scholarly journals Global Trends in Coffee Agronomy Research

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 1471
Héctor Madrid-Casaca ◽  
Guido Salazar-Sepúlveda ◽  
Nicolás Contreras-Barraza ◽  
Miseldra Gil-Marín ◽  
Alejandro Vega-Muñoz

This article empirically provides a scientific production trends overview of coffee agronomy at the global level, allowing us to understand the structure of the epistemic community on this topic. The knowledge contributions documented are examined using a bibliometric approach (spatial, productive, and relational) based on data from 1618 records stored in the Web of Science (JCR and ESCI) between 1963 and May 2021, applying traditional bibliometric laws and using VOSviewer for the massive treatment of data and metadata. At the results level, there was an exponential increase in scientific production in the last six decades, with a concentration on only 15 specific journals; the insertion of new investigative peripheral and semiperipheral countries and organizations in worldwide relevance coauthorship networks, an evolution of almost 60 years in relevant thematic issues; and a co-occurring concentration in three large blocks: environmental sustainability of forestry, biological growth variables of coffee, and biotechnology of coffee species; topic blocks that, although in interaction, constitute three specific communities of knowledge production that have been delineated over time.

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 3234
Nicolás Contreras-Barraza ◽  
Héctor Madrid-Casaca ◽  
Guido Salazar-Sepúlveda ◽  
Miguel Ángel Garcia-Gordillo ◽  
José C. Adsuar ◽  

This article provides an empirical overview of coffee/caffeine studies in relation to sport worldwide, an incipient but growing relationship that has existed since 1938, although systematized over time since 1999. The extracted articles were examined using a bibliometric approach based on data from 160 records stored in the Web of Science (JCR) between 1938 and August 2021, applying traditional bibliometric laws and using VOSviewer for data and metadata processing. Among the results, these articles highlight an exponential increase in scientific production in the last two decades, with a concentration in only 12 specific journals, the hegemony of the USA among the co-authorship networks of worldwide relevance, and the thematic and temporal segregation of the concepts under study. This article concludes a high fragmentation of the authors with the highest level of scientific production and an evolution of almost 20 years in relevant thematic topics, and a concurrent concentration in three large blocks: (1) coffee consumption and risk factors, (2) health and coffee consumption, and (3) metabolism and sport correlated with the intake of coffee, which are distanced in time, providing evidence of an evolution that gives way to the irruption of alternative visions in the relationship of coffee and caffeine with sport.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 3234
Alejandro Vega-Muñoz ◽  
Guido Salazar-Sepúlveda ◽  
Nicolás Contreras-Barraza

The following article aims to identify the characteristics of the epistemic community of Blue Economy researchers, through the description of its scientific production, its special organization and clustering. The information was examined using bibliometric techniques on 302 research works using the Web of Science databases (JCR) between 2013 and 2021. At the same time, VOSviewer software was used to represent the relationships metrically and visually between the data and metadata. A set of research works is reviewed which relates environmental conservation and its implication in the development of the territory, and the relationship between technology and the improvement of ocean management, to highlight those state interventions where benefits are generated for the population or where there is an important challenge for improvement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 34
Giovani Cruzara ◽  
Vivien Mariane Massaneiro Kaniak ◽  
Itamir Caciatori Junior ◽  
Rivanda Meira Teixeira

This study uses a bibliometric approach to analyze how the scientific production of entrepreneurship and the theoretical approach of the dynamic capabilities is corelated. With a sample of 701 studies from the Web of Science database we identified 88 articles concentrated in four different journals, pointing the most productive authors, the most cited references and clusters of keywords mainly related to entrepreneurship and dynamic capabilities.  The results demonstrates that entrepreneurship and dynamic capabilities are two research streams that still need to have their relationships better explored, since the bibliometric maps demonstrated that most studies appear to have a main focus on dynamic capabilities but only addressing entrepreneurship related either to the entrepreneur itself, or to its entrepreneurial orientation, not exploring other important entrepreneurship issues. This work contributes theoretically by addressing a relationship still underexplored at the academy, thus encouraging future studies on the theme.

Beatriz Tarazona‐Álvarez ◽  
Andres López‐Roldan ◽  
Antonio Vidal‐Infer ◽  
Daniel López‐Padilla ◽  
Adolfo Alonso‐Arroyo

2011 ◽  
Vol 83 (2) ◽  
pp. 745-760
Rogério Meneghini ◽  
Estêvão C. Gamba

Several genome sequencing programs were launched in Brazil by the end of the nineties and the early 2000s.The most important initiatives were supported by the ONSA program ( and aimed at gaining domain in genomic technology and bringing molecular biology to the state of art. Two mainsets of data were collected in the 1996-2007 period to evaluate the results of these genome programs: the scientific production (Scopus and Web of Science databases) and the register of patents (US Patent and Trademark Office), both related to the progress of molecular biology along this period. In regard to the former, Brazil took a great leap in comparison to 17 other developed and developing countries, being only surpassed by China. As to the register of patents in the area of molecular biology, Brazil's performance lags far behind most of the countries focused in the presentstudy, confirming the Brazilian long-standing tendency of poor achievements in technological innovations when compared with scientific production. Possible solutions to surpass this inequality are discussed.

Airton Zancanaro ◽  
José Leomar Todesco ◽  
Fernando Ramos

Open educational resources (OER) is a topic that has aroused increasing interest by researchers as a powerful contribution to improve the educational system quality and openness, both in face to face and distance education. The goal of this research is to map publications related to OER, dating from 2002 to 2013, and available through the Web of Science and Scopus scientific databases as well as in the OER Knowledge Cloud open repository. Data were used to explore relevant aspects related to the scientific production in OER, such as: (i) number of publications per year; (ii) most cited publications; (iii) authors with higher number of publications; (iv) institutions and countries with more publications and (v) most referenced bibliography by the authors. The analysis has included 544 papers, written by 843 authors, from 338 institutions, from 61 different countries. Moreover, the analysis has included the publications referenced and the author’s keywords, considering 6,355 different publications and 929 different keywords. Besides presenting a bibliographic mapping of the research on OER, this paper also intends to contribute to consolidate the idea that OER is a promising field for researchers, in line with the spreading of the Open movement.

2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Dirce Maria Santin ◽  
Sônia Domingues Santos Brambilla ◽  
Ida Regina Chittó Stumpf

Resumo O artigo analisa a produção científica em Neurociências da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, em termos de artigos publicados em periódicos nacionais e internacionais registrados na base de dados Web of Science (WoS). A amostra é composta por 847 artigos publicados no período de 2000 a 2009 e indexados na categoria Neurociências da WoS. São utilizados indicadores de atividade, impacto e colaboração para caracterizar padrões e tendências na produção científica em Neurociências da UFRGS. Os resultados demonstram que a área apresenta produção científica significativa e crescente, com alto impacto e fortemente produzida em colaboração.Palavras-chave Bibliometria, Produção científica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Neurociências.Abstract The article discusses the scientific production in Neuroscience of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul as regards articles published in national and international journals indexed in the Web of Science database. The sample consists of 847 articles published from 2000 to 2009 and indexed in the database in the Neuroscience category. Activity, impact and collaboration indicators are used to characterize patterns and trends in the scientific production in Neuroscience at UFRGS. The results demonstrate that the field presents significant and growing scientific production, with high impact and strongly produced in collaboration.Keywords Bibliometrics, Scientific production, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Neuroscience.

2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Dalton Lopes Martins ◽  
Sueli Mara Soares Pinto Ferreira

Resumo O entendimento das causas e as principais razões que influenciam o modo como os pesquisadores se articulam e constroem suas redes de colaboração científica ainda é uma questão em aberto na pesquisa acadêmica. De fundamental importância para o desenvolvimento de novos indicadores e modos de avaliação da produção científica, o conceito de redes sociais permite operar novos planos de análise, contribuindo com seus aspectos estruturais e dinâmicos ao estudo dos mecanismos e gatilhos causais que levam à constituição dessas redes de colaboração científica. A obtenção de atributos individuais dos pesquisadores, de dados de constituição das redes ao longo do tempo e o modo de desambiguação dos nomes que compõem essas redes de colaboração têm se mostrado os principais desafios de estudos das redes. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever como concebemos uma maneira de estudar as redes de colaboração de uma universidade, com foco específico na Universidade de São Paulo, identificando suas principais estratégias de conectividade e mecanismos causais, além de encontrar as relações entre suas redes e diferentes níveis de produtividade científica de seus participantes. Vale frisar que o artigo apenas descreve as questões da pesquisa e o modo de tratá-las, ficando sua execução para os próximos passos deste trabalho de pesquisa. Para tanto, pretende utilizar como base de análise uma Biblioteca de Produção Científica Institucional em desenvolvimento pelo SiBi/USP, que coleta os artigos publicados por membros da universidade em bases de dados de indexação de revistas nacionais e internacionais, tais como Scielo, Web of Science e BioMed, além da utilização da base de dados institucional para obtenção dos atributos individuais dos pesquisadores participantes dessas redes de colaboração.Palavras-chave análise de redes sociais, indicadores, cientometria, modelos causais.Abstract The understanding of the causes that influence how researchers articulate and build their scientific collaboration networks is still an open question in academic research. Of fundamental importance for the development of new indicators and methods of evaluation of scientific literature, the concept of social networking helps operate new levels of analysis, contributing their structural and dynamic aspects to the study of causal mechanisms and triggers that lead to the formation of these networks of scientific collaboration. Obtaining attributes of individual researchers, data on the constitution of networks over time and mode of disambiguation of the names that make up these collaboration networks have been the main challenges in the area of research networks. The purpose of this article is to describe how we designed a way to study a university’s collaboration networks, focusing on the University of São Paulo, and identifying their key strategies, connectivity and causal mechanisms, as well as finding links between their networks and different levels of participants’ productivity. It should be noted that this article only describes the research questions and how to treat them, leaving their implementation to the next steps of this research. The database used for analysis was the Institutional Scientific Production being developed by Sibi/USP, which collects articles published by members of the university indexed in national and international databases such as Scielo, Web of Science and BioMed, as well as an institutional database to obtain the individual attributes of the researchers participating in these networks.Keywords social network analysis, indicators, scientometrics, causal model

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 125
Paula Sanches Santana ◽  
Franciane Freitas Silveira

The aim of this study is to discuss the scientific production scenario related to the theme entrepreneurship in the creative industries sector through a bibliometric study, using co-citation network. The sample was based on the ISI Web of Knowledge platform (Web of Science), totaling 131 selected articles. Based on data analysis, we concluded that entrepreneurship in the creative industry sector is a subject still under-explored, but there has been a significant increase in publications in the last five years. Looking at the co-citation network, we were able to map the intellectual structure of entrepreneurship in the creative industries sector and the development in research and publications as well.

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