scholarly journals Methodological problems of reforming the agrarian sphere

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (91) ◽  
pp. 62-65
V. Mahas ◽  
О. Нrymak ◽  
V. Chemerys

The article shows that market reforms in Ukraine are based on methodology inappropriate for these purposes. After all, it was this methodology that defined the logic of the construction and operation of the command-administrative system in the past. This is indicated by the fact that the theory and practice of reforms is based on the collectivist system of values of equality and justice, as well as by the directive nature of reforms, in which the pace, scale and forms of changes in the system of economic relations are defined centrally. The teleological vision of social order nature and the interpretation of them as the result of purposeful human activity are at the heart of this methodology. In this case reforms are carried out on the principles of “social engineering”. “Social engineering” cannot be called a scientific method, since it is practically impossible to formulate objective criteria for choosing goals or assessing ways to achieve them. That is, their effects and effectiveness cannot be predicted or substantiated theoretically. Within this approach only those who have an influence on the process of forming decisions, or who owns the right of their practical implementation, has a crucial role. The result of the teleological thinking dominance in the practice of Ukraine's market transformation is that trends and forms of economic development are determined by the ideas and knowledge of a narrow circle of politicians, officials and scholars. According to the theory of dispersed knowledge, market and competition of Friedrich von Hayek, no scholar or official, any collegial body from among them, in fact, is not able to acquire the required amount of knowledge that would allow to determine the optimal ways of development and solving of local and global economic problems. This is only possible if the space is released to realize the knowledge and initiative of millions of people. This requires a change in the paradigm of reforms from teleological to evolutionary. That is, the essence of the reforms is not to be limited to the definition of specific areas and forms of economic development, but to the creation of prerequisites for evolutionary development on the basis of the freedom to realize individual interest and competition. The article offers the main directions of implementation of an alternative evolutionary approach: restriction and decentralization of state power, ensuring freedom of entrepreneurship, demonopolization of the economy and reduction of the level ownership concentration. In particular, it is emphasized that for the development of rural areas, it is especially important to take effective preventive measures to avoid concentration of land tenure.

2020 ◽  
pp. 38-51
Galina Sillaste

The article reveals the conceptual approaches of the methodological analysis of one of the poorly studied socio-political phenomena of globalization — a new gender order. The author offers the concept of its evolutionary development in modes of social time and integrative conceptual interaction with theories of structure and social order. The processes and forms of “substitution” of the norms of the old gender order with the new ones are analyzed on the example of the most mobile sphere of economic development: the labor market. It reveals its transformation into a three-segment economic space market: the labor market, the employment market and the market of professions as a structure with social norms, gender order and gender resources. The article analyzes dynamic gender processes and the introduction of new norms of gender order in the market of professions. The article continues a series of author’s publications that revealed the theory of the new gender order and its practical implementation in domestic social practice (see № 2 and № 3, 2019).

Татьяна Никитина ◽  
Tatiana Nikitina

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to justify areas and activities that contribute to increasing the level of sustainable socio-economic development of rural areas identified through strategic planning. During the research general scientific methods were used, including monographic, index, strategic planning, forecasting, analysis, comparison. The strategic directions for the development of rural areas are defined: improvement of the living conditions of the population, arrangement of rural areas by objects of social, engineering and road infrastructure. The scientific novelty of the study is the proposal of managerial decisions, reflected in the raise of individual indicators that contribute to increasing the level of sustainable socio-economic development of rural areas based on the identified directions. These indicators include: the value of the average monthly wage of employees, average annual population, agricultural production, the amount of investment in fixed capital, the level of gasification of rural settlements, the amount of housing space per rural resident, the level of provision in rural areas of preschool education. The growth rates of indicators were derived on the basis of the conducted analytical study for the period from 2010 to 2018 and the current economic situation. Based on the results of the long-term forecasting, higher sustainability indexes were calculated for each rural municipal district of the Chelyabinsk region. In general the index of sustainability of rural territories of the region will increase by 15.9 % to the end of 2030. The increase in the level of well-being and the improvement of the quality of life of the rural population is affected by the increase in the volume of agricultural production, population, investment, wages, the level of communal infrastructure provision and pre-school education. The practical application of this study results is the possibility of using the above calculations in the program and strategic documentation at the municipal and regional levels.

Yaroslav Plevako

The subject of this research is theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the functioning of rural green tourism enterprises in European countries and in Ukraine. The purpose of the work to analyze the European experience in supporting and identifying the features of the functioning of rural green tourism enterprises in the context of leading European countries to optimize their activities and increase the number in Ukraine. The methodological basis of the article was the methods of scientific knowledge: monographic – for theoretical generalization and identification of the features of the formation of rural green tourism in European countries; system-structural analysis and synthesis, groupings – for the interpretation of the results; problem-target – for the practical implementation of the European experience in the operation of rural green tourism enterprises. Results of the article. The article reveals the features of the implementation of rural green tourism in European countries and grouping of countries by the identity of tools and support mechanisms. The possibilities of their implementation in Ukraine in terms of practice, institutions of support, local support not only as a type of activity, but as a resource for the storage and reproduction of rural areas are substantiated. The field of application of results.The materials, results and conclusions of the article can be used in the activities of rural territorial communities, local governments, enterprises and agro-estates, higher educational institutions of the corresponding specialization and faculties of economics and management of tourism and hotel and restaurant business. Conclusions. It has been determined that the most significant feature of the theory and practice of the operation of rural green tourism enterprises in European countries is the expansion of their functions from purely business to more socially necessary and significant ones – as tools for the preservation and reproduction of rural areas, incl. depressive. This ensures their great support at the level of local communities, state authorities, it is advisable to use them in every possible way. It is also advisable to use proven mechanisms and forms of tourism in the countryside.

L. L. Fituni

Through the recent decades, the use of asymmetric and hybrid measures in international relations has acquired a qualitatively new scale and system. Today such measures have turned into one of the leading forms of external pressure and subsequent coercion, often exceeding the effectiveness of such straightforward instruments as the threat of potential use of force and almost equal to real power actions. Arguably, among those asymmetric and hybrid measures, Western countries assign a key role to the pressure of international sanction upon competitor nations and uncooperative actors on the world arena. The article is devoted to a critical analysis of some common approaches to the study of the problems of «targeted» sanctions in the theory and practice of international relations and the use of sanctions as a means of achieving geostrategic objectives, including such ambitious ones as social constructivism and social engineering on national, regional and global scales. Particular attention is paid to the contribution of Thomas Biersteker to the development of the theory and of practical designs of «targeted sanctions» in international relations. The author disputes with him over some issues related to the effectiveness of targeted sanctions and the impact they produce upon various sectors of the targeted societies. Based on the author’s schematic matrix of sanctional influences upon national elites and possible limits of their responses, the article formulates the principles of segmentation of the national elites both for the purposes of identifying the layers most susceptible to sanctional pressure and singling out most effective and capable strata from the point of view of practical implementation of the indented outcomes of the undertaken pressure from the outside.

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Sahat Pasaribu

<strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Konsep ekonomi sirkuler sebenarnya telah dilakukan sejak lama di Indonesia, khususnya pada industri besar dan menengah, namun belakangan ini perencanaan pembangunan ekonomi kurang memperhatikannya.  Perusahaan-perusahaan pabrik kertas dan perkebunan besar termasuk diantara usaha ekonomi yang melaksanakan konsep ini.  Pada skala ekonomi yang lebih kecil dalam bidang pertanian, kerjasama antara perusahaan besar dengan pertanian rakyat sudah berlangsung dengan baik, memberikan keuntungan ekonomi, memperbaiki kualitas lingkungan dan menjanjikan persaingan yang kompetitif. Masyarakat sebenarnya sudah menerapkan konsep ekonomi sirkuler pada sistem usahatani terintegrasi yang mereka lakukan,  namun  perkembangannya masih kurang memuaskan. Faktor-faktor yang terkait dengan kelembagaan sangat berperan dalam mempromosikan konsep ekonomi sirkuler ini di pedesaan dan menjadi penentu keberhasilan program kemitraan hingga mencapai level tertentu.  Melalui kerjasama model kemitraan sebagai perwujudan konsep ekonomi sirkuler, ketiga pilar ekonomi, yakni lembaga pemerintah, sektor swasta, dan masyarakat harus saling mendukung dan berpartisipasi menurut kapasitasnya masing-masing memberikan sumbangan pada pembangunan ekonomi regional. Pemerintah sebagai fasilitator dan regulator, perusahaan swasta sebagai penghela usaha, dan masyarakat sebagai pemasok bahan baku atau pelaku usaha kecil harus saling berinteraksi, bekerjasama dan berpartisipasi dalam program pembangunan ekonomi.  Makalah ini menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi konsep ekonomi sirkuler untuk mempercepat bangkitnya ekonomi rakyat melalui kemitraan agribisnis.<br />    <br /><br /><strong>English</strong><br />Circular economy concept has been less considered in the global framework of economic development in Indonesia during the past decade, although the concept has been continually applied in many medium and large industries.  Pulp and paper enterprises and estate crops agro-industries are among the companies included in this economic trend.  To a smaller economic development, the implementation of circular economy movement in especially agricultural fields has been benefiting rural people, enhancing quality of environment, and promising competitive advantage. Small-scale integrated farming systems have been widely adopted this concept but lack of improvement. Institutional factors have played significant role in promoting circular economy in rural areas.  Institutional role, in this context, is very instrumental to gear regional development towards certain level of improvement.  Through circular economy partnership, the three pillars of development: government, private sector, and rural people are each in the right position to lead in every steps of regional economic development program. These institutions are expected to function as regulator agency to facilitate related activities, as enterprise organization to give hand to initiate and develop certain production, and as supporting society to participate in any programs/activities to achieve certain goals.  This paper addresses influencing factors to promote circular economy to accelerate the revival of people’s regional economy through agribusiness partnership.

Evgeniy Gavrilov

The article features the problem of consolidating and understanding the digital sovereignty of the State and the individual. The author addresses the challenge of establishing a correlation between the idea of digital sovereignty and the global socio-political change. The paper focuses on the effect of modern trends of social development, i.e. accelerated social informatization and globalization, on the development of doctrine of digital sovereignty and its legal design. The author believes that the idea of digital sovereignty is a reaction to the transformation of the global social order, which resulted in new doctrinal provisions and legal norms. They give citizens the right to determine the process of formation, storage, and management of digital data, as well as to ensure their inviolability. The legal formalization of digital sovereignty can indicate either the protection of statehood and personality or, on the contrary, their absorption by structures of the global order. As a result, such categories as "sovereignty, "statehood, or "personality" may eventually lose their actual meaning and real content. The conceptualization of the phenomenon of neurosovereignty and its implementation programs might be the future of the theory and practice of sovereignty.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-215
Brian-Vincent Ikejiaku

In practice, international law appears to have worked against those principles that accord the people of a State the right to economic self-determination, such as the principle of free choice in economic development. This paper argues that the exercise of the right to economic self- determination (particularly economic development freedom or free economic development) has been hampered, and has not been freely pursued in practice by developing countries, due to hegemonic control, economic exploitation and domination by the ‘powers that be’ within the international system. This research examines those principles of international law that accord the peoples of a State the right to free economic development, both in theory and practice; it also provides insights into legal policy implications and the prospects of international law in this area. This paper utilises the well-being and liberal-economic legal theoretical approaches, and interdisciplinary and critical-analytical perspectives, within the framework of international economic law and development.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Eko Nur Cahyo

<p>In the book "Theory and Practice of Islamic Economics: The Basics of Islamic Economics" Dr. Mohammad Abdul Mannan, explained that the Islamic social order is based on the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, which can be formed if each resident is able to maintain harmony among the families, families with the public, community and government, namely creation of an implementation of the rights and obligations can be met. Furthermore, he expressed the characteristics of an Islamic social order that is social equality, the right to exploit the wealth proportionately and private ownership recognized and protected in Islam, an Islamic mandate to engage in economic activities by setting a good rule to ensure the implementation of these activitiesin an honest and benefit, elimination of the capitalist system in all fields of economic activity,  modern planning concept that refers to the utilization of domestic resources to achieve certain goals which are subject to the orders of the holy book of Qur'an and Sunnah, the creation of social justice. Other than that he would affirm the concept of welfare state in Islam, by applying the values in the teachings of Islam as a moral and spiritual values,  economic values, and Islamic social and political values.  Next will be explained about the Islamic social order is clear, concise, and solid.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong><strong> </strong><strong>Islamic</strong><strong> </strong><strong>social order</strong><strong> </strong><strong>and</strong><strong> </strong><strong>its characteristics</strong><strong>, the concept of</strong><strong> </strong><strong>welfare states</strong><strong> </strong><strong>with moral </strong><strong></strong><strong>, spiritual, social, political,</strong><strong> </strong><strong>and</strong><strong> </strong><strong>economic</strong><strong>.</strong><strong></strong></p>

2011 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
William Galston

The relationship between private and state power in a pluralist liberal democracy raises complex issues that this article explores, focusing on control over children’s education. While rights are the default vocabulary of liberal theory and practice, they do not suffice to characterize either the claims of children or the responsibilities of adults. While many theorists have followed Joel Feinberg in proposing that children have the right to an “open future,” there are good reasons to doubt that they do. Within limits, parents’ convictions appropriately enter into the content of their children’s education and instruction, and the integrity of civil associations supplements (without supplanting) the discourse of individual rights. John Stuart Mill points toward a triadic understanding of educational authority that coordinates three sets of interests—the developmental interests of children, the civil interests of the state, and the expressive interests of parents. To explicate expressive interests, the Article lays out a theory of “expressive liberty”—the value of being able to live in a manner consistent with our deepest understanding of what gives meaning and value to our lives. While raising children is an important aspect of parents’ expressive liberty, it is limited by the separateness of each child’s existence, the fact of human diversity, and the requisites of civil order. Nonetheless, in societies characterized by a deep diversity of moral and religious views, the requirements of both practicality and legitimacy point toward a social order that offers maximum feasible scope for different ways of life to find expression in the choices of parents and civil associations. The Article explores this thesis with particular reference to U.S. history and law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 75 (4) ◽  
pp. 81-98
O. L. Popova ◽  

The author revealed the injustices in the territories formation of the united territorial communities (UTC) under the local self-government reform, which are manifested in different, uneven volumes of their land use and the resource basis in general for local socio-economic development. The methodological approach used by the authorities in determining the capacity of united communities in their formation (in terms of compliance with the criteria – the area and the population density), led to the fact that in rural areas with low population density they had to form large UTCs to reach specific parameters by population. The hypothesis that territorially large UTCs are capable is ambiguous: on the one hand, land tenure and land use is a resource for socio-economic development of communities, on the other – in a large area the cost of providing essential services to the population in remote villages increases together with the administrative and other costs. Paper proves that large-scale rural UTCs should become objects of the state support as the “rural areas in unfavourable conditions” under the State Strategy for Regional Development for 2021–2027. The author justifies injustices in the centralization of powers on disposal of land resources. The land decentralization as a transfer of relevant powers to UTC local governments will be finally completed, according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine “On some measures to accelerate reforms in the field of land relations” № 449 from 15.10.2020, which will contribute to orderliness in this area and filling local budgets. It is also advisable within the UTCs to give internal communities the right to dispose of their economic territory’s land resources in these communities’ interests. The paper shows discriminatory aspects of administrative reformatting of 120 voluntarily formed and functioning UTCs, according to the Government’s long-term plans for 2020: by recognizing them as insufficiently capable, they should join other communities or unite into larger UTCs.

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