2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-48
Nurul Nurul

Madrasah as an educational unit that provides the basics to follow education in the next level it is necessary to realize its excellent urgent owned madrasah.Salah an effort to madrasah with the implementation of Madrasah-based management, one of them public relations management. Public Relations is the development and maintenance of efficient cooperation to deliver a two-way information channel between the Madrasah and the community outside Madrasah. Public Relations management in conveying the advantages that exist in the madrasah aims specifically to answer the problems: (1) Management of public relations in improving the quality of madrasah, (2) Supporting factors and inhibitors faced in public relations management. (1) PR management in improving the quality of madrasah (2) Supporting factors of public relations management: a) Human resources (HR) teachers who have motivation and high performance and the average young age, b) Madrasahs in under the Foundation c) High achievement of madrasah, d) High public interest in bringing their children to Madrasah e) stakeholders supporting madrasah activities such as cooperation with Erlangga textbook publishers, LKS Sansekerta Jakarta, Bank Syariah Mualamat, Bank Syariah Mandiri, Dannis Surabaya home in procurement of Madrasah uniforms as well as Ummi Foundation Surabaya in Qiraati Al Qur'an, f) strategic madrasah location. The inhibiting factor in public relations management is the absence of sub-section or head of affairs (kaur) which specifically handles public relations so that public relations programs have not run optimally and the participation level of parents in the public relations program is not fully maximized.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-46
Silvi Aris Arlinda ◽  
Herru Prasetya Widodo

This study aimed to find out how the implementation of the Public Relations Officers in disseminating information about the Spirit 99 Days Work Program from the city Mayor of Malang, and to find out what obstacles occured in the implemention. This study used a qualitative method and the determination of respondents used a snowball sampling. The data collection techniques were through interviews, observation, documentation and the data analysis techniques included reduction, presentation, and verification. From the results of the study showed that the implementation of the public relations performance department in disseminating information, seen from the organization was effective and efficient. In the preparation of the public relations department did two approaches, namely based on the quantity and quality of its human resources, but in a communication policy Public Relations Section has not yet applied the basic tasks of government public relations. Directing the Public Relations Section was through formal and informal forms. While the supervision was through the IMM (Intelligence Media Management) software system which can monitor, collect online, printed and TV media content. From the assessment, the public relations department got some big problems with the existence of Spirit 99Work Days programs that have not been implemented. The inhibiting factors were inadequate funding and human resources and also the ineffective communication.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-82
Heriyanti Heriyanti ◽  
Ummanah Ummanah ◽  
Resman Maharul Tambunan ◽  

The rapid technology development and information made public (community) being so critical to the policies was taken by the government. This requires police institution to maintain of security guards, public order, enforce the law, provides protection, aegis and service to the community. Public Relations (PR) is an agency which have a duty to understand and evaluate a variety of public opinion in order to help to create harmony between particular agencies with the public. In order to increase quality of human resources in Police Department are required personnel with the ability in resolving problems the happens in society. In resolving these problems, that needed cooperation between police department, college and the community. The contribution of college to police department and the community with conducting the devotion to the community in cooperation Polresta Tangerang. The method in use in devotion community is by providing training of the role of public relations to Polresta Tangerang members through zoom cloud meeting. The role of public relations training aimed at giving public knowledge include similarity in communication, public relations function, basic principles of public relations, the management of the community and management of media relations may be good quality police. The evaluation of the training be concluded that the training that performed capable of increase understanding participants on the role of public relations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-36
Apandi Apandi

E-literacy and education are important components in improving the quality of human resources needed in an organization. The purpose of this study is to reveal the importance of e-literacy and public policy education. The State Civil Apparatus (ASN) requires e-literacy and education to improve performance results so that public services can be maximized. This becomes interesting research in the development of science-based on the real events that occur in Indonesia. Where so far, e-literacy and education is only intended for the public, especially millennial generation. The research method used is the study of literature where data is obtained through various secondary sources that are relevant to theoretically strengthen research results. The findings explain that e-literacy and education are effective and efficient strategies in overcoming budget constraints and low levels of ASN competence. With e-literacy and public policy education, it is hoped that the professionalism of the ASN bureaucracy will increase and the quality of public services will be better.

2019 ◽  
pp. 114-122
Nataliіa Sorokina

The article is devoted to the study of organizational culture in public service. The essence of the concept of organizational culture is considered. It has been determined that organizational culture is an interdisciplinary phenomenon which concern several fields. Therefore, there is no single approach to understanding of this concept. It is indicated that organizational culture is a distinguishing feature of every organization and is a decisive factor in the success / the failure of the whole group. In the article, the author conducted a sociological survey among public servants. The purpose of the survey was to find out what major changes have occurred in the organizational culture of public service in recent years. Based on empirical data, it has been found that changes in organizational culture are very slow. Respondents noted that the majority of elements of organizational culture remained constant, such as: the culture of appearance; the individual independence and the responsibility; the interaction of members of the organization with each other; the physical and psychological comfort; the motivation to work. It is proved that a favorable socio-psychological climate in public authorities is very important. So, the high performance indicators of the authorities, the low staff turnover, the high level of labor discipline, and the absence of tension and conflicts in the group depend on it. The important elements of organizational culture, such as the motivation to work, the culture of appearance, the communication links both within the organization (between public servants) and outside (public relations) are analyzed. It is indicated that the leader plays a key role in communication. He must directly participate in the formation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the group. It has been established that the process of changing organizational culture is quite complicated, requires time and effort, and high level of professionalism of leader. Changes very often cause discontent of the group, they are often perceived painfully. A strong organizational culture generates a positive image of the public service, which in is turn an important factor in raising confidence in public authorities. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to studied organizational culture, to monitor its formation, to improve and to regulate its changes.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
Narayana Mahendra Prastya

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktivitas hubungan media yang dilakukan oleh Universitas Islam Indonesia, saat kejadian Tragedi Diksar Mapala UII. Kejadian tersebut merupakan krisis karena tidak diduga, terjadi secara mendadak, dan menimbulkan gangguan pada aktivitas dan citra organisasi. Hubungan media adalah salah satu aktivitas yang penting dalam manajemen krisis, karena media massa mampu mempengaruhi persepsi masyarakat terhadap satu organisasi dalam krisis. Dalam situasi krisis sendiri, persepsi dapat menjadi lebih kuat daripada fakta. Batasan hubungan media dalam tulisan ini adalah dalam aspek penyediaan informasi yang terdiri dari : (1) kualitas narasumber organisasi dan (2) cara organisasi dalam membantu liputan media. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dengan mewawancarai wartawan dari media di Yogyakarta yang meliput Diksar Mapala UII. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa media membutuhkan narasumber pimpinan tertinggi universitas. Informasi yang diperoleh dari humas universitas dirasa masih kurang cukup. Dalam hal upaya organisasi membantu aktivitas liputan, UII dinilai masih kurang cepat dan kurang terbuka dalam memberikan informasi. The purpose of this article is to analyse the media relations activities by Islamic University of Indonesia (UII), related to crisis "Tragedi Diksar Mapala UII". This incident lead to crisis because it is unpredictable, happen suddenly, disturb the organizational activities, and make the organization's image being at risk. Media relations is one important activites in crisis management. It is because mass media could affect the public perception toward an organization. In crisis situation, perception could be stronger than the fact. The limitation of media relations in this article are information subsidies. Information subsidies consist of : (1) the quality of news sources that provided by the organization, and (2) how organization facilitate the news gathering process by the media. The data for this article is being collected from interview with journalist from the mass media in Yogyakarta. The results are media want the top management of the universities as the news sources. The information that being provided by public relations is not enough. The university also lack of quickness and lack of openess.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (18) ◽  
pp. 01-08
Fauzahani Pairan ◽  
Jessica Hai Liaw Ong ◽  
Mohd Juraimy Kadir ◽  
Nora Ibrahim

A public organization is an important sector in the administration of the Nation and it needs to remain relevant and accepted by society. The sub-sector such as services and security are the most important organizations that require high performance in society and the country to ensure security is always guaranteed. Military Training Academy, NDUM is an organization involved in various security and humanitarian operations either nationally or internationally. Accordingly, this study was conducted to assess employee motivation in public service activities by using the Public Service Motivation Model (PSM). The elements contained in the model are an attraction to public policymaking, commitment to the public interest, self-sacrifice, compassion, and ethical leadership. This study aims to analyze the relationship between Public Service Motivation (PSM) and organizational performance with ethical leadership among employees in Military Training Academy, NDUM. Quantitative research methods were used and questionnaires have been distributed to staff and instructors in Military Training Academy, NDUM, located in Kuala Lumpur by distributing the questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS 19. The results of this study showed that the attraction towards public policy-making (t=1.927, p>0.01), commitment to public interest (t=0.289, p>0.01), self-sacrifice (t=1.623, p>0.01), compassion (t=0.704, p>0.01) and ethical leadership (t=7.071, p<0.01). Ethical leadership encourages employees to participate in community service programs and improve organizational performance.

2021 ◽  
pp. 96-126
Melissa Aronczyk ◽  
Maria I. Espinoza

Chapter 4, PR for the “Public Interest,” reviews the endeavors which allowed industrial interests to promote their anti-environmental agenda as rational and reasonable. It also allowed them to advocate against the passage of further legislation. By advancing a rhetoric of “compromising for the common good,” PR actors helped diffuse the appearance of adversity in a 1970s and 1980s context of public concern over environmental damage, and cemented public relations as a legitimate profession with specialized skills of negotiation and dispute resolution. Throughout the 1950s, ‘60s, and ‘70s, as intensified battles over environmental futures were waged between environmental groups and business associations, PR actors found ways to create and manage influence in political contexts. PR consultants developed single-issue coalitions, public-private partnerships, green business networks, and other multiple-member groups, along with multi-pronged media strategies, to advance the idea of plurality.

1992 ◽  
Vol 82 (6) ◽  
pp. 328-335
J Levrio

The postsecondary accreditation process is a unique system that attempts to evaluate and enhance the quality of higher and professional education in the United States. Critics of accreditation see the process as coercive and a deterrent to academic freedom while others call for accreditors to exercise greater authority. The origination of the process was a result of a number of coinciding events involving the development of educational and professional standards and concern over access. The current focus on assessment of educational outcomes has further established the credibility of postsecondary accreditation and its role in protecting the public interest.

1963 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-41
Malcolm P. Grover

Public relations theory is the foundation for relations practices which management uses to accrue maximum benefits to all functions of the organization. Through a knowledgeable study of all facts concerning a given situation, a plan can be developed to achieve the end result of good relations. The problem of relations with the many publics in the everyday workings of a sanitarian or sanitation organization cannot be met or dismissed by a press release or speech. To develop a sound public relations program, the principles of theory must be considered. This paper has discussed three major principles. These are (a) consideration of fundamental matters, (b) organization involvement in decisions, and (c) evaluating the public interest. If these points are balanced with the actions of an organization, as a philosophy of management, the results will bring about the most favorable relations possible.

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