scholarly journals Analisis Semiotika Iklan Gojek #Gakpakelama dan Iklan Grab #Antingaret pada Layanan Transportasi Online di Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 411-428
Betha Almanfaluthi ◽  
Juniar Juniar

AbstrakGojek dan Grab adalah salah satu perusahaan jasa online terbesar di Indonesia. Baik Gojek maupun Grab memiliki banyak jenis jasa yang ditawarkan, akan tetapi transportasi menjadi jasa utama keduanya. Kondisi jalanan di kota-kota besar di Indonesia khususnya Jakarta yang sering mengalami kemacetan, menjadikan kendaraan roda dua menjadi alternatif berkendara yang populer. Sebagai dua perusahaan transportasi online yang memiliki layanan dan sasaran konsumen yang sama sehingga dalam membuat iklan Gojek dan Grab ada kecenderungan memiliki pesan yang sama dan tema yang mirip namun juga terlihat berbeda. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa makna iklan kampanye #gakpakelama oleh Gojek dan #antingaret oleh Grab dengan mengurai tanda-tanda visual untuk melihatkan perbedaan antar kedua layanan transportasi online tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode analisis isi yang dikombinasikan dengan pendekatan semiotika Roland Barthes yang menganalisis perluasan makna tanda. Dari hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa pengguna transportasi online digambarkan sebagai pekerja kantoran usia muda yang butuh solusi berupa layanan transportasi online yang siap kapan pun sebagai sebuah solusi yang dapat membantu orang-orang berjuang menghadapi kehidupan pekerjaan di kota besar terkait waktu. Kata Kunci: analisis isi, gojek, grab, iklan, semiotika AbstractGojek and Grab are some of the largest online service companies in Indonesia. Both Gojek and Grab have various types of services, but transportation is the primary service. Road conditions in big cities in Indonesia, especially Jakarta, often experience traffic jams so that two-wheeled vehicles are a popular alternative to driving. As two online transportation companies have the same services and target consumers, Gojek and Grab advertisements tend to have the same message and similar themes but also look different. This study purpose to analyze the meaning of the #gakpakelama by Gojek and #antingaret by Grab campaign advertisements by parsing visual signs to show the distinctions between the two online transportation services. The research was conducted using the content analysis method combined with the semiotic approach of Roland Barthes that analyzed the expansion of the meaning of the sign. From the analysis of the results, it was found that online transportation users are described as young office workers who need solutions in the form of online transportation services that are ready at any time as a solution that can help people struggle with working life in big cities related to time. Keywords: campaign, content analysis, gojek, grab, semiotic

Endah Arini Madusari ◽  
Emzir Emzir

The purpose of this study is to discover the values of education in the novels "Series of Anak-anak Mamak" by Tere Liye. The novels are more appropriately analyzed by using structural semiotic studies because the sentences used in the author of four novels consist of language styles and idioms. "Series of Anak-anak Mamak" also contain quite a lot of educational values. This study used a qualitative approach with content analysis method. The focus of the research is: the value of education in terms of structural and semiotic theories contained in the novels "Series of Anak-anak Mamak". The finding of this study is a description of the values of education in the novels entitled "Eliana", "Pukat", "Burlian" and "Amelia" by using a semiotic approach. The whole chapters in the four novels contain the values of education when viewed from the structural theory. Total percentage of the values of education contained in the four novels are: (1) honesty amounted to 18.33%, (2) fidelity amounted to 12.50%, (3) tolerance amounted to 8.33%, (4) confidence amounted to 47.50%, and (5) affection amounted to 13.33%. Semiotic studies in this novel are based on the styles of language and idioms, included connotative meanings. The whole chapters in the novel contain the values of education from the semiotic standpoint. Total percentage of the values of education from the semiotic standpoint of the four novels are: styles of language amounted to 57.25% and idioms amounted to 42.75%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Nofia Angela

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh pemahaman mengenai nilai cinta yang terdapat dalam lirik lagu bintang lima karya Ahmad Dhani ditinjau dari pendekatan struktural-semiotik. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari 15 maret 2015 hingga januari 2016. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif  dengan metode analisis isi (content  analysis)  yang menguatamakan pengkajian isi, dengan menggunakan sumber data primer yaitu lirik lagu bintang lima. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan nilai cinta dalam setiap lirik lagu bintang lima karya Ahmad dhani ditinjau dari pendekatan struktural melalui dimensi tema leksikal, dimensi visual dan  dimensi  akustik  bunyi  kemudian dilanjutkan dengan memaknai nilai cinta ditinjau dari pendekatan semiotik melalui ikon,  indeks  dan  simbol.  Dengan hasil analisis 9 lirik lagu sebagai berikut: Roman picisan mengungkapkan dan memaknai nilai cinta kepada lawan jenis, Dua Sejoli mengungkapkan dan memaknai nilai cinta kepada lawan  jenis,  Risalah  Hati  mengungkapkan dan memaknai nilai cinta kepada lawan  jenis,  Separuh  Nafas  mengungkapkan  dan  memaknai nilai cinta kepada lawan jenis, Cemburu mengungkapkan dan memaknai nilai cinta kepada lawan jenis,  Hidup  Adalah Perjuangan mengungkapkan dan memaknai nilai cinta kepada persaudaraan dan nilai cinta  kepada  diri sendiri, Lagu Cinta mengungkapkan dan memaknai nilai cinta kepada lawan jenis, Cinta Adalah Misteri mengungkapkan dan memaknai nilai cinta kepada Tuhan, Sayap-Sayap Patah mengungkapkan dan memaknai nilai cinta kepada  orang tua, kepada  persaudaraan  dan kepada  lawan jenis.   This research aimed to obtain the love understanding fotind in Bintang Lima lyrics by Ahmnd Dhnni tised structural-semiotic approach. The study wns conducted from 15 Mnrch 2015 IO JHntlE  2016. This research was a qualitative research used content analysis method which concernecl to content assessment useJ primary Jcita soiirCHS. The primary datn sources in this research were Bintang Lima Iyrics by Ahmad Dhani. This research showed the love in Bintang Lima lyrics by Ahmad Dhani use‹l structural approach through lexical-thematic, visual and rhythmic-ncoustic. Then, the love was interpreteJ by semiotic approach through icons, indexes nncl syn1bols. The results of this research showed thnt roman picisan, dua sejoli, iisalah hati,separuh nafasond cemburu exspressed the erotic love. Hidup adalah perjuangan expressed the brotherly love an J Se/f love .Lagu cintn exspresseJ the erotic /oveCinta adalah misteri exspressetl the love of God and sayap-sayap patah expressed the love of parents for children, brotherly love, erotic love.

Endah Arini Madusari ◽  
Emzir Emzir

The purpose of this study is to discover the values of education in the novels "Series of Anak-anak Mamak" by Tere Liye. The novels are more appropriately analyzed by using structural semiotic studies because the sentences used in the author of four novels consist of language styles and idioms. "Series of Anak-anak Mamak" also contain quite a lot of educational values. This study used a qualitative approach with content analysis method. The focus of the research is: the value of education in terms of structural and semiotic theories contained in the novels "Series of Anak-anak Mamak". The finding of this study is a description of the values of education in the novels entitled "Eliana", "Pukat", "Burlian" and "Amelia" by using a semiotic approach. The whole chapters in the four novels contain the values of education when viewed from the structural theory. Total percentage of the values of education contained in the four novels are: (1) honesty amounted to 18.33%, (2) fidelity amounted to 12.50%, (3) tolerance amounted to 8.33%, (4) confidence amounted to 47.50%, and (5) affection amounted to 13.33%. Semiotic studies in this novel are based on the styles of language and idioms, included connotative meanings. The whole chapters in the novel contain the values of education from the semiotic standpoint. Total percentage of the values of education from the semiotic standpoint of the four novels are: styles of language amounted to 57.25% and idioms amounted to 42.75%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-200 ◽  
Servet Kardeş ◽  
Çağla Banko ◽  
Berrin Akman

Bu araştırmada sığınmacılara yönelik paylaşımların yapıldığı sosyal medyada yer alan sözlüklerden birinde sığınmacılara yönelik algıya bakılmıştır. Yöntem olarak nitel desende olan bu çalışmada, bir sosyal medya sitesinde yer alan paylaşımlar içerik analizi yoluyla derinlemesine incelenip yorumlanmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda sosyal medya kullanıcılarının sığınmacıları büyük bir güvensizlik ortamı ve huzursuzluk yaratan bireyler olarak gördükleri saptanmış, sığınmacılarla yaşanan deneyimlerin ve medyadaki haberlerin bu düşüncelerin oluşmasında etkisinin olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanında sosyal medya kullanıcılarının devletin sığınmacılar konusunda yanlış politika izlediğini düşündükleri ve sığınmacılar için etkili bir planlama yapılmadığını ifade ettikleri görülmüştür. Çalışmanın sonuçları doğrultusunda medyada sığınmacılar hakkında çıkan haberlerde olumsuz ve şiddet temalı haberlerin azaltılması, Suriyeli sığınmacıların durumu, sahip oldukları haklar ve topluma yansımaları hakkında doğru ve bilgilendirici kamu spotları hazırlanması ayrıca sığınmacıların topluma entegre olma sürecinin her basamağında daha planlı ve etkili bir yol izlenmesi önerilebilir.ABSTRACT IN ENGLISHPerceptions about Syrian refugees on social media: an evaluation of a social media platformIn this research, posts which are about Syrian refugees were published in a social media platform, called as “sözlük” were investigated. The research is a qualitative research. The posts in this platform are analyzed with content analysis method. According to results of analyses, social media users see Syrian refugees as people who create an insecure and a restless environment. The experiences people had with them and news have an effect on this view. In addition, social media users think that government made inappropriate policies and ineffective plans about Syrian refugees. It is suggested negative news about Syrian refugees should be decreased and government should make safer policies. In addition, adaptation of refugees to society should be made in more planned and effective way.

Tse Guan Tan ◽  
Jason Teo

AbstrakTeknik Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) berjaya digunakan dan diaplikasikan dalam pelbagai bidang, termasukpembuatan, kejuruteraan, ekonomi, perubatan dan ketenteraan. Kebelakangan ini, terdapat minat yangsemakin meningkat dalam Permainan Kecerdasan Buatan atau permainan AI. Permainan AI merujukkepada teknik yang diaplikasikan dalam permainan komputer dan video seperti pembelajaran, pathfinding,perancangan, dan lain-lain bagi mewujudkan tingkah laku pintar dan autonomi kepada karakter dalampermainan. Objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk mengemukakan beberapa teknik yang biasa digunakandalam merekabentuk dan mengawal karakter berasaskan komputer untuk permainan Ms Pac-Man antaratahun 2005-2012. Ms Pac-Man adalah salah satu permainan yang digunakan dalam siri pertandinganpermainan diperingkat antarabangsa sebagai penanda aras untuk perbandingan pengawal autonomi.Kaedah analisis kandungan yang menyeluruh dijalankan secara ulasan dan sorotan literatur secara kritikal.Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa, walaupun terdapat berbagai teknik, limitasi utama dalam kajianterdahulu untuk mewujudkan karakter permaianan Pac Man adalah kekurangan Generalization Capabilitydalam kepelbagaian karakter permainan. Hasil kajian ini akan dapat digunakan oleh penyelidik untukmeningkatkan keupayaan Generalization AI karakter permainan dalam Pasaran Permainan KecerdasanBuatan. Abstract Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are successfully used and applied in a wide range of areas, includingmanufacturing, engineering, economics, medicine and military. In recent years, there has been anincreasing interest in Game Artificial Intelligence or Game AI. Game AI refers to techniques applied incomputer and video games such as learning, pathfinding, planning, and many others for creating intelligentand autonomous behaviour to the characters in games. The main objective of this paper is to highlightseveral most common of the AI techniques for designing and controlling the computer-based charactersto play Ms. Pac-Man game between years 2005-2012. The Ms. Pac-Man is one of the games that used asbenchmark for comparison of autonomous controllers in a series of international Game AI competitions.An extensive content analysis method was conducted through critical review on previous literature relatedto the field. Findings highlight, although there was various and unique techniques available, the majorlimitation of previous studies for creating the Ms. Pac-Man game characters is a lack of generalizationcapability across different game characters. The findings could provide the future direction for researchersto improve the Generalization A.I capability of game characters in the Game Artificial Intelligence market.

Society ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 677-694
Rahma Isnania ◽  
Nanang Martono ◽  
Tri Rini Widyastuti

The upper-class dominates various social spaces in society, including children’s stories. Children’s stories as a means of socializing values also participate in socializing upper-class habitus in the storyline. This study aims to describe the children’s habitus as narrated in short stories published in Bobo magazine. The method used in this study is the quantitative content analysis method and critical discourse analysis. This study’s object is about 174 short stories published in Bobo magazine from January 2019 to August 2020, of which 110 stories were taken randomly as samples. The results show that most of the children’s habitus narrated in the stories were upper-class children’s habitus, reaching out to 87 or 79.1% of all stories. Meanwhile, lower-class children’s habitus was found in 30.9% of all stories. The habitus of upper-class children featured in the story consisting of go on an excursion, luxury living, own electronic goods, own expensive good, wearing nightgowns, reading, and writing. On the other side, the habitus of lower-class children habitus featured in the story consisting of playing traditional games, living in poverty, and doing lower-class work. In conclusion, the upper-class children’s habitus appears more dominantly within short stories in Bobo magazine. This study’s results are expected as recommend to parties related to children’s stories publication to present more balanced stories.

Frank Bitafir Ijon

Conducts of by-elections in recent times have been fraught with a lot of security challenges. This has been as a result of the violence that characterized the conduct of by-elections in recent times in Ghana. Violence during by-elections in Ghana plays a vital role in securing election victories for political parties. In all the by-elections characterized by violence in Ghana, they were won by parties that were accused of inciting the violence. The main tenets of election violence as identified by the paper included, actors, motives, timing, consequences, and patterns. The paper adopted the content analysis method in its investigation of the two violent by-elections in Ghana. The paper revealed that there was a correlation between violence during by-elections and victories of incumbent parties. This was because, in the two by-elections understudy, those accused of starting the violence and using national security operatives won the elections. The paper also found out that by-election violence impacted negatively on Ghana’s democratic maturity in several ways, such as; low voter turnout, weakening of democratic foundation and breeding an atmosphere of insecurity. Finally, the paper also revealed that political parties especially those in government resort to violence during by-elections in Ghana because they fear losing it will mean the government was underperforming as argued out by Feigert and Norris and also because they want to add to their tally in parliament.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 317
Furqonul Haq ◽  
Muhammad Zainul Wathani

In the last decade, Ghirrah related to the practice of Waqf in Indonesia is increasing in terms of quantity and diversity. For example, continue to increase the land/object of Waqf, the more new institutions that manage the Waqf, the existence of associations and forums for the development of Waqf, and the presence of new types of Waqf, such as insurance. Waqf is a proven system that can contribute to progress, culture, education, economics, social and civilization. In Islam Waqf has been practiced since the time of Rasulullah SAW and has undergone many significant changes ranging from its type, management and purpose. All that demands a new ijtihad ijtihad that can provide an alternative development of Waqf in the present that does not contradict the Islamic Shari'a. The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of waqf in establishing student house. Nowadays, worthed boarding house is costly and this has prevented students from getting worthed boarding house. This paper offer an alternative solution to relieve such a situation, namely, through the application of waqf. The study suggests a concept to establish Waqf student house. The data was mainly collected using library research, all the data were analysed using the content analysis method. The findings show that waqf student house can help and support education in university. This article provides simulation scheme for establishing student house through waqf

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