. The community service program of KKN PPM has provided more benefits, when the Covid-19 pandemic occurred, the community was ready to do a clean and healthy lifestyle

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-157
Peni Patriani

Tebo is a district in Jambi Province. The population of beef cattle in 2017 was recorded 17,180 heads reduced by -8.08% from 2016 which was recorded 18,690 heads. The population of buffalo cattle in 2016 was recorded at 10,300 heads reduced by -2.37% to 10,056 heads in 2017. The Factors that causes the population of ruminant animals to decrease is a slaughter, beef cattle disease, death and traffic beef cattle. Solution these problems, needed for socialization to the community and farmer groups about Law No 41 of 2014. Socialization aims to prevent the slaughter of productive female cattle, is expected to increase the population in the meat self-sufficiency program. For prevention of cattle, disease is vaccination socialization in Tebo District. The method used is a lecture, question, and answer. The purpose of socialization is to make community active in the development of livestock populations. Targets in this community service are farmers, communities and farmer groups in Tebo District. Farmer groups included were 12 groups. An output of this community service program is the improvement of farmers' knowledge and technology so that increase the participation of farmers in accelerating the meat self-sufficiency program.

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