2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-70
Eufrasia Prinata Padeng

  ABSTRAK Masa depan suatu bangsa tergantung pada keberhasilan anak dalam mencapai pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang optimal. Stimulasi yang tepat akan merangsang otak balita sehingga perkembangan kemampuan gerak, bicara dan bahasa, sosialisasi dan kemandirian pada balita berlangsung optimal sesuai dengan umur anak. Deteksi dini penyimpangan tumbuh kembang perlu dilakukan untuk dapat mendeteksi secara dini adanya penyimpangan tumbuh kembang balita termasuk menindaklanjuti setiap keluhan orang tua terhadap masalah tumbuh kembang anaknya. Stimulasi deteksi yang dilakukan di Posyandu masih belum lengkap, hanya penimbangan dan pengukuran tinggi badan, sehingga kader belum mampu melakukan deteksi dini secara komprehensif. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan kader serta penambahan ilmu tentang tumbuh kembang anak kepada orang tua asuh di Panti Asuhan.  Sasaran pelatihan ini adalah Kader dan pembina panti asuhan. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah para kader dan pembina panti asuhan dapat melakukan Stimulasi Deteksi Dini dan Intervensi Tumbuh Kembang (SDIDTK) pada anak balita lebih khusus pada anak-anak di Panti Asuhan Kasih .     Kata Kunci : Kader, Peyimpangan , Stimulasi Deteksi Dini dan Intervensi Tumbuh Kembang,   THE OPTIMIZATION OF TODDLERS' GROWHT AND DEVELOPMENT  USING EDSGD TRAINING ON KADER AND CARE GIVER OF CHILDREN IN KASIH ORPHANAGE    ABSTRACT   The bright future of a country depends on  its effort to optimalize children growth and development by provided proper ways to stimulate children growht and development. The right stimulation will stimulate the brain and increase motorik, speech and language, social and autonomy of children based of age. There for the early detection to  find out abnormality in children's growth and development is important especially to follow up abnormality that found by parents during child' growth and development. Unfortenetly early detection and stimulation conducted by posyandu as primmary health care for children only focuse on weight and height measurement and  neglect another  important aspect. Kader as social worker in Posyandu didnt provide comperenship  early detection due to the lack of knowledge. The aim of this training is to educate and empower kader  and care giver of Orphanage . The target of this training is  Kader of Posyandu and the cafe ggiver of orphanage. The expected result is that Kader and care giver of orphanages can conduct Early Detection and Stimulation of Growth and Development  (EDSGD) in todler to optimalize their growth and development.   Keywords: Kader, abnormality, Early Detection and Stimulation of Growth and Development,

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 356
Catur Esty Pamungkas ◽  
Aulia Amini ◽  
Cyntiya Rahmawati

ABSTRAKBayi dapat tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik jika kebutuhan dasarnya terpenuhi, yaitu  asah, asih dan asuh. Kebutuhan asah adalah kebutuhan akan stimulasi dini. Pemberian stimulasi dini yang sesuai akan memungkinkan terbentuknya etika, kepribadian yang baik, kecerdasan, kemandirian, keterampilan dan produktivitas yang baik. Efektifitas pijat bayi memberikan manfaat pada perkembangan motorik sangat baik pada anak usia 8-28 hari dibandingkan dengan anak yang tidak diberikan stimulasi pijat bayi (Rizki, 2017). Melalui pemijatan peredaran darah akan lancar, Salah satu zat penting yang dibawa adalah oksigen. Terpenuhinya oksigen diotak secara cukup membuat konsentrasi dan kesiagaan bayi semakin baik(Sembiring, 2017). Solusi permasalahan yang ditawarkan yaitu “Sentuhan Kasih Ibu” Upaya Stimulasi Tumbuh Kembang anak dengan Pijat Bayi yang dilakukan Pada Anak Usia 0-3 Tahun di Desa Selebung Ketangga di Kecamatan Keruak Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Tujuan pengabdian ini memberikan informasi bagi masyarakat terutama orang tua mengenai manfaat setiap langkah dari pijat bayi. Tim PKMS akan memberikan pelatihan langsung kepada ibu yang akan dipraktikkan oleh narasumber yang berpengalaman, memiliki bidang ilmu yang sesuai dan telah mendapatkan pelatihan pijat bayi sebelumnya, sehingga setiap informasi diberikan oleh orang yang tepat. Setelah diberikan pelatihan pijat bayi tersebut, diharapkan ibu dapat mempraktikan sendiri pijat bayi di rumah.Jumlah responden yang mengikuti kegiatan ini sebanyak 32 balita. Hasil pengadian didapatkan terbanyak responden 12-24 sebanyak 19 balita (59,4%). Hasil pre test didapatkan 23 responden memiliki pengetahuan kurang dan post test sebagian besar pengetahuan cukup sebanyak 18 responden. Hasil follow up kemampuan pijat bayi didapatkan 24 reponden mampu melakukan pijat bayi dengan benar. Kata kunci: stimulasi tumbuh kembang; bayi; pijat bayi. ABSTRACTBabies can grow and develop well if their basic needs, which are teasers, love and foster. The need for sharpening is the need for early stimulation. Providing first inspiration appropriate will enable the formation of ethics, a good personality, intelligence, independence, skills and good productivity. The effectiveness of baby massage provides benefits to motor development is very good in children aged 8-28 days compared with children who do not give stimulation of baby massage (Rizki, 2017). Through massage, the blood circulation will be smooth. One of them the essential substance carried is oxygen. Fulfilment of oxygen in the brain is sufficient to make the baby's concentration and alertness are getting better (Sembiring, 2017). The solution to the problem offered is the "Touch of Mother's Love" Efforts to Stimulate Child Development with Infant Massage which was carried out on children aged 0-3 years in Selebung Ketangga Village in Keruak District East Lombok Regency. The purpose of this service is to provide information for the community, especially parents, regarding the benefits of every step of baby massage. The Stimulus Community Service Team (PKMS) will provide training directly to the mother who will be practised by experienced speakers who have fields science according to the training and baby massage before, so every information given by the right person. After being given the baby massage training, it is hoped that the mother can practicing baby massage at home on their own. The number of respondents who participated in this activity was 32 toddler. The results obtained were the most respondents 12-24 as many as 19 toddlers (59.4%). Pre results test found 23 respondents have less knowledge and most of the post-test sufficient knowledge of 18 respondents. The follow-up results of the infant massage ability were obtained 24 respondents are able to massage the baby properly. Keywords: growth and development stimulation; baby; baby massage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. iii460-iii460
Mayuko Miyata ◽  
Masahiro Nonaka ◽  
Akio Asai

Abstract BACKGROUND If new lesions are observed during follow-up of the malignant tumor after treatment, it is difficult to distinguish whether the tumor is a recurrent lesion, secondary cancer, or radiation necrosis of the brain. We have encountered a patient with symptomatic radiation necrosis of the cerebellum 16 years after treatment of medulloblastoma. CASE PRESENTATION: A 24-year-old man who had received a tumor resection and chemoradiotherapy for cerebellar medulloblastoma at the age of 8 presented with dizziness. For the past 16 years, there was no recurrence of the tumor. He subsequently underwent MRI scan, and T1-Gd image showed enhanced lesion in the right cerebellar peduncle. Cerebrospinal fluid cytology analysis was negative for tumor. We suspected tumor reccurence or secondary cancer, and performed lesion biopsy. The result of the pathological examination was radiation necrosis of the cerebellum. DISCUSSION: The interval of radiation necrosis of the brain and radiotherapy can vary from months to more than 10 years. So, whenever a new lesion is identified, radiation brain necrosis must be envisioned. According to guidelines in Japan, there is no absolute examination for discriminating tumor recurrence from radiation brain necrosis and diagnosis by biopsy may be required. CONCLUSION We experienced a case of symptomatic radiation necrosis of the cerebellum 16 years after treatment. In patients showing new lesion after long periods of time, the possibility of radiation necrosis to be considered.

2017 ◽  
Vol 70 (5) ◽  
pp. 949-957 ◽  
Claudia Nery Teixeira Palombo ◽  
Elizabeth Fujimori ◽  
Áurea Tamami Minagawa Toriyama ◽  
Luciane Simões Duarte ◽  
Ana Luiza Vilela Borges

ABSTRACT Introduction: Nutritional counseling and growth follow-up are priorities when providing care to children; however, these have not been completely incorporated into primary health care. Objective: To know the difficulties for providing nutritional counseling and child growth follow-up, from a professional healthcare perspective. Method: Qualitative study, using Donabedian as theoretical framework, developed by 53 professionals in the field of primary health care. Data was obtained from focal groups and submitted to content analysis. Results: The main difficulties for nutritional counseling were clustered in the category of ‘perceptions and beliefs related to child feeding’. The ‘problems of infrastructure and healthcare’ and ‘maintenance of the hegemonic medical model’ are the main difficulties for following-up growth. Final considerations: Besides investments in infrastructure, healthcare training is indispensable considering beliefs and professional experiences, so in fact, nutritional counseling and child growth follow-up are incorporated in primary health care.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-100
Suryati B ◽  
Bara Miradwiyana

Impaired growth and development of children can be identified by early detection as prevention, prevention, stimulation and development. This study aims to determine the effect of early detection assistance models on the ability of early childhood education (PAUD) teachers in implementing early detection of early childhood growth and development. The research method uses pretest and posttest design with control group. Providing training and mentoring for PAUD teachers using the Stimulation of Detection and Early Intervention Growing Swell (SDIDTK)/ Child Development Pre-screening Questionnaire (KPSP) for the intervention group while for the control group for PAUD teachers by being given a KPSP booklet after the posttest. The results of the analysis showed that there were differences in scores of PAUD teachers' knowledge and skills in stimulating early childhood growth and development (p=0.001) between the intervention group and the control group after the mentoring model intervention. The knowledge of PAUD teachers who are given a mentoring model is better than the control group, there are significant differences in improving the ability of PAUD teachers to do early detection in children compared to the control group. PAUD teachers who are given the intervention of the mentoring model.

Devi Nurhayati ◽  
Latifah Susilowati

Children entering the age of 1-3 years of development stage whose behavior starts to be influenced by the external environment and family environment that must provide good stimulation for children. Mother's behavior about stimulation is assessed as a basic need to hone child development and improve her abilities. The purpose of this study was determined the correlation between maternal behavior about growth and development stimulation with the development of children aged 1-3 years in Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This study was used descriptive analytic method with cross sectional approach. 79 mothers and children taken by purposive sampling technique. Researchers collected data on respondents when mothers and children came to the posyandu. Respondents who were not present at the posyandu, the researchers collected data through home visits. The mother filled out a questionnaire about the mother's behavior in giving stimulation of child growth and development first, then the researcher conducted development using Denver II. The data collected was analyzed using the Spearman test. The most of mothers had good behavior in the stimulation of child growth and development that is 65 respondents (82.2%), and most of the children in the normal category are 58 respondents (73.4%). Based on Spearman's test the p value = 0.016 so that there is a relationship between maternal behavior about growth and development stimulation with child development, and the value of the closeness of a weak relationship is 0.269. There is a correlation between maternal behavior regarding growth and development stimulation with the development of children aged 1-3 years. Keywords: mother behavior; stimulation; growth and development; children aged 1-3 years ABSTRAK Orang tua terutama ibu harus memberikan stimulasi yang baik bagi anak. Perilaku ibu tentang stimulasi merupakan kebutuhan dasar untuk mengasah perkembangan anak dan meningkatkan kemampuannya. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku ibu dalam pemberian stimulasi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dengan perkembangan anak usia 1-3 tahun di Depok, Sleman. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 79 ibu dan anak diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Peneliti melakukan pengambilan data pada responden saat ibu dan anak datang ke posyandu. Bagi calon responden yang tidak hadir pada saat posyandu maka peneliti melakukan pengambilan data melalui kunjungan rumah. Ibu mengisi kuesioner tentang perilaku ibu dalam pemberian stimulasi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak terlebih dahulu selanjutnya peneliti melakukan pemeriksaan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada anak menggunakan Denver II. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Spearman. Sebagian besar Ibu memiliki perilaku baik dalam stimulasi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak yaitu 65 responden (82,3%) dan sebagian besar anak perkembangannya dalam kategori normal yaitu sebanyak 58 responden (73,4%). Berdasarkan uji Spearman hasil nilai p=0,016 sehingga ada hubungan antara perilaku ibu dalam pemberian stimulasi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dengan perkembangan anak, dan nilai keeratan hubungan lemah yaitu 0,269. Ada hubungan antara perilaku ibu tentang stimulasi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dengan perkembangan anak usia 1-3 tahun. Kata kunci: perilaku ibu; stimulasi; pertumbuhan dan perkembangan; anak usia 1-3 tahun

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-74 ◽  
Sumit Thakar ◽  
Yasha T. Chickabasaviah ◽  
Alangar S. Hegde

Invasive craniocerebral aspergillosis, often encountered in an immunocompromised setting, is almost uniformly fatal despite radical surgical and medical management, and is frequently a necropsy finding. The authors report a unique, self-resolving clinical course of this aggressive infection in a 10-month-old infant. The infant was brought to the emergency services in altered sensorium with a 1-week history of left-sided hemiparesis, excessive irritability, and vomiting. An MRI study of the brain revealed multiple, heterogeneously enhancing lesions in the right cerebral hemisphere with mass effect. The largest lesion in the frontotemporal cortical and subcortical regions was decompressed on an emergent basis. Histopathological findings were suggestive of invasive aspergillosis, although there was no evidence of the infection in the lungs or paranasal sinuses. Computed tomography–guided aspiration of the remaining lesions and follow-up antifungal therapy were recommended. The parents, however, requested discharge without further treatment. The child was seen at a follow-up visit 3 years later without having received any antifungal treatment. Imaging showed resolution of the infection and features of Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome (cerebral hemiatrophy). This report of invasive cerebral aspergillosis resolving without medical therapy is the first of its kind. Its clinicoradiological aspects are discussed in light of previously reported cases.

2003 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-54 ◽  
Bello B Shehu ◽  
Nasiru J Ismail

A 37-year-old woman, Para 5+0 presented with a 1 year history of recurrent convulsions and progressive weakness of the right side of the body. She had been treated for postpartum eclampsia in her last delivery but symptoms recurred 3 months later. Evaluation including computerized tomography scan of the brain suggested a parieto-temporal meningioma, which was completely excised at craniotomy. Histology confirmed this to be a meningioma. The patient was well at 8 months of follow up. The growth of meningiomas may increase during pregnancy due to presence of receptors for progestational hormones in the tumour and the meningioma may become symptomatic in pregnancy, presenting as eclampsia. Close follow up of patients with eclampsia is necessary to identify neurological features that may lead to a diagnosis of meningioma. Early diagnosis is essential if a good outcome is to be ensured.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. A575-A575
Nasvin Imamudeen ◽  
Aiman Zafar ◽  
Shankar Bettadahalli

Abstract Prolactinomas are the most common type of pituitary adenomas. Macroprolactinoma is the name used for tumors when their size exceeds 1 cm and giant prolactinomas are those that exceeds 4 cm. Females are more commonly reported to have microprolactinomas with female-to-male ratio of 20:1, on the contrary macroprolactinomas are usually diagnosed in men aged 20-50 years with a reported male-to-female ratio of 9:1. We are presenting the case of a 63-year-old female with history of cataracts and hypertension who presented with complaints of progressive decrease in vision in both of her eyes (right greater than left) for several months and declining night vision without headache. Her only other symptoms were tiredness and cold intolerance. A detailed visual exam led to the findings of bitemporal hemianopsia and possible right optic neuropathy. Her neurological exam otherwise was intact. Subsequently contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain showed a large sellar and suprasellar mass measuring greater than 10 cm x 6 cm in size invading right cavernous sinus, surrounding vessels and compressing optic chiasm with extension into the right temporal lobe, left frontal lobe and subfalcine shift to the right. Laboratory studies indicated elevated prolactin level of 4932 ng/mL (2.8 - 29.2 ng/mL) consistent with prolactinoma. Pituitary hormone function testing revealed suppressed gonadotropins, subnormal ACTH stimulation test and central hypothyroidism. She was started on medical therapy with cabergoline. At one month follow-up, serum prolactin level significantly decreased to 136.2 ng/mL but the size of the mass did not significantly decrease on follow up brain MRI. Patient currently wants to try medical management alone. Conclusion: Macroprolactinomas measuring >4 cm are rare, accounting for only 1–5% of all prolactinomas and are more commonly seen in men, however they can be seen in postmenopausal women as well. Headaches and visual field disturbances are common presenting symptoms due to compressive effect and warrant further investigation with MRI of the brain. Medical therapy alone can sometimes suffice and surgery is a second line option as it confers morbidity risks.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 3445
Talita Cristina Tomaz Silva ◽  
Emília Gallindo Cursino ◽  
Liliane Faria Da Silva

RESUMOObjetivo: analisar as evidências científicas quanto à utilização da Caderneta de Saúde da Criança pelos profissionais de saúde para a vigilância do crescimento e desenvolvimento infantil. Método: trata-se um estudo bibliográfico, tipo revisão integrativa, com buscas nas bases de dados LILACS e BDENF e na biblioteca virtual SCIELO, utilizando os Descritores em Ciências da Saúde; crescimento e desenvolvimento, atenção primária à saúde e registros de saúde pessoal, que foram cruzados com o descritor criança empregando-se o operador booleano and. Selecionaram-se 15 artigos publicados entre 2014 a 2018 e os resultados apresentam-se em forma de figura. Resultados: evidenciou-se, nos estudos, a precária utilização da CSC, que está relacionada à ausência e à fragilidade de registros, à dificuldade de os profissionais perceberem a relevância do preenchimento, ao conhecimento deficiente dos profissionais, à insuficiência de orientações às famílias, além da participação da família nesse processo. Conclusão: compromete-se, pela precariedade da utilização da CSC, a vigilância da saúde infantil por ser este o instrumento essencial para o acompanhamento do crescimento e do desenvolvimento da criança. Descritores: Crescimento e Desenvolvimento; Atenção Primária à Saúde; Registros de Saúde Pessoal; Criança; Atenção Integral à Saúde; Saúde da Criança.ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the scientific evidence regarding the use of the Child Health Booklet by health professionals for the monitoring of child growth and development. Method: a bibliographical study, type integrative, with searches in LILACS and BDENF databases and in the SCIELO virtual library, using Descriptors in Health Sciences; growth and development, primary health care and personal health records, which were cross-referenced with the child descriptor employing the Boolean operator and. 15 articles published between 2014 and 2018 were selected and the results are presented in figure form. Results: the poor use of CHB was evidenced in the studies, which is related to the absence and fragility of records, the difficulty of professionals to perceive the relevance of filling, poor knowledge of professionals, insufficient guidance to families, besides the participation of the family in this process. Conclusion: due to the precarious nature of the use of CHB, it is committed to monitoring child health as this is the essential instrument for monitoring child growth and development. Descriptors: Growth and Development; Primary Health Care; Personal Health Records; Kid; Comprehensive Health Care; Child Health. RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar las evidencias científicas en cuanto a la utilización de la libreta de Salud del Niño por los profesionales de salud para la vigilancia del crecimiento y desarrollo infantil. Método: se trata de un estudio bibliográfico, tipo revisión integrativa, con búsquedas en las bases de datos LILACS y BDENF y en la biblioteca virtual SCIELO, utilizando los Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud; crecimiento y desarrollo, atención primaria a la salud y registros de salud personal, que fueron cruzados con el descriptor niño empleándose el operador booleano and. Se seleccionaron 15 artículos publicados entre 2014 y 2018 y los resultados se presentan en forma de figura. Resultados: se evidenció, en los estudios, la precaria utilización de la CSC, que está relacionada a la ausencia y fragilidad de registros, a la dificultad de los profesionales percibir la relevancia del llenado, el conocimiento deficiente de los profesionales, la insuficiencia de orientaciones a las familias, además de la participación de la familia en ese proceso. Conclusión: se compromete, por la precariedad de la utilización de la CSC, la vigilancia de la salud infantil por ser éste el instrumento esencial para el acompañamiento del crecimiento y del desarrollo del niño. Descriptores: Crecimiento y Desarrollo; Atención Primaria a la Salud; Registros de Salud Personal; Niño; Atención Integral de Salud; Salud del Niño. 

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