2021 ◽  
pp. 64-69
Ved T.M.

The article is dedicated to the problem of transversal competence development in modern society. It is defined that the main task of education is an adaptation to changes and providing employers with specialists who can easily face any challenges of modern society. The relevance of the research can be understood by the necessity to select a set of cross-disciplinary competences that provide transfer of learning and insurance that they comply with demands of the 21st century. Purpose of the study is to distinguish factors of transversal competences formation in society. Methodological part of the research consists of the set of theoretical methods such as analysis, synthesis, generalization and comparison of scientific literature and systematization of received results. The article emphasizes on the claim that modern process of education is founded on the ideas of sustainable society purpose of which is to appease to the society needs without jeopardizing needs of the future generations. Concept of education for sustainable development is essentially new way of world view that exists on the balance between social and economic prosperity with cultural and educational traditions with positive impact on environment. In order to form a training system of future specialists, theoretical and methodological approaches have been identified that are relevant today. In accordance with the highlighted aspects of the development of society, are distinguished such approaches as: synergetic approach, systemic one , activity and competence aproach .It is underlined that the necessity of transversal competence implementation into the educational process is defined by the correspondence with rapid growth of social and economic changes in the society that can be observed globally. Main peculiarities of transversal competences that are necessary for their formation in a society are pointed out. It is proved that the person who poses transversal competences is a specialist of innovative character that can easily adapt to any work sphere and any changes in the society. According to the received results, it is found out that factors for transversal competences formation in society are based on the principles of postmodern education and peculiarities of the sustainable society. Among main factors we can point out postmodern education, long live learning, directives of sustainable society and social and economic changes of the 21st century that form new paradigm of education. Future studies can be continued by applying theoretical knowledge in empirical research connected with the creating the model of transversal competence formation.Key words: transversality, postmodernism in education, sustainable society development, transversal com-petences, skills and abilities. Стаття присвячена проблемі розвитку трансверсальних компетентностей у сучасному суспільстві. Виявлено, що головним завданням освіти є адаптація до змін і забезпечення роботодавців спеціалістами, які зможуть успішно справитися з будь-якими труднощами сучасності. Необхідність виокремлен-ня низки міждисциплінарних компетентностей, що забезпечують трансфер навчання та відповідають вимогам ХХІ століття, визначає актуальність дослідження. Мета статті полягає у виявленні передумов для формування трансверсальних компетентностей у суспільстві. Методологічний складник дослідження базується на комплексі теоретичних методів, таких як аналіз, обґрунтування й узагальнення наукової літератури, порівняння теоретичного матеріалу, метод систематизації отриманих результатів. Визначено, що сучасний освітній процес ґрунтується на засадах суспільства сталого розвитку, головна мета якого є задовольнити потреби сучасності, не ставлячи під загрозу потреби майбутніх поколінь. Концепція освіти для сталого розвитку є принципово новим поглядом на освіту, що ґрунтується на спів-відношенні соціально-економічного добробуту з культурними та освітніми традиціями й позитивним ставленням до навколишнього середовища. Щоб сформувати підготовчу систему майбутніх фахівців, виявлено теоретико-методичні підходи, що є актуальними сьогодні. Відповідно до висвітлених аспектів розвитку суспільства, виокремлено синергетичний підхід, системний, діяльнісний і компетентнісний.Наголошено, що необхідність імплементації трансверсальних компетентностей в освітній про-цес визначається тим, що вони відповідають швидкому темпу зростання соціально-економічних змін у суспільстві, які можна спостерігати глобально. Відзначено характерні риси трансверсальних компетентностей, які необхідні для їх формування в суспільстві. Доведено, що фахівець, який володіє трансверсальними компетентностями, є спеціалістом інноваційного типу, який може легко пристосуватися до будь-якого виробничого середовища й адаптуватися до змін суспільства. Відповідно до отриманих результатів, виявлено, що передумовами формування трансверсальних компетентностей у суспільстві базуються на принципах постмодернізму в освіті та засадах суспільства сталого розвитку. Серед основних передумов – постмодерністська освіта, навчання протягом усього життя, вимоги суспільства сталого розвитку й соціально-економічні зміни ХХІ століття, що формують нову парадигму навчання. Перспектива дослідження полягає в подальшому використанні теоретичних знань для проведення емпіричного дослідження, пов’язаного зі створенням моделі формування трансверсальних компетентностей у майбутніх менеджерів.Ключові слова: трансверсальність, постмодернізм в освіті, суспільство сталого розвитку, тран-сверсальні компетентності, уміння й навички.

Ashurova Dilfuza Nabiyevna ◽  
Abjalilov Sanakul Xujamovich ◽  
Toshtemirova Kamola Ergashevna ◽  

In this work on the example of educational system of Uzbekistan the new paradigm of education is substantiated in the following edition: education through all life. It is demonstrated that the proposed in correspondence to this paradigm the formalized model reflects multi-component system, multi-variant approaches and cyclist of educational process in a modern society. The examples of educational processes which are modeled within the framework of proposed formalized model of education are presented.

О. М. Oleksiuk

The essence of modern paradigm, aimed to foster practical orientation and instrumental direction of the education is discussed in the article. From the philosophical point the situations of paradigmatic changes in the Arts education is characterized. The necessity to overcome bsolutization of competent approach and transition to multidisciplinary positions in education are proved. Competent approach in Arts education is somehow the precursor of new, practice-oriented educational paradigm, of new type of education, that responds to demands of modern society. The change of paradigm happens under the influence of two iinterconnected factors: external (development of science) and internal (sustainability of views of scientists, professors, coaches) — the processes of selfdevelopment of educational system, that occurs due to the growth of innovational experience, that contradicts scientific principles of the old paradigm. Important meaning in the frameworks of social-economic changes gets anthropo-measurablity in the education, aiming to anthropocentrism. In this regard we can assume that substantiation of anthropologic dimension of modern pedagogical reality and conceptualization of its discussiveness are percieved as the important conditions to overcome paradigmatic crisis in education. New pedagogical paradigm is positioned as dialogic / polylogic variant of organization of a teaching process in the higher arts educational institutions. Dialogic communication it the process of professional preparation of professionals of arts direction principally changes positions of the members of educational process. The proposed conception of discussive learning aims to organize polyphony by engaging students to the activity, the main role of which plays sociocultural norm. The existence of value-meaning aspect always considers taking decisions, situation of choice. Educational process is implemented in the conditions of intersubjective interconnection of a professor and a student with the usage of methods of discussion, round table, method of project, synectics, inversion etc. The forms of dialogue are getting into one spiritual-energetic source, giving by that to all the sides of the pedagogical process more emotional and moral power, value-content coloration. Formation of value-content self-identification of students youth is realized along with acquaintance with mechanisms of self-regulation and self-actualization, that create new opportunities for the development of a personality.

Marina Marchenoka

Music like any other art helps the individual explore the world, develops the individual’s emotional sphere, building fundamentals for systematisation and classification of phenomena, algorithms of creative thinking on the basis of the perception and analysis of music artistic characters, thus defining development of students’ memory, fantasy and imagination, stimulating them to search for unusual solutions of problems. The development of these abilities is indispensable in any sphere of human activity and – what is the most important – gives a possibility for individual’s self-realisation. Therefore the main task of music education is development of the complete personality, based on the needs and demands of the modern society. Solution of this task requires reviewing of the music educational process, modernisation of the ways of realisation of the educational content, ensuring creation of new teaching forms, methods, means and technologies.


The article investigates the role and place of knowledge in documentary studies in the professional activities of future specialists, which provided an analytical review of the training system of teachers of vocational training in document science, as well as analyzed the industry standards of higher education and the main provisions on the development of vocational education in Ukraine. The structure and content of the educational environment of scientific and subject training of teachers of vocational training in document science are analyzed. The rapid development of the latest technologies, the emergence of new forms and types of human activities predetermine the need for the constant updating of content, forms and methods of teaching and organization of the educational process, and the constant growth of the amount of knowledge required requires intensification of training. Therefore, the training system for future specialists is adjusted in accordance with the requirements of modern society and educational innovations.At the time of the general informatization of all spheres of our life the profession of specialist in documentation not only does not lose its importance, but on the contrary becomes more and more relevant. Every day we are faced with a flow of documentary information that is regulated by a document scientist, which, in turn, makes this profession simply necessary. The growth of the informatization and automation of various spheres of life leads to an increase and complication of the document, from which it can be concluded that the prospects for the growth of the profession will be very large.

N. Holovko ◽  
V. Zarutska ◽  
A. Cherepakha

Different approaches to the interpretation of the essence of innovative pedagogical technologies have been highlighted in the article, as well as their influence on the activation of cognitive activity of students as future specialists. It has been analysed that methods of intensification of educational activities are aimed at forming positive motives for learning, stimulate cognitive activity and at the same time contribute to the enrichment of educational information. The implementing of innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process will increase students' interest in learning, teach them to work independently, be communicative and mobile, adapt to the requirements of modern society. It has been considered that innovative pedagogical technologies are the purposeful, systematic and consistent implementation of innovative methods, techniques, tools that encompass a holistic educational process from determining its purpose to expected results. This is due to the fact that the training system of a future specialist must comply with modern trends in the development of society, its needs. Innovative learning is a learning and educational activity focused on dynamic changes in the world around us, based on the development of various forms of thinking, creative abilities, and high social and adaptive abilities of an individual. In the professional and practical training of future teachers, technologies are being introduced to form their professional competence, among which are: personality-oriented education and training, group educational technology, information technology, project training, problem-based learning theory, interactive technology, creative personality formation technology , game technology theory, specialized training, integrated technologies and others. Technologies contribute to the assimilation of knowledge and skills, the activation and development of mental actions, the system of effective practical sphere, the strengthening of emotionality, the development of a creative nature; independence in decision making; the desire to acquire skills in a relatively short period.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (195) ◽  
pp. 52-55
Leonid Babenko ◽  
Andrew Babenko ◽  
Larysa Haidai ◽  

The article deals with the introduction of performances of theatrical musicals into the educational process of preparing future art teachers on the artistic faculty of the Centralukrainian State Volodymyr Vynnychenko Pedadogic State University. Illuminated positive impact of such an introduction on the quality of professional training of students. The motivational approach to the meaningful responsibility of students for training is revealed when they carry out self-control over the process of acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills and become fully responsible for the quality of learned material. All this greatly increases the creative activity of students, prompts them to self-studying and self-development, forms an active life position. The role of a teacher in this system of educational process is the role of the coordinator. He carries out a general leadership of the educational and creative process, acts as a consultant, an assistant, and most importantly – he is a professional-mentor, a senior mate who helps students to master the whole complex of knowledge, skills and abilities. In such motivated training, it is necessary to point out initial goals, determined by the teacher, which coincides with the educational motives of students. Only under such conditions, academic actions of the students will be transformed into conscious educational activities, the motivation of success will be created. That is why students study on the basis of partnership in the chorus studio. They make their proposals for project themes, develop the concept, choose the form of material presentation, create scenarios and are interested in preparatory and organizational work, as well as independently choose the direction of its own educational activity within the project – write or distribute musical solos and choral parties, make them choral. Arrangement or perform computer arrangement of musical accompaniment, etc. Execution of such a work not only reveals existing knowledge of students on the relevant educational subjects, but also requires mastering new knowledge and skills, assimilating the material of new educational subjects that are needed to implement the plan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 274
Maria José de Pinho

A universidade brasileira do século XXI tem enfrentado adversidades multidimensionais no âmbito do ensino e da pesquisa. Sua estabilidade tem percorrido um labirinto de inferências que a impede de adentrar o espaço educativo para se desenvolver em um processo educacional que atenta à sua função social e humanística, perante uma sociedade desacreditada de possibilidades superadoras. Nesse sentido, buscamos fazer uma reflexão da transição do paradigma conservador para paradigma emergente e sua influência no contexto da universidade do século XXI na perspectiva de uma visão complexa da realidade contemporânea. Buscamos contextualizar a universidade como protagonista na construção de um novo paradigma para educação. O repensar das instituições de ensino superior a partir do Processo de Bolonha tendo em vista uma educação superior voltada para competitividade  e para a competência profissional. Os desafios da universidade para este século tanto nos aspectos filosóficos e epistemológicos na percepção da complexidade humana e da pertinência do conhecimento mediante a superação do conhecimento fragmentado e compartimentalizado, colaborando para o autoconhecimento e para o diálogo entre os saberes.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Paradigma Tradicional. Paradigma Emergente. Universidade. Processo de Bolonha. Pensamento Complexo.     ABSTRACT The Brazilian university of the 21st century has faced multidimensional adversities in teaching and research. Its stability has gone through a labyrinth of inferences that prevents it from entering the educational space to develop in an educational process that attentive to its social and humanistic function, before a discredited society of surpassing possibilities. In this sense, we seek to reflect on the transition from the conservative paradigm to the emerging paradigm and its influence in the context of the 21st century university in the perspective of a complex view of contemporary reality. We seek to contextualize the university as protagonist in the construction of a new paradigm for education. The rethinking of higher education institutions from the Bologna Process towards higher education focused on competitiveness and professional competence. The challenges of the university for this century in both the philosophical and epistemological aspects in the perception of human complexity and the relevance of knowledge by overcoming fragmented and compartmentalized knowledge, collaborating for self-knowledge and for dialogue between knowledge.   KEYWORDS: Traditional Paradigm. Emergent Paradigm. University. Process of Bologna. Complex Thinking.     RESUMEN La universidad brasileña del siglo XXI ha enfrentado adversidades multidimensionales en el ámbito de la enseñanza y la investigación. Su estabilidad ha recorrido un laberinto de inferencias que le impide adentrar el espacio educativo para desarrollarse en un proceso educativo que atenta a su función social y humanística ante una sociedad desacreditada de posibilidades superadoras. En ese sentido, buscamos hacer una reflexión de la transición del paradigma conservador hacia paradigma emergente y su influencia en el contexto de la universidad del siglo XXI en la perspectiva de una visión compleja de la realidad contemporánea. Buscamos contextualizar la universidad como protagonista en la construcción de un nuevo paradigma para la educación. El repensar de las instituciones de enseñanza superior a partir del Proceso de Bolonia con vistas a una educación superior dirigida a la competitividad y la competencia profesional. Los desafíos de la universidad para este siglo tanto en los aspectos filosóficos y epistemológicos en la percepción de la complejidad humana y de la pertinencia del conocimiento mediante la superación del conocimiento fragmentado y compartimentalizado, colaborando para el autoconocimiento y para el diálogo entre los saberes.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Paradigma Tradicional; Paradigma Emergente; Universidad; Proceso de Bolonia; Pensamiento Complejo.

Yan Edward Saragih

This article discusses a study on the impact of interest in reading academic reference and intellectual level in the Indonesian Navy educational institution. The Navy has a vision to create a world class organization capable of carrying out the defence of Matra Sea. The role of quality human resources becomes a major factor in carrying out assignments. Seskoal as an educational institution of the Navy has the main task of implementing the highest general development education in the Navy, which contributes to improving intellectual level for each of its graduates. The importance of fostering interest in reading English-language reference books and academic culture implementation needs to be realized in connection student officers Dikreg is implementing educational task. The close relationship between the educational process, institutions and student officers a positive impact on meeting the educational goals expected. Based on this background, this study purports to measure how much influence the interest in reading English-language reference books and academic culture on an intellectual level pasis Dikreg Seskoal TP.2019. In this study using quantitative research methods pasis population Dikreg TP. 2019 one hundred and fifty people. The next step to implement the deployment of questionnaires, interviews and data processing using SPSS version 25.

Taras Melnyk ◽  
Iryna Dobroskok

The article reveals the theoretical aspects of the future vocational education teachers' training in the conditions of student-centred learning and teaching, which is based on the principles of the flexibility of individual educational trajectories and different methods usage, students' autonomy support, mutual respect of teachers and students and the respect to the diversity of students and their needs. The purpose of the article is to highlight and analyze the peculiarities of preparation of future vocational education teachers in the conditions of student-centred learning and teaching. In accordance with the purpose and the set objectives, such theoretical methods of research were applied as an analysis, a synthesis and the generalization of scientific-pedagogical literature and normative-legal documents. The author believes that the future vocational education teachers’ training in a student-centred setting is a complex task according to the ESG recommendations. The study identifies the positive features of a student-centred approach, as well as the possible risks; characterizes and analyzes the key principles of the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) on Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in terms of the specificities of the training system for future vocational education teachers. Moreover, it defines that providing sufficient feedback from students, forming assessment criteria based on the creative display of acquired knowledge and skills, rational lesson planning, adherence to the “lifelong learning” principle, and promoting self-examination among teachers and students are the key components of implementing the student-centred learning and teaching principles. The author made a conclusion that student-centred learning and teaching contributes to the realization of intellectual, cultural and emotional potential, creates the conditions for students’ self-expression and self-identification, promotes the democratic and humanistic values of institutions of higher education (IHE) as important public institutions and, having a positive impact on the quality of training, creates a springboard for realizing the educational process participants’ potential on the basis of proactivity and common opinion.

Natalia Dyka ◽  
Oleksandra Glazova

The article describes the content characteristics of the basic concepts of research. The principal differences between competence and knowledge approaches in the educational process are revealed and a comparative characteristic is designed. The competence approach differs significantly from the knowledge of all the characteristics of the organization of the educational process: the main and fundamental difference is the focus on the result of schooling, and the result is not the amount of information learned, but the ability of a person to successfully act in different situations. Modelling the lessons that systematic and purposeful formation of subject and key competencies in students requires a different, substantially changed typology of Ukrainian language lessons. The technology of modelling of knowledge oriented Ukrainian language lessons is requested. The structure and models of modelling of competence-oriented tasks are presented. Situational tasks are an intermediate stage between the students' acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the formation of skills and abilities of the practical use of such knowledge in everyday life situations. The main task of such tasks – the formation of skills to navigate in the imaginary or conditional communication, to match the objectives and conditions of communication language means. In addition, the execution of such cases promotes the formation of not only communicative skills of students, but also the skills of the culture of communication, the adoption of rules of etiquette. Competently oriented tasks are distinguished primarily by the fact that they provide for the search activity of students, the implementation of methods of independent, pair, group research activities, the creation of conditions for the formation of objective and key competencies. Teachers are provided with counselling, teacher training, scientific and methodological clusters, trainings, seminars, webinars, etc. on the typology of competency-oriented lessons, simulation of lessons and structuring of competency-oriented tasks at teacher training courses.

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