scholarly journals Essays on the historical formation of orthodontics as a university discipline in Lviv in the 19th-20th centuries

2020 ◽  
Vol 102 (3) ◽  
pp. 82
V. Makeev ◽  
V. Grinovets ◽  
О. Petrishin ◽  

Summary. The development of the University School of Orthodontics within the framework of the science of odontology began in Lviv in the early 19th century. The science of orthodontics was taught as a subject at the Faculty of Medicine of Lviv University. Medical students studied the basics of the formation of mixed dentition in children and the influence on the formation of permanent occlusion with the possibilities of prosthetics of that time. Formation of orthodontics as a modern branch in dentistry began in the middle of the twentieth century, to which the scientists mentioned in this article joined. From that time until today, the departments of dentistry at the Danylo Halytsky National Medical University provide training for students, and at the present level scientific work is being conducted which creates an opportunity to improve this specialty.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-20 ◽  
Albina Fejza ◽  
Fatjeta Maraj ◽  
Hajrullah Fejza

Background: Smoking is a common habit among the population in Kosovo. In the country, smoking occurs in public places, health and educational institutions despite being prohibited by law. Our objective was to describe smoking habits, knowledge and attitudes among medical students from all departments in the University of Prishtina, Faculty of Medicine. Methods: The present study followed the Global Health Professions Student Survey (GHPSS) standardized methodology including data processing procedures. A self-administered questionnaire used was derived from the GHPSS. A total of 600 students were invited in the study while 470 returned questionnaires and participated in the study. Descriptive statistics were used to present the data. The Fisher’s exact test was used to test the significance and a p-value<0.05 was considered significant. Results: The prevalence rate of smoking among students was 16.9% (95% CI 13.2-20). Current smokers were 79 students, 28.2 % males, and 7.7 % females. The study showed that 55.5% of students smoke less than a pack of cigarettes per day. Almost half of them (47.6%) who smoke reported to have a smoker inside the family.  This study also revealed that 74.7% of respondents smoke in the presence of non-smokers on daily bases. Conclusion: Despite threating their own health, smokers also cause noxiousness to the society and medical students should be role models for the others by not smoking. Even though the percentage doesn’t show a high rate of smokers in Medical University of Prishtina, still we need to pay attention to bad smoking habits and try to lower even more the percentage of smokers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 120 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-3
Anastasiia Hrynzovska

Annually in the fall at the National Medical University named after A.A. Bogomolets is hosting the Annual Young Medical Scientist's Conference (AYMSConf). This is a multidisciplinary conference targeting young scientists who are striving to show their potential. The organizers are the A.A. Kisel with the support of the departments of the university and administration of the NMU A.A. Bogomolets.

M. М. Tkachenko

Purpose. To summarize historical data on the formation and development of Radiology Department of O.O. Bogomolets National Medical Univer­sity. Material. The paper deals with the analysis of publicly available litera­ture sources and archival data concerning the history of Radiology Depar­ment, establishing scientific school of development of methodological ap­proaches to teaching Radiology at the university.

2014 ◽  
Vol 18 (3 (71)) ◽  
S. V. Konovalov ◽  
O. V. Bohomaz

The article generalizes the experience of Physiology teaching to foreign students at Pirogov Vinnytsia National Medical University according to credit-module system. The academic performance results of international medical students (with Russian as a medium of teaching) at the Normal Physiology department for six-year period (2008-2013) were analyzed.

B. O. Pereviznyk ◽  
N. A. Dzhavadova ◽  
O. V. Pokryshko

Summary. SARS-CoV-2 became a global pandemic challenge for billions of people by reaching people of diffe­rent nationalities and age groups. Ukraine lists 80470 foreign students who are enrolled into university studies. Ternopil National Medical University (TNMU) includes 2414 foreign students who are enrolled in university studies with the biggest majority of Indian students. The aim of the study – to assess the incidence of COVID-19 in students and identify the possible predisposing factors for disease appearance among the foreign students of TNMU. Materials and Methods. The study included 641 medical students of TNMU from different countries. The questionnaire included 8 questions to evaluate the presence of risk factors among TNMU foreign students and identify the percentage of students who were already exposed to COVID-19. Results. The amount of students that proved PCR-confirmed COVID-19 infection since the start of the pandemic equaled 7.17% (n=46). An evident contact with COVID-19 case prior to the personal disease appearance was proved by only 11.85 % of students (n=76). PCR-confirmed ca­ses in families of TNMU foreign medical students equaled 14.35% (n=92).  Conclusions. General incidence of COVID-19 among foreign students of TNMU is low. It is influenced by multiple factors including healthy lifestyle, small amount of smokers, and absence of chronic respiratory problems, current lockdown measures, good physical and mental health status.

2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (6) ◽  
pp. 104-111
I.M. Kovalchuk ◽  
M.Ya. Savytska ◽  

The historical outline of the Physiology Department in the Medical Faculty of Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University (LNMU) dedicated to the 125 years anniversary is presented. The department was founded by Adolf Beck at 1895. Professor Beck was not merely a scholar, with first-rate credentials for having developed methods for the study of the cerebral cortex and neurophysiology, but also a man of great personal courage. Adolf Beck also worked in fields of general physiology, such as visceral and sensory function and laboratory medicine. He also arranged a local physiological society and the Institute of Physiology of the university. He did not receive the Nobel Prize despite being nominated several times. His followers Wiktor Tychowski, Mechyslav Wierzuchowski, were next heads of Physiology Department of LNMU in the interwar time. The impact of Anatoliy Vorobjev, Yakiv Sklayrov, Eugen Panasuk in Physiology and on the development Physiology Department in second half of 20th century is presented. The modern achievement of the Lviv Physiological School is described too.

Bioethics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-27
V. V. Shkarin ◽  
A. D. Donika ◽  
P. R. Yagupov ◽  

The article discusses the long-term experience of humanitarian education and the formation of moral values of the medical profession at the Volgograd State Medical University. It is considered the activities of the University for development of professional and scientific research competencies of students in the interdisciplinary field of medical and social sciences. The material of scientific research conducted by students shows the process of internalization by them of humanistic models of healing, experience of empathy and compassion, internalization of bioethics and medical law. The article substantiates the conclusion that the practice of educational and scientific work in the field of bioethics, the productive collaboration of teachers of humanitarian and medical disciplines, successful publishing, active participation in all international scientific and educational events in the field of biomedical ethics and healthcare law, allows us to recommend the experience of Volgograd State Medical University as a model for the formation of the social and humanitarian space of medical education for a university s of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Aleksandr Ya. Ivanyushkin ◽  
Ivan E. Smirnov ◽  
Ivan A. Ivanyushkin ◽  
Andrey P. Fisenko

The article deals with bioethics’ problems in medical students’ training through the prism of the philosophy of education, which was formed in the middle of the XX century when the humanitarian-anthropological turn in philosophy was formed. The term “bioethics “was first used in 1970 by W.R. Potter, who proposed the concept of “bioethics” to refer to a complex interdisciplinary knowledge, the goal of which is the survival of humankind. As an independent discipline, bioethics is taught in the first years of the medical university. It is this course of bioethics in medical universities that can be called “propaedeutics of bioethics.” This is due to the fact theoretical bioethics to be studied in the context of philosophy, when the student is given the opportunity to adequately interpret philosophical abstractions in bioethics, and applied, often very acute and complex problems of bioethics are studied in the senior courses of the university and in the system of postgraduate education, when future doctors master medical bioethics in the courses of resuscitation, transplantology, medical genetics, psychiatry, etc. The professional knowledge and culture of the doctor were shown to be not identical to his humanism. In this regard, the need for the integration of humanitarian and clinical disciplines in Russian higher medical schools is emphasized. At the same time, numerous concepts and principles of bioethics serve as universal mechanisms for “fitting” modern man and his life world into the totality of life, which allows us to speak of bioethics as universal ethics.

2021 ◽  
pp. 144-149
О. І. Bulbuk ◽  
G. G. Shulepa ◽  
О. V. Bulbuk ◽  
H. S. Hvozdetska ◽  
V. G. Glovyak

June 6. 2019, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine implemented the Law "Professional preliminary Education". The law defines the procedure, conditions, forms and features of obtaining professional preliminary education and regulates social relationships, that arise in the process of realization of the constitutional human rights on education, rights and responsibilities of individuals and legal entities that take places in the realization of this rights, as well as competence of governmental agencies and local self-government agencies in the field of professional preliminary education. The new mission of professional preliminary education has aimed to bring it on the new level, change people’s attitudes to this education and provide the labor market with certain specialists.   Nowadays, from successful implementation of the declared provisions of the law determines whether a professional junior bachelor will become competitive and in demand in the labor market. Implementation of the law is in a full swing. Currently, in realization the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 24.09.2019 №1228 "On approval of the action plan for the preparation of draft acts necessary to ensure the implementation of the Law of Ukraine of 6 June 2019 № 2745-VIII "professional preliminary education". The implementation of the law "Professional preliminary Education" at Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University began with bringing up documentation in line with the law. By the rector’s order of IFNMU №94 from January 31. 2020, the type of college was changed to "professional medical college". During the conference, IFNMU staff agrees to the changes that were made to the Statute of the University regarding the name "professional medical college". The rector’s order of IFNMU № 1363-d on November 25.2020 approved the "Regulations on the professional medical college of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University". Basic questions of the college functioning (general provisions, concept of educational activity, powers of the university, volume of fixed assets, powers of governing agencies and public self-government agencies; procedure for electing representatives to public self-government agencies; rights and responsibilities of the head of professional medical college; funds and property of a professional medical college, the order of reporting and control over the implementation of financial and economic activities) approved in this regulations. According to this thesis, the professional medical college is a structural subdivision of the university, which carries out educational activities under the educational and professional programs of training junior bachelors (junior specialists). Also in November 2020, the following documents regulates the activities of the college came into act: "Regulations on the cycle commission of the professional medical college IFNMU", "Regulations on the branch of the professional medical college of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University", "Regulations on certification of pedagogical workers in the college of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University","Regulations on the pedagogical council of the professional medical college of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University","Regulations on the organization of the educational process in the professional medical college of IFNMU". The important step in the implementation of the law will be the development of new educational professional programs for professional junior bachelors. Realizing a systemic reform in the field of professional preliminary education, aimed to achieve educational needs of citizens in obtaining quality education with a focus on practical activities and become an urgent need.

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