scholarly journals Failure of Praxis? European Revolutionary Anarchism in Revolutionary Situations 1917-1923

Jason Garner ◽  
José Benclowicz

Abstract: This article investigates the action of anarchists to the revolutionary situations that emerged in Europe from the October Revolution in Russia until 1923, and their reaction to the failure of anarchist revolutionary practice. It focuses on Russia, Spain and Italy to show the similarities and differences in the anarchist critique of the failure of anarchists to guide the social unrest into a successful revolutionary outcome. Rather than simply looking at the role of their opponents this critique centers on aspects of anarchist praxis and tactics which some anarchists argued needed to be revised in light of experience.     Key words: Anarchism, Russian Revolution, anarcosyndicalism, Triennio Bolchevique, Bienno Rosso

2021 ◽  
pp. 000276422110332
Toby L. Parcel ◽  
Roslyn A. Mickelson

Despite strong progress toward school desegregation in the late 20th century, many locations in the Upper South have recently experienced school resegregation. The articles in this issue investigate similarities and differences across this region in attitudes underlying these developments. Individual papers treat factors including resident location within and across school districts, as well as the role of school choice. Papers also advocate for combining the results of case studies and opinion polls in elucidating these dynamics. The issue concludes with a look forward regarding the social and political forces that will contribute to whether or not the Supreme Court’s mandate, based on Brown v. Board of Education, will be realized by its 100th anniversary in 2054.

2009 ◽  
pp. 27-51
Ferruccio Biolcati Rinaldi

- The paper introduces theory-oriented evaluation, a set of approaches that argue for a stronger role of theory in evaluation. Theory-oriented evaluation criticizes mainstream objectives-inputs-outputs evaluation for poor contribution to knowledge cumulation due according to these authors - to the overwhelming role played by method. The paper develops a comparison between the two most influential approaches in theory-oriented evaluation, i.e. Carol Weiss' theory-based evaluation and its concepts of program theory and implementation theory, and realistic evaluation by Ray Pawson and Nick Tilley, based on the concepts of context, mechanism and outcome. For each of them principal features and problems will be discussed; moreover, a strict comparison will be worked out to define similarities and differences.Key words: theory-based evaluation, realistic evaluation, mechanism, context, implementation, perfect and bounded rationalityParole chiave: valutazione basata sulla teoria, valutazione realistica, meccanismo, contesto, implementazione, razionalitŕ assoluta e limitata

Р.А. Аскарова

Аннотация. Макалада тил менен маданияттын ортосундагы байланыш, лингвомаданият таануу илими, анын милдети, объектиси жана предмети боюнча маалымат берилет. Тилди маданият менен байланышта изилдөөнүн зарылчылыгы, айрыкча кыргыз жана түрк тилинин салыштырылып иликтенишинде маданий өзгөчөлүктөрдү эске алуунун зарылчылыгы белгиленет. Макалада мисал катары кыргыз жана түрк тилиндеги «эл/калк-el/halk/millet» концепти мисал катары алынып, аталган концепттин эки элдин дүйнө таанымындагы «өз-жат» категориялары боюнча орду колго алынат. Буга байланыштуу туруктуу сөз айкаштары, макал-лакаптар мисал катары көрсөтүлүп, маанилери чечмеленет. Макаланын максаты «эл/калк-el/halk/millet» концептинин мисалында кыргыз жана түрк тилин салыштырып изилдөөдө элдин маданий дүйнө таанымын эске алуунун зарылчылыгын көрсөтүү болуп саналат. Түйүндүү сөздөр: тил, маданият, лингвомаданият таануу, дүйнө тааным, концепт, өз-жат категориясы, кыргыз дүйнө таанымында эл/el, салыштырма линговмаданият. Аннотация. В статье рассматривается взаимосвязь языка и культуры, также цели, задачи, объект и предмет лингвокультурологии. Подчеркивается значение лингвокультурологического аспекта в лингвистических исследованиях, в частности, в сопоставительных исследованиях родтсвенных языков, как кыргызский и турецкий языки. В данной работе с помощью лингвокультурологического анализ концепта «эл/калк-el/halk/millet» (народ) выявляются сходтво и различие в кыргызском и турецком мировоззрениях. Сравниваются фразеологизмы, устойчивые выражения и пословицы двух родственных языков, отражающие концепт ««эл/калк-el/halk/millet». Также в статье рассматривается место концепта «эл/el» в кыргызской и турецкой культурах в рамках категории «свой-чужой». Целью данной работы является отметить важность учёта мировоззрения и культуры в сопостовительно-сравнительных лингвистических исследованиях на примере концепта «эл/el» в турецком и кыргызском языках. Ключевые слова: язык, культура, лингвокультурология, картина мира, концепт, категория «свой-чужой», эл/el в кыргызском мировоззрение, сопоставительно-сравнительная лингвокультурология Abstrackt. The article deals with the issue of the language and culture relations, goals, objectives, object and subject of linguo cultural studıes. The importance of studying the language in the cultural aspect is emphasized where cultural peculiarities must be taken into consideration in comparative studies in the Kyrgyz and Turkish languages in particular. In this paper, using linguistic-cultural analysis of the concept of ««эл/калк-el/ halk/millet» « (people), the similarities and differences in the Kyrgyz and Turkish world- views are revealed. Examples of set expressions and proverbs of two languages reflecting the concept of «el / el» are picked up and their meanings are interpreted. The article also discusses the role of the concept of «el / el» in the category of «friend or foe». The purpose of this work is to point out the importance of taking into account the worldview of two cultures in comparative research comparing the concept of ««эл/калк-el/halk/millet» « in the Turkish and Kyrgyz languages. Key words: language, culture, lingvocultura, worldview, consept, in the category of «friend or foe», the concept of «el / el» in the Kyrgyz languag, comparative lingvocultura

2008 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 127-135 ◽  
Morgan Meyer ◽  
Kate Woodthorpe

This is an exploratory paper that aims to stimulate a dialogue between those interested in two particular spaces in society: the museum and the cemetery. Using empirical evidence from two research projects, the paper considers similarities and differences between the two sites, which are further explored through theoretical ideas about the social life of things and the agency of absence. Examining the materiality of these spaces, the paper addresses the role of objects in these two spaces and their respective associations with death, either through the dead themselves or the representation of those who have once lived. In particular, it explores the ‘presence of absence’ through three key points: its spatiality, its materiality, and its agency. Museums and cemeteries are, in this sense, directly comparable, as both spaces are shaped by and built upon the practice of making the absent present. Called ‘heterotopic’ by Foucault (1986) in that they are layered with multiple meanings, this paper will also argue for an understanding of museums and cemeteries as being able to transcend absence. Underpinning this is the belief that there remains much scope for future connections to be made between these two sites, theoretically, politically and practically.

2021 ◽  
Vol 101 ◽  
pp. 03049
Veronika Viktorovna Retivina

The article discusses issues related to the influence of family on the formation of work attitudes of students. According to the data of the social research conducted by the author in 2020, the coincidence of the structures of basic values among students and their parents was exposed. An increase in the degree of influence of family on the selection of a profession by young people has been established. The results of the survey revealed the similarities and differences in the work attitudes of the two generations. For both students and their parents, the content aspect appeared to be a priority in the work. For the older generation, as compared with children, the social component of labor is more important. For young people, the opportunities for personal self-realization and the material side of working career are more important than for their parents. The analysis of the research findings allows for the conclusion that nowadays the importance of the educational influence of family on the formation of the value system of young people, as well as in the labor sphere, is still high.

Cláudia Da Silva Pereira

Baseado em pesquisa realizada com mais de 100 adolescentes de camadas médias e altas da Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro, este artigo tem por objetivo discutir as configurações sociais que determinam os novos papéis da família, dos amigos e da indústria cultural na construção da noção de adolescência e das identiÜades entre os indivíduos que vivem esta fase da vida. A partir dos resultados da pesquisa quantitativa e das entrevistas pessoais realizadas, é feita uma reflexão sobre as representações na adolescência e sua contribuição para as formas de classificação que se estabelecem nas relações sociais. Entre outras questões, é destacada a categoria de acusação “patricinhas”. <br> <br> <B>Palavras-chave</B>: adolescência, família, gênero. <br> <br> <br> <B>Abstract</B>: Based on a research realized with more than 100 middle and high classes teenagers from South Zone of Rio de Janeiro, this article objectives to discuss the social configurations that determine the new role of family, friends and cultural industry on the construction of the notion of adolescence and the identities among the ones who live this phase of life. From the results of the quantitative research and the personal interviews realized, we make a reflection about the representations in adolescence and their contributions to the classification forms the are present in the social relations. Among other ìuestions, it is focused the accusation category “patricinhas”. <br> <br> <B>Key words</B>: adolescence, family, gender.

2012 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-216 ◽  
Marc Fleurbaey

This rejoinder to Roemer (this issue) examines Roemer's amendment to his EOp criterion, explains the similarities and differences between Roemer's approach to equality of opportunity and the economic literature inspired by the fair allocation theory, and proposes some clarifications on the compensation principle and the role of the reward principle in the definition of a responsibility-sensitive social criterion. It highlights the power of the ideal of respect for individual preferences with respect to the reward issue and the concern for potential harshness of the social criterion toward the individuals who fail to make good use of their opportunities. It discusses Roemer's objection against holding individuals responsible for their preferences.

Twejer ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 807-850
Abdullah Bairam Younis ◽  
Amir Ahmed Hamad Amin ◽  

The novel of ‘The Slave Yards’ by Najwa Bin Shatwan, is not only a biographic of his daughter Atiqa, in which they were lived through depression, and misery. Also, it is not a narration of Libya’s history, while the novel is about the intellectual, social and cultural issues. The author tried to present that matters in a high level. In general, that novel can be distinguished with the other novels in numerous social references, and the ability to identify them in a narrative form, in which the social references are related to the relationships of individuals with each other. The author tried to control the events, and to link the role of the characters to each other. Also, the author presents the events which they are imposed by reality, and in any changes their real social meaning will be changed as well. In this regard, we highlight those issues into two points: the first one is highlighting the traditions and customs, and the second one is highlighting the folklore songs, myths, and religious places. Key Words: Slave Carpets, Social references, Myths, Popular Songs, Customs

Maarten Vansteenkiste ◽  
Anja Van den Broeck

Although the role of motivation has been emphasized in the field of unemployment and job search, the motivational dynamics underlying unemployed individuals’ behavior have not yet received the attention they deserve. In this chapter, we present a motivational perspective grounded in self-determination theory (SDT), a macrotheory focusing on human motivation in the social context. We discuss basic principles of SDT and formulate seven propositions that have direct relevance for the fields of unemployment and job search. In discussing these propositions, we elucidate similarities and differences between SDT and various frameworks in the unemployment and job search literature and cover the available empirical evidence in the realm of SDT in these fields. Given that the literatures on job search and unemployment have been developed fairly independently, we conclude that SDT represents a promising theory to bridge these two fields and may equally provide useful guidelines for practitioners in the field.

2009 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-114
Maria Hrycaiko Zaputovich

This paper endeavors to show the importance of history for any study in the social and political sciences. Following theorist and Nobel laureate Douglass C. North, it attempts to show how the past and the present are connected through the continuity of a society’s institutions even when those formal institutions undergo a radical change, that is, revolution. To that end I will be comparing two agricultural societies — Russia and China — beginning with their Imperial periods — to show how their attitudes towards their peasantry have endured through the upheaval of both revolutions and the potential impact on development. The impact of the Russian revolution on China will also be examined.

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