scholarly journals Analisis Perbandingan Kualitas Briket Arang Bonggol Jagung dengan Arang Daun Jati

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 142-145
Dwi Sukowati ◽  
Triat Adi Yuwono ◽  
Asti Dewi Nurhayati

AbstraCT[Comparative Analysis of the Quality of Corn Charcoal Briquettes with Teak Leaves Charcoal] This study is a preliminary study that aims to determine the quality of briquettes from different biomass raw materials, namely corncobs and teak leaves. Utilization which is still not maximized from corncobs and teak leaves in the biomass energy field made the initial thought of the study. In addition, both of these raw materials have lignocellulosic contents which are likely to be used as biomass raw materials, especially briquettes. The research method used is an experiment with the research procedure is the manufacture of the two briquettes then the products are analyzed and compared. Both of these raw materials receive the same treatment in the manufacturing process. The composition of the adhesive used is 5% of the main ingredient. The adhesive used is starch. Both briquettes were tested for quality including water content, ash content, volatility, and heating value. The results of testing the water content, ash content, volatile content, the calorific value of corn cobs briquettes and teak leaves charcoal briquettes are, respectively, 3.62% and 5.39% water content; ash content of 4.84% and 3.14%; volatile content of 11.75% and 25.86%; The heating value is 5653.99 cal / g and 7222.95 cal / g. From the results of the analysis, teak leaf charcoal briquettes dominate better quality than corn cobs charcoal briquettes, the water content of teak leaf charcoal briquettes is still higher. When compared with the SNI set value, the two briquettes have met the briquette standards that are suitable to be used as substitutes for alternative fuels.Keywords: Briquette quality; Corn cobs; teak leaves. (Received August 14, 2019; Accepted October 5, 2019; Published October 22, 2019) AbstrakPenelitian ini merupakan penelitian pendahuluan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas briket dari bahan baku biomassa yang berbeda yaitu bonggol jagung dan daun jati. Pemanfaatan yang masih belum maksimal dari bonggol jagung dan daun jati di bidang energi biomassa menjadikan pemikiran awal penelitian. Selain  itu, kedua bahan baku ini mempunyai kandungan ligniselulosa yang berpeluang untuk dijadikan bahan baku biomassa khususnya briket. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen dengan prosedur penelitiannya adalah pembuatan kedua briket kemudian produknya dianalisis dan dibandingkan. Kedua bahan baku ini mendapat perlakuan sama dalam proses pembuatannya. Komposisi perekat yang digunakan sebesar 5% dari bahan utama. Perekat yang digunakan adalah tepung kanji. Kedua briket diuji kualitasnya meliputi kadar air, kadar abu, volatile, dan nilai kalor. Adapun hasil pengujian kadar air, kadar abu, kandungan volatile, nilai kalor dari briket arang bonggol jagung dan briket arang daun jati berturut-turut yaitu, kadar air 3,62% dan 5,39%; kadar abu 4,84% dan 3,14%; kandungan volatile 11,75% dan 25,86%; Nilai kalor 5653,99 kal/g dan 7222,95 kal/g. Dari hasil analisis tersebut, briket arang daun jati mendominasi kualitas yang lebih bagus dibanding dengan briket arang bonggol jagung, kelemahannya kadar air briket arang daun jati masih lebih tinggi. Jika dibandingkan dengan nilai yang telah ditetapkan SNI, kedua briket tersebut telah memenuhi standar briket yang layak digunakan sebagai pengganti bahan bakar alternatif. Kata kunci: Kualitas briket; bonggol jagung; daun jati.

2021 ◽  
Vol 328 ◽  
pp. 01019
Siswanto ◽  
Kindriari Nurma Wahyusi ◽  
Renova Panjaitan

Contributing to the solution-finding for the availability of dwindling fossil energy, this study produced charcoal fuel from a biomass mixture of coconut shell waste and coal, using adhesive from meranti wood. The research was conducted by observing the effect of the carbonization temperature parameters and the amount of coal used in the mixture on the quality of charcoal fuel. The quality was evaluated on the calorific value, water content, and ash content. In addition, the data were analyzed mathematically using the response surface methodology to determine the interaction effect of independent variables on the response and to obtain the best conditions for producing charcoal fuel with the desired quality in the variable range of carbonization temperature of 300oC-500oC and coal mass in the range 10-30 grams. The results revealed that the temperature parameter had a significant effect on the calorific value, water content, and ash content. While the amount of coal mass did not significantly affect the calorific value and ash content but significantly affected the water content of charcoal fuel. The carbonization temperature and the amount of coal in the mixture of raw materials suggested were 409.625oCand10gr.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 282
Fonny Rianawati ◽  
Zainal Abidin ◽  
Muhammad Naparin

This study aims to conduct a study of the quality value of briquettes made from mixing straw and rice husks which include a flame test and combustion rate which is expected to be used to educate people around the forest by providing innovation and technology regarding the use of post-harvest waste. The results showed that the value of the quality of briquettes made from variations in the mixing of straw and rice husks including the flame test of the combustion rate obtained results, for treatment A (100% straw) of 0.68 gr/minute, treatment B (100% husk) of 0 ,57 gr/minute, treatment C (Husk 75% + Straw 25%) was 0.40 gr/minute, treatment D (Husk 25% + Straw 75%) was 0.46 r/minute and treatment E (Husk 50% + Straw 50%) of 0.43 gr/minute. The value of the flame to boiling time for treatment A = 38.62 minutes, treatment B = 31.05, treatment C = 23.22 minutes, treatment D = 36.05 and treatment E = 27.95 minutes. Density values of all treatments, and the water content for treatment B and treatment C can meet SII. While other parameters: ash content, volatile matter, bound carbon and calorific value still cannot meet the standards, so it is recommended to carry out further research with other variations of treatment, in order to obtain briquettes with quality that can meet the standards.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Sissar Eka Bimantara ◽  
Euis Nurul Hidayah

Lumpur IPAL pada Kawasan Industri sampai saat ini belum dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik, pemanfaatan lumpur IPAL menjadi briket merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi permasalahan limbah lumpur IPAL. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui lumpur IPAL dengan campuran serbuk gergaji kayu dapat dijadikan bahan bakar alternatif berupa briket, mengetahui pengaruh variasi lumpur IPAL dan serbuk gergaji kayu terhadap mutu briket berupa kadar abu, nilai kalor, kadar air , dan mengetahui komposisi terbaik antara lumpur IPAL dan serbuk gergaji kayu untuk menghasilkan nilai kalor optimum pada briket. Metodologi penelitian meliputi pengeringan bahan, karbonisasi bahan, penghalusan dan penyaringan bahan 20 mesh (841 µm), 40 mesh (420µm), dan 60 mesh (250 µm), pencetakan dan pengepresan briket, serta pengeringan briket. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji mutu briket, hasil analisis pada briket terbaik terdapat pada perbandingan 20 : 80 dengan menggunakan ayakan 60 mesh, memiliki nilai kalor 4366,8 kal/g, kadar air 1,26% dan kadar abu 1,32%. Nilai kalor pada briket masih belum memenuhi baku mutu dari SNI 4931 Tahun 2010, Minimnya nilai kalor yang dihasilkan bisa juga karena variabel perlakuan, dengan perbandingan yang dilakukan terhadap lumpur dan serbuk gergaji serta menggunakan ukuran ayakan yang berbeda. Kata Kunci : briket, lumpur IPAL, serbuk gergaji kayu. IPAL sludge in the Ngoro Persada Industry has yet to be utilized properly, utilizing IPAL sludge into briquettes is one of the efforts to solve this problem. The aim of this research was to determine the IPAL sludge with a mixture of wood sawdust can be used as an alternative fuel in the form of briquettes, to determine the effect of variations in IPAL sludge and wood sawdust on the quality of briquettes in the form of heat value, ash content and moisture content as well as knowing the best composition between IPAL sludge and wood sawdust to produce briquettes with the best heating value. The research methodology included material drying, carbonization of materials, refining and filtering of 20 mesh (841 μm), 40 mesh (420μm), and 60 mesh (250 μm), printing and pressing briquettes, and briquette drying. Furthermore, briquette quality testing was conducted, the results showed that the best briquettes were at a ratio of 20: 80 using 60 mesh sleve, having a heating value of 4366.8 cal / g, 1.26% moisture content and 1.32% ash content. The calorific value of briquettes still does not meet the quality standards of SNI 4931 of 2010, the lack of heat value produced can also be due to treatment variables, with the comparison carried out on sludge and wood sawdust and using different sieve sizes. Keywords: briquettes, IPAL sludge, wood sawdust.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 170
Anindya Husnul Hasna ◽  
J. P. Gentur Sutapa ◽  
Denny Irawati

Limbah industri kayu sengon menjadi salah satu bahan baku dalam pembuatan pelet kayu karena potensinya yang cukup besar. Akan tetapi pelet kayu sengon memiliki kerapatan serta nilai kalor yang rendah. Untuk meningkatkan sifat bahan bakar pelet kayu Sengon maka dilakukan pencampuran bahan dengan serbuk tempurung kelapa. Penelitian ini menggunakan bahan dari limbah serbuk gergaji sengon (Falcataria moluccana (Miq.)) dan limbah tempurung kelapa (Cocos nucifera). Masing-masing bahan dibuat partikel pada 3 kelompok ukuran yaitu 20-40 mesh, 40-60 mesh, dan 60-80 mesh. Ke dalam serbuk kayu sengon ditambahkan serbuk tempurung kelapa dengan penambahan 25%, 50%, dan 75%, sedangkan untuk kontrol (0%) adalah pelet kayu sengon tanpa penambahan tempurung kelapa. Pelet dibuat dengan menggunakan single-pelletizer pada suhu ruang dengan tekanan 100 kg/cm2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kombinasi bahan baku yang berbeda (sengon dan tempurung kelapa) memberikan pengaruh terhadap sifat fisika dan kimia pelet kayu. Semakin tinggi persentase campuran serbuk tempurung kelapa pada pelet kayu sengon maka semakin tinggi keteguhan tekan, karbon terikat, total karbon dan nilai kalor, sedangkan untuk kadar zat mudah menguap, kadar abu, kadar N, S, dan H semakin rendah. Pelet terbaik dihasilkan pada kombinasi penambahan tempurung kelapa 50% dengan ukuran 60-80 mesh yang memiliki sifat kadar abu yang rendah (0,79%) dan nilai kalor yang tinggi (5129,07 Kal/g), serta keteguhan tekan yang masih cukup tinggi (444,75N). Hasil tersebut memenuhi standar SNI 8021:2014.Effect of Particle Size and Addition of Coconut Cell on the Quality of Sengon Wood PelletAbstractThe waste of sengon (Falcataria moluccana) industry becomes one of the raw materials in the manufactured of wood pellets, because of its potency. However F. moluccana pellets posses low density and calorific value. To improve its properties, a materials mixing with coconut shell parcticles was conducted. This study used material from the waste of sengon (F. moluccana) sawdust and the waste of coconut (Cocos nucifera). Particles from those materials were made on 3 sizes which are 20-40 mesh, 40-60 mesh, and 60-80 mesh. 25%, 50%, and 75% of coconut shell were added into sengon sawdust, while woode pellets with no additions were used as a control. Pellets are made using single-pelletizer at room temperature with a pressure of 100 kg/cm2. The research results showed if the different material combination (sengon and coconut shell) gave significant effect to physical properties and chemical content of wood pellets. Higher percentage of coconut shell gives higher compressive strength, fixed carbon content, total of carbon, and calorific value, while volatile matter, ash content, N, S, and H content showed lower value. The best pellet was resulted from combination between coconut shell addition 50% and nesh size 60 – 80 which posses quite low ash content (0.79%) and high calorific value (5129.07 Kal/g), and high compression strength (444.75 N). This result has qualified the standard of SNI 8021:2014.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (04) ◽  
pp. 183 ◽  
Santiyo Wibowo ◽  
Ningseh Lestari

Peanut shells could be regarded as biomass wastes generated from agricultural products, which are abundantly available.  The current handling of those wastes is merely through direct incineration, without a proper and controlled manner. Consequently, it could arouse environmental concerns, such as air pollution and human respiratory diseases.  One alternative solution is converting those peanut shells to bio-pellet, expectedly applicable for fuels.  Relevantly, research on bio-pellet manufacture from peanut shells, previously treated with the torrefaction, was conducted. It’s aimed mainly to identify the fuel-related characteristics of bio-pellet products.  The tested bio-pellet parameters covered, moisture content, ash content, volatile matters, fixed carbon content, calorific values, and density.  The results revealed that torrefaction temperature and time at raw materials (peanut shells) could improve their qualities in regard to particular calorific value compared to those before such torrefaction; which referred to Indonesia’s Standard (SNI-8021-2014) for wood bio-pellet.  Further, torrefaction could increase bio-pellet quality which satisfied the SNI’s Standard, except for ash content.  Optimal torrefaction treatment was obtained at 300oC temperature for 60 minutes, whereby it achieved remarkable bio-pellet characteristics in terms of moisture content (3.092%), ash content (6.116%), volatile matters (38.387%), fixed carbon (55.447%), calorific value (6174 cal/g), and density (0.703 g/cm3). The torrefaction bio-pellets from peanut shells could achieve remarkable performances, with respect to fuel consumption rate (0.68 kg/hr), heating value (6174 kcal/kg), and thermal efficiency (16.67%).

J. M. Makavana ◽  
P. N. Sarsavadia ◽  
P. M. Chauhan

Bio-char is carbon-rich product generated from biomass through batch type slow pyrolysis. In this study, the effects of pyrolysis temperature and residence time on the yield and properties of bio-chars obtained from shredded cotton stalks were investigated. Safely said that the quality of bio-char of shredded cotton stalk obtained at 500°C temperature and 240 min is best out of the all experimental levels of variables of temperature and residence time. At this temperature and residence time, the quality of bio-char in terms higher heating value (8101.3cal /g or 33.89 MJ/kg), nitrogen (1.56%), Carbon (79.30%), and C/N ratio (50.83) respectively. The quality of bio-char for various applications is discussed along with different quality parameters. The bio-char could be used for the production of activated carbon, in fuel applications, and water purification processes. Average bulk density of whole cotton stalk and shredded cotton stalk was found as 29.90 kg/m3 and 147.02 kg/m3 respectively. Thus density was increased by 3.91 times. The value of pH, EC and CEC of shredded cotton stalk biomass was found as 5.59, 0.03 dS/m and 38.84 cmol/kg respectively. Minimum and maximum values pH, EC and CEC of its bio-char was found as 5.85 to9.86, 0.04 to 0.10 dS/m and 38.02 to 24.39 cmol/kg at 200°C and 60 min and; 500°C and 240 min temperature and residence time respectively. Moisture content, ash content, volatile matter and fixed carbon of shredded cotton stalk biomass were found as, 12.5, 5.27, 80.22, and 14.51 (%, d.b) respectively. The minimum and maximum value of bio-char in terms of ash content, volatile matter and fixed carbon of bio-char were found as 5.5 to 15.56, 48.02 to 79.48 and 15.02 to 36.40 (%, d.b) respectively. Calorific value of cotton stalk biomass was found as 3685.3 cal /g. The minimum and maximum higher heating value of its bio-char was found as 4622.0 cal/ g and 8101.3 cal/g at 200°C and 60 min and; 500˚C and 240 min temperature and residence time.

2016 ◽  
Vol 46 (7) ◽  
pp. 1178-1184 ◽  
Martha Andreia Brand ◽  
Stephenson Ramalho Lacerda ◽  
Juliana de Oliveira ◽  
Gisele Paim Ribeiro Domingues Lopes ◽  
Nayara Bergamo Casagrande

ABSTRACT: This study aimed to evaluate the quality of forest biomass energy, coming from the Caatinga, for different storage times in the field. The study was conducted in southern Piauí, between January and February (rainy season). Samples were collected containing branches and trunks of various species, and samples of branches and trunks separately in 5 sample units of 20x20m. Samples were evaluated in the general state freshly harvested and samples of branches and logs after 15 and 30 days of storage in piles in the field. The analyzes carried out were: moisture content on wet basis, ash content and calorific value. Moisture content of freshly harvested biomass ranged from 39% with two days after cutting to 79% in biomass cut and left distributed in the field for 10 days. After storage in piles for 15 days, branches showed moisture content of 18% and the logs 21%, and net calorific value of 3432kcal kg-1 and 3274kcal kg-1, respectively. After 30 days, moisture content for branches was 13% and the logs 21%, and net calorific value of 3672kcal kg-1 and 3240kcal kg-1, respectively. Ash content of the biomass was low. Cutting trees in the rainy season, with maintenance of biomass in the field for 10 days, resulted in an increment of moisture content. Branches had the best behaviour during the storage. Fifteen days of storage are sufficient for the caatinga biomass to achieve high-quality energy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 110-120
Bagus Setyawan ◽  
Rosiana Ulfa

Plantation wastes such as coffee skins and coconut shells in Indonesia have not been utilized optimally. Waste can be utilized for the manufacture of charcoal briquettes as an alternative fuel. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of charcoal briquettes from biomass waste mixed with coffee skin and coconut shell with tapioca flour adhesive. This research is a type of laboratory experimental research. The study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 replications. Testing the quality of charcoal briquettes includes tests of water content, ash content, combustion rate, and heating value. The research data will be compared with the International charcoal briquette quality standards and the Indonesian National Standard (INS). The results showed that the water content and an ash content of the charcoal briquettes were still below the international charcoal briquette quality standards and INS. However, the heating value of this charcoal briquette is surpass the INS quality standard. The conclusion of the research is the quality of the charcoal briquettes from the waste of biomass of coffee husk and coconut shell with tapioca flour recorder in the aspects of water content and ash content is still below the international quality standard and SNI, but in the aspect of the heat value of the charcoal briquette the research results are above the SNI quality standard.

Riski Camarta ◽  
Hendri Nurdin ◽  
Nelvi Erizon ◽  
Andril Arafat

Areca nut husk is one type of biomass that can be used as raw material for briquettes as an alternative energy producer. Charcoal briquettes are solid fuels that can be used as alternative fuels in an effort to meet energy needs. This study aims to assess the quality of areca nut charcoal briquettes through carbonization at temperatures of 200 ° C, 250 ° C, 300 ° C, 350 ° C and 400 ° C at holding times for 30, 60 and 90 minutes. The study was conducted by pyrolysis of areca nut briquettes which had been formed and dried. Testing the quality of charcoal briquettes includes calorific value analysis. The results of this study indicate the highest heating value of coir briquette charcoal is at carbonization temperature of 300 ° C for 60 minutes at 20979,13632 KJ/Kg. Serat buah pinang merupakan salah satu jenis biomassa yang dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi bahan baku briket sebagai penghasil energi alternatif dalam mengurangi penggunaan bahan bakar fosil (minyak bumi). Briket arang merupakan bahan bakar padat yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif dalam upaya untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan energi. Pembuatan briket menggunakan perekat tapioka dengan komposisi biomassa dan perekat sebanyak 80% dan 20%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kualitas briket arang serat buah pinang melalui proses karbonisasi pada temperatur 200°C, 250°C, 300°C, 350°C dan 400°C pada waktu tahan selama 30, 60 dan 90 menit. Pengujian kualitas briket arang meliputi analisis nilai kalor. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai kalor briket arang serat buah pinang tertinggi terdapat pada temperatur karbonisasi 300°C selama 60 menit sebesar 20979,13632 KJ/Kg.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-100
Sofia Mustamu ◽  
Gysberth Pattiruhu

Biopelet is one of the renewable energy alternatives that have uniformity of size, shape, density, and energy content. The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of biopelet consisting of a mixture of cajeput and gondorukem, and to determine the composition of the raw materials that can produce a biopelet with the best quality. The compositions of a mixture in this research are as follow 95%:5%, 90%:10%, 80%:20%, 70%:30%, 60%:40%, 50%:50%, cajeput 100% and gondorukem 100%. The manufacture of biopelet used a 20 mesh of dust with the pressure of 526.4 kg/cm2  at a temperature of 200 ◦C for 15 minutes. Types of tests performed on biopelet include density, moisture content, volatile matter, ash content, carbon bonded, and calorific value. The results of the best quality of biopelet was in the percentage of cajeput and gondorukem was 70%:30%,  tests showed densities of biopelet 0,84 g/cm3, moisture content5,89%, ash content 2,42%, volatile matter 73,99%, fixed carbon 18,96%, and calorific value 5152 kkal/kg.

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