scholarly journals Knowledge, attitude and perception of Nigerian physiotherapists regarding ethics of professional practice

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Samuel O Bolarinde ◽  
Henry E. Mba

Background of the study: Physiotherapists in Nigeria renewed their practicing license annually through the regulatory body and are provided with the professional code of ethics which stipulate the appropriate conduct, behaviour to guild and regulate the practice of their profession however, the level of knowledge, attitude and application of the ethical guidelines by Nigerian physiotherapists need to be investigated. Aim of Study: This study assessed the knowledge, attitude and perception of Nigerian physiotherapists in relation to the ethics of their professional practice. Methodology: The cross-sectional study recruited 117 licenced Physiotherapists working in various health institutions in Nigeria. They were recruited for the study during the 2018 annual scientific conference of clinical and academic physiotherapists in Nigeria. Data on demographic, work experience, knowledge, attitude and perception of ethics of professional practise were obtained using a self-administered questionnaire. Data were summarized using a descriptive statistics of percentage and frequency distribution. Results: All the participants 117 (100%) had copies of code of ethics and oath of professional practise. 74.6% of participants had good knowledge of code of professional ethics while 25.39% had poor knowledge. Only 40.8% (48) of the respondents demonstrated good attitudes toward code of professional ethics. Similarly, only 43.4% (51) of the respondents demonstrated good attitude towards oath of professional practise. 57.0 % of the respondents have heard about ethical misconduct among colleagues while only 13.60% have been involved in ethical misconduct with respect to colleagues or patients. Greater proportion of the respondents (78.2%) considered ethics in physiotherapy as very important while 43.4% supported the introduction of physiotherapy ethics as a course to physiotherapy students in year three of their undergraduate training. Conclusion: Majority of Nigerian physiotherapists have good knowledge of professional code of ethics and oath of professional practise, however, their attitudes towards periodic updating their knowledge on code of ethics and professional oath remain poor. Clinical implication and recommendation: Ethical matter are very important to the practise of physiotherapy, however the poor attitudes of physiotherapy toward updating their knowledge on ethical matters calls for the need for the regulatory body and the professional association to organise seminars and workshops on ethics in physiotherapy and introduce pre-renewal test on ethics before annual licence renewal.

Yuliia Hryniuk

The scientific article presents a navigation scheme for guiding the principles of professional ethics of HR-managers according to the code of ethics approved by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). The content and professional and ethical guidelines for them are determined according to each of the principles, including: professional compliance, professional development, ethical leadership, impartiality and fairness, conflict of interest, use of information. In addition, a navigator of professional ethics standards has been formed, guided by specialists of recruitment agencies (recruitment managers or recruiters) in relation to clients of customers (individuals – job seekers and legal entities – employers), based on the analysis of large network and boutique recruitment sites of USA companies and codes of ethics for recruiters, developed by international recruitment associations, as well as independently supplemented by the author. In particular, the paper considers such professional standards as: absence of discriminatory manifestations in relation to the candidate at all stages of selection; ban on their enticement, including through the principle of practice “off-limits” (studied different approaches to the scale of its distribution, timing, obstacles to “closed access” for employment intermediaries, provided proposals to avoid conflicts of interest in its use); ensuring the confidentiality of information; constant communication with the customer company; providing the most reliable information to the candidate and the employer; consent from the candidate for the transfer of his personal data; inadmissibility of the offer of one candidate to several customers; refusal to cooperate with “unreliable” clients; prevention of informal relations between the specialist of the recruiting agency and the candidate. It was found that the development of a civilized recruitment market in Ukraine is hindered by the lack of consolidated, adapted to the domestic realities of the recruitment business and officially recognized by its representatives as professional standards of the code of ethics for recruiters.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Nur Asmi Rahmawati

This study was conducted to determine the effect of the application of case studies on knowledge of violations of the professional code of ethics in the IT field for students majoring in Mechanical Systems Automation. The research method used was an experiment with the design of "one shot case study". The study was conducted on students who program Professional Ethics courses majoring in Mechanical Systems Automation.  The results of this study indicate that the value of students after doing a case study has increased. This shows that the case study method in this learning is appropriate to use.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 343
Haingo Rabanirajona

One of the important professions in society is notary. This profession is a special profession because it is a public official in carrying out its duties which is bound by juridical norms and professional code of ethics. The notary code of ethics becomes a moral principle determined by the Indonesian Notary Association (INI) which is the basis for organizing or regulating the notary professional code of ethics in relation to many parties, which of course must be obeyed or obeyed by every member who is bound or binds himself/herself in the association (organization) that. The consequences as a member of this profession must be understood by a notary, because sourced from here, the dignity of the profession can be maintained. The position of the Notary which is urgent in human life makes the process of someone who wants to become an expert notary public important. Therefore, in notarial education, notary ethics should also be considered. So in this case it is emphasized that a professional education without education on responsibility and professional ethics is not complete. In the field of law, technical skills that ignore aspects relating to the responsibilities entrusted to him and his profession in general, as well as ethical values and measurements that must serve as guidelines in carrying out his profession.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Putu Purnama Dewi ◽  
Ni Putu Ayu Dea Novi Yanti

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pemahaman mahasiswa mengenai kode etik profesi terhadap pemilihan karir sebagai akuntan dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengakuan profesional dalam memoderasi hubungan pemahaman kode etik profesi tehadap pemilihan karir sebagai akuntan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa akuntansi yang sedang mengikuti pendidikan pasca sarjana magister akuntansi. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 95 orang dengan tehnik pengumpulan data melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada responden. Uji analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi moderasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman mahasiswa akuntansi yang sedang menempuh pendidikan pasca sarjana magister akuntan mengenai kode etik profesi berpengaruh positif terhadap pemilihan karir sebagai akuntan dan pengakuan profesional mampu memperkuat hubungan pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap kode etik akuntan dan pemilihan karir sebagai akuntan.Kata kunci: pemilihan karir, pemahaman kode etik profesi, pengakuan profesionalABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the effect of students' understanding of the professional code of ethics towards career selection as an accountant and to determine the effect of professional recognition in moderating the understanding of professional ethics code to the selection of careers as accountants. The populations in this study are accounting students who are studying post graduate master of accounting. The number of samples used counted 95 people with data collection techniques through the distribution of questionnaires to respondents. The analysis test used is moderation regression. The result of the analysis shows that the understanding of accounting students who are studying the post graduate master of accounting on professional code of ethics has a positive effect on career selection as an accountant and professional recognition is able to moderate the understanding of the students' understanding of the accountant's ethics code and career selection as an accountant. Keywords: career selection, understanding of professional code of ethics, professional recognition

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
Pipin Nur Janah

ABSTRAKHakim merupakan salah satu penegak hukum yang menurut Undang-Undang bertugas mengadili perkara di Pengadilan. Dalam Menjalankan Profesinya harus sesuai dengan aturan yang disebut juga dengan Kode Etik Hakim. Adanya ketentuan Kode Etik dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim diatur dalam Surat Keputusan Bersama (SKB) Nomor 047/KMA/SKB/IV/2009 dan Nomor 02/SKB/P.KY/IV/2009 tentang Kode Etik dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim yang menerangkan mengenai Kode etik yang harus di patuhi oleh hakim dan harus ada keefektifan dalam menajalankan profesinya. Walaupun terdapat kode etik, tidak menutut kemungkinan bahwa ada hakim yang nantinya lalai  yang kemudian melanggar kode etik profesi hakim itu sendiri. Dalam penerapan sanksinya pun harus sepadan dan sesuai dengan pelanggaran yang dilakukan. Artikel ilmiah ini menggunakan  metode penelitian  ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan hukum normatif atau penelitian kepustakaan. Sedangkan metode pengumpulan data dalam penulisan artikel ilmiah ini dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap pihak yang terkait.Kode etik tersebut menjadi suatu keefektifan tersendiri bagi hakim khususnya di Pengadilan Agama Bangkalan dalam menjalankan profesinya, dilihat dari hakim yang memang melaksanakan tugas dan wewenang sesuai dengan Kode Etik Profesi Hakim. Namun. apabila melanggar terdapat sanksi yang diberikan walaupun hakim juga termasuk salah satu penegak umum dilingkup Mahkamah Agung, sanksi yang diberikan berbeda-beda yakni sanksi ringan, sanksi sedang dan sanksi berat. Hal ini disesuaikan dengan ringan beratnya pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh hakim. Tidak ada sanksi pelaporan pelanggaran yang diajukan masyarakat Bangkalan ke Pengadilan Agama Bangkalan, hal ini membuktikan hakim dilingkup Pengadilan Agama Bangkalan mematuhi kode etik yang berlaku. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pengadilan Agama Bangkalan keefektifan dalam mengimplementasikan adanya Kode Etik Profesi sesuai dengan Pedoman memang benar-benar dipatuhi serta tidak ada sanksi pula yang dilanggar oleh Hakim yang ada di Pengadilan Agama Bangkalan.Kata Kunci : Hakim, Kode Etik, Efektivitas, Sanksi.  ABSTRACTThe judge is one of the law enforcers who according to the Law is tasked with hearing cases in the Court. In carrying out his profession must be in accordance with the rules, also called the Judges' Code of Ethics. The provisions of the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct for Judges are regulated in the Joint Decree (SKB) Number 047 / KMA / SKB / IV / 2009 and Number 02 / SKB / P.KY / IV / 2009 concerning the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct for Judges which explains the Code ethics that must be obeyed by the judge and there must be effectiveness in managing his profession. Even though there is a code of ethics, it does not undermine the possibility that there will be judges who will be negligent who then violate the professional code of justice itself. In applying the sanctions must be commensurate and in accordance with the violations committed. This scientific article uses this research method, the author uses a normative legal approach or library research. While the method of collecting data in writing scientific articles is by conducting interviews with related parties.The code of ethics has become a special effectiveness for judges, especially in the Bangkalan Religious Court in carrying out their profession, seen from judges who indeed carry out their duties and authority in accordance with the Professional Code of Ethics for Judges. However. if there is a sanction violated, even though the judge is also included as one of the general enforcers in the scope of the Supreme Court, the sanctions are different, namely mild sanctions, medium sanctions and severe sanctions. This is adjusted to the severity of the violations committed by the judge. There are no sanctions for reporting violations submitted by Bangkalan people to the Bangkalan Religious Court, this proves that judges in Bangkalan Religious Courts comply with the applicable code of ethics. So it can be concluded that the Bangkalan Religious Court's effectiveness in implementing the existence of the Professional Ethics Code in accordance with the Guidelines was really obeyed and there were no sanctions that were violated by Judges in the Bangkalan Religious Court.Keywords: Judge, Code of Ethics, Effectiveness, Sanctions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 212-226
Jolanta Pacian

Members of the pharmacists’ self-government can be held liable before pharmaceutical courts for conduct breaching the rules of professional ethics and deontology, and infringing legal regulations concerning the practice of the pharmacist’s profession. Thus, the basis of professional responsibility of pharmacists is generally similar to the rules of professional liability of doctors, nurses, and midwives. Nevertheless, certain significant differences can be noticed in the course of the proceedings. Such a difference occurs in the proceedings before the Supreme Pharmaceutical Court. The professional group of pharmacists cannot be indifferent to punishable acts because this would imply tacit consent to breach of legal provisions regulating the professional practice and the rules of professional ethics and deontology set forth in the Code of Ethics of the Polish Pharmacist. Therefore, it is crucial that pharmacists, who practise a profession of public trust, should take care of the appropriate status of their occupation in order to conduct properly their mission of serving the society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ahmad Yani ◽  
Taupiq Qurrahman

A code of ethics is a pattern of rules, procedures, signs, ethical guidelines when carrying out an activity / a job. The notary code of ethics is all moral principles that guide in carrying out the position of a notary, whether it applies to Notaries or other people who hold and carry out the position of notary public. The Indonesian Notary Association as the only forum for Notaries has a very important role in making rules and enforcing the professional code of ethics for Notaries, because one of the complementary tools in the Indonesian notary association is the presence of an Honorary Council. The Honorary Council upholds the code of ethics, dignity and dignity of the Notary, which is independent and free from partiality in carrying out its duties and authorities in the association. The objectives of this study are 1. What are the obligations and prohibitions against Notaries, 2. How is the Authority of the Honorary Council of the Indonesian Notary Association in Imposing Sanctions for Violation of the Notary's Code of Ethics in Indonesia. The methodology used in this research is normative juridical. The results of the discussion are: Notaries have obligations and prohibitions, both those regulated by law and those regulated by a code of ethics. If the notary violates the law, the notary has indirectly violated the code of ethics. However, notaries who violate the code of ethics do not necessarily violate the law. In addition, in upholding the code of ethics, the Central Honorary Council only has the authority to give warnings and proposals to the central management to make a temporary dismissal (schorsing) of association members who violate the code of ethics

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-30
Munwar Bagum ◽  
M. Ali Gardezi

The main purpose of this qualitative study was to explore and analyze the attitude of secondary school head teachers towards their teachers’ professional ethics perspective. To achieve the objectives, six head teachers (3 males and 3 females) and twenty teachers (10 males and 10 females) were conveniently selected as participants of the study from Multan city. The data were collected through a semi structured interview protocol carrying nine questions and seven focused group discussion questions after taking appointments from the participants. The tape-recorded interviews and discussions were transcribed and thereafter the researchers made thorough examination of data in order to gauge trends of respondents’ views. Furthermore, key ideas were identified, categorized and then condensed. The identified key ideas were codified and organized into themes. All the interviews were conducted in national language Urdu. Each interview lasted about 30-40 minutes. The researchers used the audio-tape for discussions but also took the written notes of the heads and their teachers. It was found that all teachers had positive attitude towards professional ethics. The study concluded that teachers who act more professionally and also aware of their duties, relatively observe teachers’ professional code of ethics both in and outside the class. It was recommended that, in order to enhance teachers’ knowledge of the professional code of ethics, there should be regular refresher courses programs in the form of seminars and workshops.  

2003 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 654-665 ◽  
Ellen Verpeet ◽  
Tom Meulenbergs ◽  
Chris Gastmans

Because of their responsibilities for providing high-quality care, at times when they are continuously confronted with inherent professional and ethical challenges, nurses should meet high ethical standards of practice and conduct. Contrary to other countries, where codes of ethics for nurses are formulated to support those standards and to guide nurses’ professional practice, Belgian nurses do not have a formal code of ethics. Nevertheless, professional ethics is recognized as an important aspect in legal and other professional documents. The aim of this article is to illustrate that codes of ethics are not the only professional documents reflecting nurses’ values, norms and responsibilities. Other documents can also set out professional nursing ethics, and as such replace codes of ethics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 71 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-10 ◽  
Terezinha Nunes da Silva ◽  
Maria Eliane Moreira Freire ◽  
Monica Ferreira de Vasconcelos ◽  
Sergio Vital da Silva Junior ◽  
Wilton José de Carvalho Silva ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective: to investigate nursing professionals' understanding concerning the Code of Ethics; to assess the relevance of the Code of Ethics of the nursing profession and its use in practice; to identify how problem-solving is performed when facing ethical dilemmas in professional practice. Method: exploratory descriptive study, conducted with 34 (thirty-four) nursing professionals from a teaching hospital in João Pessoa, PB - Brazil. Results: four thematic categories emerged: conception of professional ethics in nursing practice; interpretations of ethics in the practice of care; use of the Code of Ethics in the professional practice; strategies for solving ethical issues in the professional practice. Final considerations: some of the nursing professionals comprehend the meaning coherently; others have a limited comprehension, based on jargon. Therefore, a deeper understanding of the text contained in this code is necessary so that it can be applied into practice, aiming to provide a quality care that is, above all, ethical and legal.

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