scholarly journals Bacterial assessment of street-vended hog plum (Spondias mombin) and its public health importance

2016 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-26
A Siddiqu ◽  
S Nasrin ◽  
M Moonmoon ◽  
MA Islam ◽  
MM Khatun

To determine the microbial load of hog plum (Spondias mombin) (Local name Amra) sold by street vendors at Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) campus and Mymensingh city, samples of raw hog plum wash (n = 5), hand wash of vendors (n = 5), knife wash (n = 5) and stick wash (n = 5) were collected from five different hog plum vendors. Microbial quality of hog plums was assessed by total viable count (TVC), total coliform count (TCC) and total staphylococcal count (TSC). Samples were inoculated into Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) agar, MacConkey agar and Mannitol Salt (MS) agar. Identification of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli (E. coli) were confirmed by sugar fermentation and biochemical tests. TVC ranged from log 6.9 to 6.8 cfu/mL in raw hog plum wash, log 6.9 to 5.8 cfu/mL in vendors' hand wash, log 5.9 to 4.9 cfu/mL in stick wash and log 5.3 to 5.2 cfu/mL in knife wash samples. TCC of raw hog plum wash sample was log 3.4 to 2.3 cfu/mL and in vendors’ hand wash samples log 3.4 to 1.3 cfu/mL. TCC were not detected in stick and knife wash samples. TSC ranged from log 4.6 to 4.6 cfu/mL in raw hog plum wash, log 5.7 to 4.6 cfu/mL in vendors' hand wash, log 4.6 to 3.6 cfu/mL in stick wash and log 4.5 to 4.5 cfu/mL in knife wash samples. Staphylococcus aureus were sensitive to ciprofloxacin, gentamicin and vancomycin and resistant to ampicillin and cephalexin. E. coli were sensitive to ciprofloxacin and gentamicin and resistant to ampicillin, penicillin G and cephalexin. It is indicated that hog plum sold at BAU campus and Mymensingh city street harbour multidrug-resistant food-borne bacteria causing possible public health hazards.Bangl. vet. 2015. Vol. 32, No. 1, 19-26

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Asmita Shrestha ◽  
Rebanta Kumar Bhattarai ◽  
Himal Luitel ◽  
Surendra Karki ◽  
Hom Bahadur Basnet

Abstract Background The threat of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) exists globally and has been listed as a priority pathogen by the World Health Organization. One of the sources of MRSA emergence is livestock and its products, often raised in poor husbandry conditions. There are limited studies in Nepal to understand the prevalence of MRSA in dairy animals and its antimicrobial resistance (AMR) profile. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Chitwan, one of the major milk-producing districts of Nepal, from February 2018 to September 2019 to estimate the prevalence of MRSA in milk samples and its AMR profile. The collected milk samples (n = 460) were screened using the California Mastitis Test (CMT) and positive samples were subjected to microbiological analysis to isolate and identify S. aureus. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was used to identify the presence of the mecA gene and screen for MRSA. Results In total, 41.5% (191/460) of milk samples were positive in the CMT test. Out of 191 CMT positive milk samples, the biochemical tests showed that the prevalence of S. aureus was 15.2% (29/191). Among the 29 S. aureus isolates, 6.9% (2/29) were identified as MRSA based on the detection of a mecA gene. This indicates that that 1.05% (2/191) of mastitis milk samples had MRSA. The antibiotic sensitivity test showed that 75.9% (22/29) and 48.3% (14/29) S. aureus isolates were found to be sensitive to Cefazolin and Tetracycline respectively (48.3%), whereas 100% of the isolates were resistant to Ampicillin. In total 96.6% (28/29) of S. aureus isolates were multidrug-resistant (MDR). Conclusions This study revealed a high prevalence of S. aureus-mediated subclinical mastitis in dairy herds in Chitwan, Nepal, with a small proportion of it being MRSA carrying a mecA gene. This S. aureus, CoNS, and MRSA contaminated milk poses a public health risk due to the presence of a phenotype that is resistant to very commonly used antibiotics. It is suggested that dairy herds be screened for subclinical mastitis and treatments for the animals be based on antibiotic susceptibility tests to reduce the prevalence of AMR. Furthermore, future studies should focus on the Staphylococcus spp. to explore the antibiotic resistance genes in addition to the mecA gene to ensure public health.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 457-462 ◽  
Md Nuruzzaman Munsi ◽  
Nathu Ram Sarker ◽  
Razia Khatun ◽  
Mohammed Khorshed Alam

Cow’s milk containing pathogenic bacteria is an important threat to the consumers. The objectives of the present study were to identify the bacterial agents of public health importance in milk samples (n=35) of different locations and to determine their sensitivity to different antibiotics. The milk samples were collected and transported aseptically and subsequently allowed for culture in bacteriological media, Gram’s staining and biochemical tests for the identification of bacterial species. The bacteria identified were Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi, and their prevalence, in case of vendor milk specimens (n=28), were 96.43%, 53.57% and 35.71% respectively, and of brand milk specimens (n=7), were 42.86 %, 28.57% and 0%, respectively. This suggests that cautionary measures should be taken for quality milk production and consumption. The antibiotic sensitivity test was done by disc diffusion method and the average inhibition zones, in case of Staphylococcus aureus, were 32 mm for oxytetracycline, 26 mm for amoxicillin, 35 mm for ciprofloxacin, 27 mm for cefotaxime, 30 mm for ceftriaxone, 30 mm for azithromycin, and 26 mm for erythromycin; in case of Escherichia coli, were 5 mm for oxytetracycline, 9 mm for amoxicillin, 22 mm for ciprofloxacin, 30 mm for cefotaxime, 31 mm for ceftriaxone, 15 mm for azithromycin, and 0 mm for erythromycin; in case of Salmonella typhi., were 25 mm for oxytetracycline, 24 mm for amoxicillin, 38 mm for ciprofloxacin, 31 mm for cefotaxime, 34 mm for ceftriaxone, 24 mm for azithromycin, and 0 mm for erythromycin. Therefore, ciprofloxacin and ceftriaxone may be the antibiotics of first choice, and cefotaxime and azithromycin may be the second choice among the test antibiotics for the treatment of illness caused by these bacteria.Asian J. Med. Biol. Res. December 2015, 1(3): 457-462

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-26
Isa Shu’aibu ◽  
Habiba Abdullahi ◽  
S. Hanna Kadum ◽  
A. Jabir Hamza ◽  
Y. Kabiru Mustapha ◽  

In Africa, the use of poor and unhygienic methods for animal milking and milk processing that leads to spoilage of milk by microbes affects the production of milk and dairy products, especially in the small scale and local processing plants. This study was conducted to analyze the quality and safety of raw milk collected from six different towns in Kwami local government area of Gombe State, Nigeria. The samples were serially diluted using ten-fold dilution and used aliquot 1 ml to inoculate the appropriate media using pour plate technique. The total viable count for bacteria in CFU/ml on plate count agar (PCA) was highest in sample E from U/Anchau with an average of total viable count of 3.8x104 CFU/ml, followed by 3.0x104 CFU/ml in sample B (Dirri), then 2.8x104 CFU/ml in sample D from Burakosuma, 2.5x104 CFU/ml in sample F from Dun urji, 2.3x104 CFU/ml in sample C from Zanbe with least count from sample A at Bele as 1.8x104 CFU/ml. Five (5) bacterial species of public health importance were isolated and identified using biochemical tests namely; Enterobacter sp., Yersinia enterocolitica, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella sp.. Out of the organisms isolated, Enterobacter sp. had the highest occurrence of 93% (n=280), then Yersinia enterocolitica 90% (n=270), E. coli 70% (n=210), S. aureus 57% (n=170), and finally Salmonella sp. 23% (n=70). Based on the microbiological outcomes, preventive measures for milking and processing that focus on training of farmers and dairy employees for the improvement of the hygiene of local milk and dairy production chain should be defined.

1971 ◽  
Vol 69 (4) ◽  
pp. 673-681 ◽  
J. V. S. Pether ◽  
R. J. Gilbert

SUMMARYThe survival of salmonellas on the finger-tips is considered with reference to the ease with which they can be transferred to food by handling.Escherichia coli and several Salmonella serotypes were shown to survive on the finger-tips for various periods of time, for example, S. anatum could be recovered 3 hr. after artificially contaminating them with between 500 and 2000 organisms. S. anatum could also be recovered from the finger-tips after contaminating them with more than 6000 organisms followed by a 15 sec. hand-wash 10 min. later. Similarly, the survivors from minimal inocula of less than 100 S. anatum/finger-tip were, after 10 min., still capable of infecting samples of corned beef and ham. E. coli was isolated from the finger-tips of 13 of 110 butchers soon after they had left the meat line at a meat products factory, but was not detected on the finger-tips of 100 volunteers at the Central Public Health Laboratory.The implications of the present findings to the spread of salmonellas from raw to cooked foods, and the relevance of this to outbreaks of Salmonella infection in the general population and in hospitals, are discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-113
D.K. Adeyemi ◽  
A.O. Adeluola ◽  
M.J. Akinbile ◽  
O.O. Johnson ◽  
G.A. Ayoola

Background: Nanotechnology offers an advantage as a green route for synthesis of metal nanoparticles (NPs) with plant extracts as capping agent. Spondias mombin is a fruit-bearing tree and its leaf extracts have been reported to possess anxiolytic, hypoglycaemic, antiepileptic, antipsychotic, sedative, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. The objective of the study is to determine the antibacterial potential of a simple non-toxic product of green synthesis of metallic (Ag, Zn and Cu) nanoparticles using the leaf of Spondias mombin aqueous extracts (SMAE) as a reducing and capping agents of the metal ions.Methodology: Nanoparticles were characterized by UV visible spectrophotometeric analysis, Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FT-IR) spectrophotometer and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Antimicrobial activities of synthesized NPs against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were determined by agar well diffusion technique.Results: The synthesized NPs varied in colour from dark brown to green and appears dominantly spherical, occasionally rod or triangular shaped with size ranging from 65-90 nm. UV spectroscopy absorption spectra of Ag, Zn and Cu NPs had absorbance peak at 267, 262 and 765 nm respectively. FT-IR spectrometry of Zn NP, Cu NP, and SMAE gave wave number ranging from 895.71-3320.67, 747.02-3225.45 and 658.25-3674.49 respectively. FT-IR analysis showed that SMAE acted as reducing and stabilizing agent while the NPs exhibited lower energy absorption band when compared to the plant extract. The NPs demonstrated higher antimicrobial activities against S. aureus than Ps. aeruginosa and E. coli. The antimicrobial activity was higher with copper NP than Ag and Zn NPs, and also higher than SMAE.Conclusion: The result from this study presents an indication for an alternative means for development of novel antimicrobial agents for clinical and biotechnological applications.Keywords: synthesis, nanoparticles, FT-IR, UV-visible spectrophotometry, antibacterial activitiesFrench Title: Synthèse verte de nanoparticules d'Ag, de Zn et de Cu à partir d'extrait aqueux de feuilles de Spondias mombin et évaluation de leur activité antibactérienneContexte: La nanotechnologie offre un avantage en tant que voie verte pour la synthèse de nanoparticules métalliques (NP) avec des extraits de plantes comme agent de coiffage. Spondias mombin est un arbre fruitier et ses extraits de feuilles possèdent des propriétés anxiolytiques,  hypoglycémiques, antiépileptiques, antipsychotiques, sédatives,  antioxydantes et antimicrobiennes. L’objectif de l’étude est de déterminer le potentiel antibactérien d’un simple produit non toxique de synthèse verte de nanoparticules métalliques (Ag, Zn et Cu) à l’aide de la feuille d’extraits aqueux de Spondias mombin (SMAE) en tant qu’agent réducteur et coiffant de la ions métalliques.Méthodologie: Les nanoparticules ont été caractérisées par analyse  spectrophotométrique UV visible, spectrophotomètre à transformée de Fourier infrarouge (FT-IR) et microscope électronique à balayage (MEB). Lesactivités antimicrobiennes de NP synthétisées contre Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus et Pseudomonas aeruginosa ont été déterminées par une technique de diffusion sur puits d’agar.Résultats: Les NP synthétisés ont une couleur allant du brun foncé au vert et apparaissent principalement sphériques, parfois en bâtonnets ou en triangles, avec des tailles allant de 65 à 90 nm. Les spectres  d'absorption par spectroscopie UV des NP Ag, Zn et Cu présentaient des pics  d'absorbance à 267, 262 et 765 nm respectivement. La spectrométrie FT-IR de Zn NP, Cu NP et SMAE a donné un nombre d'onde allant de 895,71 à 3320,67, 747,02 à 3225,45 et 658,25 à 3674,49 respectivement. L'analyse FT-IR a montré que le SMAE agissait en tant qu'agent réducteur et  stabilisant, alors que les NP présentaient une bande d'absorption d'énergie inférieure à celle de l'extrait de plante. Les NP ont démontré des activités antimicrobiennes plus élevées contre S. aureus que Ps. aeruginosa et E. coli. L'activité antimicrobienne était plus élevée avec les NP en cuivre que dans les NP Ag et Zn, et également supérieure à celle du SMAE.Conclusion: le résultat de cette étude présente une indication d'un autre moyen de développement de nouveaux agents antimicrobiens pour des applications cliniques et biotechnologiques.Mots-clés: synthèse, nanoparticules, FT-IR, spectrophotométrie UV-visible, activités antibactériennes 

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Nur Illiyyin Akib ◽  
Mariani Triwatami ◽  
Andi Eka Purnama Putri

Background: Eucheuma spinosum seaweed contain flavonoid, triterpenoid, alkaloids and polyphenol which has been widely used in antibacterial activity. Purpose(s):The aim of the research are to determine antibacterial activities of metanol extracts of E. spinosum against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922; to formulate hand wash of seaweed of methanol extract E. spinosum that has antibacterial activity and has physical and chemical stability. Methods: Seaweed E.spinosum methanol extract was derived by maceration method. Antibacterial activities of the extract were tested by liquid dilution and solid dilution method. Hand wash was formulated by mechanical dissolved methods. Antibacterial activity of hand wash were tested by liquid dilution and solid dilution method. Physical and chemical stabilities were conducted by cycling test. Results:. These were showed through minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of ethanol extracts of E. spinosum against S. aureus ATCC 25923 at concentrations of 6% and E. coli ATCC 25922 at concentrations of 6%. The minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of ethanol extracts of E. spinosum against S. aureus ATCC 25923 at concentrations of 8% and E. coli ATCC 25922 at concentrations of 8%. Formulation of hand wash seaweed E. spinosum methanol extract at concentrations of 8% and 10%. The test of stabilities results of hand wash changes were organoleptic, viscosity, pH, and foaming ability were accordance to qualified standard. The antibacterial activity of hand wash contains seaweed E. spinosum methanol extract at concentration of  8% and 10% have bactericidal activity againts S. aureus ATCC 25923 and E. coli ATCC 25922. Conclusion: Overall, these results suggested that formula of hand wash contains E. spinosum metanol extracts have antibacterial properties against S. aureus ATCC 25923 and E. coli ATCC 25922.Keywords: antibacterial, Eucheuma spinosum, hand wash, physical and chemical stability Latar Belakang: Rumput laut Eucheuma spinosum mengandung flavonoid, triterpenoid, alkaloid, dan polifenol yang memiliki aktivitas antibakteri. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak metanol E. spinosum terhadap Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922; membuat sediaan sabun cuci tangan dari ekstrak metanol E. spinosum yang memiliki aktivitas antibakteri dan stabil secara fisika dan kimia. Metode: Ekstrak metanol E. spinosum diperoleh dengan metode maserasi. Uji aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak dilakukan dengan metode dilusi cair dan dilusi padat. Sabun cuci tangan diformulasi dengan metode pencampuran mekanik. Uji aktivitas antibakteri sabun cuci tangan dilakukan dengan metode dilusi cair dan dilusi padat. Uji stabilitas fisika kimia dilakukan dengan metodecycling test. Hasil: Konsentrsi Hambat Minimum (KHM) ekstrak metanol E. spinosum terhadap S. aureus ATCC 25923 adalah 6% dan terhadap E. coli ATCC 25922 adalah 8%. Ekstrak metanol E. spinosum dapat diformulasi menjadi sabun cuci tangan dengan konsentrasi 8% dan 10%. Uji stabilitas menunjukkan bahwa perubahan organoleptik, viskositas, pH, dan kemampuan membentuk busa masih berada dalam nilai yang dipersyaratkan. Uji aktivitas antibakteri sabun cuci tangan yang mengandung ekstrak metanol E. spinosum dengan konsentrasi 8% dan 10% memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap ATCC 25923 and E. coli ATCC 25922. Simpulan: Formula sabu cuci tangan yang mengandung ekstrak metanol E. spinosum memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap ATCC 25923 and E. coli ATCC 25922.Kata kunci: antibakteri, Eucheuma spinosum, sabun cuci tangan, stabilitas fisika kimia

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 223-233
I.H. Igbinosa ◽  
C. Chiadika

Background: Most Escherichia coli strains are harmless commensals, but some serotypes can cause serious food poisoning in their hosts, and are infrequently responsible for product recalls due to food contamination. The present study was carried out to determine the occurrence of E. coli O157:H7 and other E. coli strains from raw and fermented (nono) milk in Benin City, Nigeria.Methodology: A total of 66 (33 raw and 33 nono) milk samples were obtained from retailers from 3 different stations in Aduwawa market, Benin City, Nigeria between January and June, 2017. Samples were analysed by cultural methods for faecal coliforms using M-Fc agar, E. coli using Chromocult coliform agar, and E. coli O157:H7 using sorbitol MacConkey agar supplemented with cefixime and potassium tellurite. Presumptive E. coli andE. coli O157:H7 isolates were confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay using specific primers. Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of confirmed isolates was performed using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method, with zones of inhibition interpreted according to the guidelines of Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Data were  analysed using the SPSS version 21.0.Results: From the 66 nono and raw milk samples assessed in this study, all (100%) were phenotypically positive for E. coli O157:H7. A total of 19 E. coli O157:H7 and 41 other strains of E. coli were confirmed by PCR. The resistance profile of the 19 E. coli O157:H7 isolates showed 100% (19/19) resistance to penicillin G and ampicillin; 94.7% (18/19) to chloramphenicol; 89.5% (17/19) to erythromycin; and 78.9% (15/19) to sulfamethoxazole and oxytetracycline, while the sensitivity profile showed that 100% (19/19) E. coli O157:H7 isolates were sensitive to gentamicin and ofloxacin. The resistance profile of other 41 E. coli isolates showed 100% (41/41) resistance to penicillin G and ampicillin; 97.6% (40/41) to chloramphenicol; and 92.7% (38/41) to erythromycin, while 97.6% (40/41) were sensitive to  gentamicin and kanamycin. Ten E. coli O157:H7 isolates (52.6%) showed extensive drug resistance pattern to 11 antibiotics in 7  antimicrobial classes with multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) index of 0.46.Conclusion: Findings from the present study clearly indicated that the safety and quality of fresh and fermented milk were not satisfactory and could be of public health concern. Key words: Nono, Escherichia coli; Pathotypes, Resistance index, Public health, Milk

Ezekiel Green ◽  
Abongile Pekana

Background: Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) occasionally threatens the life of the host as a persistent pathogen even though it is normal flora of humans and animals. We characterized drug resistance in S. aureus isolated from animal carcasses and milk samples from the abattoirs and dairy farms in the Eastern Cape Province. Methods: A 1000 meat swab samples and 200 raw milk samples were collected from selected abattoirs and dairy farms in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. S. aureus was isolated and positively identified using biochemical tests and confirmed by molecular methods. Antibiotic susceptibility test against 14 different antibiotics was performed against all isolates. Antibiotic resistance genes were also detected. Results: Of the 1200 samples collected, 134 (11.2%) samples were positive for S. aureus. Resistance ranged from 71.6% for penicillin G to 39.2% for tetracycline. Resistance gene (blaZ) was detected in 13 (14.9%), while msrA was found in 31 (52.5%) of S. aureus isolates. Conclusions: The present result shows the potential dissemination of multidrug-resistant S. aureus strains in the dairy farms and abattoirs in the Eastern Cape. Therefore, this implies that the organism may rapidly spread through food and pose serious public health risk

2019 ◽  
Vol 69 (4) ◽  
pp. 1297 ◽  
F. Mebkhout ◽  
L. Mezali ◽  
T. M. Hamdi ◽  
Z. Cantekin ◽  
Y. Ergun ◽  

This study is aimed to determine the prevalence of staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus) by biochemical tests in poultry carcasses. It is also intend to detect the distribution of genes for classical staphylococcal enterotoxins A, B, C, D and E (sea, seb, sec, sed and see) and for gene femA, specific for S.aureus species, using multiplex PCR. A total of 385 samples of neck skins from fresh poultry carcasses were collected during the period 2012-2013 from 16 different slaughterhouses located in the region of Algiers, Algeria. The overall prevalence of S.aureus in freshly slaughtered poultry carcasses was 41.56%, with an individual prevalence of 40.63% and 45.71% for chicken and turkey respectively. From the 95 strains of S.aureus identified by biochemical tests, 82 (86.32%) isolates were femA positive using multiplex PCR. The investigation has also revealed the presence of both enterotoxins B and D, with a predominance of seb (13.33%) followed by sed (1.67%), in the chicken carcasses while in turkey only sed was detected (4.55%) It has been found that strains of S.aureus of poultry origin can be enterotoxigenic with the predominance of genes encoding for enterotoxins seb in chicken and sed in turkey. As enterotoxins can be produced in adequate amounts to induce foodborne illnesses, these potential dangers must be considered in terms of a real risk to public health.

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