2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Syaiful Syaiful ◽  
Hermanto Siregar ◽  
Ernan Rustiadi ◽  
Eri Susanto Hariyadi

<p>The increase in urban transportation in the 2000s era was very high. The use of motorized vehicles during the pandemic has decreased slightly with the government's ban on traveling out of town, including the 2020 homecoming and 2021 homecoming. Most people who travel are in the city center, including the city of Bogor and Bogor district. The travel patterns are very diverse, but most use public transportation and private transportation in addition to freight transportation with a fairly high intensity, especially at night. The purpose of this study was to obtain the LoS value at the signalized intersection of the three arms of the Salabenda intersection. The three-arm Salabenda intersection is the border between Bogor regency and the city of Bogor, so this intersection is one of the busiest and most densely populated intersections beside the Ciawi intersection in the north. The Salabenda intersection has become more congested with the opening of the Section IIIA Toll Road so that the traffic load shifts from Jl. KH. Sholeh Iskandar to this toll road, so that the intersection will have a higher traffic intensity. From the three observations and data collection in the field, it can be seen that in the afternoon it has a very high LoS, namely E. Followed by a LoS D level in the afternoon and in the morning LoS is still in the form of C. So it is still safe to use in the morning with a recommended level. The LoS E condition is a condition where the intersection has a degree of saturation of 0.926, which is almost close to 1, exacerbated by high side resistance activity.</p>

Eka Susilowati

Bandung is one of the major cities in Indonesia. The lower middle class is greatly helped by public transportation. Angkot is transportation that is close to the people. However, public transportation services that are less organized can make people switch to using private transportation. This actually has a bad impact on traffic. Thus, there need to be improvements in public transportation in the city of Bandung. One-way roads in the city of Bandung are also the cause of many angkot routes. The choice of public transportation users to choose an efficient angkot route. Efficient here means a short path so that the travel time to the destination is minimal. In the previous article, the Cicaheum Ciroyom and Ujung Berung ITB angkot routes were obtained using the Greedy algorithm. In this discussion, the algorithm that can be used to determine angkot routes in Bandung is the Min-Plus algorithm. After being compared between the Greedy algorithm and the Min plus algorithm, the resulting angkot algorithm is better obtained by the Min Plus algorithm.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 589-614
Kozan Uzunoğlu ◽  
Semra Sema Uzunoğlu

approach in recent years. One of these cities which is the last divided capital city and one of the most important cultural heritages of the Mediterranean region in  the island of Cyprus is the Nicosia Walled City. Within this study, the existing situation of pedestrianized areas in the Walled City in north Nicosia were examined. In literature review part, the importance of pedestrianization,  reasons and benefits of pedestrianization, examples of pedestrianized areas/streets around the world  are reviewed. The pedestrianized streets/areas in the north Nicosia Walled City were examined on-site, photographed, their current status was revealed and evaluated according to determined criteria. Each street/area was evaluated in terms of functions in the street, mobility, accessibility by car or public transportation, social/community activities, economic development and quality of physical environment. When the old city of Nicosia is analyzed in the context of these criteria, it has been observed that the pedestrianized areas have an increasing social, cultural and economical contribution to the city. In addition to its historical features, the places and activities that attract the people especially young population and tourists, bring life to this region. In terms of environmental aspects, visual incompatibilities were observed even in the streets where pedestrianization studies have been carried out recently. There are also problems about vehicle and pedestrian traffic that affect users. The study was completed by making suggestions at the end of the study. Keywords: pedestrianized streets, pedestrianized squares, Nicosia Walled City, Cyprus

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (01) ◽  
pp. 329-343
Narciso Ferreira Santos Neto ◽  
Rodrigo Marques do Nascimento ◽  
José Luiz Lopes Teixeira Filho

As cidades médias se destacam pelo seu caráter dinâmico, centralizador, atrativo de mercadoria, serviços e pessoas. A cidade de Montes Claros, localizada no norte de Minas Gerais, tem demonstrado tais características através do intenso fluxo de viagens demandado pela população aos Polos Geradores de Tráfego. Nesse cenário, necessita-se de um modo capaz de suprir a carência de transporte das pessoas, de maneira segura, econômica, sustentável e racionalizando. O ônibus, gerido por meio de diretrizes do Estado, se apresenta como melhor opção em relação aos automóveis particulares, uma vez que reduzem congestionamento e exercem papel social. Nessa perspectiva, o presente trabalho analisa a acessibilidade por transporte público coletivo ao polo gerador de tráfego (Escola Estadual Professor Plínio Ribeiro), localizado na Avenida Mestra Fininha, número 1225, bairro Jardim São Luiz, em Montes Claros – MG. Essa análise leva em conta o tempo de viagem (tempo de espera e tempo de percurso) por transporte público com ligação direta a escola e utiliza Sistemas de Informações Geográficas para armazenamento, processamento e espacialização dos dados coletados. A partir daí, sugere-se o nível de acessibilidade dos moradores da cidade de Montes Claros à escola Estadual Professor Plínio Ribeiro, o qual se mostrou com melhores resultados na área central e, quase sempre, reduziu-se à medida que se aproximava das regiões periféricas. Palavras-chave: Cidades Médias. Transporte Público Coletivo. Acessibilidade. Montes Claros.   ANALYSIS OF THE ACCESSIBILITY OF THE CITY POPULATION OF MONTES CLAROS / MG TO A PUBLIC SCHOOL FOR COLLECTIVE TRANSPORTATION ABSTRACT Medium cities stand out for their dynamic character, centralizer, attractive merchandise, services and people. The average city of Montes Claros, located in the north of Minas Gerais, has shown such feature by intense displacement flow demanded by the population Polos traffic generators. In this scenario, you need is a modal capable of filling the transport of persons, safe, economical, sustainable and rational manner. The bus, operated by state guidelines, is presented as the best option in relation to private cars, since they do not cause congestion and exert social role. In this perspective, this paper analyzes the service by public transportation to the pole traffic generator (State School Professor Plinio Ribeiro), located on the promenade Master Slim, number 1225, São Luiz Jardim, in Montes Claros - MG. This analysis takes into account the travel time (waiting time and travel time) by public transportation with direct connection to school and uses Geographic Information Systems for storage, processing and spatial distribution of the data collected. From there, it is suggested that the level of accessibility of the residents of the city of Montes Claros State Teacher Plinio Ribeiro school.  Keywords: Medium Cities. Collective Public Transport. Accessibility. Montes Claros.    ANÁLISIS DE LA ACCESIBILIDAD DE LA POBLACIÓN DE LA CIUDAD DE MONTES CLAROS / MG A UNA ESCUELA PÚBLICA POR TRANSPORTE COLECTIVO RESUMEN Las ciudades medias se destacan por su carácter dinámico, centralizador, atractivo de mercancía, servicios y personas. La ciudad de Montes Claros, ubicada en el norte de Minas Gerais, ha demostrado tales características a través del intenso flujo de viajes demandado por la población a los Polos Generadores de Tráfico. En este escenario, se necesita de un modo capaz de suplir la carencia de transporte de las personas, de manera segura, económica, sostenible y racional. El autobús, gestionado por medio de directrices del Estado, se presenta como mejor opción en relación a los automóviles privados, ya que reducen congestión y ejercen papel social. En esta perspectiva, el presente trabajo analiza la accesibilidad por transporte público colectivo al polo generador de tráfico (Escuela Estadual Profesor Plínio Ribeiro), ubicado en la Avenida Maestra Fininha, número 1225, barrio Jardim São Luiz, en Montes Claros - MG. Este análisis tiene en cuenta el tiempo de viaje (tiempo de espera y tiempo de recorrido) por transporte público con conexión directa a la escuela y utiliza Sistemas de Información Geográfica para almacenamiento, procesamiento y espacialización de los datos recolectados. A partir de ahí, se sugiere el nivel de accesibilidad de los habitantes de la ciudad de Montes Claros a la escuela estatal, el profesor Plínio Ribeiro, el cual se mostró con mejores resultados en el área central y casi siempre se redujo a medida que se acercaba a las regiones Periféricos. Palabras clave : Ciudades Medias. Transporte Público Colectivo. Accesibilidad. Montes Claros.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-40
Bagus Banter ◽  
Abdul Kudus Zaini ◽  
Astuti Boer

[ID] Permasalahan transportasi seperti kemacetan, polusi udara, kecelakaan, antrian maupun tundaan bisa di jumpai dengan tingkat kualitas yang rendah maupun besar. Permasalahan tersebut sering kita jumpai di beberapa kota di Indonesia termasuk di Pekanbaru. Beberapa titik kemacetan yang terjadi di Kota Pekanbaru saat pagi dan sore atau jam sibuk khususnya pada simpang bersinyal di jalan Sudirman – jalan Gajah Mada yang merupakan intesitas yang besar selalu dilewati lalu lalangnya kendaraan yang melewati dilokasi tersebut. Metode perhitungan analisis dan perencanaan yang di gunakan adalah metode Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 1997 (MKJI 1997) agar dapat mengetahui seberapa besar fungsi dari sistem kendali waktu tetap dalam menghindari kemacetan serta mengurangi resiko kecelakaan pada simpang akibat konflik lalu lintas. Dari hasil analisis menggunakan perhitungan MKJI 1997 di dapat kapasitas terbesar adalah 2375,94 smp/jam pada ruas jalan arah selatan. Panjang antrian  maksimum adalah 171,171 m pada ruas jalan arah utara terjadi antrian panjang  pada  kondisi lalu lintas dan Tunda an rata-rata sebesar 1440,159 det/smp. Sehingga tingkat pelayanan simpang pada kondisi jam puncak masuk dalam katagori F/buruk sekali (>60 detik/smp). Pada kondisi eksisting ketiga simpang sudah mendekati kinerja yang jenuh, dengan hasil derajat kejenuhan 1,00 (DS > 0.85) arah ruas jalan utara. Waktu Siklus Sinyal pada persimpangan tersebut adalah 95 detik, ini termasuk kedalam tipe pengaturan 4 fase 80-130 (MKJI,1997). Dari hasil analisis tersebut peneliti menyarankan perlu mengidupkan kembali countdown timer pengendara dapat memulai start berangkat lebih awal, hal ini dapat ini dapat mengurangi waktu hilang dan mengurangi kemacetan. [EN] Transportation problems such as congestion, air pollution, accidents, queues and delays can be found with low or large quality levels. We often experience this problem in several cities in Indonesia, including in Pekanbaru. Some congestion points that occur in the city of Pekanbaru in the morning and evening or rush hour, especially at the signal intersection on  Sudirman street – Gajah Mada street which is a large intensity always passing the negligence of vehicles passing through the location. The method of calculation of analysis and planning used is the method of the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual 1997 (MKJI 1997) in order to find out how much the function of the fixed time control system is to avoid congestion and reduce the risk of accidents due to traffic conflicts. From the results of the analysis using the MKJI 1997 calculation, the largest capacity is 2375.94 smp/hour on the southern road segment. The maximum queue length is 171,171 m on the northern road segment, there is a long queue in traffic conditions and the delay is an average of 1440,159 det /smp. So that the level of service intersection at peak hour conditions is in the category F / very bad (> 60 seconds / junior). In the existing conditions the three intersections are close to saturated performance, with the result of a degree of saturation of 1.00 (DS> 0.85) in the direction of the north road segment. The Signal Cycle time at the junction is 95 seconds, this is included in the 4 phase 80-130 setting type (MKJI, 1997). From the results of the analysis, the researchers suggest that it is necessary to revive the driver's countdown timer to start the start early, this can reduce the lost time and reduce congestion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Momon Momon ◽  
Dwi Astuti

The number of motorized vehicles in the city of Padang increased 6.8% every year in the last 4 years. This increase has a direct impact on fuel consumption and exhaust emissions released. The purpose of this research is to calculate the exhaust emissions of motor vehicles and develop strategies to reduce exhaust emissions. The approach used in this research is a quantitative descriptive approach. The data used in the form of secondary data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency and the Department of Transportation of the City of Padang. The strategy is based on the Climate Change Sectoral Roadmap (ICCSR) with 3 (three) main strategies namely Avoid, Shift, Improve. The results showed the emission emission of motor vehicles 3,450.49 Ton CO2 Eq. To reduce exhaust emissions, the strategies that must be carried out include the Development of Satellite Cities, Transportation Development, Mass / Trans Padang, and Rejuvenation of Public Transportation. Keyword: Motorized Vehicles, Fuel Gas Emissions, Padang City   Abstrak Jumlah kendaraan bermotor di Kota Padang meningkat 6,8% setiap tahun dalam kurun 4 tahun terakhir. Peningkatan ini berdampak langsung terhadap konsumsi bahan bakar dan emisi gas buang yang dikeluarkan. Tujuan penelitian ini menghitung emisi gas buang kendaraan bermotor dan menyusun strategi penurunan emisi gas buang. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan berupa data sekunder yang didapatkan dari Badan Pusat Statistik dan Dinas Perhubungan Kota Padang. Strategi disusun berdasarkan Climate Change Sectoral Roadmap (ICCSR) dengan 3 (tiga) strategi utama yakni Avoid (hindari), Shift (alihkan), Improve (tingkatkan). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan emisi gas buang kendaraan bermotor 3,450.49 Ton CO2 Eq. Untuk menurunkan emisi gas buang, maka strategi yang harus dilakukan antara lain membangun kota-kota satelit yang dilengkapi pelayanan dasar dan tempat-tempat komersil (pengembangan kota Satelit), perpindahan dari angkutan pribadi ke angkutan massal (Trans Padang), dan peremajaan angkutan umum melalui mekanisme subsidi umum. Kata Kunci: Kendaraan Bermotor, Emisi Gas Buang, Kota Padang

Syaiful Syaiful ◽  
Iswahyudi Iswahyudi

This article explains the low noise that originates from the volume of public transportation and private transportation during COVID-19 (few vehicles are passing). The method used is surveying traffic data in the field (the noise is measured when the vehicle passes the roadside of the survey location), including when COVID-19 hits the city. This study refers to several cities, including the city of Bogor as the object of research. Traffic movements have slowed down due to the COVID-19 outbreak. This field method is effective in describing the current traffic conditions. In the findings, the indicator used to determine the vehicle volume noise contributes 12.10% of the calculation result of y = 70.718 + 0.013 x 1. The result is a significant effect seen on sound level meter (SLM) 3, with an increase of 70.718 dBA, distance from the sidewalk to the nearest building wall of 10.24 m, and vehicle speed of 80 km/hour. The results of this study will enhance the development of science and engineering technology as a contributor to cooperative support of government policies to comply with health protocols in this COVID-19 era.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 74
Pâmela Gnoatto ◽  
Chauana Martinelli Pedroso ◽  
Bruna Lima da Silva ◽  
Laura Pasa Cambrussi ◽  
Alcindo Neckel

Public transport and private cars, when combined with urban planning, tend to contribute to the development of local sustainability. The objective of the research is to analyze the population perception regarding the use of public transportation and private cars in the city of Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil, seeking to understand the population's preference for private transportation and public transport. Methodologically, a 90% confidence interval and a 10% sample error were used to select the 68 questionnaires applied, where multiple choice questions were used. The results revealed that 66% of the interviewed people use public transport, but they evaluate it as of poor quality. As a proposal for the improvement of motorized mobility, the Car Sharing system of three organizations: ZipCar, ZasCar and Car2Go was carried out to suggest the implementation of the system in the city. The results of the study demonstrated the feasibility of the Car Sharing System as an alternative for improvements in sustainable urban mobility.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 185-190
Kartika Ayu Widyaningrum ◽  
R. Endro Wibisono

The intersection between Arief Rahman Hakim Street, Klampis Anom Street, Klampis Jaya Street is a signalized intersection with a high-density level due to trip generation and attraction. The low level of knowledge and culture of traffic is the phenomenon of vehicle congestion at the intersection involving many actors as the cause. This study aimed to determine the traffic performance of the signalized intersection at the Arief Rahman Hakim Street, Klampis Anom Street, Klampis Jaya Street at this point as well as to predict the traffic performance of the signalized intersection on the Arief Rahman Hakim Street,Klampis Anom Street, Klampis Jaya Street in 2024. The results of the performance evaluation of the signalized intersection on the Arief Rahman Hakim Street, Klampis Anom Street, Klampis Jaya Street was for the standard degree of saturation received in 2021; it was 4.33 in the north, 0.23 in the south, 3.17 in the east, and 2.98 in the west. In 2024 it will be 4.96 in the north, 0.36 in the south, 3.49 in the east, and 3.41 in the west. In 2024 the rate of population growth and the need for private vehicles will increase greatly.

Windayani Pulungan ◽  
Poningsih Poningsih ◽  
Heru Satria

This study aims to look for the grouping of data in motor vehicles according to their use. The types of motorized vehicles in this study are ranging from motorbikes, cars, public transportation, taxis, public transportation, buses, and pick ups. In this case we need a method that can classify vehicle data according to its use. This research was conducted in Pematangsiantar and used the K-Means Data Mining method. K-Means method tries to group existing data into several groups, where data in one group has the same characteristics with each other and has different characteristics from the data in other groups. The highest cluster with the number of motorized vehicle data according to its use is 7 vehicles, namely, 3 wheels, Taxi, public transportation, Bus (public transportation), Truck / Pick Up (public transportation), Car, Truck / Pick Up (private transportation).Keywords: Data Mining, K-Means Method, Grouping of Motorized Vehicles.

Antiquity ◽  
1976 ◽  
Vol 50 (200) ◽  
pp. 216-222
Beatrice De Cardi

Ras a1 Khaimah is the most northerly of the seven states comprising the United Arab Emirates and its Ruler, H. H. Sheikh Saqr bin Mohammad al-Qasimi, is keenly interested in the history of the state and its people. Survey carried out there jointly with Dr D. B. Doe in 1968 had focused attention on the site of JuIfar which lies just north of the present town of Ras a1 Khaimah (de Cardi, 1971, 230-2). Julfar was in existence in Abbasid times and its importance as an entrep6t during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries-the Portuguese Period-is reflected by the quantity and variety of imported wares to be found among the ruins of the city. Most of the sites discovered during the survey dated from that period but a group of cairns near Ghalilah and some long gabled graves in the Shimal area to the north-east of the date-groves behind Ras a1 Khaimah (map, FIG. I) clearly represented a more distant past.

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