scholarly journals Implementasi Sistem Informasi Inventaris Barang Menggunakan Borland Delphi 7 & Ms. Access 2007

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Bayu Pratama Nugroho ◽  
Rudi Hadiyanto

In the congregation office of GKE Palangka has not used computerized system, one of them is the management and storage of inventory data of goods. Workers have difficulty managing such a long time in data matching, data retrieval, report generation and presentation, and thus inefficient use of work time. The dominant factor is human error that occurs in processing data and storage and maintenance of paper-shaped documents. The method used is waterfall cycle method which is done through six stages, that is approach systematically and sequence starting from system requirement level then go to phase analysis, design, coding, testing / verification, and maintenance. With the existence of this Information System, the process on the data is done easily, so that the work of the employees in managing inventory data, especially in the field of professional performance asset increases.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-108
Saryani Saryani ◽  
Harfizar Harfizar ◽  
Julio Fahmi Maulana

The development of technology that is developing at this time attracts a lot of public attention. Information technology as not important to run a business, therefore a computerized system is one of the supporting business success. Because with a computerized system can facilitate its use in carrying out activities or activities. The development of computers that continues to be dynamic and requires information that is fast, precise and systematic and does not require a long time. Computers have become the main tool in every human activity. Not only for business applications, but also in the daily activities of each company. This shows how computers have become part of human renewal of technology. Especially the inventory system of important items for the sales process at PT. Matahari Putra Prima Tbk in terms of inventory fields. Where still using the bookkeeping system. Data processing is still manually using Microsoft Excel and often occurs less accurate in inputting, with errors that occur when recording data items in and out so that data inventory items are ineffective and inefficient. With less than maximum, an inventory of goods data will be moved from the information needed by the customer or leader. And this research uses system design implemented with Unified Modeling Language (UML). This is the rationale for how the author analyzes the data inventory system of goods that exist in PT. Matahari Putra Prima Tbk can make it easy to input inventory data to get efficient and accurate reports.   Keywords: System, Inventory, Goods, Unified Modeling Language (UML).

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 60-78
Prayoga - Prayoga ◽  
Putri Utami ◽  
Bramanto Fajri Prakoso

Telkom Witel West Bandung is the only state-owned company in the telecommunications and network sector in Indonesia, where SOEs can continue to develop to realize quality services and networks. Use it using information technology today. Inventory data processing at PT. West Witel Telkom is not well integrated, it is difficult to find data, including redundation of data and the length of time the report is made. The methodology currently in this inventory information system is Prototype, i.e. While the data uses observation and interview data. The method of development uses a structured method. The programming language is PHP and MySQL database. Information inventory system can display material data, receipt data, expenditure data, retrieval data and transaction data. With the implementation of this inventory information system, it is expected to facilitate PT. Telkom Witel West Bandung is related to the application of information inventory systems (speeding up data search, minimizing data redundancy and speeding up report generation), can achieve maximum results and can support information quickly and accurately.

The railway system is one of the most widely used modes of transportation due to its low cost. To keep the railway system running smoothly, continuous track monitoring is needed. These days, the railway system is manually supervised. As a result, there is a greater risk of disasters, such as fatalities, occurring as a result of human error while monitoring. The main problem with manual system monitoring is that it takes a long time to process all of the necessary data. Since railway tracks are built over thousands of miles, it is virtually impossible to manually control the device over such a longdistance. At railway crossings, a lot of accidents happen. Crossing gates are usually opened and closed after receiving direct input from the station. If there is a delay in obtaining information from the station, there is a risk of swearing incidents. The main goal of this research is to simplify and protect the railway system. The proposed system employs Force Sensitive Resistor (FSR) detectors for automatic side road crossing protection. Any type of breakage, as well as vibration, can be efficiently detected with a higher degree of precision using Light Dependent Resistor (LRR) and laser detectors. In the event of an unexpected situation, such as an accident, the GSM module will begin communicating via message with the nearest control room for assistance. Sonar sensors are often used for obstacle avoidance when something unexpectedly appears in front of the train. The Internet of Things (IoT) has been added to the system to allow it to be monitored from anywhere in the sphere. The Arduino UNO is a microcontroller that serves as the system's backbone. The framework has the potential to be extremely beneficial to our country's railway economic growth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-111
Mari Rahmawati ◽  
Amin Kusniawati ◽  
Rangga Kori Lesmana

The author designed an object oriented programming based sales application using use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, deployment diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, logical record structures, and user interfaces. The design of this information system is expected to produce sales application programs ranging from customer data input, input data of goods, input of sales orders, print out of travel documents, print invoices, cash receipts input, print payment receipts to print reports so that sales applications can have a positive impact on the course of business which is built, reducing duplicated functions, and errors caused by human errors. With the design of a sales application, the problems that exist in the manual system can be resolved such as the system will not receive incomplete data, the system can make automatic numbering, and minimize errors that occur due to humans (human error), reduce the amount of paper usage, report generation can done easily and quickly because the data is processed by the system.Keywords: Design, Sales, Object Oriented Programming.

Dewi Pusparani Sinambela ◽  
St. Hateriah

Latar Belakang: Lama Kala II dalam persalinan yaitu jangka waktu mulai dari serviks berdilatasi penuh sampai dengan kelahiran bayi tidak boleh melebihi 2 jam pada primigravidan dan 1 jam pada multigravida. Pemilihan posisi melahirkan sangat dianjurkan untuk memberikan rasa nyaman pada ibu, posisi dapat membantu penurunan janin ke dasar panggul dan mempercepat proses persalinan. Dari data yang diperoleh bulan Januari 2018 jumlah persalinan kala II lama sebanyak 0,30% dari 240 persalinan normal.Tujuan: Menganalisis Perbedaan Posisi Meneran Miring Kiri dan Setengah Duduk Pada Ibu Bersalin Dengan Lama Kala II.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah Analisis kuantitatif. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan quasi eksperiment. Populasi penelitian semua ibu bersalin di RSUD Dr. H. Moch Anshari Saleh Banjarmasin. Pengambilan sebanyak 30 responden. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan ceklist. Analisa data yang dilakukan adalah Analisa Univariat dan Analisa Bivariat dengan uji Fisher Exact Test.Hasil: Responden yang menggunakan posisi meneran miring kiri 15 orang (50%) dan setengah duduk sebanyak 15 orang (50%). Jumlah responden primipara yang mengalami persalinan kala II 60 menit sebanyak 12 orang (40,0%), primipara yang mengalami kala II 60 menit sebanyak 2 orang (6,7%) dan responden multipara yang mengalami kala II 30 menit sebanyak 16 orang (53,3%), multipara yang mengalami kala II 30 menit sebanyak 0 orang (0%) dari hasil uji Fisher Exact Test dengan nilai p sebesar 0,483.Simpulan: Tidak ada perbedaan posisi miring kiri dengan posisi setengah duduk terhadap kemajuan persalinan kala II di RSUD Dr. H. Moch. Anshari Saleh Banjarmasin. Kata Kunci: Lama Kala II, Persalinan, Posisi Meneran.   Analysis of Different Left and Half Posisition Straining on Mother with Second Duration of Labour In RSUD Dr. H. Moch Anshari Saleh BanjarmasinABSTRACT Background: The duration of second stage of labor is the period from the full dilated cervix to the birth of the baby should not exceed 2 hours in primigravida and 1 hour in multigravida. Position selection is very beneficial for giving comfort to the mother, the position can help lower the fetus to the pelvic floor and improve labor. From the data obtained in January 2018 the number of prolonged second stage deliveries was 0.30% of 240 normal deliveries.Objective: Analyze the Differences in Position Meniring Left and Half Seated at the Maternity with Long Time II.Method: This type of research is quantitative analysis. The study design used quasi experiment. The study population of all mothers giving birth at Dr. RSUD H. Moch Anshari Saleh Banjarmasin. Taking as many as 30 respondents. Data retrieval is done using a checklist. Data analysis performed was Univariate Analysis and Bivariate Analysis with Fisher Exact Test.Results: Respondents who used the left oblique piercing position were 15 people (50%) and half sat as many as 15 people (50%). The number of primiparous respondents who increased labor at second time 60 minutes was 12 people (40.0%), primipara who added second stage 60 minutes as many as 2 people (6.7%) and multiparous respondents who used second time 30 minutes as many as 16 people (53.3%), multiparas who replaced time II 30 minutes as many as 0 people (0%) from the results of the Fisher Exact Test with a p value of 0.483.Conclusion: There was no difference in left oblique position with sitting position towards the progress of second stage labor in Dr. Hospital. H. Moch. Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin.  Keywords : Second Duration, Labour, Straining Position 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 499-515
Hayatul Husna Hayatul Husna ◽  
Yesica Devis ◽  
Arief Wahyudi

Pelayanan kefarmasian merupakan pelayanan penunjang serta pusat pendapatan utama bagi rumah sakit. Instalasi farmasi merupakan salah satu unit pelaksanaan fungsional yang menyelenggarakan seluruh kegiatan pelayanan kefarmasian. Di instalasi farmasi Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Eria Bunda Pekanbaru berpotensi menghasilkan obat kadaluarsa yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian bagi rumah sakit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penyebab obat kadaluarsa di instalasi farmasi Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Eria Bunda Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri dari Kepala Instalasi Farmasi, Penanggung Jawab Farmasi Rawat Inap, Koordinator Perbekalan Farmasi dan Alkes, Staf Farmasi Rawat Jalan, dan Staf Gudang Farmasi. Dengan metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan wawancara. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyebab obat kadaluarsa di instalasi farmasi Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Eria Bunda Pekanbaru disebabkan oleh perencanaan obat yang terlalu berlebih dari konsumsi pemakaian rata-rata rumah sakit, pengadaan obat yang tidak memperkirakan berapa banyak obat yang mau dipesan, serta penyimpanan obat dikarenakan human error dimana kesalahan pada saat penyimpanan yang tidak FIFO dan FEFO. Saran bagi instlasi farmasi Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Eria Bunda Pekanbaru yaitu dengan mengadakan pelatihan dan sosialisasi terhadap perencanaan dan pengadaan obat, serta meningkatkan pengawasan dalam melakukan penyimpanan obat.   Pharmaceutical services are support services as well as the main revenue center for hospitals. The pharmacy installation is one of the functional implementation units that organize all pharmaceutical service activities. The pharmacy installation at the Eria Bunda Mother and Child Hospital in Pekanbaru has the potential to produce expired drugs that can cause harm to the hospital. The purpose of this study was to determine the causes of drug expiration in the pharmacy installation of Eria Bunda Mother and Child Hospital Pekanbaru. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this study consisted of the Head of the Pharmacy Installation, the Person in Charge of Inpatient Pharmacy, the Coordinator of Pharmacy and Medical Devices, the Outpatient Pharmacy Staff, and the Pharmacy Warehouse Staff. With the data collection method using observation and interviews. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the cause of expired drugs in the pharmacy installation of Eria Bunda Mother and Child Hospital Pekanbaru is caused by excessive drug planning than the average hospital consumption, drug procurement that does not predict how many drugs to order, and storage. medicine due to human error where the error during storage is not FIFO and FEFO. Suggestions for the pharmacy installation of Eria Bunda Mother and Child Hospital Pekanbaru, namely by holding training and socialization of drug planning and procurement, as well as increasing supervision in carrying out drug storage.

and stored, such that they can be defrosted and grown on again later. This is cloning and storage of human cells in exactly the same way that cloning and storage of human embryos is. In many ways they are separated by a distinction without a difference and I would not like to be the person that had to tell a seriously, or even terminally, ill individual that it is not possible to treat them because the only way is to produce immunologically sound material which they will not reject by cloning – and that this is not allowed. It was decided on 15 November 2001 that cloning of embryos for therapeutic research should no longer be licensed, but cloning one for birth apparently is and there are medical practitioners who seem to think that this is a good and practical idea. It is suspected that the incredibly high failure rate of cloned foetuses will mitigate against pursuing human clones. To put numbers on this, of 277 attempts only one sheep, Dolly, was born and further successful examples of animal cloning have been just as hard won. However, failure in this context is not a simple, clear, non-viable embryo; it includes gross malformations and developmental problems. These would not be an acceptable outcome in human cloning. This problem of not thinking about questions on a ‘what if?’ basis before the practical necessity arises is exactly the same situation that seems to have occurred with DNA profiling and genetic testing for disease genes. We have simply not been ready as a society to address questions that are going to have profound effects for future generations. This, sadly, is a general failing. Statements such as ‘think of the children’, have very little power to motivate; what does motivate seems to be political will and commerce. It is true, as discussed earlier, that large numbers are not easily conceived of. What is also true is that long periods of time are not easily comprehended either. So, to take an example from a different science, but one which is very real now and can therefore give us pointers to the future of our ethical problems in genetics, let us consider the question of nuclear waste. We can visualise this not just as a physical problem but an ethical one which is dependent upon society and the good will of society as well. The long term control of nuclear waste is a problem. No matter how it is stored or dealt with it needs to be looked after for a very long time. Given the half-life of some of this material – that is the length of time it takes to reduce its radioactivity by half – the storage times are prodigiously long. It is not unrealistic to say that storage should be in excess of 10,000 years, but no civilisation has been around that long and it would require a great leap of faith to suggest that the current nuclear powers would remain intact, politically stable and financially able to look after such a potential problem for so long. It is to be hoped that humanity is going to out-last nuclear waste, but the questions regarding political stability remain. We simply do not know what sort of a government we will have 1,000 years hence; we do not know what sort of data they will hold about our genes, so now is the time to question their perceived right to hold such information. Now is the time to challenge the perceived right of testers to take samples to find out whatever they like about an individual and possibly pass it on.

1984 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 27-34
J. R. Mulholland

SUMMARYThe broad principles of animal breeding are outlined and the ‘normal-probability curve’ is used to illustrate how progress should be made in improving the genetic merit of dairy cattle. The importance of genetically correlated responses is discussed, together with the need to test progeny. The way in which genetic improvement accumulates in dairy cattle is described and the need to use high-production sires with reliable proofs is stressed. Present and proposed milk-quality payment schemes require that selection should be based on the yield of recorded solids as the best indicator of total solids. As cattle breeding involves a long time-scale, it is not always possible to take into account short-term changes in the value of milk constituents. The effect of changing values upon the ranking of bulls is small and, for the foreseeable future, the use of the weight of recorded solids, i.e. the weight of fat plus the weight of protein, as the selection factor, is likely to maximize progress. The relationship between functional type and herd life is examined. It is concluded that there is no obvious relationship between type and herd life; yield is the dominant factor in determining the length of time an animal remains in the herd. Any breeding programme should therefore place maximum emphasis on production.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-143
Ratnesh Sharma ◽  
Shiv Ranjan Kumar ◽  
Surpal Singh Chouhan ◽  
Udit Yadav

AbstractIn India agriculture is one of the most important sources of employment for the farmers and almost everything depends on agriculture. Root vegetables and crops are hard to remove from the soil and it takes much of the farmer’s time. Even after removing these crops manually farmers are not able to achieve 100% recovery of the crops. When these crops are taken out manually this process require many precautions from the farmer. Due to human error approximate 20-30% of root vegetables and crops are left out in the field. Rich farmers can afford the proper machinery to cultivate the root crops but poor farmers are not able to afford such types of machinery. Hence, the objective of the present study was to design and simulate low cost root crop harvesting machines for poorer farmers. The machine consists of a frame, chain drive, gears, shaft, seed drill ground wheel, plough and storage container. All the measurements, dimensions and material selections were taken as per ASTM-A36 and the design hand data book. The design of the Root Crop Harvester was done mathematically and finally validated using CAD software.

2002 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 425-441 ◽  
Sergio R. Vaudagna ◽  
Guillermo Sanchez ◽  
Maria S. Neira ◽  
Ester M. Insani ◽  
Alyandra B. Picallo ◽  

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