2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 149-160
Septara Utrujjah Putri

Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk mengetahui gangguan berbahasa dari perspektif fonologi dalam hal pelafalan fonem, mana yang memiliki gangguan dan mana yang normal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Objek penelitian ini berupa bunyi-bunyi fonem yang sulit dan tidak sulit diujarkan oleh penderita kelumpuhan langit-langit mulut atau sumbing langit-langit. Sumber data (informan) dalam penelitian ini adalah seorang anak penderita sumbing langit-langit berusia sembilan tahun. Penyediaan data menggunakan metode simak dan wawancara, teknik simak meliputi catat serta rekam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa di beberapa fonem informan mengalami kesulitan dalam melafalkan bunyinya dan cenderung terdengar sengau, namun ada beberapa pula fonem yang terdengar jelas seperti orang normal. Kata Kunci: Gangguan berbahasa, Perspektif fonologi, Sembilan tahun.   Abstract This study aims to determine language disorder from a phonological persepectve in terms if phoneme pronunciationm which ones have interference and which ones are normal. This study uses a qualitative research approach. The object of this research is phoneme  sounds that are difficult and not difficult to pronounce by people with palate paralysis or cleft palate. The data source (informant) in this study was a child with cleft palate aged nine years. provision of data using observation and interview methods, listening techniques include note-taking and recording. Based on the result of the study, some phonemes, the informants had difficulty pronouncing the sounds and tended to sound nasal, but there were also some phonemes that sounded clear like normal people. Keywords: Language disorders, Phonological perspective, nine years

Nur Indah Dwi Susanti ◽  
Rima Vien Permata Hartanto ◽  
Mohammad Muchtarom

<p><em>The objectives of research were (1) to find out the forms of modelling in Personality Competency of Civic Education teacher in SMP Negeri 1 Mojolaban, and (2) to find out the implication of Civic Education teacher’s modelling to creating the students’ discipline character in SMP Negeri 1 Mojolaban. This research employed a qualitative research approach, with descriptive qualitative research type. Data source derived from informant, place, event, and document. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling one. Techniques of collecting data used were interview, observation, and document analysis. Data validation was carried out using data and method triangulations. Data analysis was conducted using an interactive model of analysis.  Considering the result of research, the following conclusions could be drawn. (1) The forms of role model in personality competency of Civic Education teacher were as follows: The personality of a disciplined teacher, democratic, patient, tolerant, broad-insight teacher personalities. (2) The implication of Civic Education teachers to the creation of students’ discipline character was as follows: the students could receive and imitate one of Civic Education teachers’  modelling, indicated with their coming early to classroom when the lesson began, students completing school attribute and uniform, students attending the lesson in the classroom and no truancy, students always attending flag ceremony, and maintaining the cleanliness at school. However, role model is the most decisive factor in creating the students’ discipline; it could be seen from the students showing the discipline character only in the classroom Civic Education teachers class VII while the other teacher’s class had not shown the discipline character yet.   </em></p><p><em> </em></p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Personality Competency, Civic Education, Modelling, Discipline                                      Chara</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 309
Yeni Suhartini ◽  
Ema Aprianti

In general, The research aims to "find out the application of the Demonstration method to improve the Social Development of PAUD children". This research was conducted with the approach used in this study is a qualitative research approach. Sugiyono The data source of this research is the kindergarten student Pelita Bandung. While the sample consisted of 25 children. The research data were collected using instruments in the form of interview guidelines and observation guidelines. The use of Demonstration Method to improve children's Social Development skills in this study was carried out through two observations. The learning conditions of Social Development activities using the Demonstration Method have begun to be conditioned. The child can concentrate on paying attention to the instructions of the guru and wants to practice the Social Development activities directly by using pictures of animals on the planel board. The results obtained through observation show satisfying results. By using the Demonstration Method in Social Development learning, the media used are rabbits and sprouts that are interesting, so the child wants to hold and see and observe the picture. In addition, children are more enthusiastic about learning because teachers demonstrate directly how the media works in Social Development learning activities, and teachers are also given opportunities for children to practice and demonstrate in front of other friends, hopefully children will remember the learning of Social Development continuously this and the more enthusiastic want to try.Secara umum, penelitian bertujuan untuk “mengetahui penerapan metode Demonstrasi untuk meningkatkan Perkembangan Sosial anak PAUD”.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan penelitian kualitatif, sampel berjumlah 25 orang anak. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa pedoman wawancara dan pedoman observasi. Metode demonstrasi digunakan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan aspek perkembangan sosial anak dalam penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan melalui dua kali observasi. Kondisi pembelajaran kegiatan perkembangan sosial dengan menggunakan Metode Demonstrasi sudah mulai terkondisikan. Anak sudah bisa berkonsentrasi untuk memperhatikan instruksi dari guru dan mau mempraktekkan langsung kegiatan Perkembangan Sosial dengan menggunakan gambar binatang pada papan planel. Hasil yang diperoleh melalui observasi menunjukkan hasil yang memuaskan. Dengan menggunakan metode demonstrasi di dalam pembelajaran perkembangan sosial, media yang digunakan yang berupa binatang kelinci dan tumbuhan kecambah yang menarik, sehingga anak ingin memegang dan melihat serta mengamati gambar tersebut. Selain itu, anak semakin termotivasi untuk  mengikuti pembelajaran dikarenakan guru memperagakan langsung bagaimana cara pengerjaan media tersebut dalam kegiatan pembelajaran Perkembangan Sosial, dan guru juga kesempatan diberikan pada anak agar mempraktekkan dan mendemonstrasikan di depan teman-teman yang lain, diharapkan anak akan mengingat terus pembelajaran Perkembangan Sosial ini dan semakin termotivasi ingin mencoba.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Lana Rahmasari ◽  
Asep Purwo Yudi Utomo

An illocutionary act is a speech act that is usually identified by explicit performative sentences. The research on illocutionary acts in vlogs is an action that shows the meaning of speech during communication. This study aims to describe illocutionary acts on Fiersa Besari's vlog YouTube channel Jangan Lupa Senyum Part 1 along with its speech function. The method used in this research is the descriptive method. The form of research used here is qualitative research. The data source in this study is the vlog Jangan Lupa Senyum Part 1 on the Fiersa Besari YouTube channel. The data in this study are transcripts of conversations between characters in vlogs. Data collection techniques in research using the observation method and note-taking techniques. The findings in the research in this vlog were only 15 utterances of illocutionary speech acts. From the 15 utterances, 7 data on assertive illocutionary acts, 2 directive illocutionary acts, and 7 expressive illocutionary acts. From this research, it is expected that we can understand the function of illocutionary acts that are relevant to everyday life

Nur Amelia ◽  
Hasnah Faizah ◽  
Charlina Charlina

AbstractThis study describes and analyzes the presupposition in the film "Kapal Goyang Kapten". This research is a qualitative research using descriptive analytical method, namely analyzing and describing the data found in the form of words descriptively. The data analysis technique in this study begins with identifying and classifying dialogue within the object of research and analyzing and presenting the results of the research on the object under study. The data collection techniques used were documentation techniques, observation techniques, and note-taking techniques. The data source of this research is a film downloaded on Youtube via the URL Based on the results of data analysis, it was found 119 data consisting of 40 data classified as existential presuppositions, 30 data presuppositions. factive, 7 counterfactual presupposition data, 4 lexical presupposition data, 9 inactive presupposition data, and 29 structural presupposition data. The data is obtained from the narrative of the characters in the captain's rocking ship film. Of the 119 data found, there are different meanings of context and text in each speech, this is due to several factors, including the opponent's speech and speech situations in communication events.Keywords: presupposition, film, Kapal Goyang Kapten.    AbstrakPenelitian ini mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis presuposisi dalam film “Kapal Goyang Kapten”. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis yaitu menganalisis dan memaparkan secara deskriptif data yang ditemukan dalam bentuk kata-kata. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini dimulai dengan mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan dialog dalam objek penelitian serta menganalisis dan memaparkan hasil penelitian terhadap objek yang diteliti. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah teknik dokumentasi, teknik simak, dan teknik catat. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah film yang diunduh di Youtube melalui URL Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, ditemukan 119 data yang terdiri dari 40 data yang tergolong presuposisi eksistensial, 30 data presuposisi faktif, 7 data presuposisi konterfaktual, 4 data presuposisi leksikal, 9 data presuposisi nonfaktif, dan 29 data presuposisi struktural. Data tersebut diperoleh dari tuturan tokoh dalam film kapal goyang kapten.Dari 119 data yang ditemukan terdapat makna konteks dan teks yang berbeda dalam tiap tuturan, hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa factor diantaranya adalah lawan tutur dan situasi tutur dalam peristiwa komunikasi.Kata kunci : presuposisi, film, Kapal Goyang Kapten.

Widya Accarya ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-157

Abstrak Penelitian ini berisikan tentang gambaran umum mengenai gangguan berbahasa pada anak berkebutuhan khusus dan implikasinya bagi pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di SLB Negeri 1 Pemalang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui jenis gangguan berbahasa pada anak berkebutuhan khusus dan implikasinya bagi pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SLB Negeri 1 Pemalang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Sumber data adalah guru atau karyawan di SLB Negeri 1 Pemalang dengan wujud data hasil peserta didik selama mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah yang diperoleh peneliti melalui wawancara yang berupa kartu data, dan dokumentasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan tiga teknik yaitu pengklasifikasian, pendeskripsian serta penyimpulan kemudian penyajian hasil analisis yaitu menggunakan metode informal.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Jenis gangguan Bahasa yang dialami oleh anak di SLB Negeri 1 Pemalang pada dasarnya mereka adalah anak penyandang disabilitas tunanetra, tunarunguwicara, tunadaksa, dan tunagrahita. Gangguan bahasa pada anak tunanetra terletak pada pemahaman serta perasaan mereka kurang baik dimana bahasa yang digunakan dalam komunkasi harus bisa dinalar. Gangguan bahasa pada anak tunarunguwicara terletak  pada pendengaran dan bicaranya sehingga terhambatnya komunikasi lisan/verbal baik secara berbicara ataupun memahami pembicaraan orang lain. Gangguan bahasa pada anak tunadaksa terletak pada kelainan/kerusakan pada otak yang dapat mengakibatkan gangguan gerak, kecerdasan, perilaku, adaptasi, komunikasi, koordinasi, dan persepsi. Gangguan bahasa pada anak tunagrahita terletak pada keterbelakangan intelektual yang disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor terkait yang dapat menyebabkan penderitanya memiliki kecerdasan intelektual di bawah rata-rata, keterbatasan dalam fungsi intelektual yang diantaranya yaitu kecerdasan penalaran, penyelesaian masalah, keterampilan kognitif, dan pembelajaran. Gangguan bahasa pada anak berkebtuhan khusus jika diimplikasikan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia keduanya saling berkaitan   Kata Kunci: Gangguan Berbahasa, Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus, Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia.   Abstrack                                                                                           This study contains an overview of the language disorder in children with special needs and the implications for Indonesian language study in SLB Negeri 1 Pemalang. The purpose of this research is to know the type of language disorder in children with special needs and the implications for learning Bahasa Indonesia in SLB Negeri 1 Pemalang. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The data source is the teacher or employee of SLB Negeri 1 Pemalang with the form of students ' results during the learning activities in schools obtained by researchers through interviews in the form of data cards, and documentation. Data collection techniques using observation techniques, interviews and documentation studies. Data analysis techniques using three techniques, namely classifying, descriptant and presentation and then presenting the results of analysis is using informal methods. The results showed that the type of language disorder experienced by children in the state SLB 1 Pemalang Basically they are children with impaired disability, Tunarunguwicara, Tunadaksa, and disabled. Language disorder in the blind child lies in the understanding and feeling they lack better where the language used in the communication should be normalable. Language disorders in the child's Tunarunguwicara lies in the hearing and speech so that the abuse of verbal /verbal communication either speak or understand the talks of others. The child's language disorder lies in the abnormalities/damage to the brain that can result in impaired motion, intelligence, behaviour, adaptation, communication, coordination, and perception. The language disorder in children of disabled lies in the intellectual retardation caused by several related factors that can cause the sufferer to have below average intellectual intelligence, limitation in intellectual function such as intelligence reasoning, problem solving, cognitive skills, and learning. Language disorders in children are special when implied in Indonesian language learning are interconnected.   Keywords: Language, disorder, children with special needs, Indonesian language learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 293-301
Aba Fahmi Roby

In a marriage, in addition to the terms and conditions that affect whether or not a marriage is legal, there are other rules, including the concept of kafa'ah. Kafa'ah, namely equality between prospective husbands and future wives in various matters including religion (din), descent (nasab), position (hasab) and the like. The term kafa'ah is also known among the Habaib in Jember Regency. Habaib circles, especially in Jember, set specific criteria for the concept of kafa'ah. The existence of the concept of kafa'ah then gave birth to differences of opinion among the Habaib in Jember Regency. This study used a descriptive qualitative research approach, primary data sources were obtained from individuals or individuals such as interviews, while secondary data sources were obtained from scientific publications in the form of books, books, theses, journals, previous research, and related articles. The data source was obtained using interviews and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed using the empirical normative method and tested for its validity by triangulation. The result is a conclusion that a Syarifah is required and attempted to marry Habaib because he is considered sekufu 'as both descendants of the Prophet SAW. Even among some Habaib in Jember Regency that kafa'ah is included in the category of rukun marriage. So that the conclusion that Syarifah married a man not descended from Habaib, apart from being able to break her lineage, also had its social impact.  

2019 ◽  
Fatimatuzzahra Nasution ◽  
Robert Sibarani ◽  
Gustianingsih . ◽  
Khairina Nasution

Thalibah Arabic language proficiency can be assessed from the speech act process. There are several types of speech acts that can be used, but in this study the type of speech acts used are directive speech acts. This study aims to analyze the form and context of speech contained in the type of directive speech acts used by ustadzah to thalibah in communicating in Arabic. This study uses a qualitative research approach with an interactive model popularized by Miles and Huberman. The data source in this study is the form of speech spoken by the ustadzah and the context of speech produced by the ustadzah after the form of speech is obtained. Data collection techniques in this study were referenced techniques, recording techniques, and note-taking techniques. The results of this study found that directive speech acts that are more dominantly spoken by the ustadzah are governing, asking, and giving advice. The form of speech in the type of directive speech act found includes orders, requests, advice and prohibitions. The context of speech that is found is to rule, tell, instruct, require, request, advise, advise, direct, admonish, and prohibit.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-50
Desi Novita Sari ◽  
Asep Purwo Yudi Utomo

Knowing the type of speech act is very important to understand to see the kind of speech act and its meaning and purpose behind the utterance. The purpose of this study is to describe the types, forms, and meanings or intentions of speech acts in the president's speech related to the handling of the coronavirus, especially with pragmatic studies. The type of research used is qualitative research. This study's data source is the video source contained in the upload of an account on Youtube. The data in this study are all speech acts, which are directive speech acts. The data collection techniques used are recording, observation, observation, and note-taking. The results showed: first, the directive speech acts consist of speech acts by asking, inviting, pleading, ordering, and prohibiting. Second, the speech act is in the form of an oral form, an utterance uttered by the president in his speech regarding the coronavirus's handling, which tends to be qualitative. Third, the purpose of this directive speech act has several meanings, namely to influence, invite, something, tell or explain something, expect attention, forbid, praise, criticize, and as a form of channeling complaints.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-65
Fattah Firdaus

Pandemic disease Covid-19 change many role of life. This involve many sector and unit in education, including kindergarten has to adapt a strategy during this situation. This study aims to determine how the implementation of the Ummi method in introducing hijaiyyah letters at the 4-5 years age students in TKIT Nur Hikmah on pandemic disease Covid-19. This study used a descriptive qualitative research approach in order to obtain broad and in-depth information about purpose of the study. The data source in this study were the principal of TKIT Nur Hikmah Bekasi, coordinator of Ummi method, competition teacher and parents of TKIT Nur Hikmah. The data collection used observation, interview, and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of the Ummi method in introducing the hijaiyyah letters in children on pandemic disease Covid-19 consisted of planning, implementation, evaluation and supervision. The use of the Ummi method provides a basic understanding of the hijaiyyah letters and the ease of distinguishing letters properly and correctly, both sequentially and randomly. The Ummi method on pandemic disease Covid-19 also has advantages, such as it is easy to understand and use, while the disadvantages are that it cannot be taught by uncertified Ummi method. In the Pandemic, the role of information technology and media becomes very important to connect between teachers and students. Teaching with the Ummi method will have a good impact on the child's future, because if the cultivation of Hijaiyyah learning is carried out early, where the letters are the letters used in the Al-Quran, it will have an impact on the behavior of children to have noble character.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-65
Fattah Firdaus

Pandemic disease Covid-19 change many role of life. This involve many sector and unit in education, including kindergarten has to adapt a strategy during this situation. This study aims to determine how the implementation of the Ummi method in introducing hijaiyyah letters at the 4-5 years age students in TKIT Nur Hikmah on pandemic disease Covid-19. This study used a descriptive qualitative research approach in order to obtain broad and in-depth information about purpose of the study. The data source in this study were the principal of TKIT Nur Hikmah Bekasi, coordinator of Ummi method, competition teacher and parents of TKIT Nur Hikmah. The data collection used observation, interview, and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of the Ummi method in introducing the hijaiyyah letters in children on pandemic disease Covid-19 consisted of planning, implementation, evaluation and supervision. The use of the Ummi method provides a basic understanding of the hijaiyyah letters and the ease of distinguishing letters properly and correctly, both sequentially and randomly. The Ummi method on pandemic disease Covid-19 also has advantages, such as it is easy to understand and use, while the disadvantages are that it cannot be taught by uncertified Ummi method. In the Pandemic, the role of information technology and media becomes very important to connect between teachers and students. Teaching with the Ummi method will have a good impact on the child's future, because if the cultivation of Hijaiyyah learning is carried out early, where the letters are the letters used in the Al-Quran, it will have an impact on the behavior of children to have noble character.

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