scholarly journals Penerapan Teknologi Budidaya Tanaman Jahe di Pekarangan Berbasis Pertanian Sehat di Desa Bokor, Kabupaten Malang

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-50
Husni Thamrin Sebayang ◽  
Kartika Yurlisa ◽  
Eko Widaryanto ◽  
Nurul Aini ◽  
Nur Azizah

APPLICATION OF GINGER PLANT CULTIVATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE YARD BASED ON HEALTH AGRICULTURE IN BOKOR VILLAGE, MALANG DISTRICT. House yard is one of the lands that have the potential to be developed. The yard can be used by growing high-value commodity crops. To get high yields and productivity, Farmers must choose the right and proper cultivation techniques. Besides, to get the results in the form of healthy food products, the cultivation process must be carried out by reducing the input of chemical compounds into the farm business. Therefore, community service activities were carried out in Bokor Village, Tumpang Subdistrict, Malang Regency. It was aimed to utilize the house yard by planting ginger based on healthy agriculture. The target group is farmers in the Subur Farmers Group. The stages of activities which were carried out were counseling on the use of house yards, training in ginger cultivation, providing assistance in planting materials and media, and making demonstration plots. The results of community service show that farmers want to try to use the yard by planting ginger in their yard. It also increased knowledge of farmers about ginger cultivation following Good Agricultural Practice so that the use of the yard with proper agriculture-based ginger cultivation can be developed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-48
Yoyon Riono ◽  
Elfi Yenny Yusuf

Horticulture is the study of the cultivation of garden plants. Broadly speaking, it is the study of the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, flowers and ornamental plants. The purpose of this community service is to provide insight and knowledge of farmer groups to use the house yard for planting crops, especially horticulture. The implementation method is carried out by counseling, training and mentoring residents and farmer groups to maximize the results of empowerment. In addition, leaflets as educational tools are given as a guide. The steps were taken: firstly, the lecturers of the agrotechnology study program to residents and farmer groups, secondly, training, starting from the selection of good planting materials. Third, assistance related to the use of household agriculture (home gardens) with horticultural cultivation techniques. The result of this community service program is that the beautiful jasmine farmer group has understood and the benefits of the house yard to be used as a planting area, especially for horticultural crops. From the activities of this community service program, it can be concluded that farmer groups can specifically make use of the empty land and unused land around their homes, especially the existence of empty land. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Agus Suryanto ◽  
. Sitawati ◽  
Arifin Noor ◽  
Euis Elih Nurlaelih ◽  
D. R. R. Damaiyanti

The community service aims to empower the pineapple farmers (Ananas comosus L.) in Ngancar and Plosoklaten Districts, Kediri Regency, by improving cultivation technology to produce higher quality fresh fruit and diversifying post-harvest products to add various marketable products. Farmers need for pineapple seeds that have not been met and improper plant cultivation technology were some of problems faced by farmers in this area. In addition, superior varieties developed are still limited, hence choices in improving quality are limited. Farmers limited knowledge on the post-harvest technology in pineapple cultivation has caused the farmers have no other choice but to market their products only in the form of fresh fruit. Part of the plant which is prioritized for production was only the fruit, there has not been any innovation in utilizing other plant parts such as pineapple leaves as raw material for pineapple fiber industry. In this community service, counseling has been successfully conducted on the selection of pineapple seedlings and superior varieties, improvement of pineapple plant maintenance and Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). Implementation of community service started with socialization and counseling on the selection of pineapple seedlings and superior varieties, improvement of pineapple plant maintenance and PGPR. In addition, practice and assistance were carried out in the characterization and selection of superior varieties of pineapple seedlings. The result obtained is that the partner community is able to apply pineapple plant cultivation technology in an integrated manner.   Keywords: Pineapple, extension, seeds, superior varieties.   ABSTRAK Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat adalah pemberdayaan kelompok tani Langgeng Mulyo nanas (Ananas comosus L.) di Kecamatan Ngancar dan Plosoklaten, Kabupaten Kediri dengan cara perbaikan teknologi budidaya untuk menghasilkan buah segar yang lebih berkualitas dan diversifikasi produk pasca panen untuk menambah berbagai produk yang bisa dipasarkan. Permasalahan pada Kelompok Tani di Kecamatan Ngancar dan Kecamatan Plosoklaten, Kabupaten Kediri, antara lain adalah kebutuhan bibit nanas yang belum dapat dipenuhi dan teknologi budidaya tanaman nanas yang kurang tepat. Varietas unggul yang dikembangkan masih terbatas sehingga pilihan dalam perbaikan kualitas menjadi terbatas. Keterbatasan pengetahuan tentang teknologi pasca panen pada pelaku budidaya nanas menyebabkan pelaku budidaya tidak mempunyai pilihan lain selain memasarkan produk hanya dalam bentuk buah segar. Bagian tanaman yang diutamakan produksinya hanya pada bagian buah, belum terdapat inovasi memanfaatkan bagian tanaman yang lain seperti daun nanas sebagai bahan baku industri serat nanas. Pada pengabdian ini telah berhasil dilakukan penyuluhan mengenai seleksi bibit nanas dan varietas unggul, perbaikan pemeliharaan tanaman nanas dan Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacter (PGPR). Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan diawali dengan sosialisasi dan penyuluhan tentang seleksi bibit nanas dan varietas unggul, perbaikan pemeliharaan tanaman nanas dan PGPR. Selain itu dilakukan praktek dan pendampingan dalam karakterisasi dan seleksi bibit nanas varietas unggul. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah masyarakat mitra mampu menerapkan teknologi budidaya tanaman nanas secara terpadu.   Kata kunci: Nanas, penyuluhan, bibit, varietas unggul.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 454-460
Ekawati ◽  
Rahmatullah Rizieq ◽  
Hery Medianto Kurniawan

One of the alternatives to mitigate  the limitations of agricultural land in urban areas in an effort to produce family food is the use of yard with verticulture method. However, the partners of this community service activity were housewives in Permata Griya RT Residence 03/RW 019; most of them have not utilized their home yard for any productive and economically valuable activities through plant cultivation. This is caused by the limited land and partners’ knowledge about plant cultivation techniques. This community service activity aims to provide training and practice of narrow land utilization with verticulture method, arranging plants vertically using used tins and plastic bottles.. The service activity was conducted through lecture, discussion, and demonstration approach. The result of the activity impacted on the participants’ knowledge and insight: all participants knew cultivation techniques and make the growing media of verticulture mainly by using used goods

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 1553-1558
Hanifah Ikhsani ◽  
Ervayenri ◽  

The existence of Covid-19 quickly resulted in many losses, so the government implemented a new normal. This policy encourages all parties to take various ways to restore the economic, social, and cultural conditions, one of which is by cultivating Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA) which also functions to increase the body immunity and utilizing yard land that has not been managed optimally. The activities are socialization about TOGA, cultivation techniques, cultivation practices, mentoring, and evaluation. This activity was carried out during the new normal at RT.03 RW. 05, Limbungan Rumbai was attended by 15 partners. Partners are enthusiastic about cultivating TOGA and have increased knowledge after the implementation of the extension. The practice of planting the 45 TOGA seeds given, 100% succeeded in growing well. The success of growing seedlings include quality seeds, correct planting techniques and giving fertilizer at the right dose.

Amarullah Amarullah ◽  
Mardhiana Mardhiana ◽  
Willem Willem ◽  
Nurul Chairiyah ◽  

The world of agriculture promises development prospects both from the point of view of region, commodity and cultivation technology. The urgency of Agronomy is to recognize, understand the ins and outs of plants, and their breeding activities. Furthermore, food crops, plantations, fruit, vegetables, spices, and even flowers require a proper and adequate technique of propagation of planting material and growing media for plants to grow and develop into production. Modern plant cultivation technology with all its developments has become a practical plant management option such as tabulampot, hydroponics, silviculture and aeroponics also requires knowledge and skills, all of which are summarized and presented in "Basic Agronomy". Books with rich knowledge and benefits for humans and their lives, described in simple and easy-to-understand language, related to the history of agriculture and agronomy, the origin and distribution center of plants, conditions for growth and reproduction, cultivation techniques, harvest and post-harvest, technological developments. cultivation. The existence of this book is expected to answer people's curiosity about the world of agriculture, especially plant cultivation, from the selection of commodities, planting materials and growing media, planting to maintenance and even harvesting and post-harvest handling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Ieke Wulan Ayu ◽  
Ikhlas Suhada ◽  
Wening Kusumawardani ◽  
Ade Maryam Oklima ◽  
Yhosa Novantara ◽  

Environmental stress is a major challenge in sustainable food production, because it can reduce crop productivity, specifically chilies on sub-optimal land. The use of liquid organic fertilizers containing complete macro and micro nutrients is highly needed, so that plants thrive and are healthy and are more resistant to pathogens. This activity aimed to improve the knowledge and skills of farmer group partners about healthy plant cultivation technology on sub-optimal land. Assistance activities were carried out for the Hasrat Indah farmer group in Kerato Village, Unter Iwes District, Sumbawa Regency, during July 2020 by using extension and training methods. The results of the activity indicated that this assistance activity can improve the farmers’ knowledge about healthy cultivation of chilies, and the application of fertilizers at the right time by using liquid organic fertilizers. The successes achieved in the process of empowering farmers in this activity included increasing farmers’ knowledge of soil health, healthy cultivation of chilies, and the application of using liquid organic fertilizers. Abstrak Cekaman lingkungan merupakan tantangan utama dalam produksi pangan berkelanjutan, karena dapat mengurangi produktivitas tanaman, terutama pada tanaman cabe di lahan sub optimal. Penggunaan pupuk organik cair yang mengandung zat hara makro dan mikro lengkap sangat diperlukan agar tanaman tumbuh subur dan sehat serta lebih tahan terhadap patogen.  Tujuan kegiatan adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra kelompok tani terkait teknologi budidaya tanaman sehat di lahan sub optimal. Kegiatan pendampingan dilakukan pada kelompok tani Hasrat Indah di Desa Kerato Kecamatan Unter Iwes Kabupaten Sumbawa,  selama bulan Juli 2020 dengan metode penyuluhan, dan pelatihan. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa melalui pendampingan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan petani tentang budidaya sehat pada tanaman cabe, aplikasi pupuk pada waktu yang tepat dengan menggunakan pupuk organik cair. Keberhasilan pemberdayaan petani dalam kegiatan ini adalah petani mengetahui tentang kesehatan tanah, budidaya sehat tanaman cabe, dan aplikasi penggunaan pupuk organik cair.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 872-876
Yuan Alfinsyah Sihombing ◽  
Susilawati ◽  
Muhammad Zulham Efendi Sinaga

The area of agricultural land tends to decrease each year due to land conversion. In 2009 the area of land was reduced by 97 hectares. This is because the land is allocated to non-agricultural land. In urban areas, with all the busyness faced by people in urban areas they do not have time to farm. Moreover, not enough land is available or has no room to come into contact with agricultural cultivation. Not to mention that we often see dwellings that are quite dense and save land, how to foster hobbies and agricultural businesses, especially for housewives, teenagers or retirees? Currently various methods are carried out in line with technological developments. Verticulture is a technique of farming in a room / narrow land by utilizing a vertical plane as a place for farming which is carried out in stages. The purpose of verticulture is to make optimal use of narrow land. The stages of this implementation are the Socialization of Verticulture Cultivation Techniques at Ibnu Sina MTs, Assistance and the process of planting verticultural cultivation techniques, Evaluation and gift giving as awards to students and schools. The results achieved in this community service are products or goods produced in the form of verticulture, this socialization service is carried out in practice so that participants, students and teachers, can understand the techniques of plant cultivation with verticultural techniques as well as good planting and maintenance methods, Plant cultivation techniques with vertikultus techniques and ways of planting and good care have been understood by students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Ibnu Sina, Pematangsiantar City and have been well implemented.

Anton Prayitno ◽  
Djohar Noeriati Retno Dahoelat

Elementary School 3 of kemiri, located in Jabung District, is a school that is experiencing difficulties in developing Green school programs. the surface of the land in the schoolyard is rarely found. Most of the teachers assume that the program must require sufficient land and land media. Limited land and several facilities in the learning process to realize the green school program requires the right solution. Hydroponic technology has been known as an alternative technology for crop cultivation in limited land. In hydroponic technology, there is plant cultivation technology without the use of soil. The utilization of used objects as planting media can be arranged in stages with a vertical garden (vega) pattern, which is called vega hydroponic technology. Therefore, the purpose of this activity is to provide strengthening of environmental education through planting with hydroponic technology. To achieve the targets and outcomes, the activities carried out are as follows: 1) counseling the school about the importance of environmental education, 2) Training on management and cultivation of various types of vegetable and ornamental plants with vega hydroponic technology to create a green, and beautiful school;3) Hydroponic technology installation with vertical garden patterns, and 4) Assistance in planting vegetables and ornamental with vertical garden pattern hydroponic technology. In addition, the average pretest obtained by the teacher was 6.87, while the average understanding of students was 5.5. While the results of the post-test, the understanding of the teacher and students were 8.37 and 6.625. This shows that there is an increase in teacher understanding by 1.5 points and 1.13 points for students so that students' and teachers' knowledge of environmental education has increased.

Didier HUYGENS ◽  
Lucien CARLIER ◽  
Ioan ROTAR ◽  

It is an objective of the European Union (EU) to reach the right balance between a competitive agricultural production (economy) and the respect for nature and environment (ecology). Since Agenda 2000, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has two pillars: the market and income policy (first pillar) and the sustainable development of rural areas (second pillar). In both pillars the 2003 CAP reform and the 2008 Health Check brought greater quality to environmental integration. Concerning market and income policy, the cross-compliance is the core instrument. The 2003 CAP reform also involved decoupling most direct payments from production. From 2005 (2007 at the latest) a single payment scheme was established, based on historical reference amounts. As regards the rural development policy, compliance with minimum environmental standards is a condition for eligibility for support under several rural development measures. The complexity of the relationship between agriculture and the environment has conditioned the approach to environmental integration in the context of the CAP. Central to the understanding of this relationship is the principle of Good Agricultural Practice which corresponds to the type of farming that a reasonable farmer would follow in the region concerned. The ecological footprint is a useful indicator for assessing progress on the EU Resource Strategy. A public consultation held in 2010, identified food security, environment protection and rural diversity as the three main goals of the future policy. The European Commission unveiled last November 2010 its blueprint for reforming the CAP and the debate was started July 2011.

Andreas Andrie DJATMIKO

Community Service is one of the programs that are needed by the community today. This is done as an effort to respond to the needs of the community and is real program and realistic, especially in the fields of education, social, economic and cultural. Community Service Program is a program that is learning, studying and serving that is realized in the form of introduction and appreciation of community development through the clarity of planned change programs and problem solving methods regarding the ability to choose and use the right skills. A big nation is a nation that wants to respect its culture. Indonesia has a diversity of cultures that are characteristic and assets of the Indonesian nation. But most of the younger generation has forgotten a lot of the culture of the nation. The tendency of the younger generation now prefers outside cultures and many younger generations are less able to sort out most of which have negative impacts rather than a positive impact on themselves and others as well as the environment. There is a need for character education so that the younger generation can be relied upon in the future according to the nation's culture, such as being responsible for mutual cooperation, mutual assistance and good manners. Reog Kendhang's art proves that local culture can increase the sense of community nationalism and be able to become social controls so as not to fall into bad lifestyle. The formation of a national culture that can truly reunite all components of the nation's culture, therefore it is necessary to have a deeper introduction to history and cultural heritage in search of the identity of a pluralistic Indonesian society.

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