scholarly journals The Effect of the Herringbone Technique on Reading Comprehension

Rengganis Siwi Amumpuni

The purpose of this research is to know the effect of the Herringbone technique on students' reading comprehension. A quasi-experimental was used in this research and the sample was 20 students of Guidance and conselling department . Test was used in this research to collect the data and  the data was analyzed by paired sample T-test by using SPSS. The result of this research, there was a significant effect of the herringbone to the students 'reading comprehension. It can be seen from the value of the t-test that the score was  higher  than t- table (11.212 > 2.086).  Therefore, it can be stated that the there is a significant effect of Heringbone technique on students’ reading comprehension.

The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of story Reading on improving Reading comprehension and critical thinking of EFL students at Kandahar University. The design of the study was quasi-experimental with reading comprehension and critical thinking pre and Post-tests. Total 27 Afghan EFL students were selected based on their performance on Placement test. The participants’ experimental groups listened to their teacher reading a story aloud. In order to find the improvement and different between these variables is significant the Paired Sample T-Test was administrated and the result indicates that there is significant improvement in post-tests in areas of reading comprehension and critical thinking in story Reading. However, there is more improvement in critical thinking aspect through story reading.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-47
Javed Sahibzada ◽  
Yar Mohammad Bahrami Ahmadzai ◽  
Azadkhan Niaz ◽  
Susan Hussein Laftah

The purpose of this study is to find the effects of storytelling (ST) on improving critical thinking and reading comprehension of EFL students at Kandahar University. The design of the study was quasi-experimental with critical thinking and reading comprehension pre and posttests. Total 27 Afghan EFL students were selected based on their performance on Placement test.  The participants of experimental group listened to their teacher telling the story. In order to find the improvement and different between these variables is significant the Paired Sample T-Test was administrated and the result indicates that there is significant improvement in post-tests in areas of reading comprehension and critical thinking in group of storytelling. However, improvement is higher in reading comprehension section than critical thinking. 

Ta dib ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-82
Muhamad Holandyah ◽  
Nova Lingga Pitaloka ◽  
Wahyudiyanto Wahyudiyanto

The objectives of this study were to find out whether or not there was a significant improvement before and after the treatment on the eleventh grade students’ reading comprehension scores at one Islamic senior high school in Palembang by using Subtext strategy and to find out whether or not there was a significant difference on the eleventh grade students’ reading comprehension scores between the students who were taught by using Subtext Strategy and those who were not. In this study, Quasi Experimental Design using pretest-posttest nonequivalent groups design was used. There were 60 students taken as sample. Each class consisted of 30 students from class XI IPS 2 as control group and class XI IPS 3 as experimental group. In collecting the data, reading comprehension test was used. The test was given twice to both experimental and control groups, as a pretest and posttest. To verify the hypotheses, the data of pretest and posttest were analyzed by using independent sample t-test and paired sample t-test in SPSS program. The findings showed that the p-output from paired sample t-test (sig2-tailed) was 0.000 which was lower than 0.05 and t-value 11.399 was higher than t-table with df=29 (2.0452).  The result of p-output from independent sample t-test was 0.001 which was lower than 0.05, and the t-value 3.465 was higher than t-table with df=58 (2.0017). It means that teaching reading narrative text by using Subtext strategy had significant effect on the students’ reading comprehension scores.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-73
Hendi Hidayat

The research is about to find out the students’ motivation through the authentic materials in experimental class and using textbook in control class, and to find out the significant result of students’ motivation between control and experimental class at the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Sumber. The research method is quantitatif research with quasi experimental research design. The population of the research is all of MIPA students at the tenth grade and the sample are students of X MIPA 7 and X MIPA 8 that consist of 72 students. The techniques of collecting data are questionnaire and observation. Therefore, the research findings showed that students’ response in experimental class has a very good result after the treatment with the mean 86.42 from 69.18 and the Paired Sample T-test score is 0.00 means that there is a significant result after the treatment. However, students’ response in control class is not really showed the good result because it decreased from 69.76 to 68.87 with the Paired Sample T-test 0.429 means that there is no significant result after the treatment. In addition, the hypothesis test using Analysis of Covariances (ANCOVA) was pointed out that the significant was 0.00 means lower than 0.05. It is indicated that Ha is accepted, namely there is a significant result of students’ motivation from the use of authentic materials for reading comprehension.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-57
M. Ridhwan ◽  
Muhammad Taufik Ihsan ◽  
Naskah Naskah

The purpose of this study was to investigate the significant effect of using comic strips strategy toward students’ reading comprehension and writing ability at MTsN 1 Pekanbaru. A Quasi-Experimental by Non-equivalent Pre-test and Post-test Group was applied as a designed for study. The sample was two classes (VIII 3 and VIII 4) consisting 20 students of treatment class, and 20 students of control class. The data were computed using SPPS 20.0 to analyze Independent sample t-test and Paired sample t-test. The finding of this study revealed that there was a significant effect on students’ reading comprehension by using comic strips strategy, it shown on paired sample t-test; treatment class was 77 and control class was 64.5, the hypothesis testing showed the result of post T-test -7.149, then score of sig.(2-tailed) is 0.000, if we act to null hypothesis (Ho) that is 0.05, it means that the score of sig.(2-tailed) was smaller than score of Ho. The data also revealed that there was a significant effect on students’ writing ability, it shown on paired sample t-test; treatment class was 79.6 and control class was 54.2, the hypothesis testing showed the result of post T-test -21.9, then score of sig.(2-tailed) is 0.000, if we act to null hypothesis (Ho) that is 0.05, it means that the score of sig.(2-tailed) was smaller than score of Ho. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. From those data it can be summarized that there is a significant effect of using comic strips strategy on students’ reading comprehension and writing ability.

Abdullah Farih

The objective of this study is to measure whether there is or not significant effect of teaching reading by utilizing Hot Potatoes software toward students’ reading comprehension of descriptive text. The variables used were the teaching treatment of Hot Potatoes Software as the independent variable and the students’ reading comprehension of Descriptive Text as dependent variable. Then, the research designed was Quasi-experimental design and the presentation of data used was quantitative. The data were obtained from the eleventh grade, of which 28 students were taken as sample. The students are divided into two groups; experiment group consisted of 12 students and control group consists of 16 students. To get the data, the pre-test and post-test were applied and then analyzed using t-test formula. The researcher had concluded that there is Significant effect of Hot Potatoes Software toward the students’ reading comprehension achievement. The result showed that mean of students’ post-test was increased. It is proved by the t-test (8.54) which is higher than t-table (2.05) at level of significance 5%. It means that the alternative hypothesis was accepted and it proved that Hot Potatoes Software had significant effect toward students’ reading comprehension of Descriptive Text

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Prasetya Utami ◽  
Yunia Hastami ◽  
Siti Munawaroh ◽  
Nanang Wiyono

<p><strong>Pendahuluan : </strong>Neuroanatomi merupakan ilmu penting bagi kedokteran, namun<strong> </strong>masih ditemukan mahasiswa kedokteran yang merasa kesulitan memahami pembelajaran neuroanatomi. Salah satu faktor yang berperan penting adalah media pembelajaran anatomi. Kadaver merupakan media pembelajaran anatomi tradisional yang masih digunakan hingga saat ini dengan berbagai kekurangan dan kelebihan  yang dimilikinya. Sedangkan media video merupakan media pembelajaran anatomi yang diniliai lebih praktis dan sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman, sehingga di nilai bisa sebagai media alternatif selain kadaver. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas media pembelajaran anatomi menggunakan kadaver dibandingkan video terhadap pemahaman neuroanatomi mahasiswa kedokteran.</p><p><strong>Metode : </strong>Jenis penelitian ini ialah Quasi Experimental Research dengan Pretest Posttest Control Group Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa program studi kedokteran UNS tahun 2019. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 42 oranag. Data kemudian diolah dengan uji Paired Sample T-Test dan Independent T-test menggunakan program SPSS 22.</p><p><strong>Hasil : </strong>Hasil Paired Sample T-Test kelompok kadaver dan video menunjukan nilai Sig. (2-tailed) &lt; 0,05 yaitu 0,000. Sehingga media kadaver maupun video dinilai efektif terhadap pemahaman neuroanatomi mahasiswa. Hasil uji Independent T-test untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara efektivitas media pembelajaran anatomi menggunakan kadaver dibandingkan video terhadap pemahaman neuroanatomi mahasiswa kedokteran memperlihatkan nilai p = 0,730, sehingga menunjukkan hasil yang tidak signifikan karena p 0,05 pada taraf signifikan 5%.</p><p><strong>Kes</strong><strong>impulan : </strong>Media pembelajaran anatomi kadaver maupun video terbukti efektif meningkatkan pemahaman neuroanatomi pada mahasiswa kedokteran. Selain itu, media pembelajaran anatomi kadaver dibandingkan video memiliki efektivitas yang sama terhadap pemahaman neuroanatomi pada mahasiswa kedokteran</p><p><strong>Kata kunci : Kadaver; Video Anatomi; Pemahaman Neuroanatomi</strong></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Etika Ariyani ◽  
Etika Ariyani

Reading is one of the important skills that the students have to master. However, many students have difficulties in comprehending the reading text. To solve this condition, the researcher used schema activation strategy to help students understand reading comprehension. The purpose of this research was to investigate whether the use of schema activation strategy is effective or not in teaching reading comprehension at the second-grade students of MTs Tarbiyatul Mustafid in academic year 2017/2018. This study was quasi-experimental design using two classes were VIII B class was taken as an experimental class, and VII-A was taken as control class. The population of this research involved 60 students from the second grade in MTs Tarbiyatul Mustafid Batu Simpang. By using purposive sampling, the researcher took the students as a sample. In collecting the data, this study used pre-test, treatment, and post-test as the data collection procedure then followed by analyzing the data by using the t-test formula. Then the result of statistical analysis of t-test in this research was 2.85. It was higher than critical values for t- table in the degree of freedom (df) of 58 is 2.021(0.05%) and 2.704(0.01%). The researcher concludes that mean score before and after teaching by using schema activation strategy has a difference. It means the alternative hypothesis (ha) was accepted. The use of schema activation strategy in teaching reading comprehension at the second-grade students of MTs Tarbiyatul Mustafid Batu Rimpang is effective.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-53 ◽  
Riwayani Riwayani ◽  
Riki Perdana ◽  
Ratna Sari ◽  
Jumadi Jumadi ◽  
Heru Kuswanto

Terdapat banyak model pembelajaran yang diterapkan untuk menganalisis kemampuan argumentasi ilmiah siswa. Namun, belum banyak model yang diintegrasikan dengan pembelajaran berbasis simulasi online untuk meningkatkan kemampuan argumentasi ilmiah siswa. Padahal, saat ini ada banyak website simulasi online yang diterbitkan oleh lembaga pendidikan atau universitas di tingkat internasional dan jarang digunakan dalam penelitian. Penelitian ini mengintegrasikan model pembelajaran inovatif dengan pembelajaran berbasis online simulation untuk meningkatkan kemampuan argumentasi ilmiah siswa. Website simulasi yang digunakan adalah Edu-media simulation. Dalam website ini ada banyak simulasi fisika yang disediakan, tetapi belum banyak penelitian yang menerapkan simulasi ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan kuasi eksperimen yang terdiri dari satu kelas eksperimen dengan sampel 25 siswa kelas XI MIA 3 di SMA N 1 Prambanan Yogyakarta. Argumentasi ilmiah siswa diukur melalui instrumen tes uraian. Data argumentasi ilmiah siswa dianalisis menggunakan paired sample t-test  dan pola argumentasi Toulmin (TAP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PBL berbantuan edu-media simulation dapat meningkatkan kemampuan argumentasi ilmiah siswa baik secara kuantitatif maupun kualitatif. Ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai t value -11.051 < -1.711 bahwa terdapat perbedaan nilai rata-rata argumentasi pada pre-test (17) dan post-test (47). Dalam hal ini, siswa sudah mampu membuat klaim yang tegas dengan menyajikan bukti dan alasan yang mendukung klaim. Analyzing students’ scientific argumentation skill in optic: Problem-based learning assisted edu-media simulation AbstractThere are many learning models applied to analyze the ability of students' scientific argumentation. However, not many models have been integrated with online simulation-based learning to improve students' scientific argumentation skills. In fact, there are currently many online simulation websites published by educational institutions or international universities and rarely used in research. This research integrates innovative learning models with online simulation-based learning to improve students' scientific argumentation skills. The simulation website used is Edu-media simulation. In this website there are many physics simulations provided, but not many studies have applied this simulation. This research was conducted with a quasi-experimental consisting of one experimental class with a sample of 25 XI MIA 3 graders in Prambanan High School 1 Yogyakarta. Students' scientific arguments are measured through a description test instrument. Students' scientific argumentation data were analyzed using paired sample t-test and Toulmin argumentation patterns (TAP). The results showed that PBL assisted by edu-media simulation can improve students' scientific argumentation ability both quantitatively and qualitatively. This is indicated by the value of t value -11.051 <-1.711 that there are differences in the average value of argumentation in the pre-test (17) and post-test (47). In this case, students have been able to make assertive claims by presenting evidence and reasons that support the claim.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Lina Tejo Sugiarto

<p>In XYZ elementary school, most grade 2 students show a lack of curiosity when learning Bible as a study subject, which cause the low participation score in learning that subject. Those students also show difficulties when doing the summative test which is caused by their deficiency in comprehending the written Bible story. Moreover, the students show minimum reflective thinking skill which needs to be noticed because the skill is important for learning process in the class. Those reasons show that grade 2 students’ curiosity, reading comprehension and reflective thinking skill when learning Biblical Studies need to be improved. KWHLAQ is a well-known strategy which is suitable to be used in improving the students’ curiosity, reading comprehension and reflective thinking skill. Therefore, this research was conducted to know the difference of students’ curiosity, reading comprehension and reflective thinking skill before and after using the KWHLAQ strategy. The research design used a quantitative, experimental one group pretest and posttest method. The subject of this research were 25 students of XYZ Elementary School – grade 2A which consist of 13 boys and 12 girls. The sample were chosen using purposive sampling technique. The data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics (Paired Sample T-test and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks). The results showed that there were differences in grade 2A students’ curiosity, reading comprehension, and reflective thinking skill in learning Biblical studies after applying the KWHLAQ strategy.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: </strong>Kurangnya rasa ingin tahu siswa pada pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen (PAK) di SD XYZ menyebabkan rendahnya nilai partisipasi siswa dalam pelajaran PAK. Pemahaman membaca Alkitab juga kurang ditumbuhkan dalam diri siswa terlihat dari kesulitan siswa mengerjakan tes sumatif. Kurangnya kemampuan berpikir reflektif siswa perlu mendapat perhatian dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa rasa ingin tahu, pemahaman membaca, dan kemampuan berpikir reflektif siswa dalam pelajaran PAK di SD XYZ perlu ditingkatkan. Strategi KWHLAQ adalah strategi yang sangat baik diterapkan dalam pembelajaran PAK untuk meningkatkan rasa ingin tahu, pemahaman siswa, dan kemampuan berpikir reflektif siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan rasa ingin tahu, pemahaman membaca, dan kemampuan berpikir reflektif siswa dengan menggunakan strategi KWHLAQ. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode eksperimental. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah <em>one-group pretest-posttest</em>. Subyek penelitian terdiri dari 25 siswa terdiri dari 13 laki-laki dan 12 perempuan yang seluruhnya berasal dari siswa kelas 2A SD XYZ Jakarta Barat. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan <em>purposive sampling</em>. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferensial (Uji <em>Paired Sample T-test</em> dan Uji Wilcoxon). Temuan penelitian mengungkapkan adanya perbedaan rasa ingin tahu, pemahaman membaca, dan kemampuan berpikir reflektif siswa kelas 2A SD XYZ dalam pelajaran PAK sesudah penerapan strategi KWHLAQ.</p>

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