scholarly journals Islamisasi Teori Konsumsi Masyarakat Muslim Modern

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 8-25
Sabila Rosyida ◽  
A'yun Nadhira

Since the spread of modernization to all corners of the world, human life, especially Muslims, has undergone many changes regarding perspectives and behavior towards various kinds of individual and community groups. All aspects of life in terms of religion, social, economy, education, culture experience drastic changes. One of the effects of modernization has led to large-scale economic changes, especially in people's consumption behavior due to the abundance of objects of service, and the availability of material goods on the market. So that the purpose of consumption in modern society is not only to fulfill the needs of life but also for pleasure and desire and mere satisfaction. Not only that, the consumption behavior of the community, especially the Muslim community, no longer fits the spiritual dimension of their religion, but is influenced by the capitalist concept that bases everything on materialist measures. So that their lives are based on the ideology of hedonism, the main purpose of which is only to obtain material pleasures and pleasures. Thus, Islamization of consumer behavior is needed to free Muslim society from secular doctrine and materialistic nature. And Islam offers the concept of maslaha and the nature of moderation based on Islamic economic ethics on this consumption theory. The method used is qualitative research methods with library research (library research). The data in this study were obtained using the documentary method, to look for data on consumption behavior of modern society, consumption theory, concepts and processes of Islamization, sourced from books, journals, the internet, and papers. Data analysis methods used are inductive, and comparative descriptive analysis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Absori Absori ◽  
Sigit Sapto Nugroho

Purpose of the study: This article aims to formulate (1) epistemology jurisprudence has the positivistic level, (2) jurisprudence epistemology has transcendental paradigm, and (3) epistemology of the development of prophetic jurisprudence. Methodology: This research uses library research by conducting research and data analysis and then they use it using knowledge, especially jurisprudence with transcendental values. Main Findings: The base of epistemological positivistic jurisprudence that is objective, empirical and rational which are supported by systematic, procedural and formal models result in its development has lost essential elements, namely spiritual values, so that modern society has a crisis in defining the meaning of life in the world. Applications of this study: The base of transcendental legal science understands people and their life in an intact form (holistic), not merely material nature but also their souls. The development of the prophetic law is intended as a guidance for human life to achieve happiness in the world and in the hereafter, because the prophetic law can not be fragmented between the physical body (formal) and transcendental values. Novelty/Originality of this study: The paradigm of the transcendental epistemology of legal science emphasizes in the integration approaches between sciences and values in various views

Havis Aravik ◽  
Achmad Irwan Hamzani ◽  
Nur Khasanah

Islamic economic thought became increasingly prevalent with the birth of various schools of thought in Islamic economics. One of them is the critical alternative school that was pioneered by Timur Kuran. This research will discuss from Islamic economics to the urgency of prohibiting usury; an offer of the East Kuran Islamic economy. With the aim of knowing and analyzing the extent to which Eastern Kuran's economic thought made significant contributions to the development of contemporary Islamic economics. This research is a qualitative research with a library research approach and all data obtained were analyzed using descriptive analysis methods. The results of this study indicate that Timur Kuran is one of the pioneers of the Critical alternative school which critically studies various concepts of Islamic economics and banking. Various forms of economic thought such as from the concept of Islamic economics are none other than modern doctrines that offer alternatives to the economic systems of Capitalism and Socialism. The emergence of an Islamic economy was none other than political-cultural, with the largest contribution coming from Pakistanis, zakat is a more effective safety net than a secular redistribution system and the waqf system does not yet have the flexibility needed for efficient resource use, and the Qur'an prohibits the practice of usury which involves compounding the debt of a loan that is unable to make payments according to a predetermined schedule.

At-Taqaddum ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-222
Sandy Rizki Febriadi Sanusi ◽  
Neneng Nurhasanah ◽  
Maman Surahman

The application of fiqh principles to Islamic economic issues often uses general principles outside the muamalah field, even though general fiqh rules in the muamalah field and detailed rules have been formulated. This article aims to describe the development of fiqh principles on Islamic economic fatwas issued by the DSN-MUI from 2000 to 2019. This study uses a qualitative research approach with descriptive analysis, using a library research approach. This study's results indicate that the development of fiqh principles in the DSN-MUI fatwa can be analyzed from two perspectives. First, the ten fiqh rules with the most significant number are the rules "Basically all forms of muamalat are allowed, unless there are arguments that prohibit them." This rule occupies several repetitions of 125 times (36%). Then the fiqh rule ranks tenth with the intensity of the repetition of 8 times (2%), namely the fiqh rule: "Every debit and credit that brings benefits is usury." Second, the DSN-MUI Fatwa Commission has used the theoretical level because its use includes: core principles, basic principles, general rules, special rules, to detailed regulations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-122
Nurul Fitria ◽  
Muh. Arfah Pattereng ◽  
Zulkifli Makkawaru

Dalam era globalisasi dan modernisasi saat ini, tanah memegang peranan sentral dalam kehidupan manusia serta merupakan permasalahan yang paling pokok dan krusial. Terlihat dari banyaknya perkara perdata maupun pidana yang diajukan ke pengadilan, antara lain menyangkut sengketa tata usaha Negara mengenai penertiban sertipikat tanah dan berbagai perbuatan melawan hukum lainnya. Negara mengakomodir perkembangan ini melalui kewajiban pemerintah untuk menyelenggarakan pendaftaran tanah, baik secara sistematik maupun sporadik dengan tujuan untuk menjamin kepastian hukum dan memberikan perlindungan hukum kepada pemegang hak atas tanah. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat deskriptif analitis yang menggambarkan mengenai kegiatan pendaftaran tanah beserta berbagai permasalahan seputarnya, khusus mengenai pembatalan Sertipikat Hak Milik berdasarkan Putusan Pengadilan Nomor : 634PK/PDT/2012 yang kemudian dianalisa guna memberikan saran atau jalan keluar bagi permasalahan yang terjadi. Dari penelitian tersebut diketahui bahwa sertipikat hak atas tanah merupakan alat pembuktian yang kuat, bukan alat pembuktian yang mutlak. Land held a central role in human life and has become the main and crucial problem in this globalization and modernization era. It can be seen from the number of civil and criminal cases that have been filed to the court that concerns to State administrative disputes regarding land certificate publication and other illegal acts. The state accommodates this development through the government's obligation to carry out land registration, both systematically and sporadically, with the main objective of ensuring legal certainty and providing legal protection to land holders. Regarding certificate cancellation on land disputes number: 01006/Panciro on 28 of November 2013 elaborated as well on survey document Number 00541/Panciro 2013 on 15 of November 2013, 5.596 M2 areas. Library research has been done, descriptive analysis, to answer the question above which described about land registration activity with some problems around, concerning land rights certificate cancellation exclusively based on the verdict of the court Number: 634PK/PDT/2012 which analyzed to give suggestion and solution to the problem. The result of the research showed that the land rights certificate is not absolute verification but strong.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Dian Nathalia Inda

This research aims to reveal the Dayak culture types which contained in the novel Batas and describe the existence of the culture with the conditions of modern society. This research uses a literary anthropological approach that encompasses tradition, customs, myths, and cultural events in past events. The literature study method is used to collect data. Source of data comes from Batas, while data is analyzed by descriptive analysis method.  The result of the analysis shows that Dayak culture in the novel Batas is a human life tool in the form of mandau and chopsticks; a livelihood in the form of farming and hunting; knowledge system in the form of shifting cultivation systems and preserving forests; social system in the form of custom fines and decapitaing; religious system in the form of spiritual animals, beliefs and Dayak devices; the language and literary system in the form of mantra.; and Dayak ethnic arts in the form of sound art and traditional musical instruments. Dayak culture has been eroded, but there is also a shift in value and meaning because it is no longer relevant to the condition of society today.Tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkapkan kebudayaan Dayak yang terdapat dalam Batas dan menggambarkan eksistensi kebudayaan tersebut dengan kondisi masyarakat modern. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan antropologi sastra yang melingkupi tradisi, adat istiadat, mitos, dan peristiwa kebudayaan pada peristiwa-peristiwa masa lampau. Metode studi pustaka digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data. Sumber data berasal dari novel Batas, sedangkan data dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik. Analisis menunjukkan kebudayaan Dayak yang ada di novel Batas adalah peralatan kehidupan manusia berupa mandau dan sumpit; mata pencaharian berupa bertani dan berburu; sistem pengetahuan berupa sistem perladangan berpindah dan menjaga kelestarian hutan; sistem kemasyarakatan berupa denda adat dan mengayau; sistem religi berupa hewan spiritual, kepercayaan dan gawai Dayak; sistem bahasa dan sastra berupa mantra; dan kesenian etnik Dayak berupa seni suara dan alat musik tradisional. Kebudayaan Dayak tesebut ada yang telah hilang, tetapi ada juga yang mengalami penggeseran nilai dan makna karena sudah tidak relevan lagi dengan kondisi masyarakat kini.

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 377
A Gani

Abstract Conflict becomes part of contemporary phenomena that embraces all dimensions of human life, starting from the level of individuals, society, to relations between countries. Conflict in all of its variety, both economic, political conflicts, even conflicts between civilizations, cannot be separated from the "on-name" religion. Islam which teaches love and peace is distorted into Islam that teaches conflict. Islamic education in a broad context is responsible for the formation of logical thinking of humans who like to spread terror and conflict. This paper examines how the Sufism approach in Islamic education plays its part as the Islamic tradition that teaches Islam in the form of love and spreads Peaceful Islam and has A peace of mind with research Library research that uses qualitative descriptive analysis techniques with the results of research that is mystical approach in Islamic education fundamental alternatives in order to reduce conflict and bring peace.       Keywords: Education, Islam, Peace, and Sufism.   Abstrak Konfik menjadi bagian dari fenomena kontemporer yang melanda seluruh dimensi kehidupan manusia, mulai dari tingkat individu, masyarakat, sampai hubungan antar negara. Konflik dalam ragam rupanya, baik konflik ekonomi, politik, bahkan konflik antar peradaban, tidak bisa dilepaskan dari “atas-nama” agama. Islam yang mengajarkan cinta kasih dan perdamaian didistorsi menjadi Islam yang mengajarkan konflik. Pendidikan Islam dalam konteks yang luas bertanggungjawab atas terbentuknya nalar berpikir manusia yang suka menebar teror dan konflik. Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang bagaimana pendekatan sufisme dalam pendidikan islam menjadi bagian dari tradisi Islam yang mengajarkan Islam dalam rupa cinta kasih dan menebarkan Islam Damai dan berwawasan perdamaian dengan jenis penelitian Library research yang menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan hasil penelitian yaitu pendekatan sufistik dalam pendidikan Islam adalah alternatif fundamental dalam rangka mengurangi konflik dan mewujudkan perdamaian bangsa. Salah satu teladan prakteknya dapat dilihat dari ulama-ulama Nusantara. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan, Islam, Perdamaian, and Sufisme.

Gunawan Anggonosamekto

The purpose of this study is to describe the religion and culture of entrepreneurship economics as a tool for public welfare. Socio-economic prosperity is always interwoven in the history of religious human life. This study uses qualitative research methods with descriptive analysis to see religion as part of economic culture to fight for entrepreneurial welfare as a joint empowerment movement for social welfare. But religion and economics need the skills to make it happen, so that not only talk about individual interests (self economic), but for living together (social economy). Religion in this case Christianity (the church) becomes the locus of economic empowerment through the Credit Union (CU) to realize prosperity in a community. The behavior of economic growth is indeed strongly influenced by the values that develop in a particular community. Considering that economic development cannot be separated from the cultural process itself. The practice of CU at CU Bahtera Abadi has provided a change in economic cultural behavior through awareness education and skills for members to develop their skills in managing themselves and themselves with other individuals. On the other hand, it contributes to the culture of organization and entrepreneurship. The values of education and empowerment are very important to continue to be developed to form a new habitus for future generations.

Badrah Uyuni

Doing business is one way to earn sustenance. As in a hadith Rasulullah PBUH states that ninety percent of sustenance lies in business, while the remaining ten percent is livestock. The point is that doing business will open nine doors to get wealth, while another door of sustenance is opened by breeding this shows how important business is in meeting the needs of human life, from the material side. Because ninety percent of the income obtained comes from business. A successful business cannot be separated from several things, one of which must be done based on trust, related to ethics, and related to profit. In practice, doing business according to Islamic law has been carried out by the Prophet Muhammad as a guide for Muslims, so that if a businessman does business according to the teachings of the Prophet, it is the same as carrying out the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. More and more entrepreneurs are implementing the behavior of the Prophet in their business, including customer-oriented by maintaining customer satisfaction, openness to customers by applying honest aspects of commerce, conducting healthy competition in the economic market, must pay attention to aspects of justice so that no party is oppressed. Feel disadvantaged when doing business. This study aims to determine the correct implementation of business based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and examine the messages conveyed by the Prophet Muhammad on the aspect of muamalah. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research method with secondary data or library research. Islamic business behavior that is free of usury (interest), gharar (uncertainty), and maysir (gambling) is considered better because of the value requirements. Therefore, extracting the values ​​of Islamic economic philosophy through the business behavior of Muhammad SAW is expected to be a solution for today's business behavior.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-52
Rahmaniar Rahmaniar ◽  
Ahmad Dahoir

Islam as a religion has been placed as an option and at the same teachings that provide guidance in human life adherents. Islamic economic development in Indonesia is progressing very rapidly, characterized by the emergence of sharia based financial institution. Financial institutions in practice cannot be separated from the financial statements or called in the language of business is accounting. This study focused on mentation of Iwan Triyuwono about the concept of sharia accounting, as stated in this theory that sharia enterprise theory and synergy binary opposition. The formulation of the problem in this study are (1) how the concept mentation of Iwan Triyuwono about sharia accounting? (2) how the relevance mentation of Iwan Triyuwono about accounting institutional of Islamic economics? Therefore the purpose of this study were (3) to describe the concept mentation of Iwan Triyuwono about sharia accountting (4) to describe the relevance mentation of about acoounting institutional of Islamic economics. This type of research is the library research using hictorical research aproach, namely research conducted by collecting data or scientific papers aimed at the object of research or data collection is literature, or the study undertaken to solve a problem on basically rests on a critical and in depth study of the materials relevant book. The subjects used in this study is Iwan Triyuwono. The results of this study indicate that the mentation of Iwan Triyuwono with shariah enterprise theory and the theory of binary opposition synergies already very relevan to formulate theories that previously exsited in modern accounting theory. But in practice has not been able to be applied fully in the Islamic economics institutions. Because of the needs of the industry if sharia accounting concept he put forward can be realized with either the creation of a network organization with the realities if divine power.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-89
Fatimah Fatimah

As creatures who have reason and mind, human life cannot be separated from the assessment of good and bad deeds. This is where the position of ethics is so important for the way or direction of human life. With reason, humans can position themselves to act. What to do and what to avoid and leave in accordance with the existing rules. Ethics as a branch of science from philosophy has received very good attention from philosophers. So that from the thinking of these philosophers emerged various types of ethics, one of which is the flow of pragmatic ethics. This pragmatic flow is found in England and America. One of the most influential pragmatists of his time was the pragmatism of John Dewey. The purpose of this study is to find out and describe how John Dewey's pragmatic ethical thinking is and how relevant it is to online learning in Indonesia. In line with the objectives, this research uses the type of research library research and uses descriptive analysis method. As the results of his research, John Dewey's pragmatic ethics teaches that something will be good if we can look for goodness that can be used and not just talk. An important point of John Dewey's teaching of pragmatic ethics is that experience is knowledge applied in practice. A truth will be seen in testing by experiences in practice. An action taken can be considered ethical if it brings a scientific benefit such as producing pleasure, satisfaction and goodness for society. Dewey strongly supports social life and does not like people who live individualistically. For him, a person will have meaning if they can blend in with society because humans cannot live alone and are very dependent on other people. If one lives without society, then one's life is meaningless (sociality education). John Dewey's ethics are closely related to life in today's modern era. The impact of the corona virus requires education in Indonesia to be carried out online or online. Thus, this implementation is related to John Dewey's pragmatic ethics which judges something good based on the practical benefits of a theory or the existence of proof of a theory.

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