scholarly journals Faktor Resiko Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Kanker Payudara Di Ruang Edelweis RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin

Ika Avrilina Haryono ◽  
Adriana Palimbo ◽  
Difa Okti Al Kautsar

ABSTRAKLatar Belakang : Kanker payudara merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian utama pada wanita di dunia. Sejauh ini, kanker payudara paling sering diderita oleh wanita dengan perkiraan 43,3% juta kasus kanker baru yang didiagnosis pada tahun 2012. Angka kejadian kanker payudara bervariasi secara global dimana terjadi peningkatan insiden di negara berkembang tetapi cenderung menurun dinegara maju, dengan kasus pada negara berkembang (883.000 kasus) negara maju (794.000 kasus). Tujuan: Menganalisis faktor resiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian kanker payudara meliputi faktor umur, umur pertama menstruasi, menopause, umur pertama kali menikah, riwayat penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal, riwayat pemberian ASI, da riwayat kanker payudara pada keluarga.Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 760 orang dengan sampel 88 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data primer, teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah uji chi square dan uji regresi berganda.Hasil: Hasil Uji Chi Square menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan signifikan antara umur (p=0.000) dan penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal (p=0.002) dengan hasil uji regresi berganda (p-value0.05) menunjukan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh faktor risiko terhadap kejadian kanker payudara.Simpulan: Ada hubungan antara umur dan riwayat penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal dengan kejadian kanker payudara. Tidak ada pengaruh faktor resiko terhadap kejadian kanker payudara. Kata Kunci: kanker payudara, riwayat penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal, umur Risk Factors Related to Breast Cancer IncidenceIn the Edelweis Room of Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin AbstractBackground: Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women in the world. So far, breast cancer most often affects women with an estimated 43.3% of new cancer cases diagnosed in 2012. The incidence of breast cancer varies globally where there is an increase in incidents in developing countries but tends to decrease in developed countries, with cases in the country developing (883,000 cases) developed countries (794,000 cases).Objective: Analyzing risk factors associated with breast cancer events include age, age at first menstruation, menopause, age at first marriage, history of use of hormonal contraception, history of breastfeeding, and history of breast cancer in the family.Method: This study is a quantitative study using analytical survey method with cross sectional design. The population in this study amounted to 760 people with a sample of 88 people. Primary data collection techniques, data analysis techniques used are chi square test and multiple regression test.Results: Chi Square test results showed that there was a significant relationship between age (p = 0,000) and hormonal contraceptive use (p = 0.002) with the results of multiple regression tests (p-value 0.05) indicating that there was no effect of risk factors on breast cancer incidence.Conclusion: There is a relationship between age and history of hormonal contraceptive use with the incidence of breast cancer. There is no effect of risk factors on the incidence of breast cancer. Keywords: breast cancer, history of hormonal contraceptive use, age

Alviano Satria Wibawa ◽  
Hermina Novida ◽  
Muhammad Faizi ◽  
Deasy Ardiany

Introduction: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a complication of diabetes mellitus which has a high risk of mortality. Mortality in DKA patients in developed countries is less than 5%, some other sources mention 5-10%, 2-10%, or 9-10%. Mortality events at clinics with simple facilities and elderly patients can reach 25-50%. The mortality rate of DKA patients is generally higher in infection conditions, especially in developing countries and in septic patients. Several factors such as age, sex, and high blood glucose can increase mortality risk of DKA patients. Other risk factors such as history of discontinued insulin therapy, impaired bicarbonate levels, pH, and increased leukocytes of DKA patients due to infection, abnormal albumin levels, electrolyte disturbances, and Serum Creatinine (SK) were thought to affect mortality of DKA patients. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk factors associated with mortality of DKA patients in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. Methods: The method used in this study was observational analytic involving 63 adult patients diagnosed with DKA with analysis using Chi-Square test. Results: From 63 patients included in this study, 37 patients diagnosed with DKA died and 26 patients lived. In a multivariate analysis, DKA severity with p = 0.001 (p < 0.005) was identified as having a relationship with mortality of DKA patients Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. Conclusion: Severity is the only risk factor associated with mortality of DKA patients in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-57
Eva Santi Hutasoit ◽  
Yessi Azwar

Hypertension is a condition when blood pressure in blood vessels increases chronically (Suiraoka, 2012). The risk of increasing this blood pressure is related to race, family history of hypertension, obesity, diet / food intake, smoking and the length of time the combination hormonal contraceptive is used. Family acceptors who use hormonal contraception over a period of time often complain of health problems, one of the health problems that are often experienced by hormonal contraceptive acceptors is hypertension or high blood pressure. Hormonal contraception can cause high blood pressure (hypertension) in approximately 4-5% of women who have normal blood pressure before taking the drug, and can increase blood pressure in 9-16% of women who have suffered hypertension before. The type of research used in this study is quantitative, with analytic research design and with a cross sectional approach, namely research conducted simultaneously. The number of samples is 54 mothers who are KB KBtor. From the results of the study, it was found that respondents who used hormonal contraception experienced an increase in blood pressure by 37 people (84.1%), while those who did not experience a rise in blood pressure were 7 people (15.9%). Respondents who did not use hormonal contraception experienced an increase in blood pressure by 5 people (50.0%), while those who did not experience an increase in blood pressure were 5 people (50.0%). From the Chi-square test results obtained a value of 0,045 (Pvalue 0,045 <α 0,05) and OR 5,286. This shows that Ha is accepted which means that there is a relationship between the use of hormonal contraception and an increase in blood pressure. OR = 5,286 showed that the use of hormonal contraception 5 times was associated with increased blood pressure.

Yudiarsi Eppang

The aim of the study: To determine the risk factors associated with the incidence of placenta previa in mothers who gave birth at RSUD Daya Makassar City. Method: Quantitative Research, with a cross sectional approach. The design of this study was used with the goal to knowing the risk factors associated with the incidence of placenta previa in mothers who gave birth at RSUD Daya Kota Makassar in 2020. The population in this study were all mothers who experienced placenta previa recorded as data in the INC room at RSUD. Daya City of Makassar in 2020. The sample in this study were women who experienced placenta previa recorded in the INC room data at RSUD Daya Kota Makassar in 2020. Results: This study shows that 15 respondents studied showed that there was a relationship between age, parity, history of curettage, and the distance between pregnancies to the incidence of placenta previa. Based on the results of the chi square test, the results obtained were age (p = 0.019), parity (p = 0.005), history of curettage (p = 0.020) and pregnancy distance (p = 0.020). Conclusion: in this study there is a significant relationship between age, parity, history of curettage, and the distance between pregnancies to the incidence of placenta previa at RSUD Daya Kota Makassar. Suggestion: Suggestions for health workers need to increase antenatal supervision of pregnant women who have a history of obstetrics, so that risky pregnant women can be managed properly

Lelly Aprilia Vidayati

Menopause is permanent cessation of menstruation after preceded by amenorhea for at least one year. Menopausal age in women can occur at age 45-50 years but in some circumstances can occur early or late. Age of menopause is influenced by several factors one them the use of hormonal contraception. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of contraceptive use in women with age of menopause in Polindes Tebul Kec. Kwanyar. This research use Analytical design with Cross Sectional approach. The independent variable is Contraception method and Dependent variable is age of menopause. The total population of 48 postmenopausal women from the study sample was 43 menopausal women. Sampling using simple random sampling technique. The instrument used is questionnaire. Univariate data analysis using frequency and bivariate distribution using chi square test with significant level α 0.05. The results showed that almost all menopausal women 43 people had a history of using hormonal contraception that is 24 people (55.8%). While 21 men (48.9%) of menopausal women had normal menopause, respondents who had a history of using hormonal contraceptives nearly half had normal menopause (48.9%). After chi square test with significant level α 0.05 obtained ρ Value: 0,008 <α: 0,05 so that H0 is rejected. This suggests that there is a relationship of contraceptive use in women with menopausal age. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between contraceptive use in women with menopausal age, therefore it is advisable to menopause women to follow posyandu elderly to increase knowledge about menopause.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 310-315
Juniar Eka Budiyani ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati ◽  
Ledy Octaviani Iqmy

ABSTRACT  Background Pre eclampsia is hypertension that occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy accompanied by proteinuria. Based on Mangunang Kotaagung's Regional General Hospital, Mangunang Kota Agung itself obtained data from 1 January 2017 to 30 April 2019, there were 84 cases of preeclampsia from 677 cases who entered the Midwifery Hospital in Batin Mangunang, Agung City.  The Purpose of the study was the relationship between the risk factors of pregnant women and the incidence of preeclampsia and eclampsia in the Batin Mangunang Hospital in the Great City of Tanggamus Regency in 2019.  MethodsThis type of research is quantitative analytical research with a cross sectional approach. This population is all pregnant women who experienced preeclampsia as many as 54 cases for cases and 54 samples for control because this study uses a comparison of cases 1: 1. the sampling technique used is total sampling. Data collection using observation sheet and data analysis used is univariate and bivariate using the chi-square test.  The results showed that the frequency distribution of non-risk age was 66 people (61.1%), non-risky parity as many as 60 people (55.6%), respondents with a history of non-risky diseases as many as 81 people (75.0%), risky education (SD, SMP) as many as 54 people (50.0%), risk antenatal care as many as 55 people (50.9%), the incidence of preeclampsia cases as many as 54 people (50%), while respondents with preeclampsia control as many as 54 people (50%),  CoclusionThere is a relationship between risk factors for pregnant women based on age pvalue = 0.001, parity pvalue = 0.012 and antenatal service pvalue = 0.007 with the incidence of pre eclampsia, there is no relationship between risk factors for pregnant women based on maternal education p value = 0.847 and history of chronic disease 182, with the incidence of pre-eclampsia. Suggestion Can be used as knowledge, information, and references in subsequent studies related to factors related to the incidence of preeclampsia in labor by adding different variables and adding the number of samples with primary data.  Keywords: risk factors for preeclamptic events  ABSTRAK   Latar Belakang Pre eklampsia adalah hipertensi yang timbul setelah 20 minggu kehamilan disertai dengan proteinuria. Data Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Batin Mangunang Kota Agung Periode 1 Januari 2017 sampai dengan 30 April 2019 terdapat  84 pasien dengan kasus preeklampsia dari 677 kasus yang masuk ke Ruang Kebidanan RSUD Batin Mangunang Kota Agung.  Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui  hubungan Antara Faktor Resiko Ibu Hamil dengan kejadian preeklamsi dan eklamsia Di RSUD Batin Mangunang  Kota Agung Kabupaten Tanggamus Tahun 2019.  Metode Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi ini adalah semua ibu hamil yang mengalami preeklampsi sebanyak 54 kasus untuk kasus dan 54 sampel untuk kontrol karena penelitian ini menggunakan perbandingan kasus 1:1.teknik sampling yang digunakan total sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan lembar observasi dan analisa data yang digunakan adalah univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa Distribusi frekuensi usia tidak berisiko sebanyak 66 orang (61,1%), paritas yang tidak berisiko sebanyak 60 orang (55.6%), responden dengan riwayat penyakit yang tidak berisiko sebanyak 81 orang (75,0%), pendidikan berisisiko (SD, SMP) sebanyak 54 orang (50.0%), pelayanan antenatal berisiko sebanyak 55 orang (50,9%), kejadian preeklampsia kasus sebanyak 54 orang (50%), sedangkan responden dengan preeklampsia kontrol sebanyak 54 orang (50%),  Kesimpulan Ada hubungan antara Faktor resiko ibu hamil berdasarkan umur pvalue = 0,001, paritas pvalue = 0,012 dan pelayanan antenatal pvalue= 0,007 dengan Kejadian pre eklamsia, tidak ada hubungan antara Faktor resiko ibu hamil berdasarkan pendidikan ibu pvalue = 0,847 dan riwayat Penyakit kronik pada ibu  pvalue = 182, dengan Kejadian pre eklamsia.  Saran Dapat dijadikan sebagai pengetahuan, informasi, dan referensi dalam penelitian selanjutnya terkait faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian preeklampsia pada persalinan dengan menambahkan varibel yang berbeda dan menambahkan jumlah sampel dengan data primer.  Kata Kunci : Faktor Risiko kejadian preeklampsi  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-36
Ledy Octaviani Iqmy ◽  
Setiawati Setiawati ◽  
Dhiny Easter Yanti

ABSTRACT RISK FACTORS RELATED TO BREAST CANCER Background The trend of breast cancer incidence in Abdoel Moeloek Regional General Hospital increased in 2015 by 5.62% (101 people) compared to the incidence of breast cancer in 2014. In 2014 breast cancer patients treated in the women's operating room were 1797 (49.3 %) of the total 3645 inpatients, while in 2015 the incidence of breast cancer was recorded as much as 1,898 (52.4%) of a total of 3795 patients (Women's Surgical Room at Abdul Moeloek Hospital, Lampung Province).The purpose of this study was to know the risk factors associated with breast cancer at Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek, Lampung Province, 2016.Methods This type of research uses quantitative methods with cross sectional research design. The study population was all mothers who had children and were treated in the Women's Surgery Room Dr. Hi. Abdul Moeloek in June 2015 with 265 patients. The research sample was 159 people. The sampling technique used simple random sampling method. Data analysis was performed using chi square and logistic regression.The results showed that there was a relationship between age and breast cancer OR = 26,667, there was a relationship with a history of using hormonal contraceptives with breast cancer OR = 5,000. There was a relationship between history of breastfeeding and breast cancer OR = 6,473, there was a relationship between the age of menarche and breast cancer and OR = 5,163, there was a relationship between family history and breast cancer OR = 11,711, there was a relationship between obesity and breast cancer OR = 6,473, there was a relationship between the age of first child birth with breast cancer OR = 6,473.Conclusion, the most dominant risk factor associated with breast cancer is a history of hormonal contraceptive use.Suggestion, the results of this study can be used as input for health workers at Dr. H. Abdul Meoloek, Lampung Province to provide direction and counseling regarding the selection of contraceptives with low risk of breast cancer Key words: risk factors, breast cancer                                                                                               ABSTRAK Latar Belakang Tren kejadian kanker payudara di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Abdoel Moeloek meningkat pada tahun 2015 sebanyak 5,62% (101 orang)  dibandingkan kejadian kanker payudara pada tahun 2014. Pada tahun 2014 pasien kanker payudara  yang dirawat di ruang bedah wanita adalah 1797 (49,3%) dari total pasien rawat inap 3645 orang, sedangkan pada tahun 2015 kejadian kanker payudara tercatat sebanyak 1.898 (52,4%) dari total 3795 pasien (Ruang Bedah Wanita RSUD Abdul Moeloek Propinsi Lampung).Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya fakto risiko yang berhubungan dengan kanker payudara di RSUS Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Propinsi Lampung Tahun 2016.Metode Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional. Populasi penelitian seluruh ibu yang telah memiliki anak dan dirawat  di Ruang Bedah Wanita RSUD Dr. Hi. Abdul Moeloek pada bulan Juni 2015 dengan jumlah pasien 265 pasien. Sampel penelitian adalah 159 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode simple random sampling. Analisis data dilakukan dengan chi square dan regresi logistik.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan usia dengan kanker payudara OR = 26.667, ada hubungan riwayat pemakaian kontrasepsi hormonal dengan kanker payudara OR = 5.000. Ada hubungan riwayat pemberian ASI dengan kanker payudara OR = 6.473, ada hubungan usia menarche dengan kanker payudara danOR = 5.163, ada hubungan riwayat keluarga dengan kanker payudara OR = 11.711, ada hubungan obesitas dengan kanker payudara OR = 6.473, ada hubungan usia melahirkan anak pertama dengan kanker payudara OR = 6.473.Kesimpulan,  faktor risiko yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kanker payudara adalah riwayat pemakaian kontrasepsi hormonal.Saran, hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai masukan bagi tenaga kesehatan di RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Meoloek Propinsi Lampung untuk memberi  arahan dan konseling mengenai pemilihan alat kontrasepsi yang berisiko rendah terhadap kejadian kanker payudara Kata kunci : Faktor risiko, kanker payudara

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 84-88
Chandani Shah ◽  
Pallavi Vyas Jaisani ◽  
Madan Pandey ◽  
Om Prakash Sah ◽  
Mukundha Jha

Overweight and obesity has threatened the modern world not only in developed countries but equally in developing countries like Nepal. The study therefore aimed to assess the risk factors associated with overweight and obesity among reproductive aged women residing in Rajbiraj Municipality. A cross-sectional descriptive study was done on reproductive aged females (15-49 years) using a structured questionnaire. Weight, height, waist circumference and hip circumference were measured to determine indicators related to overweight and obesity. The anthropometric measurements were then analysed using WHO and IDF criteria. Microsoft excel 2007 and SPSS version 20 were used to analyze data. Chi square test was used to analyze the factors associated with BMI, WC and WHR cut-offs. The results showed a high prevalence of overweight and obesity in reproductive aged females residing in Rajbiraj. Hence, concerned agencies should launch appropriate programs to combat the factors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Cintia Maulina ◽  
Riris Diana Rachmayanti

Background: Indonesia is the fifth-highest number of stunting incidence in the world. Mothers’ conditions before, during, and after pregnancy were as major  cause of stunting. This study aims to analyze the risk factors of stunting among children under two in Surabaya. Method: Analytical survey with a cross-sectional design was conducted on 233 selected samples from December 2019 to January 2020. Dataset for the Chi-square test comes from the measurement of the body height of under two-year-old children and interviews with mothers.Results: It shows that factor related to stunting under two-year-old children in Surabaya is history of Antenatal Care (ANC) during pregnancy (p-value =0,005). Pregnant mother who did non-routine ANC may risk 0,360 times higher to stunting condition. The incidence of stunting in Surabaya is not influenced by factors such as age, education, work status, income, history of Fe and protein consumption. Health office shoud encourage pregnant women to do ANC more than 4 times during pregnancy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Herli Gustiani

Abstract: Preeclampsia is a syndrome characterized by an increase in blood pressure and proteinuria that appears in the second trimester of pregnancy which is always recovered in the postnatal period. Preeclampsia can be influenced by many factors, but the analysis of risk factors for preeclampsia in Dr. Murjani Hospital has never been done, especially in relation to the pregnant women age, history of pregnancy, abortion, and stages of hypertension. Thus, this research needs to be done. This research was analytical study with cross sectional approach, which aims to explain the relationship between the age of pregnant women and the stages of hypertension with preeclampsia. Research subjects were patients who came to Dr. Murjani Hospital on 28 May-9 June 2018. Data were collected from the Medical Record section and analyzed by t-test to compare the average of two groups (normal and preeclampsia). Chi Square test with 95% confidence interval was used to find out the relationship between two variables. The results showed that there was no relationship between the age of pregnant mother with preeclampsia incident in Dr. Murjani Hospital, but the stages of hypertension is related with preeclampsia incident in Dr. Murjani Hospital. Keywords: preeclampsia, stage of hypertension, the age of pregnant women

2011 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 227
Putria Rayani Apandi ◽  
Budi Setiabudiawan ◽  
Abdurachman Sukadi

Background The prevalence of childhood obesity and atopy has increased in recent decades. Research on links between obesity and atopy has shown varied results. Few previous studies have reported on the significance of family history of atopic disease in children.Objective To determine correlation between obesity with atopy and family history of atopic disease in children.Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted from April to September 2010 in the Pediatric Allergy-Immunology subdivision, Hasan Sadikin Hospital. Children aged 6−11 years were divided into four groups of 40 each: obese subjects with and without family history of atopic disease, and normal weight subjects with and without family history of atopic disease. Skin prick test was performed to determine which subjects had atopy. Chi-square test was used to analyze mutual independence, and partial Chi-square test was used to analyze correlation of obesity to atopy and family history of atopic disease in children. Environmental factors, type of childbirth, and pregnancy history were also analyzed as risk factors for atopy.Results Of 80 obese children with and without family history of atopic disease, 40 (100%) and 38 (95%), respectively, were atopic. Of 80 normal weight children with and without family history of atopic disease, 39 (98%) and 9 (23%), respectively, were atopic. Thus atopy was observed in 126 subjects, while the remaining 34 subjects were non-atopic. Partial test showed a correlation between obesity with atopy and family history of atopic disease (P < 0.001). There were no significant differences in risk factors for atopy by group.Conclusion Obesity correlates with atopy and family history of atopic disease in children.

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