2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-33

This research was done in order to analyze the variable effect (X1) namely Quality of Product to variable (Y) namely Purchasing Decision, variable effect (X2) namely Brand Image to variable (Y) namely Purchasing Decision, and variable effect (X1) namely Quality of Product and variable (X2) namely Brand Image to variable (Y) namely Purchasing Decision. This research was done by using a Survey Method. The population in this research were the use cosmetic produc Wardah in Varia Store Tangerang, taking of sample was done by Incidental Sampling technique, and the amount is 100 respondents. Whereas the data analysis was done by associative analysis, Validity test, Reability test,Hypotesist test, simple regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, simple correlation analysis, multiple correlation analysisand coefficient determination (R²). Based on the analysis data which was done in this research, can be concluded that variable (X1) which is Quality of Product give an positive influence and significant impact on variable (Y)which is Purchasing Decision for Variable 89,0% effect (X2) which is Brand Image give an positive influence and significant impact on variable (Y)which is Purchasing Decision 90,0%. And Variable effect(X1) which is Quality of Product and variable (X2) which is Brand Image found positive and significant impact on variable (Y)which is Purchasing Decision for 89,0%. Value of F-count which is 9,179 is more than value of F-table which is 3,090. The result is Ho refused and Ha accepted. Whereas the residual is influenced by the other variable which didn’t researched in this research.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
Dais Iis Tirtaatmaja ◽  
Johny R. E. Tampi ◽  
Aneke Y. Punuindoong

This research aims to determine the influence of Brand Image and Price on consumers purchasing decisions in PT. Hasjrat Abadi Tendean Manado. The population that used is all of the consumers’ of PT. Hasjrat Abadi Tendean Manado where the population size is unknown. The sample which is taken in this research is 96 respondents who had used Toyota Avanza and used the simple random sampling technique. The sample based on respondent level techniques and the data collection method with using questionnaire. The statistical analysis that used in this research in linear regression analysis with using SPSS 25 for windows. The result of this research demonstrate that the Brand Image and Price have a positive influence and have significant influence on purchasing decisions. The amounts of Brand Image and Price influence on purchasing decisions are 59,5% and 40,5% which are influenced by other variables. Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis that the brand image and price variables have a significant and positive effect on purchasing decisions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 102
Ardhi Wahyu Saputra ◽  
Dinalestari P.

Tranport equipment is badly needed in this era of fast-paced as it is, particularly cars. Competition in the automotive world is so tight. Therefore, businesses are required to be able to increase sales in order to survive in the business worlds. Specifically, this research was discuss about automobile buying of Isuzu Panther brand at PT Astra Isuzu Semarang during 2012-2015 keep have sale descending. If that case wasn’t improve and solve, probably will presense problem for PT. Astra Isuzu Semarang next.Aim of this research was to found brand image and product quality concerning automobile buying decision of Isuzu Panther Semarang. This research type was explanatory, with data collection technique by questionaire. The population in this research is consemers who use and bought Isuzu Panther automobile on PT Astra Isuzu Semarang with the number of samples taken was 72 respondents. Sampling using purposive sampling technique. Measurement scale using Likert scale. The analytical method used is the determination, simple linear regression, multiple liniear regression, t-test, and F-test using SPSS program version 16.Based on the results of the research, revealed that the partially, brand image and product quality has positive influence on the purchasing decision which is indicated by result of the value of t test bigger than t table. Significantly, variable brand image and product quality has positive influence towards purchasing decision indicated by value of F test larger than F table.And the advice that can be given is keeping a good image with a way keep it always communicate with consumers and customers. Besides continuing and improving product quality as well as improving its shortcomings, adding interior and exterior facilities and applying innovation to its products so as not to have the impression of monotonous and outdat

Putra Chairy ◽  
Adriansyah Adriansyah

This study aims to analyze the influence of celebrity endorser, and brand image of purchase decisions on Luwak White Coffee customers. Purchasing decision is an important thing to do a company to find out how much consumer buying interest in Luwak White Coffee products with the added celebrity endorser. One way to gain competitive advantage in improving purchasing decisions is to form a good brand image in the eyes of consumers and easy to remember always. Data used in this study obtained from a questionnaire conducted in primary and some observation and direct interview with loyal customers Luwak White Coffee in Coffee shop Aceh Medan 2018. The analysis technique used is multiple regression using hypothesis test, that is F test and t test. This research can be concluded based on statistic test that variable celebrity endorser , and brand image together have a positive influence on the purchase decision variable. Based on the t test, celebrity endorser, and brand image positively and significantly affects the purchasing decision. From this research obtained Adila R square (R2) value of 0,75,8 (75,5%) which means that the combination of celebrity endorser and brand image can explain the impact on the purchase decision which increase and the rest is influenced by other variable equal to 24,5 %.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 421-435
MuhammadSyarif Hidayatullah Elmas

Based on research to know the effectof perception the quality, brand image, brand awareness trhadap decision the purchase by consumers CV.Pia Manalagi Ketapang ProbolinggoCity.Population research every consumer CV.Pia Manalagi Ketapang ProbolinggoCity.Sample consist of 30 respondents to technique incidental sampling.The method of analysis data using the validity, reliability test, regression analysis linear multiple and analysisthe coefficients determination.Based on the results of the testing of hypotheses done can be concluded that variable perception the quality, image brands and brand awareness based partial having influence a positive and significant on the decision the purchase CV.Pia Manalagi Ketapang ProbolinggoCity.The coefficients analysis determination show 69,7 % decision buy effectby perception the quality, brand image, brand awareness. Keywords: Perception of quality, brand image, brand awareness, purchasing decision

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Hamzah Nazarudin ◽  
Herybertus M. L. Geto

The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the AXIS card product brand image on the buying interest of students at the Kupang State Polytechnic.The population and sample in this study were students of Kupang State Polytechnic who were interested in using the AXIS Card productand have characteristics according to research needs that can be used as respondents, The sampling technique used was nonprobability sampling.The data were collecte thorugh questionnaire. Technique for analyzing data was simple linear regression analysis. The writer collected data by spreading questionnaires to 45 students of Kupang State Polytechnic. Based onthe simple linear regression analysis, it is known that the equation was Y=4.378 + 0.589X therefore there is a positive influence between brand image and purchase intention. r square was 0.513 or it has influence of 51.3% on consumers’ purchase intention. Then, the result of hypothesis test showed that t count ≥ t table, it means that brand image influenced positively and significantly on purchase intention, with thesignificant value was 0.00 smaller than 0.05 so the relationship between brand image and consumers’ purchase intention was significant.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (02) ◽  
pp. 280-307
Wiwin Wianti ◽  
Wangsit Supeno ◽  
Ira Karina Putri

Gramedia Asri Media is a company that specializes in retail that offers best books from various publishers , as well as school supplies products and an office that is best quality. PT Gramedia Asri Media trying continue to create a the brand awareness to public, In order to become the dominant choice in their purchasing choices. The study be conducted for determine how big influence the brand awareness of purchasing decisions. The method of this study used by quantitative method with Independent variables are Brand Awareness and the dependent variabel is purchasing decision and with sample of 30 respondents. The sampling technique used in this study is Sample Random Sampling. The method of this study used by methods observation, methods interview, methods questionnaire, and atudy documentation. Methods of data analysis used in this correlation coefficient analysis methods, determination coefficient, and simple linear regression analysis. Data processing was performed by using SPSS 23 software for Windows. Through the test R brand awareness has a strong relationship to the purchase decision. The influence of brand awareness on purchasing decision is 60,9% and the rest is 39,09% influenced by other factors not examines like brand image, promotion, quality of service and others. Each increase of one scala Brand Awareness will raise the Purchase Decision by 0,804.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-29
Dwita Suhari Yati Tarigan ◽  
Darwin Lie ◽  
Efendi Efendi ◽  
Erbin Chandra

The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1) Consumers declare that promotion, brand image and purchase decisions A Mild cigarettes are categorized well. 2) Regression analysis result Ŷ = 15,181 + 0,297X1 + 0,765X2, meaning there is positive influence between promotion (X1) and brand image (X2) to decision of purchase (Y) A Mild cigarettes offered by PT Duta Media Indonesia Pematangsiantar Area. 3) Correlation value r = 0,653 which means there is moderately high and positive correlation between promotion, brand image and purchase decision of A Mild cigarettes offered by PT Duta Media Indonesia Pematangsiantar Area. The coefficient of determination is 0,427, meaning that the strongness of purchasing decision is explained by 42,7% by promotion and brand image. 4) Hypothesis Ho rejected, meaning promotion and brand image has a positive and significant effect on the decision of A Mild cigarette purchase offered by PT Duta Media Indonesia Pematangsiantar Area. The suggestion from the research result concludes that A Mild cigarettes offered by PT Duta Media Indonesia Pematangsiantar Area in the influence of purchasing decision, hence company must improve and improve promotion and image of A Mild cigarette brand. The better promotion and brand image of A Mild cigarettes, it will improve the purchase decision of A Mild cigarettes. Keywords: Promotion, Brand Image and Purchase Decision.

Epigram ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Shara Chumairah ◽  
Fortuna Zain Hamid ◽  
Menik Wijiyanty

AbstractThis study aimed to determine the effect of the celebrity endorser (Rachel Vennya) and product quality to purchasing decision, which was conducted on 100 people Sate Taichan “Goreng” buyers in Tebet branch using non-probability sampling technique with incidental sampling approach. The research method used in this research was quantitatice with survey method aproach. The data in this study were tested using classical assumptions consisting of normality test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. Futhermore, the hypotesis was tested using by using multiple linear reggresion analysis, coefficient of determination (R2), t test, and f test. This study uses data analysis techniques with the help of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) program version 23.0.The empirical test results indicate that celebrity endorser and product quality together have a positive influence on purchasing decision product of Sate Taichan “Goreng” Tebet brach by 42,5%. Partially, the results of the analysis on celebrity endorser shows that this variable affect purchasing decisions by 40,83% with t count = 7.051> t table = 1.66071 and a significance value of 0.000 <0.10. While the product quality variable has an effect on the purchase decision of 13.03% with t count = 1.673> t table = 1.66071 and a significance value of 0.098 <0.10Keywords: celebrity endorser, product quality, purchasing decisionAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh langsung celebrity endorser (Rachel Vennya) dan kualitas produk terhadap keputusan pembelian. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 100 responden konsumen Sate Taichan “Goreng” Cabang Tebet dan teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik non-probability sampling dengan pendekatan incidental sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan pendekatan metode survey. Data pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian asumsi klasik yang terdiri dari uji normalitas, uji multikolinearitas, dan uji heterokedastisitas. Selanjutnya hipotesis diuji dengan menggunakan metode analisis regresi linier berganda, analisis koefisien determinasi (R2), uji t, dan uji f. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data dengan bantuan program SPSS (Statistical Package for Sosial Science) versi 23.0.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa celebrity endorser dan kualitas produk secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen Sate Taichan “Goreng” Cabang Tebet sebesar 42,5%. Secara parsial, hasil analisis pada celebrity endorser menunjukkan bahwa variabel tersebut berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian sebesar 40,83% dengan thitung=7,051>ttabel=1,66071 dan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000 < 0,10. Sedangkan variabel kualitas produk berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian sebesar 13,03% dengan thitung=1,673>ttabel=1,66071 dan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,098 < 0,10Kata Kunci : celebrity endorser, kualitas produk, keputusan pembelian

Liquidity ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-52 ◽  
Sri Widyastuti

Customer loyalty is ‘suspected’not been able to optimizationrepetition of transactions, customer recommendation and durability with the establishment relationship quality of the trust, customer satisfaction and commitment. Therefore, research conducted on Bank CIMB Niaga aims to determine the extent of the trust, and commitment to customer satisfaction can increase X-tra and TabunganKU savings customer loyalty. This research is verification and the method of research is explanatory survey method, the sample is 160 customer X-tra and tabunganKU savings in the branch office Bank CIMB Niaga Bintaro. The analytical method used is structural equation model. The results showed loyalty can be achieved with relationship quality for customers through the establishment of trust, and commitment to customer satisfaction, which all three have a positive influence. Therefore, the management of Bank CIMB Niaga need to improve their ability in trust, satisfactionand commitmentwith the bank's customers to become increasingly favored customers.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Ahmad Iskandar

In the era of globalization, the competition in the business world becomes very tight. Companies vying to be able to continue to compete and survive in the business world. Each consumer must have had the expectation that the products they buy are able to provide satisfaction for them to be making purchasing decisions. Consumer purchasing decisions of companies to seeds virtual brand still low due to the brand image and quality of seeds that are still unsatisfactory.This study aims to determine the responses of respondents regarding brand image, product quality, purchasing decisions and how big an impact on the brand image itself against purchase decisions on the PT. Prabu Argo Mandiri Bandung and how much influence the quality of products on the purchase decision.The method by which the samples is Simple Random Sampling consists of 80 respondents. The method of analysis in this research using descriptive analysis and verification which is composed of multiple linear regression analysis. Product moment correlation analysis, and the coefficient of determination used to measure the level of influence of brand image and product quality on purchasing decisions.The results based on descriptive analysis of brand image variable is in good enough category, variable quality of the product is in the unfavorable category, and the purchase decision variable is in the unfavorable category. The results based on correlation test showed that the brand image is partially significant effect on purchasing decisions by 68% and the product quality is partially significant effect on purchasing decisions by 13%. Hypothesis test results suggested that the increased purchasing decisions partially and simultaneously influence through brand image and product quality.

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