scholarly journals Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Kiddy Learning Binder Bagi Guru Paud

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Ulfa Yuliasari ◽  
Rista Dwi Permata

Abstract: Through a workshop and coaching  to make learning media, Kiddy Learning Binder aims to increase the knowledge and skills of early childhood teachers in making educative props in Pusaka KB/TK and Harapan Bangsa Kindergarten at Kecamatan Tuban Kabupaten Tuban. Kiddy Learning Binder is an educational teaching aid to intended as a media learning which to be easy in the process of teaching and learning activities. Based on the problem, according to the survey results obtained in the field that the learning media in PAUD institutions are still minimum, and most of skills PAUD teachers are lack to make learning media, they more often bought the learning media than innovate to make their own . The solution to this problem was solved by providing workshop to make Kiddy Learning Binder learning media in Pusaka KB/TK and Harapan Bangsa Kindergarten. The implementation phase of workshop and coaching begins with observation and permission to get society service partners. Next, identify the initial abilities and then implementation by providing material/theory explanations and conducting training practices, and finally the monitoring and evaluation stage by measuring the success of the media that has been made through the training provided.     Keywords: educative props; kiddy learning binder; media learning Abstrak: Melalui pendampingan dan pelatihan pembuatan media pembelajaran Kiddy Learning Binder ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru PAUD dalam membuat alat peraga edukatif di KB/TK Pusaka dan TK Harapan Bangsa Kecamatan Tuban Kabupaten Tuban. Kiddy Learning Binder merupakan alat peraga edukatif yang diperuntukkan sebagai media pembelajaran yang memudahkan proses kegiatan belajar mengajar. Didasarkan pada permasalahan, sesuai hasil survei yang diperoleh di lapangan bahwa media pembelajaran pada lembaga PAUD tersebut masih minim, serta sebagian besar guru PAUD kurang mempunyai keterampilan dalam membuat media pembelajaran, mereka lebih sering untuk membeli media pembelajaran daripada berinovasi untuk membuat sendiri. Solusi permasalahan ini dipecahkan dengan memberikan pelatihan pembuatan media pembelajaran Kiddy Learning Binder di KB/TK Pusaka dan TK Harapan Bangsa Kecamatan Tuban Kabupaten Tuban. Tahap pelaksanaan pendampingan dan pelatihan diawali dari observasi dan perijinan untuk mendapatkan mitra pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Selanjutnya, mengidentifikasi kemampuan awal lalu pelaksanaan dengan memberikan penjelasan materi/teori dan melakukan praktek pelatihan, serta yang terakhir tahap monitoring dan mengevaluasi dengan mengukur keberhasilan media yang telah dibuat melalui pelatihan yang diberikan. Kata kunci: alat peraga edukatif; kiddy learning binder; media pembelajaran

Gunahumas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-50
Aceng Cucu Bunyamin ◽  
Dewi Rika Juita ◽  
Noer Syalsiah

AbstrakMedia Pembelajaran merupakan bagian penting dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar. Karena dengan penggunaan  media, peserta didik akan dapat lebih bisa menyerap dan memahami materi yang disampaikan didalam maupun diluar kelas. Media terbagi kedalam berbagai jenis, antara lain media cetak yaitu; buku,  modul, LKS, dan juga media elektronik yaitu; video, audio, presentasi multimedia dan juga bisa menggunakan konten daring atau online. Untuk mengukur sejauh mana keberhasilan kegiatan belajar mengajar didalam kelas, guru melakukan evaluasi. Bentuk evaluasi tersebut bisa bermacam-macam. Diantaranya bisa berupa kuiz, presentasi individu atau kelompok, test tertulis dan juga menggunakan media kahoot yaitu dengan cara memasukkan soal pilihan ganda ke aplikasi kahoot yang  menggunakan fasilitas internet agar dapat terkoneksi lewat  handphone atau laptop peserta didik  untuk dapat  langsung  menjawab kuis yang disajikan oleh  pendidik.  Peserta  didik  bisa melihat hasilnya secara langsung dengan urutan peringkat. Ada dua tipe dalam menggunakan kahoot yaitu klasik dan mode. Media kahoot di gunakan sebagai variasi dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar, dikarenakan peserta didik butuh pembelajaran yang tidak monoton dan guru pun lebih bisa menggunakan media kahoot ini untuk menunjang pembelajarannya didalam kelas, sehingga anak lebih termotivasi dalam belajar dan merasa senang ketika proses kegiatan belajar mengajar sedang berlangsung. Kata kunci: Media Kahoot, Media pembelajaran berbasis game, variasi pembelajaran AbstractLearning Media is an important part in the process of teaching and learning activities. Because with the use of media, students will be able to better absorb and understand the material delivered inside and outside the classroom. The media is divided into various types, including print media, namely; books, modules, worksheets, and also electronic media namely; video, audio, multimedia presentations and can also use online or online content. To measure the extent of the success of teaching and learning activities in the classroom, the teacher evaluates. The form of evaluation can vary. Among them can be in the form of quizzes, individual or group presentations, written tests and also using kahoot media by entering multiple choice questions into the kahoot application that uses internet facilities so that they can be connected via students' cellphones or laptops to be able to directly answer quizzes presented by educators. Learners can see the results directly with the ranking order. There are two types of using kahoot namely classic and fashion. The media of kahoot is used as a variation in teaching and learning activities, because students need learning that is not monotonous and the teacher is more able to use this kahoot media to support their learning in the classroom, so that children are more motivated in learning and feel happy when the teaching and learning process is underway .  Keywords: Kahoot Media, Game-based learning media, learning variation

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-150
Sukron Ma'mun

The lecture method is one of the methods that are often used by teachers in teaching and learning activities. This method is a method that is easy to implement and also cheap, because without the media and infrastructure it can be done. Some people underestimate this method and some even argue that it is outdated and left behind. According to the author's observations, this method remains relevant in any situation and condition, especially if a teacher is someone who is proficient in communicating and understanding the psychological condition and level of ability of the students he or she faces. The point is khootibunnaasa 'alaa qodri uqulihim (speak to humans according to their level of knowledge). The writing of this article uses the library research method, namely by digging and reviewing the literature that is related to the theme of writing this article. The results of the study and the author's study related to this lecture learning method are still very relevant and effective, especially during this covid-19 pandemic. By taking into account the following points; first, a teacher understands the science of communication well, second, understands the psychological condition of the audience/students, third, is able to touch students' emotions, fourth, includes elements of humor and is good at telling stories, fifth, is able to use social media and technology well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-74
Pipin Nur Anggraini ◽  
Ratih Asmarani

In the implementation of learning activities that occur at SD Plus Pesantren Al-Anwar, problems when implementing learning activities, among others, are the media used are not supportive, teachers use learning resources in the form of books and have not used certain learning media. This is the cause of students tend to be passive in learning activities. When learning theme 3 sub-theme 2 learning 2 in class IV the teacher uses image media in teaching and learning activities, making students less understanding of the material. As a result, students are less interested in teaching and learning activities. This research was conducted in class IV, which consisted of 20 students. In the development research that has been carried out, it is expected to be able to provide a good influence for students, the Fun Thinkers book media is to foster student learning activities and achievements and must use media that can foster student interest in learning so that they are enthusiastic in undergoing the learning process. Research using the ADDIE model which passes through 5 stages.

Jukka Orava ◽  
Pete Worrall

This paper examines the professional implications for teachers and managers in new and evolving forms of professional development using Web 2.0 tools in a European context. Research findings are presented from the “Creative Use of Media” learning event developed through a European eTwinning Learning Lab initiative in spring of 2009. The Creative use of the Media online learning event supported a series of initiatives celebrating the European Year of Creativity and Innovation and involved 135 participants from 27 countries. The key objective was to introduce a range of learning themes constructed around a phenomenon-based inquiry model, which supported interdisciplinary approaches and collaborative online learning methodologies to stimulate new teaching and learning rationales. Digital Web 2.0 technology was used as an independent creative medium and as a powerful facilitating tool to enhance and blend with the more traditional forms of visual, audiovisual and multimedia inquiry. In developing models encapsulating risk taking and experimentation this online learning project supported a general principle that future education models and professional development would be based on social learning and “customer-driven collaborative knowledge building” in relation to open source materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-220
Rudi Muhamad Barnansyah Rudi

Learning media is one of the things that can help the process of learning activities, but the media can also be a tool that does not support the smooth learning process, internet-based learning media is one of the infrastructures that can be used especially with today's era where everything is very easy to access. especially internet-based media which at this time have been widely used as learning materials or media that can support teaching skills for teachers or prospective teachers during the current COVID-19 pandemic, where teachers are required to be as creative as possible in providing media that will be used in teaching and learning activities. learning activities, the purpose of this research is to find out from the implementation of learning media in learning skills for students who are taking courses in Media and Learning Technology in which students especially prospective teachers must be able to adapt to the times with developments and technology. The research method used is descriptive qualitative media, where this method is to determine the extent of student knowledge in implementing a learning media on teaching skills, for the presence of researchers in this study is as an observer who designs learning activities or actions taken together with the team. The research model is a member of the research team, namely the lecturer of Islamic Religious Education. The research was carried out at the State University of Jakarta during the even semester lectures for the 2020/2021 academic year from March to July 2021. The subjects of this research were students in the PAI study program. The focus of this research is to find out the implementation of the usefulness of learning media during the covid-19 pandemic in teaching skills.

Vidya Karya ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 178
Hartini Hartini

Abstract. Currently, there are more teachers who only use textbooks as the only medium of teaching and learning. For this reason, an alternative solution is needed by developing Microsoft PowerPoint as a teaching and learning medium. The objectives of the study are to develop positive attitudes and generate teachers’ interest in the use of informatics education media into teaching and learning activities. The research used school action research method conducted in 2 cycles. The data was analyzed by using percentage technique and was qualitatively descripted. The results showed that the performance of teachers in teaching by making, presenting material using the media presentation of MicrosoftPowerPoint in SMAN 1 Banjarmasin is categorized as active and very good. The lowest score for the assessment of teaching activities is 59 (81.94%) and the highest is 70 (97.22%). While the lowest value for the assessment of manufacture and presentation is 52 (86.66) and the highest is 60 (100%).  Keywords: teacher performance, presentation media, Microsoft PowerPoint  Abstrak. Saat ini masih banyak guru yang hanya menggunakan buku pelajaran sebagai satu-satunya media pembelajaran. Untuk itu perlu alternatif pemecahan masalah dengan mengembangkan Microsoft PowerPoint sebagai media pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sikap positif dan membangkitkan minat guru terhadap penggunaan media pendidikan informatika ke dalam kegiatan proses belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan sekolah dengan 2 siklus. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik persentase dan dideskripsikan secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kinerja guru dalam mengajar dengan membuat dan menyajikan materi menggunakan media presentasi microsoft powerpoint di SMA Negeri 1 Banjarmasin termasuk kedalam kategori aktif dan sangat baik. Nilai terendah untuk penilaian kegiatan mengajar 59 (81,94%) dan tertinggi 70 (97,22%), sedangkan nilai terendah untuk penilaian pembuatan dan penyajian 52 (86,66) dan tertinggi 60 (100%).   Kata Kunci : kinerja guru,  media presentasi, Microsoft Powerpoint.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-42
Albert Riyandi ◽  
Rizki Aulianita ◽  
Agus Wiyatno ◽  
Vito Triantori ◽  
Numan Musyaffa

The use of technology as a learning medium during the Covid-19 pandemic is an alternative solution to be able to continue to carry out long-distance learning activities. Existing technologies such as Google Meet, Google Classroom and Google Drive strongly support students and teachers and other academics in teaching and learning activities. The use of the facilities provided by Google can be useful for academics. Teaching and learning activities synchronously (synchronous) using video conferencing is an effective way. Not only that, asynchronous learning media using existing Google Classroom facilities such as discussion and chat features are one of the media to support distance learning to keep it running smoothly. The activity was carried out at Majlis Ta'lim Hidayatul Mubtadiin, which consisted of teenagers aged 12-17 years. Based on the questionnaires distributed during the activity, that as many as 96% were able to absorb the material with this distance learning media. So that learning can still be carried out effectively and conducively in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

LingTera ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Petrus Hariyanto ◽  
Suwardi Endraswara

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media Macromedia Flash untuk pembelajaran membaca dan menulis Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Kegiatan ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan. Subjek uji cobanya siswa kelas X Semester 2 SMA Gama Yogyakarta. Penelitian dilakukan bulan Maret-Juni 2013. Pelaksanaannya melalui 10 tahap, dari analisis kebutuhan hingga uji lapangan. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner. Data kuantitatif dianalisis dengan statistika deskriptif. Data berupa saran digunakan untuk merevisi produk yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian ini berupa media Macromedia Flash yang berkualitas untuk pembelajaran membaca dan menulis Bahasa Indonesia SMA. Produk tersebut mencakup teks, gambar, warna, dan suara; bersifat interaktif. Isinya berupa materi pembelajaran membaca dan menulis Bahasa Indonesia SMA Kelas X Semester 2, khususnya berkenaan dengan kompetensi merangkum tabel dan menulis paragraf argumentatif berdasarkan tabel. Ketiga pakar media mengategorikan baik. Ketiga pakar pembelajaran mengategorikan sangat baik. Kedua guru mengategorikan baik. Siswa dalam uji coba kelompok besar (lapangan) mengategorikan baik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa media ini layak dipergunakan dalam pembelajaran di SMA.Kata Kunci: media Macromedia Flash, pembelajaran membaca dan menulis, Bahasa Indonesia Developing macromedia flash media for learning reading and writing indonesian in senior high scool AbstractThe purpose of this study is to develop Macromedia Flash media as media for learning to read and write Indonesian in senior high school. This is a research and development study. The subjects of the research were grade 10 students in the second semester of SMA Gama Yogyakarta. The research was conducted from March to June 2013. The implementation covered 10 stages, of analysis needs to field testing. Data were collected through questionnaires. Quantitative data was analyzed by applying descriptive statistics. Suggestions data are used to revise the product. The research is as a Macro-media Flash-quality which has a goal for learning to read and write Indonesian in senior high school. The developed product includes media components of text, images, colors, and sounds (music); they are interactive in nature. The content of the product are the materials of learning to read and write Indonesian subject for class X semester II Gama Senior High School Yogyakarta, especially in relation to summarizing tables and writing argumentative paragraph based on table. Three media experts categorize the product as good. Three teaching and learning experts categorize it as very good. Two teachers categorize it good. Students on the testing of a large group (field) to categorize good. It can be concluded that the media is feasible to use in the learning in senior high school.Keywords: Macromedia Flash media, learning reading and writing, Indonesian

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 94
Hufri Hufri

ABSTRACT . The PKM activity aims to improve the competence of science teachers at Rayon 1 Pasaman junior high school in developing scientific-based interactive multimedia to support the 2013 curriculum. The target to be achieved is to increase the competency of teachers in developing TAVAGI multimedia (Text, Audio, Video, Animation, Graph , and interactivity) are science based. To achieve the goals and targets set, the method used consists of the observation phase, the orientation and discussion phase, the preparation stage of implementation, the implementation phase, the monitoring and evaluation stage as well as the data analysis and report making stage. The instrument used was a test on TAVAGI multimedia and a questionnaire for the implementation of activities. The results of data analysis of pretest and posttest, obtained an increase in the average pretest value of 34.28, and the average posttest score was 44.77 indicating the average value, posttest was higher than the pretest value. From the paired t test, the significance results obtained 0.000 <0.05. So it can be concluded that the PKM activities have been able to increase the competence of the teachers of Pasaman Rayon 1 Natural Science in developing scientific-based interactive multimedia to support the 2013 curriculum. very useful and related to learning in school.

Sarwahita ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-120
Eman Surachman

ABSTRACTThrough the implementation of Classroom Action Research (PTK) teachers can conduct research on the interaction and participation of students in the learning process, the effectiveness of the use of methods and media learning. In addition, the teacher can also effectively analyze and diagnose what has been done in the classroom in the learning process. In other words through teacher classroom action research can improve the learning practice so that it becomes more effective.Classroom action research can also bridge the gap between educational theory and practice. This occurs because the activity is carried out on its own, in its own classroom, involving its own students through an action planned, implemented, and evaluated. Thus obtained a systematic feedback on what has been done in teaching and learning activities. In addition, it can be proved a theory of teaching and learning to be applied well in the classes that are occupied. If there is a theory that does not fit the conditions in its class, through the TOD the educator can adapt other theories for the benefit of the process and / or product of learning more effectively, optimally, functionally.From a policy perspective in the field of education, the teacher's understanding and ability on classroom action research is very important, especially regarding teacher certification and grade increase. Here then, it is necessary to do community service, in this case the school community in developing classroom action research.   ABSTRAK Melalui  pelaksanaan  Penelitian  Tindakan  Kelas  (PTK)  guru     dapat  melakukan penelitian terhadap interaksi dan partisipasi siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, efektifitas penggunaan metode dan media pembelajaran. Di samping itu  gurujuga secara refektif dapat menganalisis dan mendiagnosis apa yang telah dilakukan di kelas dalam proses pembelajaran. Dengan kata lain   melalui penelitian tindakan kelas guru dapat memperbaiki praktik pembelajaran sehingga menjadi lebih efektif.Penelitian tindakan kelas juga dapat menjembatani kesenjangan antara teori dan praktik pendidikan. Hal ini terjadi karena kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan sendiri, di kelas sendiri, dengan melibatkan siswanya sendiri melalui sebuah tindakan-tindakan yang direncakan, dilaksanakan, dan di evaluasi. Dengan demikian diperoleh umpan balik yang sistematik mengenai apa yang selama ini dilakukan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Di samping itu, dapat dibuktikan suatu teori belajar mengajar untuk diterapkan dengan baik di kelas yang ditekuni. Jika sekiranya ada teori yang tidak cocok dengan kondisi di kelasnya, melalui PTK pendidik dapat mengadaptasikan teori lain untuk kepentingan proses dan atau produk belajar yang lebih efektif, optimal, fungsional.Dari sisi kebijakan dalam bidang pendidikan, pemahaman dan kemampuan guru mengenai penelitian tindakan kelas, sangat penting terutama terkait sertifikasi guru dan kenaikan golongan. Di sinilah kemudian, perlu dilakukan pengabdian masyarakat, dalam hal ini masyarakat persekolahan dalam mengembangkan penelitian tindakan kelas.

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