Meccanismi e valutazione: un confronto tra approcci

2009 ◽  
pp. 27-51
Ferruccio Biolcati Rinaldi

- The paper introduces theory-oriented evaluation, a set of approaches that argue for a stronger role of theory in evaluation. Theory-oriented evaluation criticizes mainstream objectives-inputs-outputs evaluation for poor contribution to knowledge cumulation due according to these authors - to the overwhelming role played by method. The paper develops a comparison between the two most influential approaches in theory-oriented evaluation, i.e. Carol Weiss' theory-based evaluation and its concepts of program theory and implementation theory, and realistic evaluation by Ray Pawson and Nick Tilley, based on the concepts of context, mechanism and outcome. For each of them principal features and problems will be discussed; moreover, a strict comparison will be worked out to define similarities and differences.Key words: theory-based evaluation, realistic evaluation, mechanism, context, implementation, perfect and bounded rationalityParole chiave: valutazione basata sulla teoria, valutazione realistica, meccanismo, contesto, implementazione, razionalitŕ assoluta e limitata

Р.А. Аскарова

Аннотация. Макалада тил менен маданияттын ортосундагы байланыш, лингвомаданият таануу илими, анын милдети, объектиси жана предмети боюнча маалымат берилет. Тилди маданият менен байланышта изилдөөнүн зарылчылыгы, айрыкча кыргыз жана түрк тилинин салыштырылып иликтенишинде маданий өзгөчөлүктөрдү эске алуунун зарылчылыгы белгиленет. Макалада мисал катары кыргыз жана түрк тилиндеги «эл/калк-el/halk/millet» концепти мисал катары алынып, аталган концепттин эки элдин дүйнө таанымындагы «өз-жат» категориялары боюнча орду колго алынат. Буга байланыштуу туруктуу сөз айкаштары, макал-лакаптар мисал катары көрсөтүлүп, маанилери чечмеленет. Макаланын максаты «эл/калк-el/halk/millet» концептинин мисалында кыргыз жана түрк тилин салыштырып изилдөөдө элдин маданий дүйнө таанымын эске алуунун зарылчылыгын көрсөтүү болуп саналат. Түйүндүү сөздөр: тил, маданият, лингвомаданият таануу, дүйнө тааным, концепт, өз-жат категориясы, кыргыз дүйнө таанымында эл/el, салыштырма линговмаданият. Аннотация. В статье рассматривается взаимосвязь языка и культуры, также цели, задачи, объект и предмет лингвокультурологии. Подчеркивается значение лингвокультурологического аспекта в лингвистических исследованиях, в частности, в сопоставительных исследованиях родтсвенных языков, как кыргызский и турецкий языки. В данной работе с помощью лингвокультурологического анализ концепта «эл/калк-el/halk/millet» (народ) выявляются сходтво и различие в кыргызском и турецком мировоззрениях. Сравниваются фразеологизмы, устойчивые выражения и пословицы двух родственных языков, отражающие концепт ««эл/калк-el/halk/millet». Также в статье рассматривается место концепта «эл/el» в кыргызской и турецкой культурах в рамках категории «свой-чужой». Целью данной работы является отметить важность учёта мировоззрения и культуры в сопостовительно-сравнительных лингвистических исследованиях на примере концепта «эл/el» в турецком и кыргызском языках. Ключевые слова: язык, культура, лингвокультурология, картина мира, концепт, категория «свой-чужой», эл/el в кыргызском мировоззрение, сопоставительно-сравнительная лингвокультурология Abstrackt. The article deals with the issue of the language and culture relations, goals, objectives, object and subject of linguo cultural studıes. The importance of studying the language in the cultural aspect is emphasized where cultural peculiarities must be taken into consideration in comparative studies in the Kyrgyz and Turkish languages in particular. In this paper, using linguistic-cultural analysis of the concept of ««эл/калк-el/ halk/millet» « (people), the similarities and differences in the Kyrgyz and Turkish world- views are revealed. Examples of set expressions and proverbs of two languages reflecting the concept of «el / el» are picked up and their meanings are interpreted. The article also discusses the role of the concept of «el / el» in the category of «friend or foe». The purpose of this work is to point out the importance of taking into account the worldview of two cultures in comparative research comparing the concept of ««эл/калк-el/halk/millet» « in the Turkish and Kyrgyz languages. Key words: language, culture, lingvocultura, worldview, consept, in the category of «friend or foe», the concept of «el / el» in the Kyrgyz languag, comparative lingvocultura

Jason Garner ◽  
José Benclowicz

Abstract: This article investigates the action of anarchists to the revolutionary situations that emerged in Europe from the October Revolution in Russia until 1923, and their reaction to the failure of anarchist revolutionary practice. It focuses on Russia, Spain and Italy to show the similarities and differences in the anarchist critique of the failure of anarchists to guide the social unrest into a successful revolutionary outcome. Rather than simply looking at the role of their opponents this critique centers on aspects of anarchist praxis and tactics which some anarchists argued needed to be revised in light of experience.     Key words: Anarchism, Russian Revolution, anarcosyndicalism, Triennio Bolchevique, Bienno Rosso

Svitlana Gruschko

The article investigates the role of communicative-functional approach in the translation of scientific and technical literature, when the translation itself is seen as a tool to accomplish purposeful activity of communicators, representatives of different interlingual groups. In practical terms, the difficulties of translating scientific and technical texts are due to the peculiarities of scientific style, insufficient understanding of the terminology of a particular field of knowledge, which complicates the choice of adequate translation solutions. In this context, an important role is played by the translation strategy, where the communicativefunctional approach dominates. The translation is implicitly included in the communication structure between the author and the recipient. The relevance of the article is determined by the necessity of studying the problems of scientific and technical literature translation, taking into account the current realities of interlanguage information exchange. Key words: communicative-functional approach, interlingual communication, translation, structure

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (15) ◽  
Nadiehezka Paola Palencia Tejedor

This work focuses on a compared analysis of the South Afri- can decision related to the “peace and reconciliation act” of this country’s Parliament, and the Colombian decision regarding the amendment of the constitution called “The juridical framework for the peace.” Turning to the structure, it is developed in three major topics: 1. It provides a brief of the historical context, political background and an overview of the two decisions.2. It gives a structural analysis of the powers that each Court has and the nature of the constitutional mechanism through which both Courts decided the constitutionality of the said norms 3. It presents a critical analysis on the similarities and differences between the two systems and judgments. It presents some con- clusions. 

Mohammad Tariq Jassim

In a market economy, the role of International Financial Reporting Standards is increasing. In order to understand their significance in modern conditions it seems necessary to consider the peculiarities of evolution of IFRS formation. The article reflects actual issues concerning the role and significance of International Accounting and Reporting Standards in modern conditions. The author has defined the necessity of applying International Accounting and Reporting Standards by Russian companies. The article highlights the main elements and users of financial statements prepared on the basis of IFRS, and analyzes the similarities and differences that exist in the formation of financial statements, based on the requirements of IFRS and RAS. The main qualitative characteristics of financial statements are considered in detail. Based on the results of the research, the author has identified current trends in the transition to international financial reporting standards.

Баяманова М.С.

Summary: The article deals with the analysis of the interpretational field of the basic lexical units which represent the meaning of the concept “woman” in English and Kyrgyz languages and cultures. Comparative – contrastive analytical data of the most frequently used in both languages variants of the interpretation of the concept “woman” have been given. The semantic fields of nuclear and nearnuclear meanings of the lexical units, transforming the notion of “woman” in English and Kyrgyz languages and also the place and role of these notions in cultures and philosophy of the nations on the basis of mentality and traditional values have been studied and described. The situations of the use of this or that variant of the meaning of lexical unit. A comparative study of the definitions of the word “woman’ in English and Kyrgyz languages have been given. Key words: concept, woman, interpretational field, notion, definition, semantic field, culture, language, linguoculture, transformation Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются интерпретационные поля основных лексических единиц, репрезентирующих значение концепта «женщина» в английской и кыргызской лингвокультурах. Приводятся сравнительно-сопоставительные аналитические данные наиболее употребительных в речи обоих языков вариантов интерпретации концепта «женщина». Изучены и описаны семантические поля ядерных и околоядерных значений лексических единиц, трансформирующих понятие «женщина» в английском и кыргызском языке, а также роль и место этих понятий в культурах и философии народов на основе менталитета и традиционных ценностей. Приводятся ситуации использования того или ино- го варианта значения лексической единицы, проведено сравнительное изучение определений слова «женщина» в английском и кыргызском языках. Ключевые слова: концепт, женщина, интерпретационное поле, понятие, определение, семантическое поле, культура, язык, лингвокультура, трансформация Аннотация: Макалада англис жана кыргыз тилдеринде жана маданияттарында «аял» концептинин маанисин репрезентациалаган негизги лексикалык бирдиктер каралат. «Аял» концептин эки тилдеги кѳп колдонулуучу интерпретациялоо варианттарынын аналитикалык салыштырма маалыматтары изил- делип берилген. Англис жана кыргыз тилдеринде «аял» түшүнүгүн трансформациялаган лексикалык бирдиктердин түп нуска жана ага жакындашкан маанилери иликтелип каралган. Берилген түшүнүктѳрдүн элдик философиясында жана маданиятында, менталитеттин жана салттын негизинде эл арасына кеӊири тараган, элдик тилде жана маданиятта ойногон ролу менен орду чагылдырылган. Ар түрдү ситацияларда колдонулуучу тиги же бул лексикалык бирдиктердин маанисинин варианттары каралган, «аял» деген сѳздун англис жана кыргыз тилдериндеги түшүндүрмѳлѳрү салыштырылып изилделген. Түйүндүү сѳздѳр: концепт, аял, интерпретациялоо мейкиндиги, түшүнүк, түшүндүрмѳ, семантикалык чѳйрѳ, маданият, тил, лингвомаданият, трансформациялоо

Osamu Sawada

Chapter 4 focuses on the dual-use phenomenon of comparison with an indeterminate pronoun in Japanese (and other languages) and considers the similarities and differences between at-issue comparative meaning (i.e. individual comparison) and a CI comparative meaning (i.e. noteworthy comparison). Although an individual comparison and a noteworthy comparison are compositionally and dimensionally different, there is a striking parallelism in terms of the scale structure. The chapter explains the similarities and differences between the two kinds of comparison in a systematic way. It also considers the role of scalarity and comparison in a discourse context and argues that they provide a way of signaling to what extent an at-issue utterance contributes to the goal of the conversation. The timing of signaling information on noteworthiness in a discourse and its pragmatic effect are also discussed.

2021 ◽  
David J. Brooks

AbstractIn this paper, the structural and functional imaging changes associated with sporadic and genetic Parkinson’s disease and atypical Parkinsonian variants are reviewed. The role of imaging for supporting diagnosis and detecting subclinical disease is discussed, and the potential use and drawbacks of using imaging biomarkers for monitoring disease progression is debated. Imaging changes associated with nonmotor complications of PD are presented. The similarities and differences in imaging findings in Lewy body dementia, Parkinson’s disease dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease are discussed.

1991 ◽  
Vol 18 (6) ◽  
pp. 926-932 ◽  
Seshu Madhava Rao Adluri ◽  
Murty K. S. Madugula

The concept of schifflerization of 90° equal-leg angle is presented and its application in triangular-base latticed steel towers is explained. The similarities and differences between schifflerized angles and regular 90° angles are discussed. The current design practice for schifflerized angles is reviewed and its limitation is highlighted. A design method which includes the effect of the torsional-flexural buckling mode of failure is proposed. For ready use of designers, the factored axial compressive resistances of schifflerized angles are tabulated for both the present and proposed design methods. Key words: buckling, compressive resistance, design criteria, schifflerized angles, stability, standards, steel, struts, towers, guyed towers.

2004 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 373-390 ◽  
Alain Samson

AbstractIn an article aimed at complementing Boyer and Sperber's (relatively structural) views of counter-intuitive concepts and their robustness in the religious domain, Franks (2003) has recently drawn attention to the fact that the tolerance of such conflict or contradiction appears to be less domain-specific in some cultures, such as those found in East Asia. This paper follows up on this important point by highlighting the similarities and differences of the tolerance for contradictions evident in East Asian 'naïve dialecticism' and nonnatural religious representations. It is argued that, despite their dissimilarity with respect to the content represented, both types of tolerances may be structurally similar. Both could also be anchored in intuition, albeit in qualitatively different ways. Given the general tolerance of psychological contradiction among persons of East Asian cultures and the potential role of religion, the question whether there is a place for the study of 'tolerance of contradiction' in cross-cultural psychology and cognitive anthropology is raised.

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