scholarly journals Strategi Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Sebagai Media Pendidikan Islam Informal Pada Remaja: Solusi di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 302
Anhar Ansyori ◽  
Shaleh Shaleh

AbstractThis article discusses the use of social communication media in the field of Islamic education (informal) for adolescents as a solution during the COVID-19 pandemic. As it is known, social media is a modern means of communication that millennials cultivate, love, and update at any time. This study intends to examine appropriate strategies in the use of these media as a means of instilling friendly and peaceful Islamic values. For this purpose, researchers conduct field studies (field research). The research data were collected by combining in-depth interview techniques and observation with literature studies. In the literature study, the researcher adopted six research steps, namely: literature collection, use of literature classification checklist, content analysis, preliminary formulation of study results, literature review, and formulation of research conclusions. The results of this study indicate several conclusions that the strategies that can be carried out are: (1) choosing social media platforms based on priority, (2) paying attention to the needs of adolescents, (3) choosing and packaging interesting and attractive content, (4) Using a persuasive-humanist approach, and (5) featuring a friendly Islamic sharing platform. AbstrakArtikel ini membahas tentang pemanfaatan media komunikasi sosial dalam bidang pendidikan Islam (informal) pada remaja sebagai solusi di masa pandemi COVID-19. Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa medsos merupakan sarana komunikasi kekinian yang setiap saat digeluti, digandrungi, dan di-update oleh generasi millennial. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengkaji strategi-strategi yang tepat dalam pemanfaatan media tersebut sebagai sarana untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai Islam yang ramah dan damai. Untuk kepentingan ini, peneliti melakukan studi lapangan (field research). Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan mengombinasikan teknik wawancara mendalam (in-depth interview) dan observasi dengan studi literatur. Pada studi literatur, peneliti mengadaptasi enam langkah penelitian, yaitu: pengumpulan literatur, pemanfaatan checklist pengklasifikasian literatur, analisis konten, perumusan awal hasil kajian, reviu ulang kepustakaan, dan perumusan simpulan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan beberapa simpulan bahwa strategi yang dapat dilakukan, yaitu (1) memilih platform media sosial berdasarkan prioritas, (2) memperhatikan kebutuhan remaja, (3) memilih dan mengemas konten yang menarik dan atraktif, (4) Menggunakan pendekatan persuasif-humanis, dan (5) menampilkan platform syiar Islam yang ramah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (8) ◽  
pp. 02`-16
Dyuty Firoz

Social media destination promo videos (DPVs), are among the most important information sources of travel decision-making for their interactive and sharing features, and outstanding destination promotion strategy. Country image is also another important factor for travel decision-making. This study’s purpose is to assess whether the social media DPVs like DMOs’ promo videos and country image have any impact on visiting intentions towards risky destinations. A quantitative method was used for this study. Data was collected by online questionnaires, and 609 valid responses were considered for the analysis of the study. The results showed that the country's image positively influences the attitude of young tourists towards the country and that attention towards the promo videos positively influences young tourists’ overall emotions, attitudes, social norms, interests, desires and behaviours toward visiting a risky destination. This study results would be beneficial for those who are interested in using social media DPVs as part of their destination-promotion strategy, and also can guide destination-marketers to monitor and create better destination promotional contents in social media platforms, to encourage tourism to the destinations, especially risky ones.

2021 ◽  
Richmond Takyi Hinneh ◽  
Alex Barimah Owusu

Abstract BackgroundIn an era of the global pandemic and social media dominance, trying to control the narrative on COVID-19 has been a challenging task for most governments particularly with news about the disease on various social media platforms. There have even been instances where people have sent false information about the number of confirmed cases, precautionary measures, drugs that boost the immune system which can threaten the lives of some users who are accessing this false information and misconceptions.Method This study analyzed spatial differences in Twitter misinformation on COVID-19 across 16 regions of Ghana by scraping 1,167 tweets from Twitter using API access. A total of 514 tweets were analyzed. The data were categorized into three namely; accurate information, misinformation, and other information. ResultsThe study results show that 72% of the tweets were accurate, 14% were misinformation and 14% represented other information. Among the regions, Greater Accra had the highest number of accurate information (45 tweets), and the Upper West Region recording the highest number of misinformation (12 tweets).ConclusionSpatial monitoring and management of information dissemination are useful for target setting and achievement of direct results in terms of diffusing misinformation and propagating accurate information. We, therefore, recommend official usage of Twitter for COVID-19 information dissemination as this usage will help offset possible misinformation from unformed individuals.

Buana Bastra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-23
Gosita Ifantias Meisawitri ◽  
Luluk Isani Kulup

Every human being would socialize with other humans. Humans interact by using a tool called language. Language itself is often inerpreted as arbitrary system sounds symbol, languageis universal, that language has meaning or has intention to nonvey something. Language as a meansof social communication can be illustrated in the social network facebook. The phrase is notpredicative and does not have verb and phrases are groups of words. The phrase can be dividedinto phrases and phrases eksosentrik and endosentrik. The use of the phrase alone is consideredless sufficiet when used to make facebook social media users use the appropriate phrase. Facebookuser community consists of some society levels, the top level society, middle level society andbottom level society. Many Facebook users do not care about it because each of them has a styleand language in their own words. No exception educated people, for example, teachers also use alot of slang phrase because era development factors which one of them is language. This studyused a qualitative approach because the research aimed to explain itself and to describe errors ofphrase using that appear in the facebook social media. This research data was screenshot of thestatus sentences .The data source was facebook. Based on the findings of the data and data analysis,it is found some the use of noun phrase, verb phrase, the adjecive phrase, numeralia phrases andprepositional phrase as its function in facebook. According to Samsuri, There are five kinds ofphrases: (1) noun phrase, (2) verb phrase, (3) the adjective phrase, (4) the numeralia phrase, and(5) prepositional phrase. Thus, it can be concluded that there are some the use of phrase thatappears in the status which is written by facebook users.  

Feng Yang ◽  
Shan Zhao ◽  
Wenyong Li ◽  
Richard Evans ◽  

Introduction. The purpose of this paper is to understand government social media from the perspective of user satisfaction and to evaluate it in the context of presentation, content and utility of the government affairs' microblogs in China. Method. Based on the comprehensive information theory, this study will generalise descriptions about the factors affecting the user satisfaction in the existing research. Analysis. Taking Chinese government affairs microblogs as examples, the paper utilises structural equation modelling to analyse an online survey study. Results. Its result indicates that presentation, content and utility have a positive influence on user satisfaction with Chinese government social media platforms. Conclusions. This study gets rid of the oversimplified description of the application of government social media, and could provide policy reference for subsequent adoption strategies of government social media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 112
Nor Kholis ◽  
M Mudhofi ◽  
Nur Hamid ◽  
Elvara Norma Aroyandin

This study aims to examine the role of Kyai in the effort to empower students through the bil-hal da'wah method at one of the Islamic boarding schools in Yogyakarta. This type of research is field research. Data were collected through interview and observation methods. Through the emic approach, data analysis was carried out descriptively - qualitatively. The study results show that the bil-hal da'wah method carried out by Kyai has a positive impact on the students. This can be seen through three aspects; First, changes in theological morality and social morality for the better. Second, to cultivate the mentality of personality and social care. Third, create productivity of economic independence. However, it is still necessary to continue improving the students' competency skills (Human Resources). Apart from the shortcomings, the bil-hal da'wah method can be used as a role model for developing constructive da'wah, both for students and the wider community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 37-45
A. Garbuznyak

The purpose of this work is to identify the specifics of the online audience behavior before major street actions in Russia: how users react to current events, what is the focus of their attention, which authors, publics and publications are gaining popularity. The research was held on 7 social media platforms and based on content analysis including both a quantitative and a qualitative methodology. A certain similarity was revealed in the behavior of users of different platforms within the same period: they were interested in the same news and the positions of the same personalities. In addition, Twitter and social media users showed an increased interest in each other's reactions to the events that concerned them. The «climate of opinions» investigation held by social media users was especially obvious before the rally, announced suddenly. The research also revealed similarities in media consumption, interest in the same opinion leaders and a similar level of politicization before rallies among users of 5 platforms. These social media form a unified segment of the public sphere. The research data suggest that the platforms where «the climate of opinions» leans in favor of the protest agenda are more likely to influence protest activity. At the same time, direct calls to take to the streets seem to have an insignificant impact on protest behavior.

Koneksi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 280
Shani Dwi Putri ◽  
Suzy Azeharie

One of the features that characterize TikTok social media is its main page called For You Page or FYP. Users who are frequently featured on FYP can become popular and have many followers, known as TikTok celebrities. The strategies used by each TikTok celebrity in forming personal branding tend to be different from one another. This research aims to find out the authentic personal branding that TikTok celebrities want to form in their TikTok accounts and the communication management strategies they are doing to form their personal branding on TikTok. This research is conducted because there has not been any research that discussed communication management strategies to form personal branding on TikTok social media before. The theories used in this research are new media theory, personal branding, and communication management strategy Circular Model of SoMe for Social Communication. The research uses descriptive qualitative research approach with case study research method. The datas are obtained from in-depth interviews with five key informants, non-participant observation, documentation, and literature study. The results show that the communication management strategies carried out by each TikTok celebrity was through their interaction and content. The types of interactions differ according to their personal choices and do not always depend on the category of content they create.Salah satu ciri khas media sosial TikTok adalah halaman utamanya yang bernama For You Page atau FYP. Pengguna yang sering ditayangkan dalam FYP dapat menjadi populer dan memiliki banyak pengikut, disebut sebagai seleb TikTok. Strategi yang digunakan setiap seleb TikTok dalam membentuk personal branding cenderung akan berbeda satu sama lain. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui personal branding autentik yang ingin dibentuk seleb TikTok dalam akun TikTok mereka dan untuk mengetahui strategi pengelolaan komunikasi yang dilakukan para seleb TikTok dalam membentuk personal branding masing-masing di media sosial TikTok. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena belum ada penelitian yang membahas mengenai strategi pengelolaan komunikasi dalam pembentukan personal branding di media sosial TikTok.Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori media baru, personal branding, dan strategi pengelolaan komunikasi Circular Model of SoMe for Social Communication. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode penelitian studi kasus. Data hasil penelitian diperoleh dari hasil wawancara mendalam, observasi non-partisipan, dokumentasi, dan studi kepustakaan terhadap lima narasumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pengelolaan komunikasi yang dilakukan setiap seleb TikTok adalah melalui interaksi dan konten. Jenis interaksi yang dilakukan berbeda sesuai kehendak pribadi setiap seleb TikTok, serta tidak selalu bergantung pada kategori konten yang dibuat.

Andrew K. Przybylski ◽  
Thuy-vy T. Nguyen ◽  
Wilbert Law ◽  
Netta Weinstein

AbstractConcerns about the consequences of social media use on well-being has led to the practice of taking a brief hiatus from social media platforms, a practice known as “digital detoxing.” These brief “digital detoxes” are becoming increasingly popular in the hope that the newly found time, previously spent on social media, would be used for other, theoretically more rewarding, activities. In this paper, we test this proposition. Participants in three preregistered field experiments (ntot = 600) were randomly assigned to receiving each of two conditions on each of two different days: a normal-use day or an abstinence day. Outcomes (social relatedness, positive and negative affect, day satisfaction) were measured on each of the two evenings of the study. Results did not show that abstaining from social media has positive effects on daily well-being (in terms of social relatedness, positive and negative affect, day satisfaction) as suggested by the extant literature. Participants reported similar well-being on days when they used social media and days when they did not. Evidence indicated that abstinence from social media had no measurable positive effect on well-being, and some models showed significant deficits in social relatedness and satisfaction with one’s day. We discuss implications of the study of social media hiatus and the value of programmatic research grounded in preregistered experimental designs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (10) ◽  
pp. 759-767 ◽  
Ashley N. Patterson

The ever-developing arena of social media blurs lines separating public and private spheres. Voluntary usage of social media platforms transforms users’ personal and sometimes private imaginings into publicly accessible artifacts. The entanglement of these two domains demands society’s consideration as policy makers, employers, and qualitative inquirers contend with making meaning of messages initiated within the social media sphere in a world extending beyond it. In this article, I reflect on interplay with a subset of data from my dissertation featuring transcripts pulled from YouTube videos posted by self-identified biracial individuals. As I attempted to instill dialogic properties into what could have been unidirectional interactions, I confronted several challenges. I managed pressures of simultaneous allegiances to my research goals and to the integrities of my informants who were not aware that they were informing me. This article provides insight into navigating these tensions, which are necessary and, to date, too scarcely available.

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