scholarly journals Kesediaan Pelajar Generasi Z di Universiti Malaysia Kelantan dalam Pembelajaran Teradun Bahasa Arab dalam Era IR4.0

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 86-95
Ahmad Zaki Amiruddin ◽  
Zulazhan Ab. Halim ◽  
Nurkhamimi Zainuddin

Era IR4.0 telah mencetuskan anjakan paradigma dalam pelbagai sektor, termasuk sektor pendidikan melalui penerapan gabungan teknologi; e-pembelajaran dengan pembelajaran bersemuka yang dikenali sebagai pembelajaran teradun. Kajian ini diketengahkan bagi mengenal pasti tahap kesediaan pelajar Generasi Z (Gen-Z) di Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) dalam pembelajaran teradun bahasa Arab. Kaedah kuantitatif telah dimanfaatkan dalam kajian ini dengan menumpukan kepada analisis statistik deskriptif melalui edaran soal selidik yang melibatkan pelajar UMK. Dapatan menunjukkan kesediaan responden untuk pembelajaran teradun bahasa Arab pada tahap tinggi. Oleh itu, dicadangkan kajian berkaitan pembelajaran teradun perlu lebih giat dijalankan pada masa akan datang kerana pelajar Gen-Z bersedia menerimanya. Abstract The era of IR4.0 led to a rapid paradigm in various sectors, including the education sector through the adoption of technology combination; e-learning and face-to-face learning, known as blended learning (BL). This study was designed to identify the readiness level of generation z (Gen-Z) students at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) for Arabic BL. The quantitative method was utilized in this study by focusing on descriptive statistical analysis through the distribution of questionnaires among UMK students. The results showed that the readiness among the respondents for Arabic blended learning at a high level. Hopefully, for future, the BL-related studies should be more exposed because of Gen-Z students' acceptance and their readiness.

R J Singh

This article reports on the use of blended learning in higher education. Blended learning has become popular in higher education in recent years. It is a move beyond traditional lecturing to incorporate face-to-face learning with e-learning, thereby creating a blend of learning experiences. The problem is that learning in higher education is complex and learning situations differ across contexts. Whilst there is face-to-face contact at some institutions, others offer distance learning or correspondence learning. In each context, the mode of learning may differ. The challenge is to cater for various learning opportunities through a series of learning interactions and to incorporate a blended approach. The aim of this study was to examine various ways of defining blended learning in different contexts. This was done through an examination of experiences of the use of blended learning in different higher education contexts. The study presents a case of blended learning in a postgraduate course. The experiences from all these cases are summarised and conclusions and recommendations are made in the context of blended learning in higher education in South Africa.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 177
Yendra Yendra ◽  
Willy Satria ◽  
Wahyudi Rahmat

<p><strong> </strong></p><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p>               <em>The development of technology, especially information technology (internet), gradually unintentionally gives influence to education either directly or indirectly. The influence is clearly visible one of them to the method of learning. Learning methods that used to be done only face-to-face in the classroom and make the educator as a center of information (conventional) gradually begin to change towards learning that is also on-line based on the internet as an information center (E-Learning internet based). In STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat E-Learning internet based learning method itself has been introduced and implemented since 2014, but has not been maximally optimized. This is because the method does not have a standard in its implementation, and also conventional face-to-face learning method can not be abandoned completely, hence there is overlap between the two. Accordingly, this study developed a model of learning that combines the concept of conventional learning with the concept of E-Learning internet based called Blended Learning. Blended Learning model is expected to be a solution to the above problems, so that the learning process can be implemented effectively. This research is research and development research (R &amp; D) with the outcome is a product that is learning model design</em>.</p><p align="center"><em> </em></p><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p><p><em>Berkembangnya teknologi khususnya teknologi informasi (internet), berangsur angsur tanpa disadari memberikan pengaruh terhadap pendidikan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Pengaruh tersebut terlihat jelas salah satunya terhadap metode pembelajaran. Metode pembelajaran yang dulunya dilakukan hanya secara tatap muka di dalam kelas dan menjadikan pendidik sebagai pusat informasi (konvensional) berangsur mulai berubah ke arah pembelajaran yang juga bersifat on-line yang berbasis kepada internet sebagai pusat informasi (E-Learning internet based). Di STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat metode pembelajaran E-Learning internet based sendiri sudah diperkenalkan dan diterapkan sejak tahun 2014, tetapi belum telaksana secara maksimal. Hal ini disebabkan karena metode tersebut belum memiliki standar baku dalam pelaksanaannya, dan juga metode pembelajaran tatap muka secara konvensional belum bisa ditinggalkan secara utuh, karenanya terjadi tumpang tindih antara keduanya. Sehubungan dengan itu, pada penelitian ini dikembangkan sebuah model pembelajaran yang menggabungkan konsep pembelajaran konvensional dengan konsep E-Learning internet based yang disebut dengan Blended Learning. Model pembelajaran Blended Learning ini nantinya diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi atas permasalahan tersebut di atas, sehingga proses pembelajaran dapat terlaksana secara efektif. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian riset dan pengembangan (Research and Development/RnD) dengan luarannya adalah sebuah produk yaitu desain model pembelajaran. </em></p><p> </p>

2012 ◽  
pp. 22-42 ◽  
B. Abramovitz ◽  
M. Berezina ◽  
A. Berman ◽  
L. Shvartsman

In this chapter we present our work aimed at interweaving e-learning and face-to-face learning in Calculus courses for undergraduate engineering students. This type of blended learning (BL) contains the best properties of e-learning and face-to-face learning and helps overcome many obstacles in traditional teaching. We use our approach in order to improve students’ conceptual understanding of theorems. We describe online assignments specifically designed to help students better understand the meaning of a theorem. These assignments are given to students in addition to traditional lectures and tutorials with the objective that they can learn to learn on their own. Students “discover” the theorem and study it independently, by using a “bank” of examples and a lot of theoretical exercises we supply. The assignments are built in such a way that students receive feedback and instructions in response to their Web-based activity.

Pooja Shrivastav ◽  
Babaji Ghewade ◽  
Shweta Parwe ◽  
Devyani Dasar

Background: E – learning has been considered as one the most up-to-date learning techniques, which come with a slew of benefits like it allows worker to be trained, educated etc and negative aspect like dependence on technology, a lack of motivation, and a lack of human touch. Blended learning, on the other hand, is a mix of online and face-to-face learning. The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy of blended learning to traditional learning. Aim and Objectives: To study the effect of Blended learning method on Final year BAMS students in comparison with conventional teaching method to learn Shalyatantra. Methodology: The Final year BAMS students of MGAC.H & RC will be selected for the study and equally divided in two equal groups i.e A and B. ‘Kshar Karma’ will be taken as study topic. In Group A, topic will be taught by Conventional method while in Group B it will be taught by Blended learning method. Senior and experienced Shalyatantra faculty will be chosen. Sensitization of teacher and final year BAMS student regarding Blended learning method will be done. Total 70 students will be equally divided into two groups. Pretest (before commencing study) and posttest (after sessions) form consisting of 20 MCQ will be distributed and filled up by the participants.   Results: Result will be drawn on the basis of the observations. Conclusion: Conclusion of the study will be drawn on the basis of statistical data calculated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
Rahma Nur Praptiwi ◽  
Maria Nino Istia ◽  
Kristin Lukitaningrum

The existence of individuals with developmental and sensory disabilities (DIII MP-WNBK students) at the Jakarta State Polytechnic is a concern, especially when it is observed how they interact, the way they receive and attend lectures in class. So the situation that is completely online like this, becomes a challenge for them. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of distance education for MP-WNBK DIII students, and to explain efforts to improve their skills in accessing online lectures through the platform. This study uses an intervention method with a quantitative approach. The design of this research is a cross sectional study. The sample in this study was PS DIII MP-WNBK PNJ students. The number of samples taken as many as 76 students from a population of 92 students. The results of this study conclude that both lecturers and students enjoy using e-learning as a learning medium during distance learning. Learning with a high level of interaction is fun for both lecturers and students because it approaches face-to-face learning. Almost all students are able to use e-learning. E-learning is quite effective for distance learning.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Uwes Anis Chaeruman ◽  
Santi Maudiarti

Blended learning is not just simply combining online learning with face-to-face learning. It is dynamic and context dependent. It can be viewed from different contexts and perspectives. Different context has different needs and characteristics. It needs different blend of blended learning. But, blended learning has one same ultimate goal, i.e. to determine the most appropriate blend to make optimum learning experience occur. Recent literatures and studies showed that e-learning and blended learning are synonymous with synchronous and asynchronous learning. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual model of blended learning design and its definition viewed from the perspective of those learning setting. This conceptual model, called quadrant of blended learning. It consists of four quadrants, i.e.: 1) quadrant 1: live synchronous learning; 2) quadrant 2: virtual synchronous learning; 3) quadrant 3: collaborative asynchronous learning; and 4) quadrant 4: self-directed asynchronous learning. As a conceptual model, it is expected that it can provide framework and idea for instructional designers in designing effective blended learning strategies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 188-198 ◽  
Avinash Kumar

The purpose of this article is to evaluate how effective and efficient e-learning and blended learning is when compared with traditional face-to-face learning in orthodontic education. This article also provides a comparison between face-to-face learning, e-learning, and blended learning. An open PubMed literature search was done from 1980 to 2015, and a total of 23 relevant key articles were reviewed. Information emerging from studies in orthodontic education has indicated that e-learning classes are at least as good as and/or better than face-to-face classroom learning. Till date, only one study stated that the face-to-face conventional learning is better than e-learning. Two studies stated that blended approach using both traditional face-to-face learning and e-learning is the best method. In one study, the advantages of e-learning observed in the theoretical fields of orthodontics were not achieved in learning practical procedures for manual skills. Few studies found improvements in the efficiency of learning with e-learning program. Studies performed through questionnaires showed that student’s attitude and acceptance toward the use of e-learning was positive and favorable; however, blended learning was always rated high. Future research should be based on experiences of both faculty and student on a large scale for implementation of e-learning and blended learning in academic institutions. There is also need to provide professional development for faculty who will be teaching both in the physical and virtual environments.

Денис Андреевич Драндров ◽  
Герольд Леонидович Драндров

Ситуация с пандемией обострила необходимость более широкого применения дистанционных образовательных технологий в рамках системы смешанного обучения. Цель нашей работы заключается в раскрытии сущности и содержания понятия «смешанное обучение». Реферативный обзор отечественной и зарубежной научно-методической литературы показал, что смешанное обучение рассматривается исследователями по-разному: как система обучения, интеграция форм обучения, интеграция традиционного преподавания и онлайн-обучения, образовательная программа, педагогический подход. Мы полагаем, что специфика смешанного обучения не может быть сведена к своеобразию отдельных его элементов - только его содержания или методов и форм его организации. «Смешанное обучение» рассматривается нами как целостная педагогическая система, которая характеризуется качественным своеобразием содержания учебного материала, средств, методов и форм организации процесса его освоения и усвоения учащимися. Она интегрирует дидактические возможности традиционного очного обучения и электронного дистанционного обучения и предполагает активное участие учащегося в планировании, освоении и усвоении учебного материала, в применении знаний в практической деятельности, в контроле пути, времени, места, темпа и траектории обучения. The pandemic situation has exacerbated the need for greater use of distance learning technologies in blended learning. The purpose of our work is to reveal the essence and content of the concept of blended learning. An abstract review of domestic and foreign scientific and methodological literature showed that blended learning is considered by the researchers in different ways. They are learning system, integration of forms of education, integration of traditional teaching and online learning, educational program, pedagogical approach. We believe that the specifics of blended learning cannot be reduced to the originality of its specific elements: only its content, or methods and forms of its organization. Blended learning is considered by us as an integral pedagogical system, which is characterized by a qualitative originality of the content of educational material, tools, methods and forms of organization of the process of its development and assimilation by students. It integrates the didactic possibilities of traditional face-to-face learning and e-learning, involving the active participation of the student in the planning, development and assimilation of educational material; application of knowledge in practical activities, control of the path, time, place, pace and trajectory of learning.

Norasyikin Osman ◽  
Mohd Isa Hamzah

Learning with technology or e-learning has been taking place in all areas of education including in learning and teaching of Arabic language. Despite the widespread use of e-learning for Arabic language, in line with the current technological advancements, the role of face-to-face classroom interactions must not be neglected. Face-to-face learning and e-learning have their own strengths.  Hence, a combination of both elements in teaching and learning as afforded by blended learning may be an excellent choice. This study seeks to identify student readiness in learning Arabic language based on blended learning approach among students at university level.  The research took place at University Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Malaysia involving 248 students.  The students were asked to answer the distributed questionnaires.  The questionnaires used 1-5 points Likert scale which are strongly not agree, not agree, not sure, agree and strongly agree. The need analysis encompassed the presence of facilities supporting blended learning, the internet and e-learning literacy among students and their readiness to adopt blended learning. The findings highlight the important roles played by both the students and the institution in providing facilities needed to support blended learning. The findings also reported that the existing facilities are in a state of readiness for the implementation of blended learning. The institution provides wireless connection throughout the campus while 96% of the students own a laptop. In addition, students are also discovered to be internet-savvy besides displaying readiness to adopt blended learning. Further studies are recommended in exploring how to design and develop successful blended learning in teaching and learning Arabic language.

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