Hubungan Kadar Laktat Dehidrogenase dengan Derajat Preeklampsia-Eklampsia di RSUP Dr.M.Djamil Padang Tahun 2017

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Tia Kartika ◽  
Prima Adelin ◽  
Rinita Amelia

Preeclampsia is the cause of maternal deaths that high after bleeding. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) useful as biochemical markers to describe the severity of the preeclampsia-eclampsia. Aim of this study is to find out the relationship of lactate dehydrogenase levels with preeclampsia-eclampsia degrees in RSUP DR.M.Djamil Padang 2017. Methods od this research is observational analytic uses secondary data derived by medical record. The place of study was carried out at the medical record installation of central general hospital DR.M.Djamil Padang. The time of the study wasconducted in December 2018 - January 2019. The sample is preeklampsia-eklampsia patients these being treated in installation of inpatient and installation of outpatient in central general hospital DR.M.Djamil Padang 2017 which meets the criteria of inclusion and exclusion and drawn using simple random sampling techniques amounted to 32 people.Univariate analysis is presented in the form of tables and bivariate analysis was presented in the form af a table using the Spearman test. Results : Based on the research results obtained severe preeclampsia patients 21 persons (65,6%) have average levels of lactate dehydrogenase 979,05 u/l with range 313-1755 and eclampsia patients 11 persons (34,4%) have average levels of lactate dehydogenase 1838,64 u/l with range 420-5508. Spearman correlation tst obtained significant value of 0.001 and correlation 0,545. Conclusion : There is a relationship between the levels of lactate dehydrogenase with degree preeclampsia-eclampsia (p<0,05) with medium correlation (r=0,545)

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 176
Aminatul Fitria

Cataract is the leading cause of 51% blindness case in the world. Cataract can only be cured trough surgery, but most people with cataract in Indonesia is not in undergoing surgery due to several factors. The increasing number of cataract victim whose not undergoing any treatment to cure them will resulting in increasing number of blindness case, so blindness cause by cataracts can be a public health problem. This research was conducted to determine the relationship of age, attitudes, knowledge and the cost of the action to perform cataract surgery. This research was an observational analytic study with cross sectional design. The samples were cataract patients in Undaan Eye Hospital Surabaya who were randomly selected using a simple random sampling based on medical records of 60 people. Data collection was done by taking secondary data and interviews to patients. Those variables was analyzed with chi square or Fisher’s exact with significancy level at 95%. The result showed that there were correlation between knowledge (p = 0.017), operating costs (p = 0.001) and attitude (0.000) while age was not related (p = 1.000), the actions to perform cataract surgery. The conclusion from this research was the attitude, knowledge and operating costs related to the actions to perform cataract surgery, while age was not related to the actions to perform cataract surgery. It is recommended to give through leaflets or other media in the lobby for improving patient education, counseling to the patient family, the doctor’s advice to convince patient for surgery.Keywords: practice, surgery, cataract, attitudes, costs

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-37
Indri Zaliavani ◽  
Mutiara Anissa ◽  
Fidiariani Sjaaf

In the elderly, environmental stress and decreased cognitive function often cause depression. Depression that is not treated properly can cause an increase in the use of health facilities, a negative influence on the quality of life elderly, and can even cause death. Purpose of this research to know the relationship of cognitive function disorders with depression in the elderly at Posyandu Lansia Ikur Koto working area of the Puskesmas Ikur Koto, Padang. This type of research is correlative analytic with cross-sectional approach. Research has been conducted at posyandu lansia Ikur Koto in February 2019. The samples in this research was elderly who were recorded at the posyandu lansia Ikur Koto there were 51 elderly. Data analysis univariate presented in the form of a frequency distribution table and bivariate analysis using the spearman test using the SPSS program. Result of the 51 respondents, the majority of age was 60-74 years old (70,6%), the highest sex were women (94,1%), the highest education was elementary school (56,9%) ), the most marital status was married (52,9%), the highest health status (58,8%) did not suffer chronic diseases and most medical history does not use drugs (98%),most (72,5%) did not experiencing depression, most (37,3%) had mild cognitive function disorders and there were relationship between cognitive function disorders and depression in the elderly with a value p=0,007<0,05 and r=-0,373. Conclusion is there were significant relationship between cognitive function disorders and depression in the elderly at Posyandu Lansia Ikur Koto working area of the Puskesmas Ikur Koto, Padang.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Elza Nur Fitriyah

Pneumonia is the leading cause of death among children under five years of age in the world. Based on Riskesdas 2007, in Indonesia the percentages of infants and children under five years who died due to pneumonia were 23.8 percent and 15.5 percent respectively. Using a non-reactive unobstructive method, this study aimed at analyzing the relationship between nutrition and the immunization status and the incidence of pneumonia among children under two years old. This study employed secondary data of Laporan Bulanan Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak dan Laporan Gizi (monthly reports of maternal care, child wellbeings, and nutritions) at Bulak Banteng primary health center in the year of 2015. The sample in this study was 604 children under two years selected using a simple random sampling method. The data was obtained by collecting data of children under two years and the incidence of pneumonia among children under two years at Bulak Banteng health center in 2015. Using a bivariate analysis, it showed that there was relationship between variables of age, sex, immunization, and nutritional status, and the incidence of pneumonia. The p value and OR variables used respectively are 0.00 OR 3.6; 0.00 OR 1.6; 0.00 OR 3.2 and 0.00 OR 16.6. The conclusion of this study is that there was a significant relationship between the variables of age, sex, immunization, and nutritional status and the incidence of pneumonia among children under two years. The advice to primary health centers is to give PMT (additional nutritious food) to children under two years without good nutritional statuses and to monitor the health status of patients who have pneumonia with home visits to avoid recurrence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 95
Rizky Yusnida Amelia ◽  
Pribakti Budinurdjaja ◽  
Ihya Ridlo Nizomy ◽  
Meitria Syahadatina Noor ◽  
Singgih Sidarta ◽  

Perineal rupture is a laceration on the perineum during delivery process (excluding iatrogenic rupture such as episiotomy). Several provinces in Indonesia in 2017-2018 reports that 1 in 5 cases of perineal rupture is shown to be fatal, one of many contributing factors in perineal rupture is age and parity. This study aims to find the relationship between age, parity, with perineal rupture on per vaginam (spontaneous) deliveries in RSIA Borneo Citra Medika, Pelaihari. This search use cross-sectional, analytic observational study that was conducted at RSIA Borneo Citra Medika from January to December 2017 with simple random sampling utilizing secondary data from medical record, total 208 samples. The result is perineal rupture was found on 16 (11.51%) samples with age <20 years old and >35 years old and on 123 (95.69%) samples with age 20-35 years old. Chi-square analysis showed no association between age and perineal rupture (p>0.05). Perineal rupture was found on 70 (50.35%) samples with primigravida and on 69 (49.65%) samples with multigravida. Chi-square analysis showed a strong association between parity and perineal rupture (p= 0.000). The conclusions are there was a significant relationship between parity with perineal rupture and there wasn’t significant relationship between age with perineal rupture.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 106
Fauziyatun Nisa

Baby village temple Kebonsari sidoarjo many are not exclusively breastfed because most mothers so busy working impaired fine motoric development. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of exclusive breastfeeding with fine motoric development in infants aged 6-12 months Kebonsari Candi Sidoarjo village. This study design was observational analytic. The study population was 35 pairs of mothers and infants village temple Kebonsari Sidoarjo and sample 32 pairs of respondents, taken by simple random sampling. The independent variables were exclusively breastfed and fine motoric development of babies as the dependent variable. Instrument data collection using questionnaires and observation sheets DDST then Spearman rank test with significance level α = 0.05. The results showed that a large part (71.9%) of mothers breastfeeding, and the bulk (62.5%) infants have normal fine motoric development. Spearman rank test results obtained value of ρ = 0.023 <α = 0.05, H0 denied, there is a relationship of exclusive breastfeeding with fine motoric development in infants aged 6-12 months Kebonsari Candi Sidoarjo village. The conclusions of this research are mothers who exclusively breastfed their babies and fine motoric development is normal. Nurses are highly recommended providing information about how and benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for the stimulation of the development of fine motoric skills

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-87
Dewi Marfuah ◽  
Rita Mayasari

Influenced by nutritional status. The prevalence of nutritional status in Indonesia by 32.6% malnourished and 25.6% excess nutrients. If there is nutritional status disorders will aggravate the menstrual pain. Purpose: This study was conducted to determine the relationship of nutritional status in adolescents whose having dysmenorrhea in SMP Negeri 16 Bandung. Methods: Using a correlational descriptive design with cross sectional approach as well as using non-random sampling techniques, the number of population in this study of 50 female students who experience dysmenorrhea and the number of samples of 39 respondents. Data were analyzed using the Spearman test. Results: Based on the statistical analysis, mostly the respondents have malnutrition about 19 respondents (41.7%) and they have more likely a mild pain during menstrual period at about 22 respondents (56, 4%). The Spearman test results show that the value between the nutritional status with menstrual pain p-value of 0.039 (p<0.05) and the coefficient of contingency -0.332. Conclusion: There is a relationship between the nutritional status with dysmenorrhea. Suggestion: It is expected that it is able to give any appropriate feedback toward nursing process in anticipacing any reproduction health such as a clear information about nutritional status which is contributing a lot to have severe pain during menstrual period among adolescents.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 176
Aminatul Fitria

Cataract is the leading cause of 51% blindness case in the world. Cataract can only be cured trough surgery, but most people with cataract in Indonesia is not in undergoing surgery due to several factors. The increasing number of cataract victim whose not undergoing any treatment to cure them will resulting in increasing number of blindness case, so blindness cause by cataracts can be a public health problem. This research was conducted to determine the relationship of age, attitudes, knowledge and the cost of the action to perform cataract surgery. This research was an observational analytic study with cross sectional design. The samples were cataract patients in Undaan Eye Hospital Surabaya who were randomly selected using a simple random sampling based on medical records of 60 people. Data collection was done by taking secondary data and interviews to patients. Those variables was analyzed with chi square or Fisher’s exact with significancy level at 95%. The result showed that there were correlation between knowledge (p = 0.017), operating costs (p = 0.001) and attitude (0.000) while age was not related (p = 1.000), the actions to perform cataract surgery. The conclusion from this research was the attitude, knowledge and operating costs related to the actions to perform cataract surgery, while age was not related to the actions to perform cataract surgery. It is recommended to give through leaflets or other media in the lobby for improving patient education, counseling to the patient family, the doctor’s advice to convince patient for surgery.Keywords: practice, surgery, cataract, attitudes, costs

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Farida Umamah ◽  
Faisal Rahman

Gymnastic is important for health. In fact many people who do not do gymnastic for a variety of the reasons. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between the gymnastic osteoporosis and osteoporosis and osteoporosis in the Surabaya Islamic General Hospital.The design of study was analytic correlational – crosss sectional. The population involved all participant of gymnastic osteoporosis in the Surabaya Islamic General Hospital, totally 55 people, 48 respondents were chosen as the samples by using simple random sampling technique. The independent variabel used in this study was gymnastic osteoporosis and the dependent variabel was the osteoporosis. Questionnaire and bone mass density was used to collect the data which were then analyzed by using Rank Spearman test with the significance level α = 0,05.The resulf of study showed that among 48 respondents almost antirely respondents were (79,2%) Follow exercise according the rules, and most of the respondents (68,8%) osteopenia. Moreover, the result of the statistics test showed that ρ = 0,00 < α = 0,05. So that H0 was rejected which meant that there was a coralation between gymnastic osteoporosis and osteoporosis in the Surabaya Islamic General Hospital.The conclusion is gymnastic beneficial to bone and other health aspec. Gymnastic can be slow the drop of bone mass dencity due to age and increase the general healt, so that decrease osteoporosis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Elza Nur Fitriyah

Pneumonia is the leading cause of death among children under five years of age in the world. Based on Riskesdas 2007, in Indonesia the percentages of infants and children under five years who died due to pneumonia were 23.8 percent and 15.5 percent respectively. Using a non-reactive unobstructive method, this study aimed at analyzing the relationship between nutrition and the immunization status and the incidence of pneumonia among children under two years old. This study employed secondary data of Laporan Bulanan Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak dan Laporan Gizi (monthly reports of maternal care, child wellbeings, and nutritions) at Bulak Banteng primary health center in the year of 2015. The sample in this study was 604 children under two years selected using a simple random sampling method. The data was obtained by collecting data of children under two years and the incidence of pneumonia among children under two years at Bulak Banteng health center in 2015. Using a bivariate analysis, it showed that there was relationship between variables of age, sex, immunization, and nutritional status, and the incidence of pneumonia. The p value and OR variables used respectively are 0.00 OR 3.6; 0.00 OR 1.6; 0.00 OR 3.2 and 0.00 OR 16.6. The conclusion of this study is that there was a significant relationship between the variables of age, sex, immunization, and nutritional status and the incidence of pneumonia among children under two years. The advice to primary health centers is to give PMT (additional nutritious food) to children under two years without good nutritional statuses and to monitor the health status of patients who have pneumonia with home visits to avoid recurrence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-102
Susanti Pratamaningtyas ◽  
Shinta Kristianti ◽  
Siti Nurhidayatul Ilma Nafiah

Preeclampsia is a special condition during pregnancy where hypertension and proteinuria occur after 20 weeks of gestation in mothers who have had normal blood pressure. Symptoms that arise in preeclampsia are edema, hypertension, and proteinuria. One of the factors that make incidence of preeclampsia is obesity. Women with abnormal weight have a greater risk of preeclampsia. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of weight gain during pregnancy to the incidence of preeclampsia in Gambiran Hospital, Kediri. Simple random sampling was used with a population of 117 mothers. 91 mothers were taken to be respondents, this study was conducted on 6-9 May 2019. The research instrument used recapitulation sheet. The results of statistical tests showed that there was a relationship between weight gain during pregnancy and the incidence of preeclampsia in Gambiran Hospital, Kediri City. The Chi Square test results show that the value of ρ value is 0.022, then 0.022 <0.05, so it can be concluded that there is a Relationship between Increasing Weight During Pregnancy with the incidence of Preeclampsia in Gambiran Hospital, Kediri City.

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