2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-11
Ahmet Yıkmış ◽  
Özlem Toprak ◽  
Seniha Kurtoğlu

The goal of this research is to determine teachers’ opinions about the homeschooling service. Teachers participated in the research are the ones provided the homeschooling services in Sakarya City Centre within 2018-2019 school year. Qualitative research method has been used for the research and data has been collected via focus group discussion. Descriptive analysis technique has been used for analysing the obtained data. When the findings of the research are examined, participants who have been providing homeschooling services in a range of one to three years, stated that they had no prior information about homeschooling services, and they enhanced their knowledge level within the process of the education. Every single one of the participants specified that they all practiced observation and evaluation to determine educational performance and the needings of the students during the early weeks of homeschooling service, and afterwards they created individualized education plan (IEP) and figured the educational process according to this plan for their students. The lack of awareness about homeschooling, the families’ behaviours and experiencing insufficiency about the supplies are expressed as encountered problems within the homeschooling process. It is emphasized that the homeschooling service increases academic skills of the students while students’ distance from their peers and the social environment is a disadvantage. Keywords: homeschooling, focus group discussion, persistent diseaseete

Maria Maghdalena Diana Widiastuti ◽  
Modesta Ranny Maturbongs ◽  
Sisca Elviana ◽  
Chair Rani ◽  
Andi Iqbal Burhanuddin

Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai Maro membutuhkan data komprehensif mengenai aktivitas pemanfaatan sungai tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini mengidentifikasi karakteristik sosial ekonomi nelayan yang menangkap ikan di Kali Maro. Metode penelitian ini deskriptif analitis dengan pengambilan data nelayan menggunakan FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Kriteria responden adalah nelayan (pemilik dan anak buah kapal) yang mengambil ikan di muara dan Kali Maro. Jumlah responden sebanyak delapan belas orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik nelayan di Kali Maro merupakan nelayan kecil dengan kepemilikan perahu kecil (semang) rata-rata 1 unit dengan kapasitas maksimum 2 ton. Jenis ikan yang diperoleh antara lain ikan kakap, ikan kuru, ikan kaca, ikan bandeng, ikan gulama, ikan duri, dan ikan herkules. Kalender musim menurut nelayan terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu musim ikan melimpah (Oktober - Februari) dan musim ombak yang menandakan sedikitnya tangkapan ikan (Maret - September). Sistem penangkapan dilakukan sendiri dengan tenaga kerja didominasi dari dalam keluarga. Pemasaran melalui pemborong langganan dengan model konsinyasi. Kelembagaan nelayan belum berfungsi sebagai produksi, media belajar, dan pemasaran. Regulasi secara adat hanya terjadi di hulu sungai, sedangkan di muara sungai tidak ada aturan informal maupun formal yang mengatur aktivitas perikanan di sungai. Biaya operasional per trip sebesar Rp462.835,00 dengan komponen terbesar bensin dan oli sebesar 42%. Belum ditemukan adanya hubungan agent principle yang tidak menguntungkan nelayan. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah menggerakan modal sosial nelayan untuk membentuk kelembagaan informal dan membangun regulasi yang mengatur aktivitas penangkapan ikan, pemasaran, sistem bagi hasil dengan ABK. Perlunya dukungan pemerintah untuk peningkatan alat tangkap, modernisasi moda transportasi dan sistem penyimpanan hasil, sistem rantai pasok pemasaran, serta membangun industri pengolahan hasil.Title: Socio Economic Characteristics of Fishermen in Maro River Merauke Regency, PapuaManagement of the Maro river need a comprehensive data of all activities in the river. The study aimed to identify the socio-economic characteristics of fishermen who catch fish in Maro River. Descriptive analysis were used The methodology is analytical descriptive by collecting fishermen data using FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Respondents’ criteria are fishermen (owners and crew members) who take fish in the estuary and the Maro River. The number of respondents are 18 people. The results of the study indicate that the characteristics of the fishermen in the Maro River are small fishermen with a small boat with boat ownership an average of 1 unit with maximum capacity 2 tonnes. Catch fish in Maro River as main livelihood. Fish types obtained include: Snapper, kuru, glass, milkfish, gulama, thorny fish and hercules.The season calendar according to fishermen is divided into 2 namely abundant fish season (October to February) and the wave season which indicates the small number of fish catches (March to September). The fisherman catch fish alone or with labor dominated from family member. Selling fish through subscriptions contractor with a consignment model. The fishermen’s institution has not functioned as a production, learning and marketing. There is custom regulation in upstream but no informal of formal regulation to manage fisheries activities in dowwnstream. Operational costs per trips Rp.462,835.00 with the largest component of gasoline and oil by 42 percent. There is no unfair agent principle relationship. Suggestions from this research are build the social capital of fishermen to form informal institutions and conduct regulations for fishing activities, marketing, profit sharing systems with crew members. Need government support to improvement of fishing gear, modernization of transportation modes and yield storage systems, marketing supply chain systems and build a processing industry. 

Dewi Mustami’ah ◽  
Andi Maulida Rahmania ◽  
Anisa Nilasari

Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk membentuk sikap positif ibu-ibu wali murid PAUD RW II Kelurahan Tambak Wedi Surabaya terhadap pembelajaran di PAUD. Permasalahan selama ini ibuibu menganggap pembelajaran di PAUD kurang ada manfaatnya karena hanya diajari bernyanyi, berjalan-jalan dan bermain saja. Sedangkan orang tua menghendaki ketika anak dimasukkan PAUD akan diajari menulis, berhitung dan membaca. Akibatnya orang tua terkadang tidak akan mengantarkan anaknya ketika sibuk atau punya aktifitas lain dan bahkan akan menghentikan anaknya ditengah tahun pelajaran. Anak tidak sampai tuntas mengikuti pembelajaran di PAUD sampai akhir tahun pelajaran. Dalam upaya meningkatkan sikap positif orang tua (ibu) pada pentingnya belajar di PAUD, maka diperlukan pemahaman terhadap orang tua melalui Focus Group Discussion tentang belajar anak PAUD, Belajar Bersama Anak melalui aktifitas ibu-anak. Untukmeningkatkan sikap positif ibu terhadap PAUD diperlukan pemahaman tentang perkembangan anak Usia Dini, Model belajar anak usia dini, pemilihan stimulant yang cocok untuk anak usia dini. Diharapkan dengan pemahaman yang tepat tentang Pendidikan anak usia dini orang tua akan memiliki sikap positif terhadap PAUD, sehingga orang tua akan berpartisipasi aktif dalam pembelajaran anak. Hasil Ibu-Ibu lebih memahami Pendidikan PAUD mengembangkan aspek fisik, panca indera, emosi, social, pengetahuan, agama pada anak melalui metode bermain. Sehingga ketika bunda PAUD mengajak anak-anak melompat-lompat, berlari atau berjalan-jalan, sebenarnya didalamnya terdapat pengetahuan berbaris, sabar menunggu aba-aba, mengerti teman di kanan kirinya, melatih kepekaan anak dalam mendengar perintah. Ibu-ibu juga memiliki pemahaman terkait bagaimana harus menghadapi anak-anak usia dini dan perilaku khasnya seperti senang berlarian, coret-coret dan ibu-ibu juga memiliki pandangan bagaimana mengelola emosi dengan lebih baik saat menghadapi anak. Ibu-ibu memperoleh gambaran stimulasi anak usia dini yang dapat dilakukan ibu dan anak di rumah dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan yang sederhana namun bertujuan untuk melatih kemampuan sensorik anak, yaitu kegiatan meremas kertas, dan menempel benda-benda kecil di kertas (misalnya biji-bijian (jagung, kedelai, beras, kacang-kacangan).ABSTRACTThe purpose of this community service activity is to establish a positive attitude towards the guardians of PAUD RW II students in Tambak Wedi Surabaya Village towards learning in PAUD. The problem so far has been that mothers consider learning in PAUD to be of no use because they are only taught to sing, walk and play. Whereas parents want PAUD when children are included, they will be taught to write, count and read. As a result parents sometimes will not deliver their children when they are busy or have other activities and will even stop their children in the middle of the school year. Children do not complete learning in PAUD until the end of the school year. In an effort to improve the positive attitude of parents (mothers) on the importance of learning in PAUD, it is necessary to understand parents through Focus Group Discussion on PAUD children’s learning, Learning With Children through mother-child activities. To improve the mother’s positive attitudetowards PAUD, an understanding of Early Childhood development, early childhood learning model, selection of stimulants suitable for early childhood is needed. It is expected that with proper understanding of early childhood education parents will have a positive attitude towards PAUD, so parents will actively participate in children’s learning. Results Mothers better understand PAUD education develops physical aspects, senses, emotions, social, knowledge, religion in children through playing methods. So when the mother of PAUD invites children to jump around, run or walk, in fact there is a lined up knowledge, patiently waiting for the cue, understanding the friend on her left and training the child in listening to commands. Mothers also have an understanding of how to deal with early childhood and their typical behaviors such as running around, scribbling and mothers also have a view on how to manage emotions better when facing children. Mothers get a picture of early childhood stimulation that can be done by mothers and children at home by using simpleingredients but aims to train children’s sensory abilities, namely the activity of squeezing paper, and sticking small objects on paper (for example, grains (corn, soybeans, rice, nuts).

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-258
Herrukmi Septa Rinawati

This study aimed to know the obstacles and the government policy in developing the social capital of small industry in facing competition in ASEAN Economy Community (AEC) period. Using quantitative and qualitative as the methodology, this study obtained the data through interview and focus group discussion. The result showed that the development of social capital that not maximum enough was becoming the obstacle for small industry. The connection between the businessman association with other party, such as big industry, civil society organization, banking and other stake holders should be expanded. Meanwhile the government had done some policy in developing the social capital of small industry by holding a training and competition, increasing the access and relation of small industry with foreign and national company, also helping on the social capital. Therefore, small industry still can survive in facing the AEC era.

The chapter is divided into five sections. The first section discusses the interview method from the social constructionist and qualitative perspectives. The second section contains information related to the procedures of undertaking focus group discussion in qualitative projects. The different types of observation methods are highlighted in Section 3, but only participant and non-participant observation variants are discussed. The primary and secondary documents are addressed in Section 4, and examples are given. The chapter is concluded by a question and answer section, where important questions are raised and answered in a simple way.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
Novita Novita ◽  
Francy Iriani

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk serta dampak dari program tersebut terhadap masyarakat lokal di Kabupaten Cilacap. Sebagai perusahaan yang kerap menjadi badan usaha terbesar di lingkungannya, Holcim sadar akan tanggung jawabnya terhadap masyarakat. CSR adalah bentuk regulasi diri sebuah perusahaan yang diintegrasikan dalam model bisnis. Salah satu kegiatan CSR Holcim adalah pemberdayaan masyarakat di wilayah salah satu plant Holcim yaitu Kabupaten Cilacap. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam melakukan analisis adalah melalui studi literatur, wawancara, observasi, kuesioner, dan Focus Group Discussion dengan para pengurus, kader, dan anggota masyarakat. Sedangkan responden yang menjadi sampel penelitian adalah 25 posdaya yang berdiri sebelum program CSR PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk dengan jumlah responden 111 orang, dan 11 posdaya yang merupakan bentukan PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk dengan jumlah responden 37 orang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis kuadran. Berdasarkan analisis dari variabel yang telah diamati, hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis program CSR yang dilakukan PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk terhadap masyarakat Kabupaten Cilacap adalah berupa gerakan pemberdayaan masyarakat dan desa dalam bentuk Posdaya. Program ini berdampak pada terjadinya perbaikan dalam hal kepengurusan Posdaya serta kemandirian ekonomi masyarakat. Selain itu PT. Holcim Indonesia, Tbk melakukan pendampingan secara berkelanjutan serta evaluasi terhadap kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan. Kata Kunci: Corporate Social Responsibility, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Posdaya, Keberlanjutan The purpose of this research is to know the types of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program done by PT.Holcim Indonesia Tbk as well as the impact of the program on the local communities of Cilacap district. As one of the largest business entity in its environment, PT Holcim,Tbk aware of its responsibility towards the society. CSR is done by PT Holcim, tbk, as a form of self-regulation that is integrated in their business model. One of their CSR is done by empowering community in the region. This research is conducted in one of the Holcim plant in Cilacap district. The analytical methods used in this research are: studying the related literature, interviews, observations, questionnaires, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the Executive Board, cadres, and community members of Posdaya. The research sample are 25 Posdaya that are established before PT Holcim Indonesia CSR program Tbk directed to the society with the total number of respondents are 111 people, and 11 Posdaya which were formed by PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk, with the total number of respondents are37 people.The data gathered then analyzed using descriptive analysis and quadrant analysis.The result of this research shows that the type of CSR programs done by PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk. on Kabupaten Cilacap society are: The type of CSR done in the form of community empowerment movement that called as Posdaya. The program done by PT Holcim Tbk has an impact on the improvement of the managerial skills of the Posdaya organizing comitee, and the empowerment program is also improving the economic independence of the member of Posdaya as well as the district community. In addition, PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk provides guidance on an ongoing basis to the Posdaya management and provides evaluations on the activities carried out by Posdaya. Key Words: Corporate Social Responsibility, Community Empowerment, Posdaya, Sustainability.  

Muhtar Lutfi ◽  
Eko Jokolelono ◽  
Armin Muis ◽  
Yunus Sading

This study aims to identify the social capital, co-production, and sustainability of KUD (Village Unit Cooperatives) business. It used descriptive research design using primary data obtained from KUD administrators and KUD members through the focus group discussion (FGD). It used FGD because in general KUD activities stopped after being affected by the natural disasters on September 28, 2018, and during the Covid 19 pandemic so that most of the KUD administrators and members were inactive and difficult to find. The findings of this study showed that (1) some KUD businesses have decreased the number of active KUD members, reduced income and SHU (net income) of KUD members due to the natural disasters that damage property and livelihoods of community members, especially members of KUD; (2) The active participation of KUD members has significantly decreased; (3) Only half of the number of KUDs are still running their activities; and (4) Overal, the social capital, co-production, and sustainability variables of KUD business are low.

2017 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 389-399 ◽  
C Hanlon ◽  
S Khoo ◽  
T Morris ◽  
R Eime

Summary The majority of research on factors associated with women participation in physical activity (PA) has been in developed countries with limited research in developing countries. Few women in Malaysia are active at the recommended levels for health, and activity rates are less than developed countries. Little research has focused specially on physically active Malaysian women and the factors that contribute to them becoming and staying active in PA programs. This lack of knowledge hinders the tailored development and implementation of PA programs to meet their needs. The aim of this study was to identify the factors of participation in PA programs for Malaysian women. The social–ecological model was used to investigate and theme the factors. Focus group discussion was conducted with participants in six PA programs targeted specifically to women. Thirty-seven women were involved in the focus group discussion, with ages ranging from 19 to 82 years. Inductive and deductive content analysis was conducted from verbatim transcripts using NVivo. Inductive content analysis allowed raw data and second-order themes to emerge. Findings revealed social support structures, tailored programs for women, and location were key contributors that encouraged women to participate in these programs. The similarity in contributors between women in non-western and western countries signifies a prime opportunity for bi-lateral relationships to be formed to enable the enhancement of program development relevant to different ethnicities and cultures within or across countries.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Andrian Ramadhan ◽  
Agus Heri Purnomo ◽  
Siti Hajar Suryawati ◽  
Maulana Firdaus

Perairan pada dua lokasi penelitian yaitu di Kepulauan Spermonde dan Laut Sawu dalam kondisi terancam keberlanjutannya akibat kerusakan lingkungan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh rusaknya ekosistem terumbu karang akibat pemanfaatan sumberdaya yang tidak ramah lingkungan. Pada kedua lokasi diketahui bahwa penggunaan bom ikan, potasium dan sianida masih banyak terjadi. Kapasitas adaptif menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kemampuan pengelola untuk mewujudkan tercapainya resiliensi sosial ekosistem terumbu karang yang dalam hal ini telah mengalami gangguan dan kerusakan. Atas dasar kondisi tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kapasitas adaptif pengelola kawasan perairan khususnya dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur kapasitas adaptif mengikuti model yang dikembangkan oleh Gupta et al. dan Furqon. Data primer diperoleh melalui focus group discussion sementara data sekunder diperoleh dari laporan berbagai instansi dan publikasi hasil penelitian. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik content analysis yang kemudian ditabulasikan dan dipaparkan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas adaptif pengelola perairan laut sawu lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan pengelola kawasan perairan kepulauan spermonde karena didukung oleh eksistensi Balai Konservasi Kawasan Perairan Nasional (BKKPN). Kehadiran BKKPN terbukti memiliki arti strategis dalam hal peningkatan kapasitas intelektual, kapasitas sosial dan kapasitas politik. Selain itu juga membuat ruang koordinasi pengelolaan perairan yang lebih baik sehingga mengurangi terjadinya tumpang tindih kewenangan dalam pengelolaan kawasan perairan. (Adaptive Capacity of The Water Management Authorities in Endorsing The Social Resilience of Coral Reef Ecosystem)The water condition of Spermonde Islands and Sawu Sea is threatened by environmental degradation. The main problem is the damage of coral ecosystem caused by destructive fishing activities. In both locations, utilization of fishing bomb, potassium and cyanide is commonly used by the societies. Therefore this research was conducted to assessing the adaptive capacity of authorities involved in management. Adaptive capacity used to address the ability of authorities in obtaining ecosystem resilience. Method used in this research based on a framework developed by Gupta et al. dan Furqon. Primary data was obtained through focus group discussion, while secondary was collected from various institutions and research publications. Content and descriptive analysis are used to explore the performace of institutions. Results show that the adaptive capacity of authorities in Sawu Sea is better than in Spermonde Islands. Existence of Water Conservation National Office in Kupang has a strategic value in enhancing intellectual, social and political capacityies. It becomes an institution which synchronize water area management so that overlapping authority can be reduced.

Dialogia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Riza Wulandari ◽  
Ni Nyoman Wulan Antari

Abstract:The rapid growing of urban industrial sector require villages in urban areas having various ways to survive for life. Recently, urban villages do not have distinctive characteristics. They are gradually eroded by the presence of elite housing as a result of the resolution of the kampongs. The purpose of this research is to map the economic potential of the Kepaon Islamic Village which is located in the majority Hindu circumstances. Rapid Rural Apraissal was employed as a method in solving problems and the data were collected by Focus Group discussions, interviews and mini surveys. The results of this study showed that in addition to the social, cultural and religious potential,  there is economic potential in the form of Mukena Bali Business that can strengthen the identity of Kepaon Islamic Village in the midst of the Hindu community.ملخص:تطور مجال الصناعيات المدنية أصبح تطورا هائلاما يلزم سكان القرية الواقعة في المدينة البقاء على قيد الحياة حارصين على سبيل العيش بمختلف طرقه، فكلما حركة القرية المدنية تبقى جامدة أي لا تملك مميزات خاصة كانت امكانيتها الاقتصادية تنخفض وتنحدر، ولاسيما إذ بناء المنازل الفاخرة تستمر تلبية لأمنية مستقبلية بدعم من بيئة تمنع أهلها لاستظهار هويته. وتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد امكانيات اقتصادية في قرية المسلمين قرية كفاؤون حيث إنهم يعيشون في وسط مناطق مجتمع المتمسكين بديانة الهنود في الأغلب. Rapid Rural Apraissal عبارة عن طريقة تحليل المسألة بوسيلة جمع البيانات، والحوار، والاستطلاع. وتتضح نيتجة الدراسة بأن إمكانيات سكان قرية كفاؤون ليست مقصورة على ناحية اجتماعية، وثقافية، ودينية فحسب وإنما امتدت إلى امكانيات اقتصادية قادرة على تقوية هوية سكان قرية كفاؤون وسط مجتمع الهنود، وتلك امكانية اقتصادية تأتي على انتاج ملابس دينية.Abstrak: Sektor industrial perkotaan semakin berkembang pesat mengharuskan kampung yang ada di perkotaan harus memiliki berbagai cara untuk tetap bertahan untuk hidup. Semakin kampung kota tidak memiliki ciri khas, lambat laun akan semakin tergerus dengan hadirnya perumahan-perumahan elite wujud dari resolusi kampung kota didukung pula dengan lingkungan yang bukan menjadi jati diri mereka. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk memetakan potensi ekonomi dari Kampung Islam Kepaon yang berada di lingkungan mayoritas agama Hindu.Rapid Rural Apraissal merupakan metode dalam penyelesaian masalah dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa focus group discussion, wawancara dan mini survey. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah selain potensi yang telah dimiliki oleh Kampung Islam Kepaon yaitu potensi sosial, budaya dan religi, ternyata terdapat potensi ekonomi yang dapat memperkuat identitas kampung Islam kepaon di tengah masyarakat umat Hindu yakni usaha mukena bali.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-67
Sofiyyatul Huda ◽  
Fajri Ryan Isnandar

Mudharabah financing is a form of cooperation between two or more parties, in which the ownerof the capital (shahibul maal) entrusts a certain amount of capital to the manager (mudharib) to bemanaged with a profit-sharing agreement (profit sharing). This study aims to determine what risksarise in mudharabah financing and how risk mitigation is carried out by Bank Syariah Mandiri. Thisresearch is research using descriptive qualitative method. Data were collected through observation,interviews with the FGD (Focus Group Discussion) method with 4 (four) sources and documentation.The method of data analysis was done by using the descriptive analysis method.. The results show thatthe risks that arise in mudharabah financing at Bank Syariah Mandiri are: First, the risk of financingcaused by the customer not being able to pay their obligations to the bank, and second, the legalrisk caused by the weakness of the agreement (agreement). As for the mitigation carried out by BankSyariah Mandiri in dealing with risks that arise in mudharabah financing, namely: First, by rigorouslyconducting 5C and 6A analysis. Second, by taking steps to save financing, including (1) intensivecollection, (2) giving warnings, (3) rescheduling, (4) reconditioning, (5) restructuring, (6) settlementthrough guarantee insurance, (7) Settlement through guarantees, (8) Settlement through Write Off,(9) Settlement through stipulation of fines / ta’wid. From risk mitigation carried out by Bank SyariahMandiri, it has been able to minimize the risks that occur in mudharabah financing.

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