scholarly journals Methods of Teaching Old and Modern Arabic Language/طرائق تدريس اللغة العربية القديمة و الحديثة

Baiq Tuhfatul Unsy

The aim of this research is to learn the methods of teaching the Arabic language from time to time. It means old methods and modern methods. Each has characteristics that contradict one another. These differences are in terms of purpose, entry and evaluation. And teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers. Therefore, the teacher's knowledge of the modern and old teaching methods and his ability to use them helps him to know the teaching conditions that surround the educational situation. The education process becomes attractive and enjoyable for the learner and is relevant to his daily life, needs, tendencies, desires and future aspirations, so that the teaching of Arabic as a second language will be successful and a means of fully understanding Islam.هدف هذا البحث إلى معرفة طرائق تدريس اللغة العربية المختلفة من قديم الزمان إلى وقتنا الحاضر. ويعني بها الطرائق القديمة والطرائق الحديثة. ولكل منهما خصائص يخالف يعضها عن غيرها. وتلك الاختلافات تكون من حيث الغرض والمدخل والتقويم. وتعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها. لذا،  فإن معرفة المدرس بطرائق التدريس الحديثة والقديمة وقدرته على استعمالها تساعده في معرفة الظروف التدريسية التي تحيط بالموقف التعليمي. إذ تصبح عملية التعليم محببة وممتعة للمتعلم ووثيقة الصلة بحياته اليومية واحتياجاته وميوله ورغباته وتطلعاته المستقبلية، حتى ينجح تعليم اللغة العربية كلغة ثانية ووسيلة لفهم الإسلام بشكل كامل شامل. 

Ibtisam Rashad Hamidah

The study aimed to identify the reasons for the reluctance of children from 13 to 18 years to speak standard Arabic from the point of view of teachers and parents in the schools of Jeddah, as well as the search for differences of statistical significance between the average responses of sample members in the reluctance of children to speak standard Arabic, The researcher used the descriptive analytical method. The study population consisted of 60 teachers. The sample consisted of 60 teachers. The researcher used the open and closed questionnaire to search them. The statistical methods were used. The researcher analyzed and processed the research results. Among the sample of the study on the reluctance of children from 13- 18 years to talk about the classical Arabic language, the most important of which is that the reasons of children's reluctance to speak Arabic language physical weakness of their families, which leads them to work after the end of school hours, and overcrowded children, (55- 60) students. This negatively affects the son's understanding and understanding of the material, which leads to the failure to speak the standard Arabic language, the poor teacher's knowledge of modern teaching methods, the failure of the teacher to follow the mistakes of the children when speaking Arabic, The lack of interest of teachers and the management of schools with vulnerable children, the lack of adequate time allocated to the quotas of the Arabic language, and the lack of courses that allow the teacher to see the latest developments in education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Ismail Akzam ◽  
Adham Hamawiya

This study aim’s to the Arabic education institutes in Indonesia who think that as-sarhf teaching precedes an-nahw teaching, while others see an-nahw teaching precede pure education, and the two parties forget that the generalization of each of them is not straightforward; the learner from Arabic speakers is not the same as the learner from other speakers, and is specialized in the Arabic language and its literature not like a specialist in other sciences, and it is not correct for these scholars and specialists to be prepared either, but social and professional differences between them are taken into account, so the difference is clear between learning Arabic in its countries and between it in others, as well as between its learning because it is an end and it is because it is a means, which necessitates reviewing some problems the theory of the trade-off between an-nahw and as-sarhf and their teaching for non-Arabic speakers, especially in Indonesia, and we have discussed this issue through a critical approach, and we have come to the conclusion that the solution to obtain competence and integrated language skills is to combine an-nahw and as-sarhf teaching according to certain conditions that go beyond the problems experienced in the development Teaching Arabic in Indonesia, and at the forefront of these problems is reliance on traditional curricula, lack of comprehensive courses and modern teaching methods, as well as insufficient qualification of teachers sufficient and professionally, and relying on courses that do not match the level of Learners and their needs, in addition to the educational content lacking the pedagogical, psychological and cultural linguistic foundations, whether in its choice or its organization.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Ahmad Fatoni

This study aimed to determine the goal of teaching Arabic for Academic purposes. Teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers is generally divided into two types: Arabic language for life, which is a public program in which multiple attributes are related. Learning Arabic is only intended to communicate with Arabic in different situations of life. The second type is Arabic language programs for special purposes, including Arabic for academic purposes (AAP), Arabic for Businessmen People (ABP), Arabic for Education People (AEP), Arabic for Objective Purposes (AOP) and others. The researcher in this article focused on the Arabic language teaching program for academic purposes. The method used for this study was carried out using descriptive analysis method which the data were collected from personal interview with students of University of Darussalam Gontor and some documents. The result showed that the successful of teaching Arabic language for academic purposes related to use Arabic language in daily life as well as special activities such as scientific discussions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Talqis Nurdianto ◽  
Yayat Hidayat ◽  
Vicky Adetia Wulandari

This research was an effort to formulate an easy and modern Arabic learning method for non-Arabic speakers. Learning Arabic at CEFR does not only focus on the principles of Nahwu as science or practice, but also there are other competencies that must be included in its learning. This research was descriptive qualitative in nature with the primarily data was the study of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR). Data analysis was carried out by document analysis on the CEFR-based Arabic learning competency and the results were presented in descriptive form. This research resulted two main competency standards in teaching Arabic based on CEFR, they were: language competence in general and communicative language competence. In this general competency there were four derivative competencies, namely: 1) declarative knowledge; 2) expertise and skills; 3) existential competence; and (4) the ability to learn. Meanwhile, the CEFR only defined communicative language competence in its three derivative competencies, namely: 1) linguistic competence; 2) sociolinguistic competence; and 3) pragmatic competence.

شمس الدين محمد نور (Shamsuddin Muhammad Nur)

ملخص البحث:يعد ارتكاب الدارسين للأخطاء ووقوعهم فيها من الظواهر السائدة التي لا يكاد يخلو منها أي موقف تعليمي، فضلاً عن موقف تعلم اللغة الثانية. إن الانفتاح المنهجي الذي طرأ على مناهج تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها بظهور المنهج التواصلي، وأسلوب التعلم بالتكليف وحلّ المشكلات، ومركزية الدارس، وهذا يتطلب من أعضاء هيئة التدريس تطوير أدائهم العملي لمواكبة هذه المستجدّات، كما يتطلب منهم في الوقت نفسه إدخال التغييرات اللازمة على طرق التدريس لمسايرة روح العصر والتغير السريع فيه، فتطبيق المنهج المذكور بأساليبه التي تتركز على إعطاء الدارس قسطاً كبيراً من المبادرة، والمسؤولية، والشراكة في التعلم يحتاج إلى آلية تمكّن المدرس من بلورة هذا المنهج في وضع استراتيجيات وتدابير للتعامل مع أخطاء المتعلمين، ومعالجتها أثناء التفاعل الصفي. اُستُهِلّت هذه الورقة البحثية بالمقولة التي تقول: لو كانت هنالك مسابقة عامة بين مختلف أنواع الأداء اللفظي من حيث شيوعه فسيكسب الخطأ – بلا أدنى ريب – الجائزة الأولى. الكلمات المفتاحية: اتجاهات- تغيير- النموذج- الأخطاء- التحليل.Abstract:The paper discusses about the need among Arabic language teachers to keep up with the latest development in the methods and techniques in teaching Arabic. As the result of the development in the teaching methods, there are now many approaches such as the communicative method, the problem-based learning, student centered learning, to name a few. This application of these new approaches will not be possible if there is no mechanism to adopt and assert them in their teaching so as to help them benefit in developing the strategies and management of the errors of learners during the classroom activities.Keywords: Trends– Transformation– Sample– Errors– Analysis.Abstrak:Melakukan kesilapan bahasa di kalangan para pelajar adalah fenomena yang sering berlaku dan tidak boleh dielakkan apatah lagi dalam pembelajaran bahasa kedua. Keterbukaan dari segi cara pengajaran yang berlaku dalam pengajaran bahasa Arab kepada penutur bukan berbahasa Arab dengan kemunculan cara komunikasi, pembelajaran menerusi penyelesaian permasalahan, pembelajaran yang berpusat kepada pelajar, menuntut para tenaga pengajar mempertingkatkan ilmu pengetahuan mereka agar seiring dengan pembaharuan ini dan melakukan perubahan yang sepatutnya agar selari dengan ciri-ciri pemodenan yang pesat dengan pembaharuan. Maka mengaplikasikan cara tersebut yang tertumpu kepada memberikan pelajar sebahagian besar daripada inisiatif, tanggungjawab  dan penyertaan dalam proses pembelajaran, memerlukan satu alat yang memungkinkan tenaga pengajar memurnikan metod ini dalam meletakkan strategi dan langkah-langkah untuk menangani kesalahan pelajar dan mengatasinya semasa di dalam kelas.Kata kunci: Halatuju– Perubahan– Contoh– Kesalahan- Analisa.

Ghazali Bin Zainuddin ◽  
Abdel Mahdi al-Jarraḥ Ali Al-Jarraḥ

ملخص البحث: هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على مقياس مهارات الكتابة الإبداعية المناسب للطلبة الناطقين بغير العربية في ماليزيا. وطورت الدراسة مقياس الكتابة الإبداعية الذي يحتوي على ثلاثة محاور (الجمالي، البنائي، الفكري) للكتابة الإبداعية الرئيسة موزعة على (23) مهارة فرعية. وقد تم التأكد من صدق وثبات فقرات المقياس بالرجوع إلى عدد من أعضاء التدريس من الجامعات الأردنية والماليزية، وكذلك وزارة التربية والتعليم بالأردن وهم المتخصصون والخبراء في اللغة العربية وآدابها، والمناهج وطرائق التدريس، والقياس والتقويم، للاستئناس بآرائهم حول هذه المهارات من حيث درجة أهميتها وقابليتها لدى الطلبة الناطقين بغير العربية. توصلت الدراسة إلى إصدار قائمة مهارات الكتابة الإبداعية الخاصة للمتعلمين الناطقين بغير العربية ومعظم هذه المهارات مقبولة لدى المحكمين؛ حيث أوصت لجنة تحكيم المقياس في استخدامها لإجراء دراسة ميدانية متعلقة بالكتابة العربية الإبداعية لغير الناطقين بها. الكلمات المفتاحية: الكتابة- الإبداع- المهارات- المفاهيم- الطلبة. Abstract: The study aims to construct the suitable scale for creative writing for non-native Arabic speakers in Malaysia. The study developed the creative writing scale consisting of three major constructs: aesthetic, structural and cognitive which were divided on 23 secondary skills. The scale items were validated by referring to a number of lecturers from Jordanian and Malaysian universities in addition to a number of specialists in the Jordanian Ministry of Education in the field of Arabic language and literature, teaching methods and assessment to seek their views on the importance of such skills and their applicability to the non-native Arabic students. The study came up with a list of creative writing skills especially for the non-native Arabic students. Most of these skills were viewed as acceptable by the experts and therefore were recommended to be used as a tool for field study related to Arabic creative writing for non-native Arabic students.   Keywords: Writing – Creative – Skills – Concepts – Students.   Abstrak: Kajian ini menyasarkan untuk membina skala yang bersesuaian untuk mengukur kemahiran penulisan kreatif untuk penutur bukan Arab di Malaysia. Pembinaan skala ini mengandungi tiga konstruk utama: nilai astetika, aspek struktur ayat dan pemikiran yang seterusnya terbahagi kepada 23 kemahiran sekunder. Item-item skala tersebut disahkan dengan merujuk kepada beberapa orang pensyarah daripada university-universiti di Malaysia dan Jordan di samping beberapa orang lagi pakar-pakar dalam bidang bahasa dan sastera, metod pengajaran dan penilaian di Kementerian Pengajian Jordan. Ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pandangan mereka tentang kepentingan kemahiran tersebut dan kebolehlaksanaannya kepada pelajar bukan penutur Arab. Hasil kajian ini adalah satu senarai tentang kamahiran penulisan kreatif yang boleh dikuasi pelajar bukan penutur Arab yang dapat diterima oleh pakar dan disokong untuk digunapakai sebagai alat untuk kajian lapangan berkaitan kemahiran penulisan kreatif para pelajar bukan penutur Arab.   Kata kunci: Penulisan – Kreatif – Kemahiran – Konsep – Pelajar.

1950 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Solomon L. Skoss ◽  
David Neustadt ◽  
Pesaḥ Schusser ◽  
Pesah Schusser

1994 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-16 ◽  
Joshua Blau

After the Islamic conquest, the Greek Orthodox, so-called Melkite ( = Royalist), church fairly early adopted Arabic as its literary language. Their intellectual centres in Syria/Palestine were Jerusalem, along with the monaster ies of Mar Sabas and Mar Chariton in Judea, Edessa and Damascus. A great many Arabic manuscripts stemming from the first millennium, some of them dated, copied at the monastery of Mar Chariton and especially at that of Mar Saba, have been discovered in the monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai, the only monastery that has not been pillaged and set on fire by the bedouin. These manuscripts are of great importance for the history of the Arabic language. Because Christians were less devoted to the ideal of the ‘arabiyya than their Muslim contemporaries, their writings contain a great many devi ations from classical Arabic, thus enabling us to reconstruct early Neo-Arabic, the predecessor of the modern Arabic dialects, and bridge a gap of over one thousand years in the history of the Arabic language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-114
A. V. Tolochko ◽  

The article focuses on the problems of teaching social studies at high school. The author tries to actualize the use of gaming technologies during lessons. The aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the game in teaching social studies to schoolchildren. During social studies lessons, it is necessary to use various teaching methods, one of which is the game. Thanks to the game, the theoretical knowledge gained during the lesson will be much better assimilated by students. Also, thanks to game technologies, it is possible to solve the problem of educational motivation of schoolchildren; it will be interesting for any student to participate in a game. Play activity today is of great importance in the development and education of the individual, as it gives each child an opportunity to feel themselves as a subject of a certain type of activity, to express themselves, to form thier own abilities. During the game, an intellectually passive student can perform such a volume of work that is completely inaccessible to them in a traditional educational situation. In scientific and other pedagogical studies related to play activities, one can find the concept of an "emotional accelerator" of learning. In addition to theoretical research, the article describes a pedagogical experiment, in which 20 students of 10th grades took part. The article says that using various play forms and methods it is possible to alternate between “serious” and “frivolous” work, and thereby ensure sustained attention to the studied material in the classroom, and the study of the course “Social Studies” at high school is a vital necessity. It is important to provide quality education using various active methods and techniques, in particular, using the form of business games.

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